Types of bachelors with which you can’t build a pair: TOP-10, reviews of women, real stories

Types of bachelors with which you can’t build a pair: TOP-10, reviews of women, real stories

So what prevents the current bachelors to connect themselves with the bonds - the reasons for each are different, but there are ten pronounced types, we will talk about this in the article. After all, the girls should learn to recognize them in order to, having left “hunting”, choose the only correct tactics of behavior for themselves.

Every year, a rather solid company of bachelors is replenished with new and new adherents. But girls, as before, dream of creating a family, about a child, of their only and unique prince on a white horse. But often her “prince” at the first signs of the matrimonial plans of his girlfriend quickly saddles his horse - and it was like that! Only he saw him.

Types of bachelors with which you can’t build a couple

  • Everything flows, everything changes. Somehow imperceptibly, gradually in our lives there are indigenous changes in all areas. The new trend and institution of marriage did not bypass.
  • If earlier the vast majority of Russian men met their thirty years for a long time and firmly married, had children, now a completely different picture is being traced.
  • Today's young people have abruptly changed their attitude to marriage, family and obligations that will certainly arise in the event of the election of a life partner.
  • We offer to get acquainted with types of bachelorsthat are not suitable for building a couple.

"Perfect" man

  • This one considers itself unique and perfect, so all of itself narcissus. It is clear that such type of bachelors It is almost impossible to find a worthy pair.
  • As he believes, all the girls who meet on his life path have a lot of disadvantages. And, therefore, they are not worthy of such a noble and ideal person, which he imagined himself.
  • Obviously, this type of bachelors is the most an incredulous and persistent In defending their positions. Since it is not easy to break his life credo, and more often it is simply impossible, you can safely give the girls a friendly advice - run away from him as far as possible!
  • Otherwise, you will have to play the role unusual for you all your life. pai girls, But this, as a rule, does not lead to anything good.

History of life together

  • That's the same Veronica, a pretty and shallow young woman, fell in love with a handsome George. You would know how much strength and tricks had to be attached to her in order to win it! I put years on it. And, I must say, the handsome finally gave up. There was a wedding, rings, guests, happy to the impossibility of a bride.
  • Then, in the due date, their daughter Lyubasha was born. It seemed that everything was fine with them, at least in public, only Veronica went some gloomy. But no one climbed into her soul. And suddenly, like a thunder in the middle of a clear sky, Vera took the child and returned to her parents, filed for divorce. And then she burst out, a lot of things she predicted to her friends.
  • Her husband was always dressed, her husband was always fashionable, he never spared money on himself, his beloved, he and his daughter, as they say, only fell from the barbell. I sat on maternity leave, there were never unnecessary funds. And the beloved, if he sometimes gave her his hard -earned earned, always demanded a report for them - what she spent on, how much surrender was left.
  • And he was always unhappy with something, then on the trousers the arrow was badly ironed, then, squinting, the knot of the tie did not learn to tie, then the table for him, beloved, was not so served. It reached the ridiculous, did not even hesitate to look into the pots, they say, it was bad to take off from the broth. And he eat him.
  • Terled Veronica, these sophisticated moral bullying, until the nerves did not pass at all. And she fled from this Narcissus, losing slippers. Yes, he did not drink and did not smoke, his health is his precious coast. And he did not raise his hand to his wife, and the handsome man is such that you rarely meet, and far from a fool. And living next to this is simply impossible.

Completely alone

  • The type of bachelor is an avid loner. Often, even from the school bench, he meets with the girl he liked - gradually his feelings fade away. For some reason (his girlfriend died of illness, went abroad, married another-there are many options) he was alone.
  • I loaded this future bachelor A little (a habit is a habit!) And suddenly realized how cool it is to live without control, without any obligation, to do what used to be a “forbidden fruit”.
  • Quite, as in that “bearded” joke: the wife died, the husband is sad, completely, they say, one. Then he thought and after a while he went in a shortage: “Absolutely alone! Completely alone!".


  • In our modern world, there are still, to put it mildly, not very rational beliefs and traditions. Russia is multinational, and in some ethnic communities it is customary to make marriages only with women of their nationality.
  • Black -haired men often like blondes, but parents and relatives simply will not allow them to marry one of them. And what kind of a black girlfriend, whom the caring dad with mom for their offspring, looked at the registry office, does not want to lead to the registry office!
  • Once you have to do this-they will force, otherwise you look, and they will deprive the inheritance. But let it happen better later - the guys argue approximately like this.
  • The family for them is a holy and divorce is usually impossible. So there will be such type of bachelors Pull the strap to the end, from time to time walking from your faithful. In such families, marriage will be strong, but not very happy.
National relations
National relations


  • "All women are bitch and witches!" - That's how the feminins argue. You should not approach this - he will offend, insult or silently pass by, only with his eyes contemptuously snort in your direction.
  • And the girl’s sensation, as if she had been doused from head to toe with slop and her mood was lost for the whole day. Actually, women instinctively feel such feminins and try to bypass them.
  • Which is the cause of dislike for the weak floor of such like bachelors? Often - this betrayal, or deep resentment, inflicted in his early youth by his girlfriend.

Lyubov boy

  • A nice shirt-party-at school was always in sight, as a rule, a good athlete, knew how to stand up for himself.
  • Balagur and merrycock, maybe even a little hooligan and emancipated. Usually Poser, rather, in order to show off in front of classmates, somewhere around the corner of the school he could smoke a cigarette, and the beer from the neck of the bottle.
  • It is clear that the girls fell in love with such a hero, because he should not have taken possession of their attention. But the years passed, and after a dozen or two, after graduating from school, a beloved boy suddenly realized that acting was still just ridiculous.
  • The peers were married or achieved something in this life on their own. And young animals do not care about his previous school victories. And so he slowly moved to another Type of bachelors.


  • Both at school and at the university he studied successfully, because he was interested in “gnawing the granite of science”, unlike the majority. And with classmates (so primitive!) He was just bored.
  • One hundred percent such nerd took place as a professional at his workplace. After all, he is so smart! So demanded! He knows everything and knows everything, just some kind of walking encyclopedia. But in pursuit of knowledge, he somehow raped his personal life.
  • Typically, the botans are quiet, non-conflict and intelligent, but are clamped in some kind of led convention. Often they are unsportsmaning (there is no time to pump up their muscles!) And awkward, therefore they believe that they cannot count on female attention.
  • If the girl decides to connect her life with such a botan, then it can be tamed. It is practically the only type of bachelorswith whom you can build a happy family life.

The bachelor is involuntarily

  • He would “be glad to heaven, but they don’t let sins.” I fell in love more than once, but I have never done the proposals of the hand and heart. Something interfered all the time-then the work is urgent, then the lack of funds for this, lack of personal housing, but you never know what else!
  • As a result, the girls arranged their personal life, without waiting for a wedding ring from him. And with each woman leaving his life, it becomes more complicated and more difficult to meet the only and unique. And the years are going! So he goes into another Type of bachelors our rating.

A convinced bachelor

  • Such the type of bachelors of women is interested in, And how! But only as bed friends. More-no, no! Remember how Lukashin spoke in the "Irony of Fate": "He will flicker before his eyes back and forth!" They are so comfortable, as a rule, they will be able to eat for themselves, and get out in the apartment.
  • Why let someone else's life into your life, to adapt to someone?

History of life together

  • One such “convinced” Nikolai had already hit one such “convinced”, and he walks in bachelors. But, however, the demon somehow traveled, signed with Natalia, with whom he met at that time. And she was beautiful, and was slim, and rather shallow, if she could turn him then, about ten years ago.
  • However, our hero of that family life was enough for only two months. Then he told his friends that, they say, she herself wanted to get a ring on a finger, but he didn’t really seek this. She made him an offer, she dragged it to the registry office. And then she did not allow him to meet with his mother and friends, go to the bathhouse on Saturdays. She wanted her to sit with her all the time. And he got bored soon, and ran to his mommy.
  • And now, a dozen years later, his one -year -old Olga took a closer look at him. And what? There are no children, but there is an apartment, the position is prestigious and rather monetary. Both were not married, but hid from everyone for some reason, as if they were engaged in theft.
  • So several years have passed. At sea - separately, on the holidays - too. And even though Nikolai’s romantic-and Olga read, and played on the guitar, and shared his plans (but in them, these plans, there was no place for her), this 50-year-old woman suddenly transmitted: “And I need all this in a fig. ? ". It is already good that he quickly understood it, did not get it once again, to see, he switched to some other gullible fool.


  • This type of bachelor, like a mole from the "inch" will carefully calculate how many "bread grains" she eats in her life. The wife will demand a new dress, a handbag, or also a fur coat!
  • The redneck is not greedy only for himself - he will accumulate on the car, and on the phone is steep, and on a fat, melting in the mouth, sturgeon. It was not enough to share with someone else, let this someone divides your bed with you. Let it work on yourself! And you will marry - the children will go, the costs again. And besides, no one is guaranteed from anything, suddenly a divorce, alimony.
Greedy but not for yourself
Greedy but not for yourself
  • From such thoughts given type of bachelorswill run from women, like hell! Yes, and the women themselves why do you need gloom? It is impossible to live with them without a tooth rattle.

History of life together

  • The thirty -year -old Nina dared to converge with a civil marriage with Ivan, although she knew about his pressingness. “Still, he is 12 years older than me, I will have and cherish me,” our heroine secretly hoped. And he promised a lot of things to her, he was with money, because besides his work and at home he worked, he was repairing cars. Recently, Nina was reduced from the company where she worked. I have not found a new one yet, I was in search.
  • Ivan’s wide gestures were enough for exactly two weeks. Then he stopped buying products, began to hide a cigarette from Nina (she had such a pernicious habit). She also began to pronounce her that, they say, she is not a mistress and money, a hazelnik, does not make money at all. She did not endure it, she left, slamming the door. And soon, work was good for her. And those few weeks spent with a ruble still recalls as a nightmare.

Hit hands

  • This type of bachelors does not succeed in life! Favorite women are leaving, but the work is unloved. Sad and bad in the soul.
  • One joy on the soul is to wait for Friday-Exverter, go to the bar with friends, “prick and forget”, again feel your significance and need. Meanwhile, women bypass the luster-luster of the tenth road.

Women's reviews about the types of bachelors with whom you can’t build a couple

Reviews of women about the types of bachelors:

  • Elena, 53 years old: Unfortunately, the man with whom I met for five years turned out to be the same “convinced bachelor” in the kind of happy that he has a relationship with me, seems to be ready for their official registration ... But, then a long business trip, then the uncle was sick (you need to go and look after a relative) - and such reasons were constantly gaining decently. And when I raised the question by an edge, he somehow wilted and disappeared. I don’t know how his fate will be further, but personally I am glad that I put an end to our relationship.
  • Oksana, 19 years old: I came across in my life “Lyubov Boy”-the most cool guy in the whole school. When he began to give me signs of attention, almost crazy with happiness did not go away. They began to meet, but to a serious relationship, thank God, it did not come. After all, my family is strict - everything is only through the registry office, and he heard, so he grabbed his head. At first I suffered very much, even with my mother quarreled greatly because of this, and now I am grateful to my relatives for their position. After all, Maxim ruined his life with several girls, but he never thought of marrying ...
  • Irina, 33 years: I have a history of an unsuccessful marriage and two children who have to raise one. And, like all women, I really lack male support. Once I met Eugene - a pleasant man, does not drink and does not smoke, just an ideal! I thought that she grabbed a winning lottery ticket, but after several months of the meeting she suddenly realized that he was an ordinary “Globe”. And in a cafe we \u200b\u200beveryone pay for ourselves, and he will never even buy sweets for my children. The limit of my patience was his statement that he was ready to bring me to the sea, but he does not count on my children. Immediately sent him to hell!

Video: What men will remain alone?

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