How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl? How to recognize methyl alcohol alcohol? What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?

How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl? How to recognize methyl alcohol alcohol? What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?

The main ways to distinguish ethyl alcohol from methyl.

Frequent cases of poisoning become the cause of the appearance of a huge amount of information on the network, as well as news. Recently, cases of general poisoning of people consuming poor -quality alcohol were discovered. Then more than 1000 people became victims. According to many reports, it was revealed that alcohol included methyl alcohol. In this article we will tell you how to distinguish methyl and ethyl alcohol, and determine their presence in alcohol.

What is the difference between ethyl and methyl alcohol?

It is worth noting that in terms of organoleptic characteristics, smell, taste, as well as appearance, methyl alcohol is practically no different from ethyl. Unless chemists working in the laboratory will be able to determine that they have methyl alcohol, not ethyl. An ordinary layman, as well as a lover of drink, does not possess such information and knowledge.

Accordingly, without outside help or conducting any studies, it is unlikely that there is a surrogate that can lead to poisoning in front of it. But still, chemists are recommended in case of doubt, to conduct several simple experiments that allow you to determine surrogate. You can find out more about the properties of methyl alcohol here.


To begin with, you can conduct experience with copper wire. During the manipulation, it is necessary to warm up a piece of copper wire on fire, and heat it almost reddened. Now this wire must be lowered into a vessel with methyl alcohol, or an alleged substance.

After that, remove the wire from the container and sniff it. As a result of the interaction of methyl alcohol and copper wire, a formaldehyde is obtained, which is distinguished by an unpleasant sweet smell. That is, if you felt the aroma of formaldehyde from wire, you have methyl alcohol. In the case of ethyl alcohol, the smell will remain neutral.


How to distinguish methyl alcohol from ethyl?

If you drink even a small amount of methyl alcohol, this will adversely affect the state of your health. In most cases, the hospital solves the problem. But this method of treatment is effective only if a small amount of poisoning substance is accepted. When 100 milliliters of methyl alcohol enters the body, a person may die. In Soviet times, posters often appeared with the image of a man with glasses, as well as with a wand that drank low -quality alcohol.

Indeed, during the period of dry law, the population often mined alcoholic beverages from paint, synthetic detergents, as well as household chemical fluids. So they were not contained in their composition not ethyl, but methyl alcohol. That is why there were posters that threatened those who like to drink low -quality alcohol, blindness. It is worth noting that it is quite difficult to determine methyl or ethyl alcohol if it is in products with a small concentration. If it is less than half in the liquid, then it is almost impossible to determine using wire, as well as the combustion process.

Laboratory research
Laboratory research


  • Determine that you are methyl alcohol in front of you, you can use it to set fire. This test has long been known to moonshine, as well as people who often take alcohol. It is necessary to select a small amount of alcohol, pour it into a plate, and set fire.
  • Ethyl alcohol, that is, ordinary food or medical, is burning with a blue flame with orange veins. If this is methyl alcohol, then you will see a green flame. Accordingly, if green radiance is detected, such a product cannot be eaten. Of course, this works perfectly if you have pure alcohol, it is necessary to determine its origin.
  • But the method does not work if it is some kind of tincture or low alcohol drink. Recently, hawthorn, as well as cheap tinctures, with unknown contents, have been sold quite often. Please note that approximately 30 ml of methyl alcohol can lead to blindness. This substance has a strong effect on the nervous and cardiovascular system, as well as on the functioning of the brain.

How to recognize methyl alcohol alcohol with potatoes?


  • The only thing you can do is to taste a small amount of alcohol purchased. If it seems to you that it smells somehow strange, the smell of alcohol is practically not felt, we advise you not to drink this substance.
  • Because just substances created on the basis of ethyl alcohol smell characterized and differ in a sweet smell. If you still purchase the drink, that is, without dyes, absolutely transparent, then you can determine the presence of methyl alcohol with potatoes.
  • To do this, pour a small amount of fluid under study into the container, and immerse a piece of peeled potatoes into it. After a few hours, evaluate the color of the vegetable. If it is methyl alcohol, then the potatoes will be painted pink.
  • In the presence of ethyl alcohol in the liquid, the potatoes will remain unchanged, that is, it will not darken, and a pink shade will not appear on it.

How to distinguish ethyl and methyl alcohol using a boiling point?

It is worth noting that ethyl and methyl alcohol boil at different temperatures. Accordingly, if you have a clean product, its origin can be determined by measuring the boiling point.


  • It is possible to distinguish methyl from ethyl alcohol using distillation. To do this, pour methyl alcohol into the metal container, and select ethyl alcohol into the other. In both containers with liquids, thermometers must be immersed.
  • And now wait for the boiling process. Methyl alcohol begins to boil at a temperature of 65 degrees. Ethyl alcohol, in turn, begins to boil at a temperature close to 80 degrees.
  • Accordingly, it is quite difficult to confuse ethyl and methyl alcohol. However, this is difficult to do if alcohol is divorced or tincture, vodka or some kind of alcoholic product with a low alcohol content.

The main way is not to be poisoned - to purchase alcohol from trusted sellers. Never buy vodka, cognac of unknown origin.

Video: Differences of ethyl and methyl alcohol

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