How to determine the character of a person on the lips: in the shape of the lower, upper lip, groove, outlines

How to determine the character of a person on the lips: in the shape of the lower, upper lip, groove, outlines

Determining the character by lips is simple. Everyone can do this.

Lips - One of the most important features by which the character of a person can be determined. Thanks to this, you can find out the features of the psyche of people. This method of determining the character of the personality has long become public.

Read another article on our website about physiognomy - a definition of the character of a man and a woman around the neck. You will find out what a long and short thick or thin neck in men and women is talking about.

How to find out a better person, studying the peculiarity of his lips, is told in this article below. Read further.

What is physiognomy: how to determine the character of a person on the lips?

Determine the character of a person by lips
Determine the character of a person by lips

Physiognomy is certain knowledge. They allow you to determine the internal personal qualities of a person. It can be acquired or innate features. In the process of analysis, experts study the facial expressions of a person, his facial features. Psychologists do not recognize this science, citing facts refuting it. However, despite this, physiognomy is actively used to determine the personality of a person.

How to determine the character of a person by lips? This is simple if you conduct an analysis according to the appearance of the mouth and lips. Read further.

People with narrow lips, wide mouth : in form we determine the nature of men and women

People with narrow lips, a wide mouth are realists. We determine the nature of men and women in the shape of the mouth:

  • Such personalities are purposeful, always plan their actions and are firmly standing on their feet.
  • They achieve great success in their careers, as they set goals and fulfill them.
  • Women of this type are practical. They will not lose their heads if they fall in love.
  • These personalities are very restrained, their logic prevails over emotions.
  • To many, such people seem cold, closed and sharp. However, they are able to be different.

At home, they can be soft, sociable and pleasant people. As for women, for them the main thing in a partner is reliability.

Large and chubby lips: we determine the character

People with puffy lips need to constantly take care of someone. This type is sensitive. We determine the nature of men and women with large lips:

  • They are not indifferent to homeless animals, often provide assistance in shelters.
  • People with chubby lips constantly protect and protect the weaker ones.
  • In case of stressful situations, they are trying first of all to provide assistance to other people and only then to themselves. They make beautiful parents who love and care about their children.

Lips, puffy in the center:

  • The moment characterizes a person as a secretive person.
  • These people are quite closed.
  • They are unsociable and no one can determine their true feelings.

These personalities can entrust their innermost secrets to a person who is believed in everything. Only relatives know well the real “I” of a native person. This is not necessary for outsiders.

The upper lip is more than the lower

Holders of this form, when the upper lip is more than the lower, very bright personalities. They are distinguished by increased activity, very cheerful, charismatic. They are very confident in themselves and do not suffer from complexes. An extraver type of people who like to be in the spotlight, very sociable, noisy, adore large companies.

The lower lip is more than the upper

People who have the lower lip thicker than the upper is very sociable and inquisitive. It is also an extrovert type of personality that needs new acquaintances, impressions.

Ordinary lips

The owners of this usual shape of the lips are calm, balanced people. They have logic in the first place, not emotions. Before solving any problems, such a person carefully considers everything. Their main positive feature is the ability to hear other people. They do not perceive painful criticism in relation to themselves, calmly listen to someone else's opinion in relation to themselves. However, this type of people is able to constantly have fun and loves to communicate with other people.

Lower lip in wrinkles

According to physiognomists, this feature is the lower lip in wrinkles, characterizes a person as a pleasant person who is loved surrounded. A cheerful, sociable person gains the attention of the opposite sex. However, this type of people has some disadvantages. For example, weakness for alcoholic beverages. Also, people love to eat, therefore, there are many full among them.

Groove above the upper lip: character

Groove above the upper lip
Groove above the upper lip

The groove is called a hollow, which is located between the nose and the upper lip. On it you can determine many qualities of a person’s character.

  • If the groove is long - This indicates the presence of such positive qualities as determination.
  • Such a person always sets himself the goal and achieves it, whatever he should.
  • These people are very hardy and have a large amount of vital energy.
  • It should be noted that many actors, businessmen have a long groove, which only confirms this fact.
  • It is believed that people with a short groove Stupid enough. They do not have elementary norms of education.

The upper lip with a sharp hollow:

  • Holders of acute hollows on the upper lip are characterized by increased activity, sociability.
  • These people are very fond of communication, they have many friends, acquaintances with whom they always maintain relationships and are in the know of all events.
  • This type is very well oriented in space, is able to remember a large amount of information.

The upper lip with a rounded hollow:

  • This is a very sensitive and empathy nature.
  • Women of this shooting range are very kind, empathic.
  • With any conversation, it is characteristic of them to take everything close to heart.
  • They sincerely worry, if someone is really difficult for someone, they try to help.
  • If people turn themselves, such personalities are trying to make everything in their own way to fulfill their promise.

Upper lip without hollows:

  • These personalities are very reliable and purposeful.
  • If such a person made a promise to another, then he will certainly fulfill him.
  • This type is very successful in a career, because it has perseverance and desire to achieve its goals, at all costs.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Lip's outlines and character

It is possible to determine the character of a person not only by the shape of his lips, but also to outlines.

  • More clear are inherent in those who are able to make the right decisions. Such people have high intelligence and endurance. Before making a decision, they always think everything well.
    However, the disadvantage of this type is arrogance, sharpness and causticity.
  • Calm people who can be trusted have smooth lines.

It is also necessary to pay attention to facial expressions. If in the process of communication, the lips move unnoticed, this suggests that their owner is calm, balanced. Often such people are phlegmaticians. If the facial expressions are very mobile - this personality is very sharp, hot -tempered and you need to be careful with it.

If a person in the process of communication constantly shouts with his lips, this personality has a sense of superiority over others and very self -confident. Such people have a very bad disposition.

The close line is also taken into account when determining the nature of the individual. If it is wavy, a person is nervous and irritable. Direct lines have calm people, pleasant in communication.

Size of the mouth and lips: determine the nature

People with a large mouth and lips are characterized by the presence of high intelligence. They are very often successful, sociable. This type of personality has painful pride.

  • Women with a large mouth They are very sociable, due to which it is easier for them to succeed in life. They are very popular among men. Despite their isolation, they like the opposite sex. Next to these women, men feel necessary and strong.
  • People with a small mouth Often they were spoiled by their relatives in childhood. These people are very selfish.

As for the male, guys with a large mouth are shy in nature. This character trait really prevents them from life.

Thin and compressed lips

Thin and compressed lips
Thin and compressed lips

Thin and compressed lips indicate the presence of psychological problems in a person, inner fear. If the lips do not close completely and relaxed, such a person can be trusted.

It should be noted: The surface of the lips for each person is individual. As in the case of fingerprints, there is not a single repeating pattern. However, the pattern on the lips can be the same for the twins.

Puppet lips

The owners of this shape of the lips are very selfish. Personal comfort for them is in the first place. What it seems, the woman chooses herself: serious, closed, sociable, sweet. By a face of this type of people, it is quite difficult to determine what they are at the moment. These personalities can trust a person if they are completely sure of him.

U sky and small lips: character

Brave people who are easy to achieve their goals are personalities with narrow and small lips. As for the female sex, they constantly need to increase adrenaline. They love adventures. Often take part in dangerous matters that other people do not want to perform. These personalities are real fighters, with a strong character. In this regard, women have difficulties when choosing a man. She always chooses a partner by herself.

Where are the corners of the lips: how to determine the character?

The corners of the lips are directed upward
The corners of the lips are directed upward

Of great importance is where the corners of the lips are directed. So, we determine the nature:

  • Raised corners of the lips There are cheerful and energetic people. They rejoice at every new day. Such people are very sociable, they have a lot of friends.
  • Any corners of the mouth They are found in those who are very closed by nature, pessimistic. These people are introverts. They do not like noisy companies. They like loneliness. However, these are very honest and fair people. Despite their vicious character, they can be trusted.

It should be noted: In all people with age, the corners of the mouth fall. Some have a face expression that is displeased with life, while others have a strict line. Therefore, such a fact must also be taken into account.

Conducting observation is quite simple. It is necessary to take a closer look at friends and relatives, whose character is no longer a secret. You can also start studying yourself. If the structural features of the mouth are especially clearly expressed, it will be easier to determine the nature. It is inconvenient to look at people, so you should practice in the photographs. If at the moment these people are in old age, for training it is worth using pictures where they are still young. So it will be easier to determine their features. The easiest way to use men for these purposes. The female floor uses makeup, which complicates the process.

Video: Form of the lips will tell you about you

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