How to learn optimism? How to be an optimist: 12 tips

How to learn optimism? How to be an optimist: 12 tips

Do not know how to learn optimism and live easily, regardless of problems? You need to look at life with a positive.

Optimism is an attitude that allows you to look in person contrary to everything. This attitude not only forces us to make the right decisions, but can also fill our environment with positive energy.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Simple joys of life: List".

Try to compare optimistic people with those who constantly complain. Both have the same problems, but the optimist does not give up so easily. He is more sincere and does not feel bad, even if he did not succeed.

What is optimism: how to learn?


Optimism is a life choice. And some people are born quite successful to have this character since childhood. But for others, optimism is a character trait that cannot be realized. The reasons, of course, are different. Some may have been born in toxic families, survived traumatic events, have special diseases, such as an alarming disorders.

But, despite these difficulties, a person can change his life concept to a more positive one. In the end, people always have a choice to change. Learning optimism is simple. You need to follow certain life concepts. Below are 12 tips on how to become an optimist. Read further.

How to be an optimist: 12 tips

If you decide to change your usual situation, and it’s easy to go through life, then you should learn optimism. Such people succeed, and desires almost always come true. Do you want the same? So let's study 12 ways to help become an optimist:

  • Learn to be grateful

A grateful person is characterized by a joyful attitude to what he has. Such people do not complain, even when they are faced with difficulties. They can always see the positive side in a particular incident.

  • Do not compare yourself with those who are more successful

Stop comparing yourself with those who are more successful in life. You will not acquire great benefits from such behavior. Moreover, you will only get a lot of harm. When you compare yourself with a more successful person, you have only two opportunities. Firstly, you become envious and biased. Secondly, you fall into great depression and, as a result, have low self-esteem.

People are born into this world not for this. Everyone has their own life, and it is better to focus on it. Even if you feel that you are still missing, focus on self-improvement. Be satisfied with the changes that you spend in your life, even if they are insignificant.

  • Do not perceive what is happening close to heart

One of the habits that should be avoided if you want to be an optimist is excessive sensitivity. A suspended person always accepts the words and actions of other people close to the heart. Gradually it becomes sad for you, then you begin to be angry. Of course, these two positions are far from optimistic behavior. Therefore, you need to organize your internal energy so that it is more calm. Do not pay attention to what people who offend you say.

ADVICE: If you succeed, just use this advice as a whip to change for the better. Try not to feel oppressed, switch to something else.

  • Learn from others

Learning from others is one of the best ways to change yourself. After all, you not only know the theory, but also immediately see real examples from life. In this case, there is nothing wrong with asking a friend or relative known for his optimistic mood. Ask what is the philosophy of this person. Also pay attention to how a person copes with adversity. Think about all your observations. After that, apply them in your life.

  • Contact a psychologist or psychiatrist

Some people may have a person’s disorder that makes them always think negatively. For example, high anxiety syndrome. Such personality disorders clearly need the treatment of experts. Therefore, if you have such problems, without hesitation, go for a consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist.

  • Strategic thinking

This term means thinking in the implementation of specific plans and steps. To be optimistic, it is necessary to apply specific strategies in your life. For example, if you are still studying at school, you cannot just wait for your grades to be good. This is not optimism, but naivety. Similarly, if you work in the office. In order to get an increase, of course, you need to work. Therefore, use the correct strategy - be diligent and move forward.

Enjoy the process and live with optimism
Enjoy the process and live with optimism
  • Enjoy the process

There are two types of people in this world, depending on how they show their desires. The first is focused on the process, and the second is focused on the target. Those who are focused on the process maximize the moment, they try to sincerely treat the matter they are engaged. At the same time, those who are oriented to the target, as a rule, are more concerned about the results than the process. The final result is important for them and it does not matter what they do in life.

These two types of individuals can be equally optimistic. However, those who give priority the process tend to be more relaxed. As a result, they have a more positive attitude to life. They are not so easily surrendered when they have difficulties.

  • Refresh your feelings

The reality is that no person can think optimistically 24 hours a day. What can you do is work on a point of view that dominates in your life. Even in order to remain an optimist, you need to refresh your mind and body from time to time. Because tired mind and body are the source of all negative.

A hormone, stimulating a sense of happiness, namely dopamine, is not produced by those who are tired. Therefore, stop being too strict to yourself. Allocate time for relaxation, and save money for purchases that are needed for the soul and pleasure. If you buy only what is necessary is boring, and you cannot be an optimist, since you get bored in life, interest will disappear.

  • Become a adherent of a healthy lifestyle

Whether you want it or not, but the physical aspect affects human consciousness. Therefore, besides the fact that you need to refresh your mind and pamper yourself from time to time, you must also lead a healthy lifestyle. Throw smoking, drinking, buying healthy foods. And relax, the key to a healthy lifestyle is not so difficult to find. After all, all you need is to relax at least 6 hours a day, there is healthy food and, of course, avoid habits that are addictive. This includes not only smoking or drinking alcohol, but also excessive food that causes a disorder of food behavior - overeating, etc.

  • Avoid toxic people

How can you be an optimist when you communicate with pessimists? These different views on life cannot go nearby. Therefore, choose a healthy relationship. This does not mean that you should avoid friends who constantly complain about something. Each normal person may not like something or it becomes difficult for him to face a problem.

But those who endlessly complain should be limited in communication with themselves. Such a friend will exhaust your energy and absorb your good energy. And this will be even if you yourself are trying to look at life more optimistic.

  • Know your capabilities

Be optimistic, but you do not need to be naive and narcissistic. To introduce healthy optimism into your life, you need to know yourself. This means that you should be sure of what your strengths and weaknesses are. This will allow you to try your best to do something in life and have realistic expectations. Because unreal expectations can lead to great disappointment. If this is repeated, optimistic thoughts can turn into pessimistic. You don't want this to happen?

If you are an optimist, do not condemn others
If you are an optimist, do not condemn others
  • Do not condemn others

And the last, but no less important: you also need to learn not to judge others. Especially if the other person is inferior to you in knowledge or opportunities. For example, if you are a smart student, do not deceive less successful classmates. If you are a charismatic person, the soul of the company and many like it, do not laugh at those who are silent.

You can always be cheerful and look into the future with optimism. However, remember what you do can destroy the good life mood of other people. It makes no sense to call yourself a positive person if you are doing something bad about the other people around you.

Optimism has many advantages. You will feel calmer before difficulties in life and can recover faster than others from failures. Your aura will always be perceived by others positively. Therefore, instead of constantly complaining and falling into yourself and negative thoughts, learn to be an optimist. Follow the above 12 tips and use them in your everyday life.

Video: How to learn to be an optimist?

Video: How to be an optimist? What to do to pessimists?

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