How to open a bottle without an opener - methods: key, lighter, fork, knife. How to open a bottle of beer with improvised means?

How to open a bottle without an opener - methods: key, lighter, fork, knife. How to open a bottle of beer with improvised means?

Open a can or a bottle without an opener is simple. About all methods is written in the article.

All of us, at least once in our life, were in a position when it is necessary to open a jar or bottle without a special device. It should be noted that the material for the manufacture of metal cans and covers is used quite thin, which facilitates the solution of the problem.

It is good that modern glass containers are often made unscrewing or with a special tail for opening. But, if the cover of your can does not have these "magical" properties, apply a little ingenuity and there is a way out. Read further.

What improvised means do they use to open jars, bottles without opening: tips

Different improvised means use to open jars, bottles without opening
Different improvised means use to open jars, bottles without opening

Any container can be opened with the help of improvised means - an acute object, a stable surface, a lever. There are also many extreme ways, but we will leave them with shocking professionals. What improvised means do they use to open jars, bottles without opening? Ordinary people most often use:

  • Knife
  • Spoon
  • Lighter
  • Key
  • Stone
  • Scissors
  • Other jar or bottle
  • Sheets of thick paper
  • Coins
  • The protrusions are in the wall
  • Rings without jewelry, etc.

Important: Always remember the precautions. Otherwise, it turns out that the game is not worth the candle. An open bank, and at the same time a cut hand or a spoiled countertop will bring more disappointments than good.

Here are some tips:

  • Take all measures to search for a special opener, use other devices in extreme cases.
  • Follow safety precautions.
  • Make sure that extraneous objects do not get into the jar or bottle - dust, sawdust, metal chips, fragments of a broken neck.
  • Wrap your hands with a cloth or towel.
  • Do not try to open your teeth, the result and efforts are not equivalent.
  • Do not put a jar or a bottle between the legs, in order to avoid sliding down with a container when using non -adapted openers.
  • Before the manipulation, find a stable, well -lit surface.

Do not try to beat off the neck at the bottle. This, of course, is the fastest way, but most likely in this case you will no longer need a drink.

How to open a bottle of beer without opening to girls, guys at home, on the street: hands, key, lighter, fork, knife

Many people love beer, and often they buy it in "glass". In such bottles, the lid should be opened only with the help of the opener. But what to do when she is not at hand? How to open a bottle of beer without opening to girls, guys at home or on the street?

Below you will find simple recommendations on how to get rid of the cover and also tips, if you want to impress. Here is some of them:

The bottle can be opened without opening with a key
The bottle can be opened without opening with a key
  • Key. If you have a round key with grooves, as in the photo above, then it can perfectly serve instead of opening. Just give the key to the key and it will open.
The bottle can be opened without an opener with a lighter
The bottle can be opened without an opener with a lighter
  • Lighter. The reverse side of this accessory is perfect for opening a bottle instead of an opener. Put the lid, pressing it with the bottom of the lighter with the help of the bottom, and it will fly off.
The bottle can be opened without opening with a fork
The bottle can be opened without opening with a fork
  • Fork. Also a simple way to open bottles. Moreover, it can be placed both with sharp ends of the device and the end of the handle.
  • With a knife. The trick is performed by the back of the blade. Act carefully so as not to cut your hands. Put the cloves of the lid with a knife with a knife, holding it with a thumb. True and cover the lid.
The bottle can be opened without opening with a coin
The bottle can be opened without opening with a coin
  • Coin. For convenience, select a larger coin. Pend the edge of the cover the edge of the lid and press on the money. The lever is ready.
The bottle can be opened without opening with a second bottle
The bottle can be opened without opening with a second bottle
  • Another bottle. Beer is a drink for a large company. Open your bottle with another bottle. Take your glass tightly and turning it upside down, hook them with lids. Turn the second bottle more, and the cover will fly the first. The disadvantage of this method - one bottle will remain closed.
The bottle can be opened without opening with tools
The bottle can be opened without opening with tools
  • Tools. The masterful guys will probably have a file, screwdriver, nippers, pliers or pliers. These tools can be used in case of acute necessity not entirely for its intended purpose.
The bottle can be opened without opening with a metal pad on the door
The bottle can be opened without opening with a metal pad on the door
  • Metal pad on the door. This place includes the tongue of the door lock. Insert the lid into the groove and try to hook it with the rim of the lining. Press the bottle and the lid will fly away.
The bottle can be opened without opening with your hands
The bottle can be opened without opening with your hands

A hint for guys who want to impress in the company - open a bottle with your eyes or hands. Of course this is a trick:

  • Pre -open the lid and put it back in place.
  • Bring the bottle to the eye and clamp the lid.
  • Voila, and the desired drink is ready for use. And you are a star of the party.
  • It is also done with the hands. Open in advance, and then with a light movement of the hand, just with all, easily remove the lid.

Many guys manage to really open the bottle with an eye, but this is long years of training. It is necessary to clamp the lid with the muscles between the eyebrow and part of the face under the lower age. Then pull sharply and the lid will fly off. But remember, the newcomer will not succeed the first time. We must train.

More elegant methods are suitable for girls - using a key or lighter, as described above:

  • Substitute the edge of the lighter (better than metal) under the ribs of the lid and click on its edge, like a lever.

Suitable for this method also nailfile or USB flash drive.

How to open a glass bottle of cola, lemonade without opening: Methods

The bottle can be opened without an opener with a spoon
The bottle can be opened without an opener with a spoon

Similarly, the methods described above can be used to open glass bottles with brown, lemonade. But you can also use other methods - also simple, and some are a little amazing. Here are the ways how to do it without opening:

  • A hammer

Under the edge of the bottle cover, place part of a hammer with a double tail. In order for the lid to fly, you need to pull the handle of the hammer down. Follow the force of pressure. From the great pressure, you can beat off the neck of the bottle.

  • The edge of the table

You can use not only the countertop, but also any similar surface. But be careful - do not damage the bottle and table. Put the edge of the lid on the countertop, take the bottle a little from the table and hit with your palm several times on top.

  • Spoon of durable metal

In this case, the spoon must be used as a lever. Under the edge of the lid, it is necessary to substitute the end of this table device and press on it with a palm. The quality of the spoon is important. It is better to take an old, strong model.

The bottle can be opened without opening with a key
The bottle can be opened without opening with a key
  • Home or car keys

Keys are convenient in that they are always at hand. Substitute the edge of the key under the ribs of the lid. Click on the bottom of the key and lift the lid. Sometimes it is necessary to do manipulation several times.

  • Bogus belt

Some buckles already have a built -in opener. If your strap from these, consider that you are lucky. If not, remove the belt, and place the metal edge of the buckle under the lid. If you pull the buckle back, the lid will bend and the result will be achieved.

The bottle can be opened without an opening with a ring
The bottle can be opened without an opening with a ring
  • Ring

Do not use jewelry made of precious metals in connection with their rapid deformation. Without removing the rings from the hand, put the palm on top of the lid and pry it. A small force will be required and the lid will be removed. Caution, do not damage your finger.

  • Scissors

Put the spread blades under the lid. You will get a kind of lever. Press the handles and squeeze the blades a little. With the right actions, the lid will easily fly away. Follow the safety precautions, make sure that the blades do not slip and cut hands.

  • A flap of fabric

The paradox, but the material can also be useful. The fabric is needed for a denser cover of the lid. With a cut, you will not injure your hand, unscrewing the lid. The disadvantage of this method is that it is necessary to attach a lot of strength, and also, not all covers lend itself to such an effect.

  • Ordinary paper

Another original way is to twist thick paper into a tube and turn it in half. Pick up the edge of the lid formed.

How can you open wine, cider without opening?

If the cider is packaged in a bottle with a cork, like wine, then to open it will need a special opener with a corkscrew. But what if it was not at hand? How can you open wine, cider without opening? Here are several ways:

The bottle of wine can be opened without opening by pressing the cork
The bottle of wine can be opened without opening by pressing the cork

Press the cork inside:

  • This is the easiest way.
  • You need to press the lid inside the bottle.
  • This can be done with a finger, a wooden spoon, a stick, a finger battery, mascara for eyelashes, lipstick, pencil or pen.
  • Do not use the knife, as it can slip and injure your hand.

Blows against the wall:

  • It may seem that this is impossible, since the bottle can break. But you can do everything carefully.
  • It will not be difficult for a man to knock out a cork with strong strikes against the wall.
  • Wrap with something dense the bottom of the bottle or put it in shoes without a heel.
  • With force several times, hit a bottle against the wall.
  • With each blow, the cork will be pushed out.
A bottle of wine can be opened without an opening with a blow to the bottom
A bottle of wine can be opened without an opening with a blow to the bottom

Blows on the bottom of the bottle:

  • Representatives of the stronger sex can also try to knock out the cork with blows with the back of the palm on the bottom of the bottle.
  • Put the "glass" between the legs upside down.
  • Close tightly, and holding with one hand, strike the second. The cork will fly out.
  • You can also knock out the cork with a plastic bottle filled with water.

Sharp tip of the bicycle pump:

  • Wine and sport are incompatible? By no means. Stick through the plug with a needle of the pump and upload air into the bottle.
  • The cork will rise slowly and you can easily stretch it out with your hand.
  • Carefully observe the process - the bottle can burst from pressure.
The bottle of wine can be opened without opening by heating
The bottle of wine can be opened without opening by heating

The heating:

  • Method for girls and lovers of mulled wine.
  • Carefully so that Tara does not burst. Heat a bottle of wine with a gas burner or boiling water and steam will push the cork.
The bottle of wine can be opened without opening with a self -tapping screw
The bottle of wine can be opened without opening with a self -tapping screw

Self -tuning:

  • Screw into the cork, and then, with a certain dexterity, it will not be difficult to pull it out.


  • Screw the drill into the cork and then pulling it out then it will not be difficult.

The key to the castle:

  • Instead of a corkscrew, you can use this product. It is better to use the key with large teeth. So he will stay stronger in traffic.
  • Having screwed the key, imagine that this is a corkscrew and remove the cork.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to open wine or cider. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

How can you open a jar of conservatives without opening - with a knife, without a knife: ways to open cans, condensed milk, stew, corn in a tin can

It also happens that you need to open a tin can without an opener. To do it is as simple as to remove the lid with a beer or wine bottle. How can you open a jar of conservatives without an opener - with a knife, without a knife? Here are the ways to open cans, condensed milk, stew, corn in a tin can:

You can open a tin can without an opening with a knife
You can open a tin can without an opening with a knife
  • Pliers:

Bend the seam connecting the lid and sides of the jar. All - the coveted trophy is obtained.

  • With a knife:

Put the jar on an even stable surface. Install the tip of the knife on the edge of the lid and hit the knife handle with the back of the palm. Make a small puncture. Remove the knife and move it at a distance of one centimeter from the first hole. Make a similar puncture. Do all this in a circle of banks. Put the tip of the knife in one of the holes and cut the remaining sections of the lid in a circle. With this method of opening, a metal chip will not get into the jar.

  • A flat and smooth stone will help in a campaign and nature:

Try the bottom of the jar on the stone until the place of connection of the cover with the body of the jar is thinner. A good sign that you are going in the right direction is the appearance of a liquid from a can. This means that the seam was rubbed and the lid can be easily pierced with improvised means.

You can open a tin can without an opener with a spoon
You can open a tin can without an opener with a spoon
  • Spoon of solid material:

Put the sharp edge of the spoon on the edge of the lid and pressing the cut. If you couldn’t make a puncture right away, try to wipe this cover of the cover with a spoon. Having made a hole, move a little to the side and do the same. Thus, go all over the lid.

  • The chef-knife is useful not only for cutting meat:

The “heel” of the knife is ideal for opening a canbank. A heavy massive table device will be in handy. Put on the “heel” of the knife to the edge of the lid, press and begin to cut the surface.

How can you open the lid of a rolled glass jar with cucumbers, compote without opening: methods

A rolled jar can be opened without opening
A rolled jar can be opened without opening

A situation may arise in life when you need to open the cover of a glass rolled jar with cucumbers, tomatoes or compote without opening. The main thing is to find improvised means and use them correctly. Here are the ways:

  • Fingers. This skill is usually possessed by professional masseurs. The strength of the hands helps. You just need to put a metal cover, as if you are taking off a plastic one.
A rolled jar can be opened without an opening with a knife
A rolled jar can be opened without an opening with a knife
A rolled jar can be opened without an opening with a knife
A rolled jar can be opened without an opening with a knife
  • Cut the lid in a circle with a knife. Carefully pierce the edge of the lid with a knife and cut it around the circle. Make sure that the bank and hands are degreased and not slipped, otherwise the accident cannot be avoided. You can cut the triangle, wind the metal onto the blade of the knife and, pulling it - turn the knife so that the lid explodes and breaks off the jar.
  • A method for men - a fist or elbow to form a hole in the center of the cover. You need to beat until the edges of the lid lift, and then, the cherished contents of your jar.
  • The most elementary way is to put the edge of the lid in several places with a knife. At first, for convenience, this can be done by turning the jar upside down. When you feel that the cover is succumbing, return the bank to the usual position and continue to open.
  • It is necessary to put the knife vertically with a tip on the edge of the jar. Holding the knife blade with one hand, hit the handle with the back of the palm. The edge will burst. Do this several times, retreating 3 centimeters from the previous incision. Bend the lid with your fingers.
A rolled jar can be opened without an opener with an iron mug
A rolled jar can be opened without an opener with an iron mug
  • Use a metal mug. Turn it over and hook the edge of the can of the can cover it with a bent edge. Do this several times, the metal will easily withdraw from the jar.
  • Particularly impatient can adapt an ax as an opener. The sharp edge of the ax, make the hole in the lid and carefully cut it in a circle.

Everything is very simple, and even without a special device, you can open it and uphill.

How to open an iron screw twisting cover of a jar without an opener: Methods

A rolled jar with a screw cover can be opened without an opening with a knife
A rolled jar with a screw cover can be opened without an opening with a knife

It often happens that it is difficult to unscrew the iron screw cover. No efforts help, since it was twisted hot. How to open an iron screw twisting cover of a jar without an opener? Here are the ways:

  • The easiest method is to unscrew your hands

For a quick result, do not forget to put on rubber gloves to eliminate sliding. Some use sandpaper. You need to unscrew strictly counterclockwise, since the lid is twisted in the opposite direction.

  • Classic way - heating

Pour boiling water into the container and set the inverted jar with a lid down. Wait a few minutes, carefully turn the jar, and covering the hot cover with a cloth, open the coveted trophy.

  • You can put the lid with a knife

Unlike the previous method, this is traumatic. Bring the sharp tip of the knife under the rim of the lid and push it in several places. After the air falls under the metal, the twist will weaken, the bank will easily open.

  • Helps well if you roll the tin part of the sunset on a solid surface

Thanks to this method, the lid will weaken on the bank and it can easily be unscrewed.

  • Try lubrication of the gap between the jar and the lid of food oil

Before the procedure, it is better to turn the jar upside down, pour a little oil into the gap and wait a few minutes.

  • Tap the edges of the lid with something wooden

If the lid does not stick and did not stick, this method will help.

Above the different ways of opening the covers were described above. If you have a situation when there was no opener at hand, then you will definitely pick up something suitable for yourself. Good luck!

Video: Life - how to open a bottle without an opener and a corkscrew?

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