How to open your own showroom from scratch, in an apartment, Instagram, from China, without investments: business plan, cost, recommendations, reviews. Where are the clothes of clothes purchased?

How to open your own showroom from scratch, in an apartment, Instagram, from China, without investments: business plan, cost, recommendations, reviews. Where are the clothes of clothes purchased?

Would you like to do your own business, but do not know what kind of activity to give preference, besides, in the way of opening your business there are so many obstacles and pitfalls, how to overcome them? Let's look at the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a showroom, how do you like it?

Today, one of the relatively simple and relevant classes can be its own showroom. What's this? If you interpret the English word literally - a room for showing. And if in the general sense, then this is a small cozy shop where you can attract people with benefits for yourself who is interested in what you will offer them.

How the showing clothes: scheme

The work of showrooms is possible according to several schemes:

  1. In the spotlight - your warehouse. Simply put, by studying demand, you purchase products for your warehouse, making purchases from your suppliers, constantly supporting the estimated amount of goods, which may be needed at any time. Such a scheme is one of the most common, since the buyer knows what goes in stores for, and you are ready to offer him the necessary goods. The main condition for success is At the very beginning, study demand.
  • Among the advantages of such a scheme: the minimum delivery time, and correspondingly, faster trade and capital turnover. In this way, you attract buyers who do not like to wait long for the product you like, and you can act both as a retail store, and present a pickup service if the area allows.
We determine the demand
We determine the demand

The disadvantage is the need for large areas for warehouses and a rather large starting capital, the risk of demand for demand for seasonal goods. In addition, as a starting, this scheme is quite risky, the demand has not yet been studied.

  1. The second scheme is deliveries by order. In this case, the need for warehouse premises disappears and there are no significant commodity residues. An application to the supplier is formed when an order was received. The shipment of goods in this case is possible either through the online store or directly to the customer.
  • This scheme is good for you the solid initial capital is not required, warehouses, and cooperation with not one supplier contributes to the expansion of the assortment.

Among the shortcomings are the risk of the supplier of the goods already paid by the buyer, as well as an increase in the deadlines for the execution of the order. Thus, such a scheme is most convenient for a novice online store.

  1. The third scheme combines the work of the warehouse with a certain amount of demanded goods and work on order. Thus, the buyer can order a product that is already in the warehouse, and then you just pack and send it. If there is no product in the warehouse, you contact suppliers. And the third option: the order of several goods at once, some of which are available, while others are not. Then he or waiting for the entire order (part of which you need to order and wait for receipt), or receives it in parts: First, available, then what comes from the supplier.
  • This scheme does not require large areas for warehouses, You can quickly deliver a popular product to the customer, the ability to sell goods that remain in the warehouse.

The disadvantage of the scheme is that sometimes the execution of the order is delayed by time, you partially dependent on the supplier and do not always know what exactly they have. Nevertheless, it is the third scheme that is the most effective in terms of sale and the start of the work of the showroom.

How to make a business plan for a show of clothes with calculations?

  • First you need to decide how exactly you are going to work: either in the form of an online store, or as a regular shop. In the second case, it is also important, you will work in the premises of a large shopping center (in this case, advertising costs will be reduced), or separate structure (Accordingly, you will need to declare yourself in order to attract customers).
  • Now we calculate Approximate costs. Let's start with rent: on the square up to 90 m² She will cost order 90 thousand rubles. It will be necessary to hang signwhat will cost order 40 thousand rubles., equip windows and racks (another 45 thousand rubles). Several mirrors and hangers will make the costs in 75 thousand rubles. Can't do without a computer (30 thousand rubles) and cash registers (up to 9 thousand rubles).
  • The security system will cost 40 thousand rubles, Purchase of shelves - in 15 thousand rubles., sofanov - in 35 thousand rubles., several mannequins are still 60 thousand rubles. We also add lighting devices and move on to employees' salaries - this up to 110 thousand rubles.
  • And now you can estimate the approximate financial plan of the enterprise. With an income of more than a million rubles per month, having taken the initial costs, we will receive order 300 thousand rubles. Tax with a simplified taxation system will be from above 44 thousand rubles. Total we have net profit from above 250 thousand rubles. With this option, the store will pay off for 8 months.

If you plan to open an online store or showroom at home yourself, you save on rent and salary.

How much money is needed to open your showroom of clothes?

  • The answer to this question depends on what the room you have chosen. As practice shows, less than in 100 thousand rubles. You are unlikely to meet, even if it is your own apartment and you do not have to pay rent.
  • Indeed, in any case, you will have to purchase equipment, goods, register business activities, etc.
  • In addition, one should not forget about the advertising of the showroom, without which it is hardly possible to achieve success.
What is necessary
What is necessary

Where are they purchased, where do showrooms are ordered from?

  • Like any purchases, clothes are supplied wholesale and retail parties. For a small business, which is a showroom, small deliveries are preferable, since this makes it possible to choose exactly what is necessary, and in the right amount.

It also exists stock products “This is not a second hand, as we are used to thinking, these are completely new things that were not sold out at one time.” You can purchase them from dealers working with famous brands, in large chain stores or directly at sewing factories.

  • In addition, purchases in online stores are possible, and as income increases, you can conclude an agreement with the studio (by the way, many studies have their own showrooms).

What to call the Showurum of clothing: Ideas

  • The main requirements of K. the name of the showroom are memorization and positive. A person should have only good associations with the name of your showroom, then he will subconsciously strive to go into it.

Experts argue that the name is visually best perceived in which there are letters that go beyond the limits: for example, “d” or “c”. But a few letters "and" gives the impression of a certain insignificance.

  • When choosing a name, they are often used by abbreviations or combining the first syllables of the names of the owners or names and surnames. The additive at the end of the word “OFF” is very popular. The world of other techniques used: geographical indication, play of words and even the creation of neologisms (the main thing is that they are easily remembered).
  • What should not be done is to call the showroom the names of people dear to you, to give abstruse names, the meaning of which is incomprehensible to most inhabitants, to imitate the names of the famous brand, to resort to “hackneyed” foreign phrases and words.
  • In addition, calling your store, take into account the age category of your customers, their social status.

What equipment do you need for a showing clothes?

Since we are actually talking about the store, you will need:

  • Cash registers and to it-a box to store money.
  • Computer technology.
  • The terminal for working with plastic cards, which customers are increasingly paying.
  • Wrestling cabins.
  • Several mannequins.
  • Racks and hangers for placing clothes.
  • Mirrors.
Mannequins are needed
Mannequins are needed

The corners of rest (sofa, chair) are also desirable. Well, and all sorts of stationery, of course: pens, paper, etc. In addition, you will need the Internet for work.

How to open a home showroom of clothes in an apartment?

  • There is a certain perception of the showroom as an opportunity to conduct business without paying taxes. But this is a rather risky business, and sooner or later you will still fall into the field of view of the tax authorities. Therefore, as in any business, it is still worth starting with registration of your business. This will not take much time, but will give you certain guarantees when working with suppliers (usually from illegal business they have higher incomes by increasing price).
  • Not to mention your own nerves that you will spend in any case, fearing possible checks.

All initial expenses, as the calculations show, can be accommodated in 100 thousand rubles, while reaching an average monthly profit of about 70 thousand rubles.

  • Choosing suppliers of products, you can start with outletswhere branded products are sold by discounts, and you can buy them in Any amount you need. You can also work with sewing factories, moreover, buying both finished clothes and ordering original collections.
  • And, of course, wholesale warehouses, if the size of your capital allows you to purchase a fairly large batch.

How to open a showroom of clothing on Instagram?

  • Opening a showroom on Instagram -A case is much simpler than creating an online store. Moreover, the popularity of this business is on Instagram now the highest. Start by studying the market: find potential competitors, read what their popularity is and take note of their most successful moves.
  • Further start offering the goods. If you have the clothes sold in stock, make your own photos and videos. If the clothes are at suppliers, you will have to take photos from there. So that they look original - work on them. And after the first sales, agree with buyers that they will send you photos in purchased new things.
Ask for a photo recovery
Ask for a photo recovery
  • And now about what should not be done. Do not lay out many posts: 1-2 during the day is enough. Do not get carried away with hashtags: They should be strictly thematic (and try to add them in the comments so that they do not cut the eyes).
  • Do not abuse photos of goods: At first, more than one picture per day should not be placed. You can replenish the page by publishing personal posts, inviting your readers and subscribers to the dialogue, give them different useful information.

A colossal error is to wind likes or the number of subscribers, you will not add this to buyers, but you will look ridiculous, getting a dozen or two real likes for the number of wound subscribers of several thousand. In addition, bots reduce the possibility of real buyers to see your posts.

The design of the show of clothing

  • Let's start with the threshold in the literal sense of the word, because it is here that the client first meets your store and gives him an assessment. Therefore, it is better not to place the goods immediately at the entrance, but to make sure that the buyer can see the entire store. Let a few steps take before it starts to get acquainted with the stands, this will give him time to adapt in your store. And with contrasting light, texture, material you will help the client to separate from the outside world and get into yours.
  • Without realizing this, a person, having entered, for some reason right away goes to the right. Therefore Place everything that you want to attract special attention to: new revenues, promotional goods, etc.
  • So that the buyer does not pass by anything, hang the signs in his path, place the windows with seasonal clothes - in a word, everything that makes him reduce the pace of walking and carefully examine everything that you want to show him.
  • Create passages Wide enough So that customers do not hurt each other and do not experience tights. Put information display, on which you can also advertise your products. If funds allow, use the capabilities Interactive 3D showroomwhere the client can virtually select models, colors, etc.
  • Think about it showurum lighting And create the light that corresponds to the purpose and style of the store.

How to promote the showroom of clothes?

  • How to promote the showroom of clothes? First of all, think about your “chip”, a difference from others, so as not to get lost in the crowd of competitors. Изучите рынок поставщиков и предложите cooperation Those who are able to offer the most favorable conditions for you and the possibility of variations when ordering (for example, order not all sizes, but several elected ones, or to carry out the supply of a model in a certain color, etc.).
  • Обязательно выработайте не только ценовую политику, но и механизм возврата и гарантии – это сыграет на вашу хорошую репутацию. Проводите акции, внедрите систему дисконтных скидок, стимулируя покупателей.

Create the page of your store in social networks - this is a very effective advertising.

Реклама шоурума одежды

  • In addition to those first steps in promotion that are set forth in the previous section and are also advertising, customers must be attracted constantly. And the main incentive always - affordable price, Allows you to purchase a thing you like. Talk about your prices in all possible ways.
  • The most subtle and at the same time effective method is the Internet. Having started your own page, you may not limit yourself to this, but place your advertisement on the sites corresponding to the topics. Your potential customers are probably interested in such sites, so advertising will be clearly aimed precisely at the target audience.
  • Advertising is very effective "From the mouth to the mouth." Interested even by a few people with your products, you can count on what they will tell you about your showroom to friends and friends, arousing interest in them. And, of course, advertising in the media will never hurt, the monthly costs for which may fluctuate in the range 10-30 thousand rubles.

How to open a showroom of clothes from China?

  • The first question is in this case: organization of clothing delivery. Oddly enough, it is cheaper to take things from the factory in China than to buy them in Russia. How to achieve this?
  • You should start, as in other cases, with registration of individual entrepreneurship And those steps that are considered above. The "Chinese" component begins with the determination of the procurement. To do this, you must familiarize yourself with the location of the factories, study their assortment.
  • When negotiating, it should be remembered that you cannot ask price list, Since the Chinese are afraid of industrial espionage and will never indicate real prices so as not to inform possible competitors.
  • Indicate the desired procurement volumes And suitable models for your showroom. Do not make a decision right away, the Chinese themselves will call you back and ask your plans. This is the right moment in order to dictate the conditions. Remember that Chinese manufacturers are interested in large batches of sales, so you need impressive capital for purchases.
What are the procurement volumes
What are the procurement volumes
  • Having concluded a contract, take care of intermediarywhich will deliver it across the border. It can be cargo companies Or directly Chinese. The second is somewhat more expensive, but preferable in terms of reliability and guarantees.

How to open a showroom of clothes without investments?

Of course, the concept of “without investment” is relative. We are talking about minimal costs, and this can be achieved by opening an online store. As the practice of successful projects shows, the initial amount of investments may limit 10-15 thousand rubles.

  • Do not swear immediately for a large volume, start with modest platform in one page. It is better to register your business officially to work legally - this is quite simple.

Decide on the goods that you will offer, procurement schemes (they are described above), make a business plan and take up the advertisement of your store.

  • By the way, without the initial funds, think about the organization of work on the franchise by concluding an agreement that provides for the expulsion of the supplier of certain amounts from the sale.
  • To navigate with the assortment will help you search systems of requests, which show the exact number of requests within a month for a particular product. Everything is clear here - the more there are, the more the goods are in demand. Create a website of your Internet show, presenting the product in all nominations, with photos and videos, delivery cost and contact phones.
Start small
Start small
  • And do not forget that your resource is necessary improve, directing part of the income to this. Then the business created almost without investment will bring you success.

Showurum where to start: tips

  • The first advice: Evaluate the prospects. It is clear that from the very first day you will not become a popular showroom - you need time to learn and evaluate you. Therefore, consider the ways of potential development and promotion of your business and really evaluate your capabilities in this.
  • Second advice: Orient for a specific buyer and his solvency, think about whether such customers are enough to work for a long time.
  • Third advice: Calculate all planned initial expenses and study the market to understand how they can be minimized.
  • Fourth advice: Consider the options for delivering goods, decide which of them is most profitable for you, taking into account all possible risks.
  • Fifth advice: You should be well versed in fashion trends, without this it is unlikely that you will be able to create a successful showroom.

If you have not yet decided on the type of activity, we advise you to also consider the following topics:

Is it worth it, is it profitable to open the showroom of clothes: reviews

  • Alina, Moscow: I live in a big city, but I had to work for residents of small towns. I noticed the differences in the popularity of the goods: completely different models are in demand. Therefore, for myself, she concluded: first of all, you need to study the buyer whom you are going to focus on, his tastes. Then you can open the showroom and it will be quite payback.
  • Irina, Tver: I would advise beginner businessmen to choose a good place for my showroom, where there are many people. It is also necessary to focus on a large audience, offering fashionable but inexpensive things (by the way, 10-20% of things can be expensive-this will attract another category of customers). The decision will be successful to supplement the outfits with accessories. And do not be afraid if at first your business is not profitable-somewhere for six months a new business going to zero, this is a very good indicator.
  • Natalia, Kaliningrad: I opened the showroom a year and a half ago, having issued individual entrepreneurship. At first (somewhere from six months), I invested my own funds almost without profit. But gradually more and more people learned about us, there were more buyers, and I, communicating with them (this is a very important point - to find an approach to the client), I understood that people were interested. So began to update the assortment, work to order. Now there are no more losses, I work with profit. The main thing is to be able to work with people and understand what you are doing.

Video: Open showroom from scratch

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  45. How to get a showroom of clothing from scratch where to buy clothes wholesale for sale

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