How to heat a garage or summer cottage in winter: inexpensive and economical methods. Is it possible to safely and effectively warm the garage with a soldering lamp?

How to heat a garage or summer cottage in winter: inexpensive and economical methods. Is it possible to safely and effectively warm the garage with a soldering lamp?

In this article you will find several inexpensive and effective methods of heating the garage or summer cottage in winter.

In winter cold in the garage and in the country, it is not very comfortable. But many use these premises as a place where you can do different economic affairs. And I would like to come to the cottage in the winter. To make your stay comfortable, it is necessary to heat these rooms. How to do this efficiently and cheaply described in this article. Read further.

How best and what cheaply, efficiently and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in the winter without electricity and stove - cheap ways with your own hands: inexpensive, economically

The first step to heating the garage or summer cottage is the right insulation. It is better to warm the walls both outside and from the inside. Attention should also be paid to the floor - to cover it with heat -insulating material.

  • One of the simplest and most universal options as a heater is polystyrene foam (polystyrene).
  • It is glued to the walls with ordinary mounting foam.
  • The joints between the sheets of the material need to be glued, for example, by ordinary adhesive tape.
  • And also in addition to walls, thermal insulation of the ceiling and gate.

Read on our site an article on how to warm the house - Cheap and economical. Now let's look at how better and what cheaply, efficiently and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in winter without electricity and stove. The heating system is not necessary to order from professionals. It is quite possible to make it with your own hands.

Here are cheap ways with your own hands - inexpensive and economical:

Water heating is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
Water heating is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter

Water heatingThe water heating system includes:

  • Boiler
  • Complex of pipes and radiators
  • Expansion tank

If desired and skill, you can independently assemble a boiler or stove, connect an old radiator, and make an expansion tank from a conventional plastic container. In this case, to achieve a positive temperature regime in any room is real at minimal financial costs.

It is worth noting:

  • If the garage is located next to the house, then in this case you do not have to go to additional costs and connect a separate boiler.
  • You can connect heating to heat supply at home, creating a single heating system.
  • One radiator is enough for heating. How many sections - it depends on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe room. The larger it is, the more and the number of sections.

However, more often you have to equip heating with a separate boiler. The connection scheme is one and two-pipe. A single -pipe scheme is suitable for the garage - it has a fairly simple installation, in addition, expenses are minimized. If the room is large, for a full heating, you need to mount a two -pipe scheme.

Important: As a coolant, it is not recommended to use ordinary water, since it will have to be constantly drained from the pipes so that they do not break in the cold. It is better to use non -freezing fluid (antifreeze).

A similar type of heating is good in that it evenly distributes heat throughout the room and persists for a long time. The heating system is most effective and inexpensive as possible.

Air heating is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
Air heating is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter

Air heating:

  • Using such heating, you can not only warm, but also ventilate the room.
  • This is a quick and cheap way.
  • It consists in installing a duct made of metal pipes with deflectors, through which air comes from the heat -curtain or heat gun.

The main advantage of air heating is quick heating. This option allows you to supply heat to where the workplace is located, and, therefore, save without spending on heating the entire room. The design of the heating system is quite simple. Its main disadvantage is the overdrying of air, but this drawback is easy to get rid of ventilation.

How and what is economical, effectively and safely warm the garage or summer cottage in winter electricity: convector

The convector is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
The convector is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter

Electricity heating is one of the most popular and very economical ways. Especially if the garage or cottage is located far and have a small area. But it should be noted that this method of heating is good only as a temporary solution. Otherwise, electricity accounts can be upset. How and what is economical, efficiently and safely warm the garage or summer cottage in winter with electricity?

Advantages of such heating:

  1. Convenience and safety
  2. A wide selection of electric heaters at an affordable price
  3. Easy to move
  4. Fast heating


  1. Some devices make noise during operation
  2. High electricity consumption

There are several varieties of electric heaters. We describe the work, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of some of them.


  • The principle of operation of the device boils down to the fact that cold air drops down, displacing the warm, and warm air rises up, cools and then drops down.
  • Air circulation occurs - convection.
  • When choosing a device, you need to pay attention to the type of heating element.
  • Models with heater are preferable - they do not burn dust and oxygen.

The advantages of the convector:

  1. Speed \u200b\u200bin heating the room
  2. Safety and simplicity in operation
  3. Durability
  4. Suitable for work in wet and dusty rooms

The disadvantages of the convector:

  1. High electricity consumption
  2. Has a higher cost compared to other heaters
  3. Dries the air
Thermalcenerator is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
Thermalcenerator is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter


  • The device inflates the air throughout the room, which passed through the heating element.
  • It is able to automatically turn off in case of overheating or overturning.
  • It is equipped with a regulator that allows you to set the required temperature.

The pluses of thermal talent:

  1. Simplicity of operation
  2. Does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere
  3. Compact dimensions
  4. Fast heating
  5. Low cost

Cons of thermal talent:

  1. It dries the air strongly
  2. Dust accumulated in Ten is dangerous
  3. Noisiness
  4. Increased electricity consumption
The heat gun is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
The heat gun is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter

Thermal gun:

  • If a heat -censer is enough in the summer cottage, then it is better to use a heat gun in the garage.
  • It has a more durable metal case and high power.
  • This electrical appliances convenient in operation provides quick and effective heating of the room.
  • The gun consists of electric heaters and high -power fan, which intensively blows the heater with air.
  • This design allows the heat to efficiently and quickly spread over the area.

The pluses of the heat gun:

  1. Quick warming
  2. Compactness and mobility
  3. Ease of use

Cons of the heat gun:

  1. Consumes a large amount of electricity
  2. Creates dusty air
Infrared heater is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
Infrared heater is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter


  • The operation of the device is based on infrared radiations that heat not air, but objects located in front of them, and they give heat to the room.
  • The effect is from the flame of a fire or sunlight.
  • The heater is good to use in the summer cottage.
  • In the garage, it is advisable to install it so that the rays do not hurt the car (they will spoil the paint), but were directed to the gate.

The advantages of the infrared heater:

  1. Quickly warms small rooms
  2. Does not burn oxygen, does not dry the air
  3. Can be installed on any surface
  4. Reliability and safety during operation
  5. Noiselessness - suitable for residential premises
  6. Economical electricity consumption

Cons of infrared heater:

  1. Use on limited area
  2. A fairly high cost
  3. Perhaps a deterioration in well -being, if you have been in the zone of its impact for a long time.
The oil heater is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter
The oil heater is suitable for heating the garage or summer cottage in winter

Oil heater (radiator):

  • The device is a reservoir in which a heating element with butter is enclosed.
  • Oil as a coolant heats up for a long time, but also cools down for a long time, maintaining a high temperature in the room.
  • The heater is suitable for an apartment and a cottage.

The pluses of the oil heater:

  1. Noiselessness
  2. Does not burn oxygen, does not dry the air
  3. Mobility
  4. It can work for a long time
  5. It consumes a little electricity

The disadvantages of the radiator:

  1. Warm up for a long time
  2. Heavy weight
  3. The case heats up a lot, because of which it is possible to get a burn, especially if small children are nearby

CONCLUSION: The most economical heater can be considered infrared, since it consumes the least electricity in comparison with other types of electric heaters. The most uneconomic is a heat gun that lets a large flow of air through itself, which is noticeably spilled into considerable numbers in the accounts.

How best to heat it safely and efficiently large capital garage 25, 28, 54 sq.m2 or summer cottage with gas: options

Liquefied gas is a great option for heating a garage or summer cottage in winter
Liquefied gas is a great option for heating a garage or summer cottage in winter

Based on the cost, then blue fuel is the most economical way of heating the garage and summer cottage. But to connect to the gas line, it is necessary to issue a resolution of special services, and this is long and consistent. How best to heat it safely and efficiently large capital garage 25, 28, 54 sq. M2 Or a summer cottage with gas? A few options will be described below.

You can use liquefied gas (in cylinders), but there are a number of pitfalls here:

  • So that the cylinder does not interfere, you need to take an additional place for him.
  • The equipment must be factory manufacturing.
  • Periodically, the cylinder needs to be refueled.
  • It will be necessary to build a chimneys with access to the street.

Advice: It is easier to choose a device operating on gas - convector, gas heat gun or infrared gas heater. With the help of such devices, you can qualitatively heat any room.

For large garages or summer cottages, a gas gun is well suited. During its operation, there is no smell of combustion products, however, the room must be ventilated, since carrier gas is released when burning fuel. There are no automatic temperature control in gas guns. All management is carried out manually.

Advantages gas heating:

  1. Low fuel price
  2. Simplicity of installation
  3. Reliability
  4. Fast heating


  1. Explosive hazard
  2. Large expenses for the arrangement of the system

In addition, it is difficult to connect a gas heater at low temperatures.

Is it possible to effectively and safely warm the garage or summer cottage to effectively and safely?

The thermal curtain will help effectively and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in winter
The thermal curtain will help effectively and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in winter

Many people at the entrances to stores came across this type of heaters - they blow the doorway with warm air, not allowing the cold to get into the room outside. Is it possible to effectively and safely warm the garage or summer cottage to effectively and safely?

Due to intensive blowing with warm air, the device is able to heat a small garage or summer cottage in a short time. Therefore, the thermal curtain is an excellent solution for buildings of this type.

There are two types of curtains:

  1. Water. This thermal curtain works like this - with hot water, the fan, blowing the heat exchanger, supply heated air is brought to it. A similar type is less expensive in operation and more economical.
  2. Electric. Such a thermal curtain has a heating element, as well as a blowing fan. The device is more energy -consuming, but also more effective compared to a water curtain.

pros thermal curtain:

  1. Reducing heat loss
  2. Insect and dust protection
  3. Hot air protection in the summer


  1. High price
  2. It makes noise
  3. Large electricity consumption

Despite the disadvantages, many owners of cottages and garages still prefer this type of heating of such premises.

How and what is better to heat cheaply, efficiently and safely small metal, iron garage or summer cottage in winter with your own hands?

The boiler in waste oil is suitable for heating a metal garage in winter
The boiler in waste oil is suitable for heating a metal garage in winter

No need to abandon traditional furnace heating. A solid furnace that can be built with your own hands will warm a small garage well. They are metallic (bourgeois and Bulerian) and brick.

  • Metal and brick furnaces require supervision, but for temporary heating they are suitable like no other heating device.
  • It will be possible to warm the garage, even in the absence of electricity.

How and what else is better to heat cheaply, efficiently and safely small metal, iron garage or summer cottage in winter with your own hands? Instead of a homemade furnace, you can buy a finished solid fuel boiler. It is economical, easy to handle and compact, does not require continuous supervision. Like stoves, the boiler is beneficial due to the affordable type of fuel. You can drown anything:

  • Firewood
  • Coal
  • Various waste: cutting wood, sawdust

pros solid fuel system:

  1. Simplicity of operation
  2. Cheap fuel
  3. Fast warming up of the room

Minuses solid fuel system:

  1. Fire hazard
  2. Constant flame support
  3. The construction of the chimney
  4. The need for a special place for storing fuel

Also excellent fuel can be worked out - used oil.

  • The heater is enough to assemble yourself.
  • It consists of two combustion chambers: oil burns in one, in the second - the combustible gas formed in the process.
  • The floor around the furnace should be covered with firewall, as well as provide good ventilation in the garage.

The pluses of the liquid fuel system:

  1. Economy
  2. Simple installation
  3. Available fuel

Cons of the liquid fuel system:

  1. Fire hazard
  2. Regular cleaning is required
  3. The construction of the chimney
  4. Warm up for a long time

Despite the fact that this type of heating has more minuses, many owners of metal garages use it to heat the room.

Is it possible to safely and effectively warm the garage or summer cottage with a soldering lamp?

The soldering lamp is not suitable for effective and safe heating of the garage in winter
The soldering lamp is not suitable for effective and safe heating of the garage in winter

Heating with a soldering lamp is meaningless if this device is used directly to heat the garage. It can be heated with heat -intensive objects, for example, large stones that will heat heat into the room.

  • The gasoline soldering lamp makes noise and emits harmful substances when burning. The garage must be ventilated.
  • A gas soldering lamp (burner) is noisy and does not emit dangerous gases.

Both types of lamps are suitable for typing furnaces, but not as an independent heater. In addition, the use of a soldering lamp is dangerous with fire and burns. Therefore, it is worth concluding that it is impossible to safely and effectively heat the garage or the premises of the summer cottage with a shares.

How is it cheap, efficiently and safe to warm the garage or summer cottage in Sochi?

Bourgeois stove will help effectively and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in Sochi
Bourgeois stove will help effectively and safely heat the garage or summer cottage in Sochi
In the south of the country, it is warm enough, but in raw dank weather I would like to be in comfortable conditions. Electric heaters are the most convenient and simple way, but at the same time the most costly. Fuel stoves are a cheap option, but at the same time time -consuming. Approximately in the middle of the above indicators, gas heating is located. But the organization of this heating system needs to be pretty to spend money. What is cheap, efficiently and safely warm the garage or summer cottage in Sochi?
A good option would be to use several different methods for heating the garage or summer cottage.
  • It will help as ordinary bourgeal stove, so infrared heaterwho has a function of maintaining a given temperature.
  • Modern models of bourgeois are compact and convenience. Their main advantage is high energy efficiency. One laying of firewood is enough for 8-10 hours.
  • For heating the summer cottage in Sochi Great for Kamin stove. This device combines the characteristics of the furnace and fireplace. It's nice to watch how the flame burns in the furnace and enjoy warmth.
  • Also, comfortable conditions can be created using in everyday life electric mattress or sheet.
A very economical and convenient heating option is a film infrared heater, which is laid directly under the carpet or linoleum. Such a device perfectly warms up large surfaces. Unlike other systems, the infrared heating system is not afraid of drafts, does not overdry air.
Advice:Before starting to heat the room, you need to open the garage gates or windows in the country, arranging a draft for 5 minutes. Fresh air warms up faster.

Video: cheap giving heating

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