Why, talking on the phone, I hear my voice, like an echo?

Why, talking on the phone, I hear my voice, like an echo?

In this article we will tell you why, when talking on the phone, an echo appears and how to remove it.

Sometimes, during a conversation on the phone, a person hears an echo in the tube. By the way, this has become more and more often. How to explain its appearance? What is it connected with? Let's figure out the main reasons for this phenomenon.

Why, when you talk on the phone, hear yourself?

I hear myself in a conversation by phone
I hear myself in a conversation by phone

First of all, if you heard an echo on the phone during a conversation, you must understand whether it is realistic to solve this problem at all. Usually the problem is not related to something serious and may well solve it. So do not be afraid of this, especially since the measures are not radical. So why do we hear an echo?

  • Marriage

The very first option is a factory marriage. If you constantly hear an echo in a new mobile, then most likely the device originally worked.

By the way, the problem manifests itself from the very beginning. So you can already ask for a purchase when buying a communication quality. If you have already purchased the device, then hand over it for repairs. If the breakdown is really available, then it will be eliminated.

The second option is to write a complaint to the store and the exchange of purchases. As a rule, this goes without unnecessary problems. Although, it is not a fact that the reason is really married. The reason can be hidden in another.

  • Volume

If an echo is heard on the phone during a conversation, then the cause of the sounds, or rather, settings of the phone may be the reason. Perhaps your speaker and microphone are working too loudly. Moreover, the interlocutor too. To check if the phone is really the case, try to call someone else.

  • Wiretapping

There are also such situations that bugs are installed on the phones. Because of them, an echo appears in the tube. This is extremely rare, but still has a place to be. For verification, take the device for repair.

How to remove an echo on the phone when talking?

How to remove an echo on the phone?
How to remove an echo on the phone?

An echo on the phone can be removed when talking, but the method of solving the problem is largely determined by the cause of the problem. What to look for to solve the problem?

Damage breakdown

If you can’t do anything and does not help the discharge or update of the phone, then the reason may be hidden in the breakdown of the speaker. There is only one solution to the problem - contact the service center. Such a problem is quite common, especially if you do not look too much after your mobile phone. If you leave this problem without attention, then in the end the speaker will break and completely stop working.

Fortunately, in most cases, buying a new smartphone is not required. But do not hope that the speaker will last a long time.

Violation of the tightness of the case

An echo on the phone during conversation may appear when the tightness of the case is broken. This does not happen very often, but dealing with this is very problematic.

If you want to get rid of such a problem, then you can solve it as follows:

  • Contact the service center. There they will make a complete diagnosis and fix the problem. Although few people deal with such problems.
  • Replace the case. This does not always work. Just change the body panels to more dense. You can find details in the love of a specialized store.
  • Change the phone. Quite logical, but not always the most pleasant solution.

When the telephone is disturbed in the phone, it is not always possible to fix the problem.

Mobile network operator

How to remove an echo on the phone?
How to remove an echo on the phone?

In this case, the problem is the mobile operator. In each city, operators have their own gears because of this in some places the towers can interrupt each other. This becomes the cause of the appearance of an echo.

With such a problem, you can fight in several ways:

  • Change the location. It happens that this is heard only in some places of the city. In this case, just try to avoid these places if possible.
  • Change the operator. This method is also effective for solving the problem. This is usually exactly what most subscribers do. Moreover, it is very easy to do now, you don’t even have to change the number.
  • The call to the operator. If you only have an echo periodically, then call the company and report on problems. Be sure to inform you where the problems you have.

By the way, sometimes any problem can be solved by rebooting the phone. Sometimes the cause of the echo can be small system failures, both on the line of the operator and in the phone.

The echo in the phone very strongly interferes with the conversation with the interlocutor. Despite the fact that everything is well audible, repetitions are still distracting. In general, if this problem bothers you, then do not immediately go to the workshop. To begin with, try other methods, for example, a change in the operator or location.

Video: Remove an echo in 2 clicks

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