How to find out, check if you have a phone subscriptions? Subscriptions to a mobile phone: how to connect, disable?

How to find out, check if you have a phone subscriptions? Subscriptions to a mobile phone: how to connect, disable?

From this article you will learn how to check or disable paid and free subscriptions on the phone.

There are paid and free subscriptions. Some of them are very useful. With the help of such functions from the operator, you can find out the weather, news, read funny jokes, and even get to know someone. But it should be remembered that there are also undesirable subscriptions that are connected by themselves and require large cash costs. From this article you will learn how to disable paid subscriptions, and also read another useful information.

How to check if there are subscriptions on the MTS phone, how to unsubscribe from paid SMS subscriptions: methods, team

Subscriptions on the phone of MTS
Subscriptions on the phone of MTS

Many paid subscriptions not only “write off” money from the account, but their content is too persistent. It is unpleasant and sometimes makes you nervous. How to check if there are subscriptions on the MTS phone? To find out the presence of paid subscriptions from this cell operator, just dial a simple command:

  • *152# and call button.

On the screen of a mobile phone, all paid services and the amount that the operator have already written off from the account will immediately be displayed. Such a team is not the only way to check paid content. You can also contact the hotline to the operator, or use your personal account, or application. After unwanted subscriptions are detected, the user has the right to disconnect them all.

In order to turn off unwanted subscriptions, you can also use a set of numbers:

  • *152*2# and call button.

After that, do the following:

  • Select the number 3 “She will cancel all subscriptions.”
  • Or number 2 - To turn off specific subscriptions.

Other methods that will help to unsubscribe from paid SMS subscriptions:

  • The call to the operator - It is enough to call your mobile 0890, The operator will explain everything and help. The call is absolutely free.
  • With SMS You can also refuse paid subscription. It is necessary to send "STOP" To the number from which this kind of message comes.
  • Application - Another convenient way to remove subscriptions. Register in the application, then just go into it and see all the necessary information.

Using the application, you can also leave a request for an unsubscription from paid content.

How to find out if there are subscriptions on Beeline's phone, how to cancel: methods, team

Beeline phone subscriptions
Beeline phone subscriptions

Sometimes Beeline subscribers are perplexed why funds are written off from the account. Usually this question arises in people who use the same map for a long time and have never changed their number. The thing is that those subscriptions that were previously free, after a certain time, become paid. How to find out if there are subscriptions on the Beeline phone and how to cancel?

There are five ways to clarify the situation and get exhaustive information:

  1. The most common way is to send a USSD request. Enter a combination *110*09 #, and you  you will immediately inform about all commercial offers. You will be sent a list of existing subscriptions. In addition, a method of deactivation will be prescribed in the message. It should be noted that each subscription will have to be turned off individually. Disconnecting them all by sending only one team will not work.
  2. In the personal account Beeline. Visit the office. Operator's site and go to the LC. You will see all the subscriptions currently currently. This is the most comfortable way to manage options. You can turn off here by clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. Call those. support of Beeline subscribers.Dial the number 0611, and following the stages in the voice instructions, you will contact the operator. The operator will tell you how to turn off the option.
  4. Hot line phone 8-800-700-0611. The operator will talk about subscriptions, and explain how to disable them.
  5. Detailization of the account. A convenient service with which you can track information about calls, SMS and connected options. This can be done using the sales office of this company, by contacting personally, an email report, sending SMS - *122# call key, and so on.

It is worth noting that in SMS each activated service will be accompanied by a number with which you can disable a specific option. For example, for disconnecting in the message you should write only a word "Stop".

How to check the subscriptions on tele2, how to disable subscriptions, television melody: methods, team

Subscriptions on the telephone of tele2
Subscriptions on the telephone of tele2

Not everyone knows how to check the list of connected paid subscriptions of Tele2 on their own. In fact, just check the subscriptions and also just disconnect them. There are several ways:

Personal account account.

  • Go to the LC on the operator’s resource or through the official application of Tele2.
  • Go on authorization-you need to enter the phone number and the password that will come in the form of SMS-ki to the specified number.
  • Next, go to the section "Tariffs and services", where all connected services will be shown, both paid and free.
  • You can abandon unnecessary services in the same section by clicking on the corresponding button.

USSD command.

  • A convenient and simple technique to find out about connected subscriptions is an USSD command, which is introduced independently from the phone screen.
  • To obtain information about subscriptions, it is necessary to introduce a combination *153# And then press the call pipe.
  • In order to turn off some option, for example, a paid melody instead of a beep, it is necessary to introduce a combination *115*0# And press the call pipe.

The call to the operator.

  • The subscriber can independently call the operator to the customer support service by number 611.
  • It is necessary to prepare a passport in advance, since the operator will need to clarify the passport data of this SIM card owner.
  • Ask you and will be called all connected options, as well as on an oral application, the operator will disable unnecessary paid services.

Visit the cabin of the television operator Tele2.

  • You need to have a passport with you.
  • At the request, the consultant will inform you about all the connected subscriptions and disable what you do not need.

As you can see, everything is simple, and you can do it quickly and without problems.

How to find out if there are subscriptions on the phone by the megaphone number, how to remove: methods, team

Subscriptions on the phone megaphone
Subscriptions on the phone megaphone

Some users of the mobile network from time to time notice that cash is spent too quickly. One of the most common reasons is paid services and subscriptions that the client does not know about. How to find out about all the connected services to the number? Are there any subscriptions on the phone by Megafon number?

Various entertainment services can be automatically activated when visiting some sites, downloading programs and applications. There are several ways to check the availability of paid maintenance connected to the mobile operator.

  • Using the operator a number of a number, by a free number 8-800-550-05-00.
  • On a short command command *105#.
  • According to the voice menu of the "hot line" - 0500.
  • In the personal account on the operator’s website.
  • By sending SMS to the number 5051 With a word "Info".

How to remove unnecessary options? Here are the ways:

  • In your personal account, you need to enter the service management section. All paid, free subscriptions and mailings will be displayed there. You can deactivate any of them by pressing the button " Disconnect ".
  • Reject all options requiring cash costs by sending the word "Stop" to number 5051.
  • The service menu of the service center or the operator can register an application from the client to resolve the issue in the shortest possible time. Just call the operator.
  • Independent management is available in the service "Megafon Pro", Which is located in the settings of all SIM cards.

The operator does everything so that the client is convenient to use the services. Therefore, if you do not like subscriptions, just turn them off in any convenient way.

Subscriptions to a mobile phone: how to connect?

Paid subscriptions to the phone
Paid subscriptions to the phone

What are subscriptions on a mobile phone and how to connect them? Subscription can be some paid application, game, subscription to news or weather forecast, dating. There are two types of paid content: these are services that the mobile operator or the provider that has an agreement with the operator provides.

There are not only voluntary subscriptions, but also those that can be accidentally obtained, for example, at the entrance to the Internet or by accidentally pressing the wrong button. To protect yourself from such consequences, you can create content. Using it, you can pay for various subscriptions without spending money from the main account.

  • You can connect subscriptions in Beeline by typing *110*5062# and call button. In this way, you can connect any paid services, the request for them is free.
  • The mobile operator Megafon is getting more complicated. To connect the subscription, you need to go to the connection salon with a document confirming the identity.
  • In the MTS communication salons, such a system also operates. You can also agree to connect to SMS that come to your phone.
  • Gaining *160#, You can connect subscriptions in television2.

If you took advantage of the paid subscription and you did not like it, because it takes off a lot of money, then turn off this option. How to do this, look above in the text.

Free SMS subscription to the phone: how to get, what could be a catch?

Free SMS subscription to the phone
Free SMS subscription to the phone

Free gadget mailings are convenient and useful. For example, you can get news about what is happening in your region, as well as information about events, parties and various presentations. To get it, you just need to agree to the offer from the operator, which usually comes to SMS.

But a free SMS subscription on the gadget can also bring a lot of trouble. What could be a catch?

  • This will happen if you subscribe to the newsletter not in the response SMS from the operator and not on his website, but on some resource on the Internet.
  • There are many sites that offer to subscribe to free content from your mobile operator, you enter your data and phone number into a special form.
  • After that, instead of useful or interesting free content, you will receive spam.

In this case, you will have to block the number from which the newsletter will be sent or called the operator with a similar request. Therefore, do not enter your phone number on unverified resources on the network.

The subscription phone is like that?

Subscription phone
Subscription phone

In the world of modern technology, smartphones have gained great popularity. It is difficult to imagine the life of a modern person without a stylish gadget. A camera, video camera, radio, voice recorder, Internet access and many other necessary properties are available in one device. Almost every year, the devices are updated, improved and a person simply does not have time for all these new products, but I really want a more modern gadget.

Therefore, some companies offer a service "Phone by subscription." Constantly buying new items for almost every person is very expensive. This new service, which gives the opportunity to use new products in the world of phones without prejudice to human finance.

  • Briefly answering the question "Subscription phone is like?", We can say that this is a device transmitted to the user from the company on certain conditions.
  • The user needs to choose a model from the list and enter into a contract with company.
  • According to the rules of this service, the buyer should introduce 50% of the cost.
  • This amount is divided into monthly payments that are written off from the owner’s subscriber number.

After the expiration 12 calendar months, the phone must be taken back to the company. Then you can extend the contract and select another phone model, and monthly payments will be adjusted. Agree this is very convenient.

Most people in the modern world use mobile phones. But sometimes it happens that the mobile operator presents an unpleasant surprise and it is not clear where the money is debited from your account. Most likely, you have a paid subscription that you do not know about. Now you know how to connect and disable paid subscriptions, and even know that you can take a new phone by subscription. Good luck!

Video: How to disable paid subscriptions once and for all?

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