How to clean moonshine by homely from smell and sivable oils? The technology for cleaning moonshine at home with activated carbon, water, potassium permanganate, soda, salt, filter, bread, egg

How to clean moonshine by homely from smell and sivable oils? The technology for cleaning moonshine at home with activated carbon, water, potassium permanganate, soda, salt, filter, bread, egg

The article describes in detail various methods of cleansing moonshine using simple means. After reading the essay, you can choose the right way to clean a strong drink at home.

  • Unfortunately, many novice moonshine believe that it is not necessary to clean moonshine, homemade drink, so it exceeds store vodka in quality
  • However, in this hot drink, in addition to water, alcohol there are still harmful sivuish oils, from which it is still worth getting rid of
  • Purification of moonshine will significantly improve the quality of the alcoholic drink. In addition, cleaning is not such a time -consuming process. Next, you yourself will be able to verify this

Home methods of cleaning moonshine

  • You need to know that not all sivuye oils are harmful to the human body
  • Thanks to them, drinking moonshine, you feel the taste and smell of this strong drink. You should get rid of isoamille alcohol
  • This component negatively affects health. Such a single -octum alcohol in its pure form is toxic, when in contact with skin tissues, it causes burns
  • If he accidentally finds himself in the breathing system, then there may be suffocation and dry, strong cough
Various ways of cleaning moonshine from isamille alcohol
Various ways of cleaning moonshine from isamille alcohol

There are many cleaning methods homemade alcoholic drink At home.

  • Biological method Cleaning - first, milk and protein of eggs are added to alcohol drink. In this case, unnecessary sivable oils are curtailed with these products, and precipitate. After that, moonshine is distilled again. Further alcohol is diluted to 40 revolutions (degrees) with purified water and filtered with black, freshly prepared bread
  • Cleaning by frost - This option is effective in winter in severe frosts. It is enough to put moonshine in the cold. Water becomes to the walls of the container, and gently pour the moonshine into another vessel
  • Cleaning activated coal, potassium permanganate, soda, water filters, egg, bread, milk. We will talk in detail about these methods later
How to clean moonshine correctly?
How to clean moonshine correctly?

Cleaning moonshine with activated coal in tablets

This cleaning option is quite simple. For the procedure, you will need to buy a pharmacy activated carbon.

Then, in the process of distillation in the funnel, place cotton wool, and on top of it several crushed tablets of activated coal. Moonshine will drip and immediately filter.

Activated coal filtration
Activated coal filtration
  • Another option: you can pour pre -prepared coal powder into the finished moonshine. For one liter of moonshine, 45-50 grams of coal will be required
  • After adding this component, alcohol must be set for 14 days for filtering in a dark place. Shake the container every day so that coal is not all the time at the bottom
  • After two weeks, strain the drink through a gauze rolled into six layers. The resulting purified product can be consumed without fears, the main thing is to know the norm and not to sort
How to clean moonshine with activated coal?
How to clean moonshine with activated coal?

Cleaning moonshine with water

The purification of moonshine with water was already mentioned above. To do this, you will need to carry out the procedure for the extinction of an alcoholic drink.

More precisely, take out the alcohol composition in the frost, after it begins to thicken, pour moonshine into another bottle. The water will remain on the walls of the old bottle in the form of a thin crust of ice, and the sivuha will remain there. The moonshine will be cleansed, its quality will improve significantly.

Moonshine - after cleaning with water
Moonshine - after cleaning with water

Cleaning moonshine by potassium permanganate and soda

In order to remove the remnants of acetic acid and harmful sivuish oils in home moonshine, cleaning with potassium permanent, soda. The procedure is as follows:

  • In the cylinder with moonshine (based on one liter), a soda solution is first poured (per 100 milliliters of purified water, ten grams of soda)
  • Plants are bred in a cup of water, proportions for moonshine: one liter of a drink 1.5 grams of potassium permanganate
  • Then close the container, shake well, let stand for 45-55 minutes
  • Then shake again, leave for 14-15 hours
  • At the end they filter home moonshine, carefully, without shaking through cotton wool or gauze
Cleaning homemade moonshine with soda, march
Cleaning homemade moonshine with soda, potassium permanganate

IMPORTANT: After such filtering, you need to use more distillation, then moonshine will be crystal clean.

Cleaning moonshine with soda and salt

This treatment method also requires re -distillation of an alcohol product. The process is as follows:

  • In a cup of water (purified), dissolve a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of soda (based on one liter of moonshine)
  • Pour the resulting solution into the cheese, interfere, let it stand a little
  • Then do a repeated distillation of a home alcohol product
Cleaning moonshine with salt, soda with repeated distillation
Cleaning moonshine with salt, soda with repeated distillation

Cleaning moonshine carbon for barbecue

  • Student experts say that carbon cleaning for barbecue is much better than filtering with activated carbon
  • After all, after activated coal, an unpleasant bitter taste remains. In addition, the composition of pharmacy coal includes starch, talc
  • And these components prevent the purification of the drink from heavy fractions of sivuye oils (due to small pores)
Cleaning moonshine carbon for barbecue
Cleaning moonshine carbon for barbecue

IMPORTANT: When choosing coal, see the label so that there are no non-natural components in the composition.

Cleaning process:

  • Pour coal for barbecue into moonshine (in proportion 1 part to 30, respectively)
  • Leave an alcohol drink in this state for a week, and preferably one and a half
  • Stir the moonshine periodically
  • Then filter home moonshine through cotton wool

If everything is done correctly, then the alcoholic drink will be transparent.

Filtering moonshine for Mangal coals
Filtering moonshine for Mangal coals

Cleaning moonshine with a filter barrier and aquaphor

The filter is cleaned by the barrier due to filter cartridges. They are filled with adsorbents. One such filter is enough for 10-16 liters of home moonshine. In order for the cleaning to be of high quality, the drink must be driven through the barrier five times.

Cleaning moonshine filter barrier
Cleaning moonshine filter barrier

Aquaphor for filtering moonshine is somewhat more profitable. After all, it uses triple cleaning. Therefore, you can "pass" an alcoholic drink through it only once.

How to use Aquaphor filters to clean moonshine?
How to use Aquaphor filters to clean moonshine?

Cleaning moonshine bread

IMPORTANT: Cleaning strong drinking only with fresh black bread. Yesterday's pastries will not work.

Cleaning moonshine fresh black bread
Cleaning moonshine fresh black bread

The process should be carried out in the below. sequences:

  • Take a large watering can or make it from a two -liter plastic bottle
  • Lay the napkin, slightly swim it in the neck of the watering can
  • Dill on top and ram the crumb slightly, but do not bother the neck with a crumb, otherwise there will not be an alcohol drink
  • Strain moonshine

Cleaning moonshine with an egg

  • For this method, egg proteins will be needed, for every 700 grams of moonshine - one protein
  • Then mix thoroughly proteins with warm water (25ºС). Purified water should be no more than 8% of the volume of moonshine
  • Add water-white mixture to moonshine and mix well again
  • Put the mixture in a dark place for a week, shake it every day several times a day
  • Do not mix moonshine on the seventh day, let the sivuha with proteins settle to the bottom
  • Then filter moonshine through a watering can with cotton
Cleaning moonshine from sivable oils using egg proteins
Cleaning moonshine from sivable oils using egg proteins

Cleaning moonshine with milk, video

Video: Cleaning moonshine with milk (2nd part)

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Comments K. article

  1. Activated carbon Sorbent takes the fractions of oils, and after a short time, about an hour, returns them back.

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