Good tips for a narcologist: how to drink alcohol correctly so as not to become an alcoholic? How and what to drink in order not to sleep? What is better to drink, so as not to feel sick, was not bad?

Good tips for a narcologist: how to drink alcohol correctly so as not to become an alcoholic? How and what to drink in order not to sleep? What is better to drink, so as not to feel sick, was not bad?

The advice of a narcologist about the proper intake of alcohol.

Alcohol negatively affects the state of the whole organism. It detrimental with the liver, as well as neurons of the brain, destroying them. In addition, with frequent alcohol consumption, you can get into an unpleasant dependence. In this article we will talk about how to drink alcohol correctly and safely.

How to drink alcohol correctly so that it is not bad?

It is worth noting that on the eve of the New Year holidays, the inhabitants of our country acquire a huge amount of alcohol. They believe that a strong drink will help to brighten up the holiday, make it brighter. However, most often, such gatherings come down to taking a huge amount of alcohol, and to clarifying relationships. This is due to the fact that in the countries of the former CIS it is very bad with the culture of alcohol. Safe and best drink alcohol in Europe.

It is worth noting that a good culture in France, Italy, as well as Spain. In these countries, alcohol is taken in order to stay in a good company, to discuss their problems, as well as achievements, try delicious dishes. That is, alcohol itself is not the purpose of meeting. The main goal is communication with friends and acquaintances, as well as enjoying a good company. In addition, alcohol is a good addition to some dishes, for example, meat. What rules should you adhere to so that there are no problems with alcohol?


Alcohol intake rules:

  • Take care of a good snack. It is necessary that the dishes are satisfying and tasty, alcohol is only an addition to them. Meat, as well as potato dishes, are well affected. The fact is that potatoes are a kind of adsorbent, and prevents the absorption of alcohol inside the stomach. Thus, even if you drink a decent amount of alcohol, you are not intoxicated because the potatoes are absorbed by part of the alcohol. The same, meat dishes work.
  • A bad idea is to eat alcohol with sweet dishes and desserts. The fact is that alcohol and sweet dishes contain a huge amount of carbohydrates, which has a very strong effect on the pancreas. Therefore, if you do not want to treat diabetes and pancreatitis after a while, try to exclude sweet food in the evening intake.
  • It is better to drink with ordinary water, preferably not mineral. The fact is that the bubbles improve the absorption of alcohol, and increase its concentration in the blood. It is best to drink tomato juice or ordinary, purified water. As for the beloved cocktail of some people, that is, whiskey with a coal, this cannot be done. The fact is that just bubbles improve the absorption of alcohol and increase its toxic effect on the body.
  • To cope with a hangover and do not get drunk quickly, remember that after 100 grams of alcohol, you need to take a break. Accordingly, it is necessary to think through not only a delicious snack for the holiday, but also entertainment. That is, we drank a glass of vodka, it is best to have fun through dances, dancing, competitions.
  • Think in advance in advance an entertainment program, and best of all, hire a toastmate or a host. In addition, preferably the next morning after fun, drink activated carbon or other sorbent. Smecta, Enterosgel, and the most ordinary activated charcoal are suitable. They absorb toxic waste that formed after the decay of alcohol, their effect on the body is minimized.
  • Stock up with mineral water. It is advisable after a stormy feast the next morning is not densely eating. A chicken or meat broth will be an ideal option. Also, a cup of warm tea with sugar will not be superfluous. You can use pills that reduce the effects of alcohol. You can take an Alcoselzer or Anti -Pershmelin.
Strong alcohol
Strong alcohol

Safe dose of alcohol: how much can you drink?

Remember that the most safe dose for the body is 30 ml of alcohol per day, or 200 ml of wine with a fortress of up to 12%. If you drink more, then there is a negative effect of alcohol on the body, including addiction. That is, the maximum amount of drink that you can afford per day is a small glass of white or red half -sweet wine.

What to do if you are in the company of friends? Of course, friends may not understand if you give up alcohol. Most often, this happens just on some family holidays or birthdays. There is no need to refuse, it is advisable to take alcohol correctly. You can pour your wine into a glass and drink it with small sips. Thus, you will not refuse, but you will also drink wine in very small portions, which will allow friends not to put pressure on you, and to add a little into a glass.

How to drink alcohol
How to drink alcohol

How to drink so as not to become an alcoholic: indicators of dependence on alcohol

Who belongs to the risk group? Who can become an alcoholic fastest? There are several signs that you are not indifferent to alcohol and have a certain dependence on it.

Alcohol dependence indicators:

  • Alcohol intake more than once every 2 weeks
  • You drink not one glass of wine, but bring yourself to a drunken state
  • It is very difficult for you to relax, relax or meet someone, have sex without alcohol

If there is at least one of these factors, you should think. The fact is that they do not immediately become alcoholics, dropping to the bottom, dependence arises gradually. As practice shows, at risk, just people who drink regularly for the company. That is, it can be employees of a company that often organizes corporate parties, or such professions as an electrician, a locksmith. With them very often people pay alcohol.

At risk, offices workers who get drunk “in the trash” every Friday in order to cure their psychological state. People simply do not withstand very strong pressure at work, so they are forced to drink on Fridays. Moreover, this usually does not end with one glass of wine, the drink continues until all the office employees are in an unconscious state.

Dependence on alcohol
Dependence on alcohol

Alcohol is a drug: does alcohol depending with addiction?

Many believe that alcohol is not dependent, in fact, this is not so. According to many narcologists, alcohol is no less dangerous than opium, and even intravenous injections of heroin. Of course, dependence arises much more slowly, but with regular use of alcohol, it will not force to wait.


  • In our country, any meeting or some kind of holiday is associated with alcohol. This is due not only to traditions, we are trying to fill our problems, psychological discomfort in communicating with people with alcohol. He has, makes communication simpler and more relaxed.
  • However, in fact, the problem lies in the personality of each person, not at all in the need and the need to use alcohol. In our country, it is initially incorrectly treated to all alcoholic beverages, as this has become a certain tradition.
  • In other countries, for example in India, drinking alcohol is shameful. There are also alcoholics, but they are several thousand times less than ours. This is due to the fact that alcohol in India cannot be purchased at any supermarket.
  • It is sold illegally from under the floor. It is quite difficult to get it. In addition, the population itself and people are negatively related to those who accept alcohol. If in our country they were just the same about drinking, perhaps everything would be different, and every year the number of patients with narcologists did not increase.

The worst of all are things with people who come for some holiday in order to drink alcohol. That is, the company, entertainment, and variants of dishes are unimportant, it is important for them to intoxicated alcohol. Because in this state they feel calmer, more balanced, safer. This helps them to communicate normally with people, and forget about some complexes and shyness. In this case, you need to not reach for a drink, but go to an appointment with a psychologist.


Good tips for a narcologist so as not to become an alcoholic

There are several useful tips of a narcologist that will allow you not to become an alcoholic.

A narcologist's advice:

  • Do not take alcohol just if there is no reason.
  • In no case do not come up with a reason in order to drink another portion of alcohol.
  • In no case should you refuse an invitation to the anniversary to mother-in-law, or some old friend. Be sure to come, but there is no need to get drunk to an unconscious state. Drink a little by taking a large amount of food. Do not forget about entertainment.
  • It is advisable, before drinking alcohol, to take several sorbent tablets. White coal is suitable. It will absorb a significant amount of alcohol, and remove it from the body. This will allow you to get drunk more slowly and reduce the effect of alcohol on the body.
  • Never drink stress, and alcohol problems. You should not compile a company to strangers, and go to communicate with someone with whom you do not want.
  • That is, if you were invited to some holiday to a person whom you do not know very well, you will feel uncomfortable, you can refuse. In such a situation, you will be forced to drink alcohol due to psychological discomfort in order to relax.
  • Never consume alcohol for a habit or to drink lunch or dinner. Only a harmless bottle of beer can play a very angry joke. It was with beer and low alcohol drinks that the most fallen alcoholics began their path.
Alcohol intoxication
Alcohol intoxication

What alcohol is the most harmless, which is better to drink?


  • Regarding the safest alcohol, this is white wine. Many will say that red wine is as useful as possible and has no negative effect on the body. However, it is not.
  • The fact is that Red wine can cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tracta. To prevent this from happening, take white wine. If you have a choice, what strong alcohol to drink, give preference to the most transparent, colorless liquid.
  • That is, undoubtedly vodka wins in this duel. If you have a choice between whiskey, cognac or vodka, choose vodka. Of course, in terms of taste characteristics, it is significantly inferior to whiskey and cognac, but it is best perceived by the body, causing less side effects, and a hangover syndrome. The fact is that cognac and whiskey have a more complex composition.
  • They contain not only alcohol, but also many additional resins, essential oils and fruit components. Everything in a compartment with a lot of food, and when taking a huge amount of alcohol, has a negative effect on the body.
Alcohol intoxication
Alcohol intoxication

As you can see, you need to drink alcohol correctly. Follow the measure, and also do not drink alcoholic beverages just like that, and in order to improve the psychological state, get rid of stress.

 Video: tips of a narcologist, how to drink alcohol

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  1. In the event of alcohol, alcohol drops will help, they remove poisons and toxins from the body, have a cleansing property, improve digestion, and fights depression.

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