How to hint to a man about marriage and push him to marry: psychology, prayer

How to hint to a man about marriage and push him to marry: psychology, prayer

From this article you will find out why men are afraid to marry and how to achieve the desired offer of a hand and heart.

Today, the days are already slowly gone the past when men “ran” for girls with a proposal of their hands and heart. Today, the institution of marriage is gradually becoming obsolete. But this is only the opinion of sociologists. As a rule, men most often do not want to start a family. More than 60% of bachelors over 30 years old believe that the stamp in the passport is not at all obligatory and therefore it makes no sense to go to the registry office.

Why many men are afraid of marriage - the fear of marriage in men: Reasons

The man is afraid of marriage
The man is afraid of marriage

Often, women have to face the fact that their beloved is afraid to marry. Of course, the question arises - how to push a man to marry? However, before doing this, it is important to understand the reasons for this behavior.

The reasons why a man is afraid of marriage as follows:

  • Past life examples

If a man grew up in a family where love and harmony reigned, then he will not be afraid to marry. But when the situation was different - the parents constantly scandalized, hated each other and so on, then marriage to him will be a negative. Moreover, if his father constantly taught him so that his son would not get married. Even if a man understands that everything can be different, fear will still bother him.

  • Fear of losing freedom

Many men believe that you can only be happy when you are free. And marriage for them is a big restriction. After all, family life imposes a certain responsibility, makes you be attentive and caring. Not all men are ready to part with the advantages of a bachelor's life for the sake of ghostly family happiness.

Another man can count that he will depend on his wife and will no longer be able to do what he wants.

  • Fear of making a mistake
Fear of errors
Fear of errors

Men also dream of finding their soul mate too. Perhaps your beloved man does not seek to make an offer due to uncertainty that you are not the “only”. You may be surprised, but 80% of men are ready for marriage only by great love. And they are ready to wait for your woman as much as they like.

  • Fear of loving

The past always sets us behavior in the present. If a man is sure that feelings go out over time, then he will not rush to marriage. A man may be afraid that some time after marriage, he will drop his woman.

  • Fear of responsibility

As you know, in our society a man is considered the head of the family. This means that he should take care of his family in material and moral terms. It often seems to men that they will not be able to cope with their role and disappoint the woman.

  • Boredom and everyday difficulties

It seems to some men that marriage is boring. They are simply depressed when you have to plan vacations and weekends. If the partner himself is not ready to part with his freedom, then marriage for him will be akin to the cage.

  • Fear of becoming a father

It is logical that after registering marriage children are born. This is accepted in our society and many are even surprised when people get married, and their children do not appear for a long time. If a man is afraid to become a dad, then marriage to him will be something terrible.

  • Unwillingness to keep loyalty
Fear of being true
Fear of being true

The husband should always be true. Almost all women are shared by this opinion. Accordingly, marriage deprives a man of relations with any other women. Everyone knows that the men are polygamous, and this is in their instincts, but this does not mean that they cannot store fidelity. In any case, if at the moment the number of partners is important to a man, then do not try to drag him to the registry office - he is not ready for this.

  • Fear of being deceived

Women are often looking for men with some kind of calculation. So the opinion that women were in a hurry to the registry office simply to get a male soul, and most importantly, a wallet. There are such men who believe that a woman is marriage exclusively by calculation. So do not be surprised that your man does not go to the registry office with you.

  • Material difficulties

Sometimes the unwillingness to enter into official relations is associated with material difficulties. If a man believes that he will not be able to provide a family, then he will not go to marriage. Although, there are no cases that a man simply does not want to provide anyone.

In any case, marriage is a responsible decision, and if a man is in no hurry to join him, then it is not worth blaming him. Better to understand the reasons. Perhaps he is simply not yet ready for the family and tries to protect you in this way from mental injury.

What to do if a man jokingly speaks of marriage?

A man jokes about a wedding
A man jokes about a wedding

Many girls begin to worry about how to push a man to marry if he speaks of her only as a joke.

In fact, usually there are no reasons for experiences. Basically, this behavior suggests that a man already has thoughts about the wedding, but he is very afraid of refusal. He jokingly called married, you laughed and forgot. And if the girl agrees, then soon she can really get an offer.

Some, with all, even jokingly call themselves husband and wife, but their marriage is not officially registered. None of you are losing anything.

However, there is also a reverse situation when a man, on the contrary, does not want to go to the registry office too much and in this way checks if you agree with him. In other words, if he receives an agreement, he may begin to be afraid of this and even part with you.

In any case, here you need to watch by behavior. If you see that no one is in a hurry to get married, then talk carefully with your man to understand the reasons.

How to push a man to marry: Psychology

How to make a man get married?
How to make a man get married?

If you think how to push a man to marry, then several tricks from psychologists will come to the rescue:

  • You must want to get married yourself. Think about why you so much want to “ring” your man. If you have a goal, just tie him to yourself, leave his parents or just get new emotions, then it’s better not to even offer a marriage to a man. You should just want to be near, and not look for the reasons for this.
  • Do not talk about marriage out loud. This is a stereotype, but it is one of the faithful. Let the man make an offer himself. If you begin to hint about the wedding, then scare away. Even if you do everything because of high feelings, you should not put pressure on it.
  • Give him the most vivid emotions. This applies not only to intimate life, but also ordinary. If a man has always been a favorite of women, then find a way to reduce attention to his person. You should have a reason to see less often. The ideal option is to cover yourself with work. If he is too jealous, then do not provoke, but better give what he wants. Be original - this is not difficult.
Prove to him your fidelity
Prove to him your fidelity
  • Prove your loyalty. Be careful in your desire. You can’t first praise another man and then say about love for your own. This is clearly not evidence of fidelity. With this behavior, you obviously cannot achieve any love. Your task is to get trust from him. A great option, by the way, give a man access to his social networks. Such an act will say a lot.
  • Indifference to the wedding. If you accidentally talk about the wedding, then tell you briefly your opinion. Ideally, it is better to say that the stamp in the passport is not very important. This will only help you benefit from the situation, because many men have the same opinion. In other words, you must show what you think with your head.
  • Light his fear. Try to plan the future more often together. Become one whole. Try to be more together, but do not impose. Always calmly express your opinion. This will increase the chance of marriage. He is very afraid that you have no future. You must prove to him the opposite.
  • Fall in love with his mother. This is the best advice that you can give. Mother is always a potential rival. Her opinion is for many a law. So you must do everything to like the mother -in -law. If she praises you with a man, then he certainly will not refuse to marry.

If you are sitting and thinking that your relationship develops and it is time to switch to a new level, then discard these thoughts. Just enjoy a person. Do not put dust in the eyes to stand out to look. You must always prove your love to a man, not others.

Prayer for marriage and creating a family man: Read

Prayer for the marriage of a man
Prayer for the marriage of a man

There is a special prayer for men that allows you to bring marriage to life. Keep in mind if you think how to push a man to marriage, then this prayer is definitely not for you. He must read it himself:

Prayer to a man for marriage
Prayer to a man for marriage

Video: How to push a man for a wedding? Happy marriage

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