Tincture of "Limonchello" - recipes at home: on vodka, alcohol, from moonshine, cream, quick cooking. How many degrees should be in Limoncello: how and with what to drink?

Tincture of

You tried Limonchello and want to cook such a drink at home? There is nothing easier. Look for recipes in the article.

If you have ever been to Italy, then you probably tried the real Limonchello. This solar drink refreshes well, and its taste of sweetness and astringency can not be compared.

  • In stores in our country you can buy Limonchello, but such a liquor does not have the freshness for which this drink so loved the inhabitants of the Italian South.
  • Such a drink can be made at home by adjusting the amount of ingredients and alcohol to your taste.
  • Below you will find the best recipes for this liquor.

Tincture "Limonchello" - recipes at home for alcohol

Limoncello for alcohol
Limoncello for alcohol

Limoncello (Limoncello) - This is a liquor of lemon taste, with thin sweetness and strength from 20 to 37 degrees. Such a drink is popular in southern Italy. Prepare it from a special variety of lemons "Femminello St. Teresa ". They have a rough peel with a large number of essential oils.

To make a drink, as in Italy, adhere to several tips:

  • To prepare lemoncello at home, purchase not thin lemon, but with a wrinkled peel. They are great for making such a drink.
  • Alcohol is better to use high -quality, grain. Its fortress should be at least 95.6%.
  • The container must be glass. If you insist a drink in plastic bottles, then the drink can absorb the taste of plastic.
  • You need to insist in a dark place. Temperature - from 18 to 25 degrees.

Limonchello can be prepared not only for alcohol, but also on vodka or moonshine. In this case, the ingredients should be used in other proportions than when preparing for alcohol. But more on that later. First, we offer a recipe for cooking lemoncello for alcohol. It will really turn to it, as in Italy.

Here are the components of the ingredients:

  • Massive peel lemons-8-10 pieces
  • Grain alcohol (about 96%) - 1 liter
  • Purified water-1-1.2 liters
  • Sugar-600-800 grams

You need to cook like this:

Remove the peel from lemons using a special knife
Remove the peel from lemons using a special knife
  1. Wash the lemons with hot water so that the wax layer comes down. For the best effect, you can rub the peel not too hard a washcloth.
  2. Remove the zest using a special knife to clean vegetables and fruits. You can grate the zest on a small -tiric board.
  3. Fold the removed zest in the jar. If you do not have a large can of large volume, then you can decompose in several liter cans.
  4. Pour the zest with alcohol. Close the jar with a tight lid and put in a dark place for insisting.

Advice: Glue a piece of paper with a written date on the jar with the tape when you poured. This is necessary in order not to get confused and insist as much as necessary.

Insist the zest on alcohol from 3 to 20 days. To make the process more efficiently, shake the banks every day. When alcohol acquires a yellowish color, and the lemon peel will become colorless, strain the contents of the cans through a fine strainer or gauze, but previously folded it in several layers.

Now make syrup:

Boil the syrup
Boil the syrup
  1. In a bowl, mix water and sugar, and put on fire.
  2. Stir all the time with a spoon so that the syrup does not burn.
  3. When a grain of sugar-sand dissolve, remove the syrup from the stove and put it on the table so that it cools down.

Then mix the syrup and lemon maceration (alcohol insist on the lemon peel).

Important: Do not worry if the tincture immediately darks. This is a natural process when essential oils emulsify.

Now you can pour the drink into glass bottles with dense lids. Such a liquor must stand in a dark place before use for a month. Then store it in a refrigerator.

You may have a question why in such an amount we used the ingredients, and how did the desired fortress make a liquor of the desired fortress? It's all about mathematical calculations and knowledge of chemistry. The fact is that the fortress of the liquor is calculated by the formula:

  • (volume of alcohol/total volume of the drink)* strength of alcohol

Each 100g sugar sand increases the volume of the liquor by 60 ml. Therefore, from the calculations it follows that from 800 grams sugar will turn out 480 ml Macerata. Now we will make calculations on the basis of the above formula:

  • First, we find the total volume of macerate: 1000 ml of alcohol + 1200 ml of water + 480 ml (from sugar) \u003d 2680 ml.
  • Now (1000/2680)*95.6 degrees \u003d 35.7 degrees or % of alcohol content.

As you can see, a drink with a fortress of 36% turned out - this is exactly what is needed.

Limoncello tincture - recipes at home on vodka, from moonshine

Limonchello on vodka
Limonchello on vodka

If you understand the essence of the mathematical actions that were described above, then you now know that from vodka a strength of 40 degrees will not turn out to be lemoncello with the desired percentage of alcohol.

Mathematical calculations, chemistry and ideal proportions:

If we take products in the same proportion, but instead of 96%alcohol, we will use vodka at 40 degrees, then you will get a drink with such a fortress:

  • (1000 ml of vodka/2680 Macerate volume) * 40 \u003d 15%

As you can see, a weak drink turned out. But in this case you can do this:

  • Reduce the amount of water to 300 ml and sugar to 400 grams.
  • As a result, it will turn out: (1000/1540) * 40 \u003d 26%.

The result was a drink that can be called Limonchello. To adjust the liquor fortress to the desired, you just need to divide the volume of sugar in grams into the volume of the drink in liters. Apply this formula and you can make the liquor of the strength you need and sugar.

For example:

  • Per 1 liter of pure alcohol, 1.1 liters of purified water and 660 grams of sugar.
  • As a result, a drink will turn out to be 37%with a fortress, and the sugar content - 26%.

Other proportions:

  • Alcohol - 1000 ml, water - 1600 ml, sugar - 800 grams.
  • You will get a drink with a smaller strength of 30%, but with the same sugar content - 26%.

Such a liquor will definitely appreciate women.  As you can see, you can make a drink with any strength and sugar content, adjusting it to your taste. Homemade drinks differ in the fact that they are made to the taste of the one who prepared, and when a person treats his guests, the character and temperament of the owner of the house is reflected in this drink.

If you make lemoncello from moonshine, then use the above formula, and multiply the ingredients not by 40, by the fortress of your alcohol drink - for example, 50% or 70%, and adjust the number of other ingredients in order to get the liquor of the desired fortress.

Cream "Limonchello": Best Recipe

Cream lemoncello
Cream lemoncello

In the preparation of such a drink, milk and cream are used. Thanks to this, it turns out to be softer, delicate and sweet. Here is the recipe:

The components of the ingredients:

  • Grain alcohol 96% - 500 ml
  • Lemons with a thick peel - 7 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Fresh milk 2.5% fat - 500 ml
  • Cream 30% fat content - 500 ml
  • Vanilla extract-1-2 drops

Cook like this:

Remove the peel from lemons using a tera boards with small holes
Remove the peel from lemons using a tera boards with small holes
  1. As in the first case, remove the zest from lemons.
  2. Fold it in a jar and pour it with alcohol.
  3. Close a lid and insist in a dark place for 15-20 days. Do not forget to shake it once a day.
  4. When the lemon tincture is ready, mix milk, cream and vanillin in a bowl.
  5. Bring the milk and vanilla mixture to a boil, add granulated sugar and remove from the stove.
  6. Stir for another few minutes to dissolve all grains of sugar.
  7. When the mixture has cooled, strain the lemon tincture, and mix with this milk mixture.

Keep the finished cream lemoncello in the refrigerator. This liquor is completely 30 degrees will be ready when it is infused for a couple of weeks.

Tincture "Limonchello" - recipes at home -made home conditions

Not always fast - it means bad. Many culinary specialists, even with a world -famous name, for example, James Martin and others, prepare Limonchello at home quickly and simply, not bothering to insist for a month. Here is the prescription:

You will need such ingredients:

  • Wheat vodka - 700 ml
  • Sugar - 200 grams
  • Any lemons - 8 pieces

You need to cook like this:

Lemons for juice peeled
Lemons for juice peeled
  1. Remove the peel from lemons using a special knife.
  2. Squeeze the juice from cleaned fruits. Previously, do not forget to remove the seeds.
  3. Pour part of the vodka into a bowl and put on the stove. Pour sugar and heating, stir so that sugar grains dissolve. But do not let the mixture boil, otherwise all the alcohol will evaporate.
  4. Add zest and lemons juice.
  5. Stiring, pour the remaining vodka.
  6. Then cool the resulting mixture, strain through a couple of layers of a gauze cut and pour the liquor into the bottles.

It will take no more than 20 minutes of your free time to prepare such lemoncello. Keep the drink in the refrigerator. You can drink it immediately, as cool.

How many degrees should be at Limonchello: how and with what to drink?

Correct drinking of Limoncello
Correct drinking of Limoncello

As mentioned above, in the drink of Limonchello should be from 20 to 35 degrees. But you can make it to your taste - stronger or vice versa, softer and weaker in degrees. Store such home-made drinks you need to no more than 1-6 months. Ideally, it is better to drink for 30-90 days. Store in a cool place, otherwise the drink may deteriorate.

Classically served Limonchello Strongly chilled. You can put the bottle before serving in the freezer for 15-20 minutes or pour the drink into the stacks chilled in the freezer. You can drink it, both during lunch or dinner, and after a feast - as a dessert or refreshing drink.

Recently, such a drink is used as an ingredient for a fruit salad, additions to ice cream or confectionery. You can cook different cocktails from lemoncello.

Pour lemoncello into glasses and serve on the table
Pour lemoncello into glasses and serve on the table

Here are a few recipes:

  • Candy Shot. Pour 15 ml of mango juice, lemon liquor into a shaker, add ice pieces and beat. Pour the resulting cocktail into the stack and decorate with a piece of lemon.
  • Mandarin cocktail. Mix 30 ml of lemon liquor, 20 ml of vermouth, 50 ml of tangerine juice. Add ice pieces and mix. Pour into a glass and decorate with a twig of mint or to your liking.
  • Skitl-cocepy. Mix half of the part of lemon juice, a little honey syrup and 1 part of lemoncello. For decoration you will need 2 strawberries. Mix all the ingredients with pieces of ice. If you want to make a sweeter drink, then add more honey syrup. Pour the cocktail into glasses and decorate with slices of strawberries and lemon.
  • Cream cocktail lemoncello. Mix 30 ml of lemon liquor and 15 ml of cream. Pour the liquor into the glass first, and then add the cream.
  • "48 drops." Mix 30 ml of lemoncello, ordinary vodka and sherry Fino. Add 5 ml of orange juice and ice cubes. Mix everything again. Pour the cocktail into the glasses and sprinkle with the chip of the zest of the lemon on top.
  • Cocktail with pepper "Chiki-Puka". Pour in layers into a stack: 20 ml of lemoncello, 15 ml of gin, 15 ml of blackcurrant liquor. Sprinkle with black pepper on top. A slice of any fruit can serve as a decoration.

Drink lemoncello and cocktails from it in small sips, relishing and enjoying taste. Due to the fact that this drink is served chilled, it will be easily drunk, and you can not notice how intoxication will come. You do not need to bite the liquor, but if you still want to, you can serve ice cream or black chocolate to the drink. Fruits also complement such a liquor perfectly. Have a nice evening!

Video: Limonchello recipe, Italian lemon liquor.

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