How to charm and marry a claimed bachelor: tips

How to charm and marry a claimed bachelor: tips

Affidized bachelors are the category of men especially desirable and obstinate. But you can find the council on anyone. Each of us has our own weaknesses. Especially the one who is infinitely confident in his unshakability.

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Suppose you and your bachelor have just met. But the reputation of your dreams of your dreams is enviable, because you know for sure that problems may arise with marriage. Like a dozen of your predecessors. And marry, oh, as you want. In this article you will find a lot of tips on how to marry an avid bachelor. Read further.

How to charm a harass man?

He fascinates a cold man
He fascinates a cold man

Everything is simple here. Fake, captivate your bachelor with manners, a languid, quiet voice, heels, flowing dresses, and excerpts from Eugene Onegin. Make him dream of days and nights with you. And when time comes to the night, you disappear like Cinderella from the prince's castle.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What is most worried about men after 40 years?". You will find information about the psychology of a 40-year-old man of a married, divorced, bachelor.

You refer to religion, principles, vows, restoration of virginity after unsuccessful relationships. Anything that would justify your "no before marriage." There is a chance that such non -standard behavior will frighten a man. But it is much more likely that this, on the contrary, will spur his interest and excitement.

How to marry a non -claimed bachelor: tips

Talk about sexual relations, kiss, consider the Kama Sutra, but do not get to practice. Such a representative of the strong half of humanity, although it wears the title of an avid bachelor, continues to remain, first of all, a man - with his unconditional love for a woman and her body. No matter how he is articulated and did not try to look for pleasure on the side, his interest will be warmed up in the same way as weakening the determination to never marry.

If this option does not suit you, since you yourself are hunting for carnal pleasures, love each other, but do not rush to voice your feelings to a man. Behave, as if nothing had happened, without encroaching on his freedom and not naming the trifles. Refuse periodically from dates. Take gifts and compliments with due dignity. With the same yourself, arrange small unexpected surprises.

Marrying an avid bachelor is just
Marrying an avid bachelor is just

Here are the tips on how to marry an avid bachelor:

  • Write cute, but unrelenting messages to your beloved every day. Do this at the same time, accustoming it to a certain number of daily caresses. Sometimes miss the messages, forcing the bachelor to worry. Come up with an unusual compliment to what, it seems to you, no one has noticed before you. For example, we can say: “You have such an imperious, courageous admixture. He reminds me of at least Everest. ” A similar compliment will pop up in a man in his head when he looks in the mirror, or when his gaze accidentally finds himself on the part of the body that was praised. And together with the compliment, you remember - such a special and unique, remarking and loving everything in his man.

Advice: The main thing, do not show your interest in the ringing of a man, and then luck will smile at you in the form of a proposal to become his wife.

  • If your relationship is a little over a year, you can try to surround yourself and the bachelor atmosphere of the wedding celebration. In order to inadvertently bring his man to this, push him to the most important and serious step in his life. Watch films that would end with a wedding chepp-end. For example, the classics of American cinema "Funny Mordashka" with a charming Audrey Hepburn or a modern tearful "Hurry to love." Read the same books and attend the performances of such a subject. Go to the Wedding Dress Museum.
  • It will be good if you change the occupation and arrange for the wedding organizer. Or create a charitable group to help the wedding holiday to brides that do not have sufficient means to seek help from the agency. You can show your man the models of the upcoming holiday, consult with him on the issues of scenery, share ideas. You can ask him: “If you were in the place of the groom, would you like the cake in the form of a shoe?”, “If I made you an offer, would you agree to marry me?” By leading such conversations, you can open and outline a lot for yourself, understand in which direction to act and what to expect from a bachelor.
  • If your relationship is three years or more, we advise you to turn to heavy artillery. For example, to the mother of the future husband. Make friends with her. Start going shopping together and to exhibitions. Invite to visit and travel. Mom is usually the first lady of your man's heart. Therefore, she listens to her and her thoughts respect. Instead, there may be a sister, aunt, a best friend. The one whose opinion is authoritative for the bachelor, and whose advice he follows.
  • Order a tour to some country with a local wedding ceremony. And persuade common friends to present this tour as a gift for a bachelor's birthday, or for what other holiday. The rehearsal of the upcoming celebration alone in the morning is the first step to this very holiday.
  • If your man is a sense of jealousy, play it. Send yourself flowers and anonymous cards with admission to love.
  • Tell the bachelor that one fashion magazine invites you to move to the capital for work. Or that you are going to become a volunteer and go to Syria to save orphans. Or want to get a haircut in the nun. Give sound any proposal that awaits your soon decision, and requires parting if not forever, then for a long time. If your man all this time did not get some small push to marry you, such an action will become this very incentive.
  • In the end, get pregnant. This is a spare version of many women who want to hold a man or get what they want. A child is one of the most good reasons for a bachelor to take you to your wife. After all, here, you will have to encounter paperwork, which without decorated relationships, requires many additional and unnecessary troubles. Moreover, it is important for a man to give the child his last name and patronymic. And unmarried you can order a reward the baby with your surname. A similar situation is humiliating for any man. No, he will not take risks!

We sincerely wish you a speedy conclusion of a marriage with your obstinate, but infinitely beloved bachelor! And let the end justify the means spent on its achievement.

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