How to drink alcohol in a bottle correctly and what to drink? How and with what the alcoholic liquor Mohito is 40 degrees and low alcohol: tips. With what juice do Mojito drink, what are they biting?

How to drink alcohol in a bottle correctly and what to drink? How and with what the alcoholic liquor Mohito is 40 degrees and low alcohol: tips. With what juice do Mojito drink, what are they biting?

Now many people prefer Mojito. But few who are aware of how to drink it correctly and with what products this cocktail is in harmony. Let us dwell on this topic in more detail.

Mohito is now gaining popularity among young people as an alcoholic drink especially in the summer heat.

What is Mojito?

The birthplace of this drink is considered to be Cuba. Bartenders most often make a drink of five components: lime, soda (juice), mint, rum, sugar. Even in Mojito, ice cubes are added so that the cocktail tones the body, save from thirst, refreshes.

To prepare a drink, it is not necessary to have any special skills. It is enough to mix the ingredients and serve the cocktail to guests. So that Mojito pleases you with his taste, make it according to the following recipe:


  • ice cubes - 100 g
  • sensor - 125 ml
  • sugar powder - 45 g
  • lime - 1/2 of the fetus
  • rum - 45 ml
  • mint-1-2 leaflet
What is part of Mojito
What is part of Mojito


  1. Grind Madler chopped (slices) lime, powder, mint. Pour the mass into a glass, it is desirable that the container is high and has a small cone in the bottom area.
  2. Pour rum into the same glass, mix the components well. Pour the ice.
  3. In the end, pour the soda and again carefully mix all the components.
  4. Insert two tubes, treat loved ones.
Mojito - how and with what to drink?
Mojito - how and with what to drink?

How to serve and drink Mojito?

Many are wondering: How to drink this refreshing cocktail correctly And with what? As such-there are no strict rules for using a cocktail, but some points will not hurt to take into account.

  • It is desirable to submit Mojito in high glasses With two tubes. Because due to ice, an ice crust is formed on the surface of the drink. In order for the air to leave the glass correctly and use the second, through, which it moves.
  • Mojito is drunk cold. Temperature the drink should not exceed 10-15 degrees.
  • Most often, cocktail is consumed with fruits or without any snack at all.
  • Although if you arranged gatherings with guests, then you can serve dishes of meat, fish and legumes.
  • Decent drink drink small sips, stretching the moment of pleasure. In general, Mojito is designed to relax in a pleasant company.

IMPORTANT: Despite the fact that the cocktail is considered low alcohol, they should not be abused. It’s not so difficult to intoxicated from the drink.

How many degrees in Mojito in a bottle?

In 2010, Mahito first appeared in a bottle thanks to the brand of Bakardi.

Bacardi Mojito - This is a cocktail that can be immediately consumed without any additives.

The fortress of the cocktail 14,9 degrees. It is similar to the taste of the lime, mint, and white rum just prepared.

Mojito with lime
Mojito with lime

Bakardi Mohito: How to drink correctly?

Bacardi Mojito - This is a diluted rum. It is used not only without any additives, but also as part of a variety of mixes.

If you want to drink Basardi undiluted, then use thick -walled glasses to serve it to the table. In such glasses, they still drink whiskey, Gene.

A little ice for the pleasant freshness of the cocktail can be added in a hot season.

Bacardi Mojito - What to drink with?
Bacardi Mojito - What to drink with?
  • As a low -alcohol drink, you can use Bakardi Mojito with a sprite or a coal.
  • A cocktail with citrus juice is more suitable for ladies.
  • If you want to get, almost non -alcoholic drink, then dilute Bakardi with purified water.

Thanks to this, alcohol will not be felt at all, and the taste, the aroma of the cocktail will be revealed to the full.

How and with what, with what juice do they drink the alcoholic liquor mohito 40 degrees and low -alcohol: tips

  • Mojito can be prepared from different alcohol.
  • In addition to Roma (35 degrees), add vodka to the cocktail (40 degrees)
  • Or liquor (15 percent).

Therefore, from various components, mochito can be obtained both strong and low -alcohol.

  • Fucking strong cocktails Meat or fish, fruits are also suitable for a small snack.
  • Low -alcohol mohito You can use as a thirsty for a fruit drink.
What drink is Mojito prepared with?
What drink is Mojito prepared with?

IMPORTANT: The fortified Mojito is in perfect harmony with land and rolls, cheese, alcohol fish, and ham.

What is the alcohol Mojito with, with what snack?

When the guests are on the doorstep, there is always a question: how to treat them? And even more so, if it was agreed in advance that only mohito will be used as alcohol. Not every housewife knows what can be served under such a cocktail. However, this is not such an insoluble problem.

For this drink, you can choose different dishes, much depends on which strength of Mojito.
And even more important - how many guests will be. After all, the more friends, the more food will be required.

As a snack, you can use cuts from:

  • cheese
  • sausages
  • meat
  • sea products, fish are also suitable

As mentioned above, a good evening can be spent with a glass of cocktail, fruits, sushi or pizza.

How to drink mohito so that the tube does not clog?

Due to the fact that the cocktail has a thick consistency and a crust of ice can form on the surface (after all, it is drunk chilled), bartenders always give two tubes in a glass with Mojito.
That is why to fear that the tube will clog, there is no reason. You will drink your cocktail without any problems using another.

Still, so that this does not happen, drink the drink in small sips - slowly.

After reading the advice, you yourself can now prepare this drink correctly and you will have no questions that put on the table as a snack for a cocktail.
Moreover, you will still enjoy Mojito's pleasant taste and get pleasure from a great time.

Video: How to cook Mojito?

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