Why the man does not want to marry me: reasons. What to do to make a man get married?

Why the man does not want to marry me: reasons. What to do to make a man get married?

Do you live together for a long time or just meet, but is it in no hurry to make an offer? In our article you will find out why this is happening, and also what to do with it.

It seems that you have already done everything - and cook deliciously, and take care of yourself, and never scold it. And so it happened that he does not want to marry you and that's it. Wait, wait for the proposal, and your faithful with it is in no hurry, and indeed he believes that you live well. So why doesn't a man want to marry such a clever as you?

Why does a man don't want to marry me: reasons

Why don't a man marry me?
Why don't a man marry me?

There are many reasons why a man does not make a marriage proposal and we will talk about the most popular.

  • He has a wife

Set aside for a short time the usual literature and ask him for a passport. Maybe he has long has a wife and children, and you do not even know about it. And why do you think he knows so much about raising children and the characteristics of women?

  • You are a spare option

While he is with others, you remain in the rows of spare ones. And then he appears after the next novel and everything seems to be fine, but when a new option is planned, he leaves again.

  • He likes cars more

The essence is such that men from childhood more like cars. This is women like a mother-mother. In adulthood, nothing changes. So, if he likes to mess with his car, and not with children, then you should wait. Perhaps his opinion will change.

  • He considers you hysterical

If you have a disaster all the time, you have already broken all the dishes, and just lost a saw a couple of days ago, then it is surprising that they do not want to get married. You don’t even have to write off everything on the PMS, because you have it all year round.

  • He has little money
Why doesn't he get married?
Why doesn't he get married?

In such a situation, it is worthwhile to rejoice for his man, because he turned out to be decent. When a man does not have enough money in his wallet, he tries to either find a rich bride or earn at first. It’s just that a man is pleased to think that he is able to give you everything that you are worthy.

  • He has not yet moved away from the past

Many believe that men always calmly tolerate parting, but this is not so. Some worry is especially difficult and therefore do not put pressure with marriage. Maybe he had not yet healed old wounds and he did not have time to recover.

  • He wants to play

Do you think he is interested in preparing for a wedding, shopping campaigns and much more? Forget! He is waiting for a super-team, which will now enter into an important battle. Well, if you bring him sandwiches and tea, but it is better if you just leave then until he again wants to eat.

  • Freedom is important to him

He loves to relax with friends in the bathhouse, with his girlfriends, and then you call him and ask where he is. And in the evening, you still arrange a scandal about jealousy. Does he need it?

  • He is afraid to be a son -in -law

There are men who definitely do not want to carry mom to the country, and indeed somehow contact her. And I want to portray an exemplary family man, digging up on weekends. He is simply not ready to enjoy jars and so on.

  • Friends are more important to him

They do not understand at all what you hooked him, because you do not suit him. Not only did he now spend less time with them, but also changed into a strict costume. Friends try to protect him from such strong changes in his life. You can doubt, he will definitely return to them and stop wearing a suit, and you will wait for him to make you an offer.

  • You annoy him

When you come to him for several hours, then it is still carried out for him. But in the mornings, he was used to drinking a bottle of beer and biting a sausage. And here you force him to eat right, load gossip about friends, constantly flicker and do not give sleep. Yes, and you are constantly reproaching him that he does not listen to you.

  • He is an introvert

Or it can even be called a sociopath. He always does all alone. Yes, he can meet you, but this does not mean that he is ready to let you into his life. If he still manages to cope with him, then perhaps you will wait for your own.

  • You don't know how to cook

Do not think that a man will call you if you do not know how to cook. If you think that a cook should stand at the stove, and a man must provide it, then this is clearly not a plus for you. Learn to cook, because you want to win your man.

  • He loves order in everything

If you do not like to look and throw your things everywhere, then this will also scare the man. Undoubtedly, he will meet you, it does not interfere, but for marriage you obviously do not suit him. So get used to order.

  • He doesn't love you

Yes, you are sweet, kind, the best for him, he eats with pleasure cutlets, but only there is no need to spend the night. He was silent, because I have long understood that you were not for him. You do not inspire and he does not want to grab stars from the sky, conquer Everest or something else.

Now you know that a man can really have reasons so as not to get married, but what to do with it?

Co -accommodation - is it worth: advantages and disadvantages

Is it worth living together?

Yes, of course, when you are in love with your man, it seems that he is ideal and you want to start living together as soon as possible. But here it is necessary to evaluate certain advantages and disadvantages.

  • Advantages:

You can find out a better person

Until you live together - this is one thing, but a joint farm is already completely different. When you are constantly with a person, he can no longer restrain his habits and begins to show them.

It’s easier for you to understand if you come to each other

There are situations when you seem to love a person, but you don’t want to live with him. Perhaps you came together and then realized that your lifestyle is very different. Yes, you can spend time with some people very well, but if you get closer even more, it can become a real nightmare.

You will check if the man is ready for marriage

Only when you make decisions together, distribute home responsibilities and purchases, then only then you get a good team. If you solve everything alone, then nothing will work out.

  • Flaws:

Your love can collapse

The fact is that too fast moving can become too heavy for you if your attitude to this is not ready.

Yes, life together can be happy, but only when you are both ready for this. If you came together very early, you made a mistake. In this case, your relationship can very quickly deteriorate and lead to parting.

There are several reasons why people make this decision:

  • I would like to save
  • One lives well, and the second is not too much
  • I would like to spend more time together
  • One partner is afraid that the second will leave
  • To make where to spend time together if both live with parents
  • One of the partners oppresses the atmosphere in the family

The danger of quick relationships is not only that feelings can cool down, but also that people can still remain together, even if they no longer want this. The reason may be a habit or indecision.

This is exactly one of the problems. It seems to be like, one was already disappointed, but got used to this person, and it is extremely difficult to fight with habits.

That's how they live under one roof, expecting that they will meet an ideal person who will help give up a bad habit.

You are emotionally relaxed

So, you finally come together, live happily and relax. Maybe even both. Undoubtedly, you can cope with this if both partners want.

Moreover, when people begin to live together, they pay less attention to each other, believing that the partner will not go anywhere.

Creating the visibility of the family

Yes, some live together and create the illusion of the family, but they are very afraid of marriage and therefore do not go to the registry office to the last. Perhaps they have already tried to create a family and they did not succeed or they have a parental example before their eyes.

A man does not want to marry me - what to do?

What to do if he does not marry me?

Marriage is not just a beautiful wedding and receiving an official piece of paper. This is not only the exchange of rings, not a photo from a wedding trip, and so on. Marriage is a constant confirmation of feelings, and you yourself have made such a decision. Think about whether you want to marry if there is no magnificent dress, guests, restaurant and so on? Just registration and that's it. If you are not ready for this, then your love is not so strong.

Do not forget that marriage is in your heart, and not in the registry office. This is your personal choice. Is it necessary to put a stamp in the passport and roll up a noisy celebration, if you are so happy?

If a man does not want to marry you and he doesn’t even need registration, then talk to him and find out, maybe he has some kind of prejudice. No need to be silent about this problem if it bothers you. If your man does not want to switch to a new level in a relationship, then it is better to leave.

If a man says that his attitude towards you is serious, but does not want to marry, then it is worth finding out why this is happening. You need to find out if your relationship has a prospect. Let him know that you do not need a relationship that has no future. Ask under what conditions he will agree to go to a new level. Often men are simply afraid, especially if they have divorced once.

According to the answers, you can already understand what your couple has, as well as how to cope with the fears of your man.

I want to get married, but he does not make an offer
I want to get married, but he does not make an offer

How to make him get married?

You can explain a lot to him and convince that you do not need a chic wedding or definitely not leave him like a former wife. In any case, the problem must be discussed if you want the relationship to develop. In addition, he must feel your support that you are ready to meet him and help solve problems.

So, for rapprochement and happiness, you need to trust each other more and talk. Then everything will be fine with you.

If your man is constantly trying to get away from a conversation or agree with you, but is time, then you are unlikely to have some future. Maybe he is just convenient with you.

Sometimes relationships can reach a point when you need to decide - to leave or stay. But this decision should be made only when nothing helps and you understand that it is simply impossible to live on.

Put a clear ultimatum to the man. He must understand why you are doing this, what you need and under what conditions you will remain. But you must be ready to fulfill your threat. Otherwise, you will simply not be taken seriously.

Undoubtedly, there is a danger that you will not return back, but if you really want a family, then you should abandon the relationship without perspective for several reasons:

  • Such relationships can be delayed for many years and this will definitely not please you. Every year it will only become worse
  • Having parted with a man, you can start looking for another man who will appreciate you with a light heart
  • You make a man be confused because you stopped asking and persuading, but simply leave one with your thoughts
  • If he goes to a meeting, then you will become the main thing in this situation. That is, now you can set your conditions, and not accept them
  • If he still does not change his mind, then you will get rid of waiting on time

If the parting took place and the man decided that he wants to marry you, then return, but be sure to achieve what you want. No need to let him think that I have received you back and you can calm down.

Is it worth it to get away from him if he does not marry?

Very often, women think that when they are married, their life will change. But only their expectations are not justified. It is understandable, because marriage is a multiple increase, which makes only more advantages and disadvantages of each other, which were before. So if you already have a lot of disagreements, then why get married at all?

Indeed, in reality, marriage is only an external manifestation of feelings and this is not all that can be obtained from relationships.

People can be happy for a very long time and without a stamp in the passport. Or maybe vice versa - the wedding was beautiful, a journey, registration and even children. But only two remain simple cohabitants, each of which has its own life.

There are a lot of women who simply rejoice in marriage, do not even really communicate with their husband and were generally disappointed in relations. So do not forget about this at the next attempt to ring your chosen one.

There are a huge number of ways that will make the man go to the registry office with you, but none of them guarantees that they will love you and make you happy.

Video: How to make a man get married? Two reasons why a man does not marry a woman

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