How to bleach, lighten jeans with your own hands: methods. How to make jeans with an ombre effect yourself?

How to bleach, lighten jeans with your own hands: methods. How to make jeans with an ombre effect yourself?

Jeans are very popular and everyone wear them. Sometimes I want to make them brighter, but how to do it? Our article will answer this question.

Denim fabric is always in trend and has not gone out of fashion for many years. Today there are a variety of models and styles. The most fashionable of all are scuffs, as well as clarified shades. You can easily give jeans a second chance and highlight them with very simple means.

How to bleach jeans at home: Methods

How to bleach jeans?
How to bleach jeans?

Denim fabric differs in that in manufacture it is painted in a special way. As a rule, fibers located longitudinally turn out to be colored and therefore the inside is light. Many are interested in can jeans lighten? In this case, the answer is unequivocal - yes, of course. Basically, light colors are relevant when summer comes - the time of bright colors.

Proterence is possible with different means and among them are especially distinguished:

  • Hydrogen peroxide

It is often used when spots appear on light jeans. If you wash the product in advance, the result will be more effective. The peroxide contains active oxygen, which acts as an oxidizing agent when bleaching different fibers. Its use is safe because the fabric is not destroyed. It is important to note that a high concentration of peroxide can corrode the skin of the hands. It is also not very suitable for fabric too dark.

  • White

It copes with the clarification of synthetics and cotton. It contains sodium hypochloride, which is a strong oxidizing agent and its composition 95% chlorine. It is distinguished by accessibility and a favorable price. If you use the product in too large quantities, then you can ruin jeans. It is also important to note that its smell is very caustic, and in itself the solution acts aggressively on the skin, so it is better to use it in gloves.

  • Soda

Well suited for lightening thin tissue. Getting into the water, soda makes the solution alkaline and it is great for bleaching. Everyone has it, and if not, you can buy it in the store. It is important to say that it is easy to use. It does not affect the skin of the hands, and also perfectly removes oily and oil spots.

  • Lemon juice
Lemon juice
Lemon juice

Also good for use with natural fabrics. Whitening is provided by citric acid and, in itself, it is safe for tissue. You can add to a washing machine with powder, but with long contact you can burn yourself.

  • Household chemicals - “Domestos”, “toilet duckling” and similar

With such means, it is worth being careful, especially when lightening thin denim or synthetics. The composition includes sodium hypochloride, as well as acid and detergent. You can add to the washing machine. Perhaps even whitening to absolutely white. Among the disadvantages, the funds are not the cheapest. With long -term exposure, it can poorly affect the skin of the hands and things.

How to bleach jeans at home hydrogen peroxide: Instructions

Simple hydrogen peroxide is suitable for lightening jeans into several tones. Before starting work, try to first try the product on an inconspicuous area. Thus, you will understand what result will be achieved and do not spoil the thing. To make everything good, you need to choose the correct concentration of the solution.

Method 1. manually

Manual lightening
Manual lightening
  • Pour 10 liters of water and add 5 tablespoons of peroxide to it. Leave jeans in such a solution for half an hour.
  • Perform all subsequent actions in gloves so as not to spoil the skin of the hands!
  • Move jeans every few minutes and turn them over. Do not let them come up so that the fabric is whitened evenly.

Method 2. In the washing machine

For 25 ml of washing products, 10-15 ml of peroxide or 3 tablets is added. If you use the last option, do not forget to grind the tablets. After that, set the washing mode at 70-80 degrees, as well as activate additional rinsing.

How to bleach jeans at home with whitewash: Instructions

The most popular means of whitening from all is whiteness. This tool allows you to achieve the best effect and you will need the product itself, pots, forceps and gloves for work.

Depending on the desired shade and fabric itself, the amount of bleaching will also be determined. It is best added to 250 ml of whiteness per 5 liters of water. If you need to get white, then the amount should be twice as large. After using such a solution, you need to dry the product well in the air.

Method 1. Heating

Type of a water pan and add whiteness there. After that, place jeans in the solution and boil everything. Cook on low heat. Stir the jeans periodically and see how the color changes. When everything is completed, rinse them well and dry them.

Method 2. Without heating

Mix the same components, and place jeans in the solution. Keep them in it and stir every 5 minutes. Be sure to track the degree of highlighting. After receiving the desired shade, remove and rinse the jeans.

How to bleach jeans at home with soda: Instruction

Soda whitening
Soda whitening

You can conduct a clarification procedure with soda. Washing will be carried out in a washing machine. But often housewives are afraid to spoil the car and prefer to do everything manually. For one time it will take 20 g of soda for each liter of water. So, for one washing it will take about 200 grams, since the machine gains about 10 liters of water for the washing. Moreover, we still need to take into account the rinse.

Method 1

Mix soda and powder. Pour this mixture into the powder compartment. Put the jeans in the drum and run the wash. To make the result better, rinse the jeans again.

Method 2

Pour soda with powder into a basin. Pour warm water and lower your jeans there. After that, wash with your hands for about 15-20 minutes and leave it for a couple of hours. Additionally, you can add a spoonful of washing a dishes, and be sure to control the color. If you have not received a suitable effect, then make a solution again and wash again.

How to bleach jeans at home with lemon juice: Instructions

This method does not harm the material and acts effectively. You can replace it with citric acid. Your actions should be as follows:

  • Add a tablespoon of lemon juice or tea acid per liter of water. So, if you take 10 liters, then the spoons will be the corresponding number
  • Mall jeans into this solution for 3-4 hours. The result can only be evaluated after this time
  • If you did not like it, then the procedure can be repeated. When everything is ready, rinse jeans several times

How to bleach jeans at home by household chemicals: Instruction

Sometimes cleaning and disinfectants can be used for highlighting. The sequence of work will be as follows:

  • Add 100 ml of the product to three liters of water and pour jeans with a solution
  • Follow the intensity of clarification and as soon as you get a suitable color, then immediately get jeans
  • After that, be sure to have jeans at 50-60 degrees with additional rinse

How to bleach ombre jeans at home: Instruction

Ombre jeans
Ombre jeans

Jeans with such an ombre are very popular. To make it yourself, it is better to use white. This procedure requires a bleach with chlorine, water, a spray gun and a plastic container. To make your hands safe, use gloves.

Method 1

Take a convenient container and mix the components in the ratio of 2 to 1. Place the part for clarification in the solution and leave to lie like this for 1.5 hours. After completing the work, wash the jeans at a temperature of 60 degrees.

Method 2

Hang jeans vertically and spray with a spray gun on the desired part of the product. In a bottle, mix whiteness with water in a ratio of 1 to 2 and spray well on the part you need. Buttons and seams can be treated with a cotton swab. This will allow you to get a beautiful aging effect. After the end, also rinse.

Video: How to lighten jeans? How to lighten jeans?

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