How to clean the speaker of the phone yourself, at home?

How to clean the speaker of the phone yourself, at home?

This article carries useful information on how to clean the speaker of your smartphone without leaving home.

If you have recently acquired yourself quite expensive or not very phone, and after a few weeks you began to notice that the sound is not as good as at first - this means that the matter is not at all as a smartphone. Explain this phenomenon elementary - dust fell into the speaker. There is a way out and quite simple - you just need to clean the speaker of the phone from dirt. And how to do this, we will consider in this material.

How to clean the speaker of the phone yourself, at home?

How much an expensive phone you would not buy in the hope that this problem will not overtake you, the dust will get into the speaker sooner or later. And the point is not at all the price or quality of the phone. After all, the speaker is covered with just a net through which it is quite easy to penetrate small dusty grains. Therefore, you need to regularly clean the speaker in any model.

The simplest ways of cleaning the dynamics are based on the materials that every person has in the house. Their plus is also that they do not require special knowledge about the internal intricacies of the phone. Because, as practice shows, the owners do not particularly understand the “inner world” of their device and therefore look for the easiest way to clean. The main thing is to gain patience and be very neat.

With a dry brush, you can walk not only on the dynamics, but also on other holes of the smartphone
With a dry brush, you can walk not only on the dynamics, but also on other holes of the smartphone

Cleaning with a toothbrush

  • Each house has an old toothbrush. If there is no one, then buy the cheapest analogue. This is the simplest and most economical option to clean the speaker. Nothing to shoot from the phone. Or do this only if you really understand this.
  • Gently put the head of the brush to the dynamics, or rather to the net. We rotate the brush in a circle so that its villi fall into the openings of the speaker themselves. The main thing in this method is to be very, very neat, because you can damage the grid and then you can not do without repair.

Cleaning the speaker using a needle

  • A needle is a rather dangerous item if you use it for your phone. And it is desirable to conduct it only if the dust has turned into dirt and a brush can no longer do. We take the needle as thin as possible, and pierce the clogged holes of the speaker.
  • You need to penetrate no deeper than 0.5 mm. And do not forget to shake the broken contents. For greater efficiency - it is better to remove the outer grid. And carefully remove possible dirt.
Work with sharp objects extremely carefully
Work with sharp objects extremely carefully

Cleaning with a chewing elastic band

  • At first glance, this method will seem ridiculous and ridiculous. But the result will shock you, because it is absolutely not inferior to other methods. And in some points even distiliates. The chewing gum must be chewed until absolutely soft.
  • Then we put on the net. Dirt will stick to the elastic band. This method can be used by combining with previous two stages or separately.

Hydrogen peroxide also goes to help cleaning the dynamics

  • This method can be called the most sparing for the phone. You need to take a cotton wool and moisten in hydrogen peroxide. We wipe the speaker very carefully so that the peroxide does not get inside, otherwise, having got rid of one problem, you will acquire another.
  • In general, peroxide has the ability to corrode such pollution. After that, pull a dry cloth, and the phone will be new. Another small bonus of this method is also an additional disinfection of your phone.
You can arm yourself with peroxide
You can arm yourself with peroxide

If you are not a fan of risk, but want to be confident in the effectiveness of cleaning, then the methods described below are for you. But it should be warned that the effect of 100% requires cash costs.

Method using a cleansing mask "Black Mask»

  • Most women have such a mask in the cosmetic bag. It is quite cheap and good to use. This method is similar to cleaning chewing gum, but the mask penetrates deeper, and, of course, the result will be better. We dilute our mask to a thick sour cream and spread on the grid. When everything froze, we tear off the resulting mass from the phone along with dust and dirt.
Mask and chewing gum act on one principle
Mask and chewing gum act on one principle

Cleaning the dynamics with a vacuum cleaner

  • This method is the simplest and fastest. Many now thought about a huge vacuum cleaner, which stands in almost every house. But since we are talking about methods that require financial costs, this is far from an ordinary vacuum cleaner.
  • In many equipment stores, you can buy a mini-vacuum cleaner. They are cleaned with computer and other similar accessories. Cleaning will take a few minutes. You just need to bring the vacuum cleaner to the dynamics, and he will already do his job.

As you can see, there are a lot of methods, and they are not so complicated. The most important thing is to tune in to yourself and be extremely careful. And then everything will be in order with your phone.

Video: clean the speaker phone

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