What will happen in the body if you drink vodka, strong alcohol on a bottle, 100 grams per day, every day, drink a lot of alcohol at once?

What will happen in the body if you drink vodka, strong alcohol on a bottle, 100 grams per day, every day, drink a lot of alcohol at once?

In this article, we will consider the harmful effect of alcohol on the human body.

Alcohol, which a person consumes daily, affect human health. The severity of the consequences, as a rule, depends on the dosage of the drunk alcohol, its type and, of course, on the quality. The patient alcohol dependence can lead to degradation, he will not be able to exist without an alcohol for a day. If you do not take any action in time, the case will end quite deplorable.

What will happen in the body if you drink vodka, strong alcohol on the bottle every day?

In the event that a person drinks alcohol for a long time, even a stranger may notice significant changes taking place in an alcoholic. But chronic alcoholism is able to change not only the appearance of the patient. Simultaneously with this process, the work of almost all organs changes. From the very beginning this is practically not manifested, but after a couple of years, health worsens strongly. How to avoid negative consequences - it depends on a person.

Chronic drunkards very often complain of mental disorders. They often have alcoholic psychosis, which manifests itself in the form of hallucinations, paranoia, white fever, and so on. These people, as a rule, are inadequate even when they do not drink alcohol for some time. Which is very dangerous for both alcoholics themselves and for the people who surround them.

Drink a lot
Drink a lot

What will happen in the body if you drink alcohol every day? The following consequences may occur:

  • The liver is affectedAs a result, its detoxification indicators are violated, hepatocytic necrosis appears, hepatitis, cirrhosis and fibroma develops. The organ cannot correctly cleanse blood from ethyl, does not remove harmful components of metabolic processes. Because of this, almost every organ begins to negatively act harmful toxins.
  • A person is worried about mental disordersas well as violations associated with neuralgia. Drumers mainly develop alcohol encephalopathy, epilepsy and other similar disorders. Such processes are inevitable if the patient drinks alcohol daily.
  • There is a violation of the functionality of the digestive system. Drunks have a more active salivary glands, which leads to the formation of a large amount of saliva. This leads to indigestion and other unpleasant sensations. Also, the patient may be disturbed by gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis.
Alcohol harms health
Alcohol harms health
  • Sexual incapacity may occur. In men who abuse alcohol, libido decreases, sex drive disappears, the patient becomes uncertain in his own abilities. We note that regular drunkenness is often considered the cause of impotence. If we take into account women who often drink, then often they become barren.

What will happen in the body if you drink strong alcohol at 100 grams every day?

Many people are sure that only one glass of good wine, drunk per day, has a positive effect on the human body. Is it true?

  • Scientists were able to prove that alcohol during frequent use have a negative effect on human health, the social life of an alcoholic. Researchers confirm this fact with various analyzes that they spent for a long time in the laboratories.
  • Alcoholic drinks lower the sensitivity of taste receptors. In order to eliminate this problem, a person uses a lot of food, but does not feel pleasure from food. As a result, the digestive system begins to suffer.
Leads to many diseases
Leads to many diseases
  • U a person who drinks 100 g every day, also on an empty stomach, an ulcer can develop. In addition, other problems associated with digestion may arise. An exception is considered wine and high -quality beer in the amount of up to several tens of grams. These drinks contain flavonide related to natural antioxidants. The fact is that these components significantly lower the activity of the decay of each cell.
  • Is it allowed to drink beer or wine daily? First, give preference exclusively quality drinks. Secondly, take into account the fact that every alcoholic drink can harm your body. Only healthy organs are fully treated. But in the world it is very difficult to find people who are completely healthy.

Do you want to know how many alcohol cannot harm the body? Then know the permissible daily norm is no more than 50 ml of alcohol. Therefore, 100 g is already a dose that can cause serious problems.

What will happen in the body if you drink a lot of alcohol at once?

Alcohol is the strongest depressant and component that causes dependence. But many people claim that alcohol helps them to relax well, plus such a drink improves well -being. However, in fact, alcohol does not relieve voltage, do not relax after a working day. Everything is quite the opposite, ethanol is a sufficiently serious load for the human body, which causes severe intoxication. Alcohol also negatively affects the behavior of the drinking man, as well as his social status.

The negative effect of alcohol on the human body does not cause doubt at all. And here the dose is almost not important. Even the minimum number of ethanol brings danger to a person, and an excessive and sharp increase in the concentration of this alcohol in the blood sometimes leads to serious consequences, for example, neurons in the brain begin to die. Ethanol of the liver brings even greater trouble, since it is on it that the largest load falls on it during the processing of alcohol components.

The strongest poisoning, as a rule, occurs if a minimum of 200 g of pure ethanol penetrates the human body. Such a dosage causes nausea, vomiting, severe headaches, dry mouth, severe thirst.

Bad influence
Bad influence

In addition, the following signs can immediately be attributed to the symptoms of a large amount of alcohol:

  • A person has a sense of proportion. He continues to drink, even if he is very drunk.
  • There are symptoms of impaired consciousness. A person begins to speak inaudibly, he has been disturbed by coordination of movement.
  • The patient's skin turns red. Most of all, this manifests itself in the area of \u200b\u200bthe face, hands.

If such signs occur, it is necessary to immediately stop the use of alcohol, otherwise the process can provoke an alcohol who. Very often, severe intoxication may be accompanied by unexpected urination, as well as defecation.

Such a coma is of three types:

  • Light
  • Average
  • Heavy

In the first version, the situation can correct the gastric lavage. The two remaining urgent hospitalization is needed. If the amount of ethanol in the blood exceeds the mark of 5 ppm, a person may die.

Alcohol acts on the body as follows:

  • Poisoning every cage. There is only 10 ml of alcohol in its pure form, so that the cells begin to die. This process is more active in the brain and liver, but this does not mean that the rest of the organs remain untouched.
  • Affects mutagative. We all know that human immunity is trying to fight extraneous cells. And alcohol leads to the fact that a mutation in cells begins to occur. Such a process sometimes causes cancer, since the immune system does not cope with such a load.
  • Destruction of the nervous system occurs. This happens not only when a person drinks regularly, but also with a single -drunk large dose. Consequently, the alcoholic often experiences depression, aggression. He does not control himself, and therefore he is haunted by "bad" thoughts.
  • The heart begins to work more actively. As a result, the heart muscle begins to collapse, leading to hypertension, heart attack and stroke.
  • Causes the digestive tract problems. The main blow, as a rule, falls on the mucous membrane. This leads to gastritis, ulcer, cancer.
  • The functionality of the kidneys is impaired. Each epithelium cell begins to die, as a result, strong pathologies appear.
Wine is useful in small proportions
Wine is useful in small proportions

Accepted alcohol as a whole have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, before taking alcohol, think about whether you want to poison your own body. Since there is much less good from him than bad. And the emerging pathologies are very difficult, and sometimes even impossible to destroy.

Video: What will happen if you drink vodka every day?

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  1. As a doctor, I can say that even a small amount of alcohol negatively affects the liver .... Therefore, it is better not to use it at all. And in order to reduce the negative effect of poor nutrition, hepatrin must be taken, especially now after the May holidays. It is good because it restores, cleanses and protects the liver. It works comprehensively, so to speak.

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