How to block the phone number so as not to call: instruction. How to block the number in Watsap, Waiber?

How to block the phone number so as not to call: instruction. How to block the number in Watsap, Waiber?

If you need to block the annoying subscriber number, read the article. In it you will find instructions on how to do this, and you will also find answers to other questions.

You have annoying interlocutors who constantly call, but you do not need it? There is a way out of this situation. You do not have to change the SIM card or ask the ill-wisher no longer call. Just block its number and the problem will disappear. How to do this, read below.

How to block the phone number of the calling subscriber forever, so as not to call - Android Samsung, Nokia: Instructions

Block the phone number of the calling subscriber forever so as not to call
Block the phone number of the calling subscriber forever so as not to call

There are times when calls from an obsessive interlocutor do not stop. Neither the request to call, nor the requirements help. How to block the phone number of the calling subscriber forever so as not to call? Below you will find detailed instructions. In this case, it comes to the rescue "black list".

The filter of calls and messages is often a built -in function. But, unfortunately, not all brands and models of mobile phones have it. In order to find out the presence of a “black list”, you need to carefully study the instructions of a particular telephone device.
If there are such opportunities on the mobile, then using them will not be difficult. The algorithm of actions is simple and understandable:

  • Open the main menu
  • Select item "Settings"
  • Go to the section "Applications"
  • Then click "Calls" - "all challenges"
  • Click on the item "Black list"
  • To activate this function, just add the right number. Ready.

Phones Nokia Often are found without maintaining the function of blocking the calling number. However, prohibiting the challenges of some subscribers is possible in other ways:

  • Download a free program replacing yourself "black list". For example, Call Manager, Mcleaner and other similar ones at a personal discretion.
  • Activate a paid service with your mobile operator. Usually, she is standing about 30 rubles per month - inexpensive and convenient. Management takes place in a set of short digital commands.

You can also use the forwarding function for a specific number or even for a contact group. In the settings of the forwarding, you need to indicate any wrong number, then the ill-wishers will get through neither you nor anywhere at all.

On models Samsung The "black list" is more common. It is supported by all models on the operating system Android 4.2 and above. In addition to a universal scheme for adding a number to the lock described above, on Samsung There is another order:

  • Open "Call Journal"
  • Select the right number
  • Click on the context menu icon for this contact;
  • Select item "Add blacklist" or "Blok"

If the version of the telephone operating system does not support the incoming calls, then you can use special programs and the help of the operator providing communication services, as in the case of Nokia.

A hidden, unknown number calls: how to block?

The hidden, unknown number calls
The hidden, unknown number calls

More and more often mobile users are faced with such an unpleasant and annoying situation as calls from unknown or hidden numbers.

Calls come from various companies that impose their services or conduct survey. Calls are also possible for the purpose of fraudulent actions, when introducing themselves as an employee of a company, they are trying to find out about you personal information. In order not to fall on the bait of swindlers and not spend your time on meaningless conversations, you can block the calls from all unknown numbers. Fortunately, modern devices are equipped with this function. How to block a hidden, unknown number? Here's the instruction:

  • In the call menu, select the tab "Settings"
  • Next, select the item "Blocking numbers". Here you can choose a tab "Blocking of unknown subscribers". Then all the challenges entering your phone from unknown or hidden numbers will automatically deviate with the device.

Advice: If one unknown number is worried, the calls from which come daily or with some regular frequency, you can simply add it to the list of blocked numbers. In this case, the calls only from this unknown number will be blocked, while from other unknown numbers, calls will be held.

Thus, you can protect yourself from unwanted calls and not spend your time and nerves on unnecessary and meaningless conversations.

Why are blocked numbers call: why is this happening?

Blocked numbers call
Blocked numbers call

The topic of obsessive calls is very relevant in the modern world. If you have a need to block some number that constantly bothers, you can easily do this through the phone settings. But what to do, even if after blocking the number, the bell passes? Why is this happening, why are blocked numbers call? Look for an answer below.

  • To get started, check if the settings are lost on the phone.
  • If everything is in order with the settings, and the unwanted number is still in the list of blocked numbers, this means that the obsessive subscriber used the service "Anti -Odowor of the number."It is connected by mobile operators.

Therefore, it turns out that you put a certain number on your list, and the call came from a hidden number. The device could not recognize it, and the call passed.

In such a situation, it is recommended to install blocking from all hidden numbers in the phone settings in order to protect yourself from obsessive calls. There is nothing to hide conscientious people, so you can safely use this function of the device, and block the calls not only from specific annoying numbers, but also from all hidden.

The number is temporarily locked, your number is blocked: what does this mean?

The number is temporarily locked
The number is temporarily locked

When blocking the mobile phone number, neither incomes incomplete, nor outgoing calls, nor messages become inaccessible. The number is temporarily locked, your number is blocked: what does this mean?

Blocking can occur for several reasons. Consider them in more detail below. This will tell you the correct way out of the situation. So, these are the reasons for blocking your number:

  • The most common reason for temporary blocking the number is zero or negative cash balance. Cell operators often limit in the possibilities of using the Service of subscribers who have a large “minus” in the account. In order to resume the service, it is enough just to replenish, having paid off all the debt.
  • For a long time, the phone number was not used. To make sure of the correct reason, it is better to call the operator and clarify the details. Most often, it will be necessary to make an application for unlocking.
  • Several times introduced incorrectly pIN-code SIM cards. In this case, knowledge will require pUK code(You can find it in the instructions of the starting package that you were given when buying a SIM card). If it was lost, you can personally contact the service center with an identity document.
  • Software network failure. In this case, a simple reboot of the phone will help.

After blocking on your own initiative, if you submitted an application to the operator, you will also receive a notice. This will mean that the application is considered and the request is fulfilled.

How to see blocked numbers: where to find the list?

Blocked numbers
Blocked numbers

Not everyone can immediately understand where it is "Black list" On the phone the first time. Below we will figure out where to find a list of blocked numbers, how to see it.

In many phone models in order to open "black list" We need to do the following:

  • Go to the call settings.
  • Find the item "Calls" And open it.
  • Find the item "All challenges" Click on him.
  • Open "Black list".

In more modern phones, the black list opens with the help of the following actions:

  • Open the tab "Telephone".
  • We go to section "Keyboard".
  • Click on the menu, click on "Call settings."
  • Open "Deviation of the call."
  • Now, after the execution of the previous points, the screen should appear on the screen "Black list".

Here is a list of all previously blocked contacts. You can put the number in the black list by clicking "Blok". If you want to unlock the number, you need to click on the item "Unlock."

How to block the number in Watsap so that they do not write and call: instruction

Block the number in Watsap so that they do not write and call
Block the number in Watsap so that they do not write and call

Very annoying interlocutors appeared or tired of constant newsletters of spam? You can simply use the option in WhatsApp And add the user to the black list. There are several simple options for blocking contact in this messenger. Here's the instruction on how to block the number in the Watsap, so that they do not write and call:

  • Open "Settings"
  • Go to "Account"
  • Next, go to "Confidentiality"
  • Open the line "Blocked"
  • "Add new contact"

Ready, the number is blocked. Here is another blocking option:

  • Open the chat with this contact
  • Open his page
  • Press "Blok" or "Complain about the user"

Ready. There is another blocking option:

  • Pass your hand to the left by chat with this subscriber
  • Press "Contact information"
  • "Blok" or "Complain"

Ready, annoying contact will not bother you anymore. How to add an unwanted user to blacklist in WhatsApp on the computer:

  • Open WhatsApp
  • Choose a section for adding subscribers
  • Click on the right user

It is worth knowing: After you unlock the user, you will not see any calls or messages that this subscriber sent you when you were blocked.

How to block the number in Vaiber?

Block the number in Viber
Block the number in Viber

When using instant messengers, the following question may arise: "How to block the subscriber number in Vaiber?". Now we will analyze how to do it. On the base Android This can be done in simple ways.

Method 1. Through the "Contacts" menu:

  • Open the menu "Contacts".
  • Then click on an annoying subscriber.
  • Press the button below "Menu" And in the highlighted window we press "Blok".

Method 2. Using a chat:

  • In the dialogue with the user we open "Settings".
  • Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner.
  • Now click on the button "Menu" and "Blok".

Method 3. Blocking an unfamiliar number:

  • To do this, add the subscriber as a friend and through the above methods immediately block it.

Method 4. Through "Settings":

  • Open the menu "Settings".
  • Click the menu "Confidentiality" and "Privacy settings".
  • After click on "List of blocked numbers".
  • Select the user's contact and click "Ready".

The advantage of this method over others is the ability to block several undesirable contacts at once.

How to unlock the locked number, how to restore: instruction

Unlock the locked number
Unlock the locked number

Often the numbers are blocked by operators. This happens for various reasons. Each situation has its own certain solution. Instructions on how to unlock the locked number, how to restore, is below.

  • Sometimes it is enough to dial a special team (You can find out from your operator, call from any available phone).
  • Bring money to the accountIf the number is blocked due to zero balance.
  • It will be impossible to restore the number, if the cause of the blocking is an exceeding the permissible period of inactivity of the number.

Another reason is that the organizers of the messengers, for example, Viber or WhatsApp,they identify telephone users and check that this number really belongs to them. If some mismatch is detected, the number is blocked. In order to avoid this, everywhere you need to enter your own data.

Important: If the number is blocked by you, you must enter your personal account and in the settings and activate the card. But if you do not have access, then you can do this by calling your operator.

You can also unlock yourself, here is the instruction:

  • Go to Play Market And type in English "MTK".
  • It will open  appendix "Engineering menu MTK Label". Download it.
  • Now go to the application and click "Simme Lock."
  • Select the card and click everywhere "Unlock" (in English Lock-Lock-Lock).

Ready. As you can see, everything is simple and accessible even for those who do not like to work with equipment.

Is it possible to find out whether the locked subscriber called: how to look at whether he called on an iPhone, on another smartphone?

Whether the blocked subscriber called
Whether the blocked subscriber called

Often, incomprehensible people are bored with their calls, and they have to put such a bore on the “black list” on the phone. But how to find out if the blocked subscriber called the smartphone after blocking his phone? How to look at whether he called on an iPhone, on another smartphone?

Below there is an instruction that helps to find out such information. For viewing, whether a blocked person called, it is necessary to perform the following actions:

  • See the section of incoming calls on the phone display.
    Select the tab where information on blocked calls or blocked SMS is displayed.
  • Look at calls and SMS on the smartphone display. Such actions can not be performed, since notifications come to the phone immediately after the call: " This subscriber tried to call you ".

If the blocked subscriber from the "black list" was named, then his phone must be displayed in "Unusual challenges", but SMS messages will be stored in the folder "Spam".

For any blocked call or SMS, information is available to you:

  • The number and time of receipt of the call or SMS.
  • The phone number of the named subscriber.
  • The text of the blocked message.

The user of any mobile communications company can find out such information through the operator by making a request for a specific number. Which number, find out from your operator. The cost of one request of such information is from 1.5 to 5 rubles.

As you can see, it is simple to solve the problem with blocking the numbers, it will be annoying subscribers or blocking your personal phone number. Follow the above instructions, and the problem will be solved instantly. Good luck!

Video: How to add a black list on a smartphone with OS Android?

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