The top 10 famous people who have succeeded in life from scratch themselves: interesting brief stories of success, photo. Examples of Russian famous people who themselves achieved success, self -education, discipline

The top 10 famous people who have succeeded in life from scratch themselves: interesting brief stories of success, photo. Examples of Russian famous people who themselves achieved success, self -education, discipline

The stories of outstanding people who have achieved success on their own from scratch.

TOP-10 of the most famous people of the world who achieved success from scratch: List

In this article we will tell you about people whose names are heard. Many admire the creativity, inventions, the talents of these people, but few thought about how they achieved success.

It has long been known that achieving a certain goal in life is much easier when there is a material base under your feet. The people we will talk about today began their activities from scratch, without the support of influential parents and money.

AT TOP-10 of the most famous people in the worldwho have achieved incredible success, enter:

  1. Steve Jobs -The founder of Apple, a revolutionary in the field of IT technologies.
  2. Thomas Edison -The famous inventor-school, who has patented more than 1000 inventions.
  3. Joanne Rowling “Writer, author of a series of books about Harry Potter.”
  4. Henry Ford - The inventor, designer of cars, founder of Ford Motor Company.
  5. Walt Disney -Multiplier, actor, screenwriter, founder of Walt Disney Productions.
  6. Amansio Ortega - The entrepreneur, the founder of the fashion brand Zara, the richest man in the world according to Forbes.
  7. Krok Ray -Entrepreneur, restaurateur, founder of Fast Food Corporation McDonald’s.
  8. Soitiro Honda - The founder of the world famous Honda automotive company.
  9. Elvis Presley -The American singer and actor, who received the nickname "King of Rock-n Roll."
  10. Sylvester Stallone - Film director, screenwriter, actor.

All these people were at the top of glory, but it is difficult to imagine through which thorns they made their way to success. Their life stories are a vivid example of what is impossible. One has only to believe in your dream and do everything for its performance.

TOP-10 people who have succeeded in life

Video: People who have not immediately succeeded

Steve Jobs: Success Story, Achieving, Photo

Important: Steve Jobs is an outstanding person who was able to not only build a computer empire, but also change the lives of millions of people. He made complex technologies easy to use, aesthetic and affordable for people.

Steve Jobs soon after birth was adopted by the adoptive parents. His biological parents were students, experienced difficulties and could not raise their son. It is known that Steve’s native mother took a receipt from adoptive parents that they undertake to pay for the boy’s training in college.

Steve never considered his foster parents strangers, on the contrary, he was very annoyed if this fact was mentioned in his presence. Steve Jobs's parents were people of minor: his father was a car mechanic, and his mother was an accountant. Together they earned money to fulfill their promise and educate Steve. However, Steve himself was not distinguished by a diligent character, although he was a very capable child. Teachers called him a "prankster."

After graduation, Steve left his parental house, settled in a hut with his girlfriend. By the way, he managed to enter the college, but Steve could not finish him - he had too free a temper that did not have discipline.

Steve Jobs easily made new acquaintances, became interested in the culture of “hippies” and spiritual practices, became a vegetarian. One of the decisive acquaintances was acquaintance with Stephen Wozniak. Having become best friends, they began to develop their first computer. To collect money for their developments, they sold their main values: Jobs minibus and a programmable wozen calculator.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in his youth

Thanks to the oratory and entrepreneurial abilities of Steve Jobs, sponsors managed to attract. Soon the house and garage Jobs were occupied: the first batch of Apple computers was conducted here with might and main.

Steve Jobs loved simplicity, and successfully used it when designing his devices. Many team members were extremely difficult to work with him, he was characterized as a hot -tempered and stubborn person.

Over the years of Steve Jobs, he managed not only to become the founder of Apple, but also to tolerate Fiasco and be dismissed from his own company. Subsequently, Steve Jobs returned and helped Apple to achieve an unprecedented level and success. But besides Apple, Steve Jobs made a significant contribution to other industries, for example, he bought and developed the Pixar animated film studio.

The indefatigable energy of Steve Jobs undermined the state of health, in 2003 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and in 2011 he resigned. In the same year, Steve Jobs died at the age of 56. However, his name forever remained in the pages of history.

It is called differently: “Father of the Digital Revolution”, “Vizioner”, a dreamer and an innovator. One thing is clear - a crazy love for your hobby and confidence in what you are doing can change the world.

Steve Jobs

Thomas Edison: Story of Success, Achieving, Photo

The future inventor at the school was described as "limited." Teachers considered him an absolutely incapable student, given his small growth and weak physique, after three months of study, they asked his parents to take Edison from school. To which the mother categorically did not agree with the teachers, but she still took the child from school and taught her independently. Thomas Edison's mother was the daughter of a priest and had a good education.

Thomas Edison conducted experiments since childhood. After reading the book “Natural and Experimental Philosophy” by Richard Green Parker, he repeated most of the experiments.

The future inventor arranged a laboratory for his experiments on a train where he earned, selling newspapers and candies. But once, as a result of his experiments, he staged a fire right on the train, after which he was thrown out into the street with a bang.

But this fact did not stop Edison. Once, by the will of chance, he saved the life of the son of a head of one of the stations. This case became happy for Edison, because the boss taught Edison a telegraphic affair as gratitude. Subsequently, Edison got a job as a telegraph operator in Western Union.

Thomas Edison continued to invent, but his attempts to sell the devices were unsuccessful. Until the moment when one rich company did not acquire his advanced telegraph system. Edison earned $ 40,000 for the invention, while his salary was only $ 300.

Thomas Edison

For the proceeds, Thomas Edison equipped the laboratory and continued the painstaking work. He became the author of many inventions, but the most popular of them was an electric light bulb, which is used to this day.

Other inventions of Thomas Edison:

  • Phonograph - a device for recording/playing sound;
  • Coal microphone is one of the first types of microphones;
  • Kinetoscope - a device for moving images used in cinema;
  • Aerophone is a device for transmitting sound long -distance.

And many other inventions. In total, he patented more than 1000 inventions. By the way, Thomas Edison suggested using the word "Hello" at the beginning of a telephone conversation.

Important: the great inventor was a big workaholic, he argued that geniuses from a person make 1% inspiration and 99% of sweating. It is known that in his laboratory Edison worked 19 hours a day.

Thomas Edison in the laboratory

Joan Rowling: Success Story, Achieving, Photo

The name Joan Rowling became known after the first book about Harry Potter stunned the world. The writer worked on her book for many years. Over the years, she experienced a variety of events of life, joyful and painful: mother’s illness and death, a wedding and the birth of her daughter, divorce shortly after the wedding and life on the verge of poverty.

Joan Rowling grew up in an ordinary family and, until a certain stage of her life, did not experience shocks. However, the death of her mother and the divorce with the baby in her arms forced her to plunge into the abyss of life troubles. After the divorce, the woman was forced to live on a social allowance. Often she felt humiliation, shame and resentment for her little daughter. Joan Rowling seemed that this black strip would never end, and the woman was often depressed.

Despite life difficulties, for a long time Rowling wrote a book about a boy who was a wizard. According to Rowling's stories, the first inspiration came to her unexpectedly. She just sat on a train, which was detained for 4 hours and images and situations arose in her head.

When the manuscript was over, Rowling sent it to 12 publishers and everywhere was refused. Only a year later, Bloomsbury Publishing House gave the book a green light. And it was a real splash! Joan Rowling received a cash grant to further write a series of books about Harry Potter.

Since then, the writer's money difficulties have been decided, Glory came to her. It is believed that Joan Rowling introduced the fashion for knowledge. She was able to revive children's interest in reading at a time when the children forgot about him and were carried away by computer technology.

Peru Joan Rowling also owns other books, such as “Random vacancy”, “Call of the Cuckoo”, “Silkoprac”, etc. The writer married for the second time, gave birth to her son and youngest daughter, continues to create and engage in charity.

Writer Joan Rowling

Henry Ford: Story of Success, Achieving, Photo

Henry Ford was the eldest of six children in a family who was engaged in farm. From childhood, Henry Ford had arisen interesting technical ideas that could make life easier, but his father did not support him. Soon after the death of his mother, Henry Ford fled from the house.

At first he worked as a mechanical engineer, and then received the post of chief engineer in the Edison Electric Company. Henry Ford worked on the creation of a steam engine. Once he met Thomas Edison, and he believed in Ford, which was unusually inspired by the last.

Later, Henry Ford with some businessmen created Ford Motor. His goal was to create inexpensive cars that would be available to many, and not just rich people. Ford partners did not support his idea, as a result, most of the company's shares passed to Henry Ford.

Later he was able to establish conveyor production of cars, which became his main achievement. The Ford car became easy to drive, did not require complicated maintenance, and also differed from its predecessors with a significant decrease in cost. Now the car has become a means of movement, not a luxurious toy for the powers that be.

Henry Ford took under his tight control control of the plant, the conveyor for the production of cars. He controlled all the stages of production, organized a working village, and also installed the largest minimum salary in the United States at that time - $ 5 a day. Later, Henry Ford transferred the powers of managing the company to his son, but after the early death of his son, he again took the reins of government into his own hands. Then the company passed to the grandson of Henry Ford - Henry Ford II.

Henry Ford and his car

Walt Disney: Success Story, Achieving, Photo

Walt Disney was born in a poor family, from childhood he was forced to earn extra money for the newspaper. When the First World War began, Walt Disney had to become the driver of the Red Cross organization car.

He had a craving for drawing, later he got a job as an artist in a film studio. He managed to open his own studio, but soon she went bankrupt.

Walt, along with his brother, moved to Los Angeles, where together they founded the animated studio The Walt Disney Company. They began to produce cartoons, but did not achieve grandiose success.

Success came to the company when a cartoon about the rabbit of Oswald came out. Later a new hero appeared - Mickey Mouse. At first, a cult animated hero was not approved, but then Walt Disney received an Oscar for creating an image of this mouse.

By the number of cinematic awards, Walt Disney is the most titled by man. He made the world of animation completely new, turned over the idea of \u200b\u200bcartoons and animation.

The famous Disneyland entertainment park includes its achievements. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a park appeared in Walt during a walk with his daughters, which he adored.

Walt Disney and his heroes

Amancio Ortega: Success Story, Achievement, Photo

Amansio Ortega is today among the richest people in the world. But once he had to quit school to help his family. The family was very poor, the mother worked as a servant, her father was a railwayman. The salaries of the parents were not enough to live until the end of the month. The boy developed a sense of pride, he did not want to live like that and got a job at the shirt store, where he was literally “on the run”.

Thanks to the responsible attitude to work, determination, Amansio Ortega began to quickly climb the career ladder. By the age of 17, he received sufficient experience and quit with the aim of creating his own company. First, in the small workshop of Amansio Ortega, workers sewed women's robes for a small fee. Gradually, the production grew, all the proceeds were invested in production, the customer base also began to increase, and as a result, the first Zara retail store opened.

Amansio Ortega became the founder of a group of companies that united various fashion brands. But Zara remained the most recognizable brand. Amansio Ortega occupies a leading position in the ranking of millionaires in the world according to Forbes.

Amansio Ortega

Krok Ray: Success Story, Achieving, Photo

Ray Crok is a vivid example of what to start never late. Success came to him at 52. Prior to this, the future founder of the McDonald's empire traded paper cups and was even able to establish a company for the production of mixers, but it did not bring tremendous success.

Once he sold his mixers to the McDonald brothers and saw their roadside restaurant. It had a self -service system, and the price tags for food were indecently low. And Ray Krok, unlike the McDonald brothers, saw the Golden Village. He invited them to sell franchises, the brothers quickly agreed and gave permission to use their name.

Ray Krok improved the franchising system, setting strict requirements - everything should meet the standards. He did not want the brand to be disgraced in pursuit of fast profit.

The real success of Crock came after McDonald's opened in a small town and began to line up at the cash desk. Since then, crowds of those who wanted to invest their money have gone to Krok, because as it turned out, the business paid off very quickly.

Ray Crok

Soitiro Honda: Story of Success, Achieving, Photo

The future founder of the famous automobile company was born in the family of a village blacksmith. He did not like school, believed that they would not bring him any benefit. Soitiro recognized only practice, later he preferred practices, not theorists and emphasized that teaching theory without real experience does nothing mean.

Since childhood, he adored the smell of machine oil, in his opinion, it was the best smell in the world. It is not surprising that the soul of Soitiro Honda gravitated towards cars and everything connected with them.

However, his life proceeded in the years complex for Japan: first the Tokyo earthquake, then the war. His life suffered changes that did not depend on him. In the post-war years, a self-taught mechanic began to create motorcycles from bicycles by attaching a low-power motor.

Over time, Honda became a leading manufacturer of motorcycles in the world. So the main idea of \u200b\u200bSoitiro - the release of cars. Despite the confrontation of the Ministry of Industry, Honda achieved the creation of the largest concern in the world of car production.

He adhered to strict rules, loved simplicity in clothes, treated with interest to people who differed from him with their views. A person with a strong spirit did not break under the pressure of external circumstances and went to the fulfillment of his dreams.

Soitiro Honda

Elvis Presley: Success Story, Achievement, Photo

“King of Rock-n Roll”, so called Elvis Presley, who died early, but left a significant mark in the history of music. Since childhood, Elvis was to his liking, he sang in the church choir. He took part in the school in music competitions, for which he once received a guitar as a gift from his mother.

The family of Elvis Presley cannot be called prosperous. Father worked part in different works to make ends meet. In adolescence, Elvis Presley was carried away by such styles as blues, rhythm-n-blouse, boogie-wool. In the yard with friends, he often played the guitar.

After graduating from school, Elvis Presley began to work as a truck driver, but did not want to part with the childhood dream. He went to the samples and successfully failed them.

Once, in upset feelings, Elvis began to play the melody, but due to the fact that he was nervous, he did it too quickly. As a result, everyone liked his manner of performance so much that soon the song became a hit. Since then, Elvis Presley's musical career has gone up. One by one, hits and clips were produced. In America, the real Elvisomania began. Elvis Presley later began to act in films, but achieved very popular thanks to his hits.

Elvis Presley

Sylvester Stallone: \u200b\u200bStory of Success, Achieving, Photo

In the filmography of Sylvester Stallone, there are more than 50 films. The first film to bring the actor Glory was Rocky. Sylvester Stallone himself wrote the script and wanted to star in the title role, but no one wanted to see in the main role, although in good physical shape, but an unknown actor of medium height. However, Stallone Nivakaku was not inferior and did not want to sell the script. His perseverance and determination prevailed, the director agreed to his conditions. Since the release of the film "Rocky", the long -awaited glory and success have come to Stallone.

However, until that moment, Sylvester did not pamper the life of it: he studied at a school for difficult teenagers, then worked as a doggy, a bouncer in a night restaurant, cleaned animal cells in a zoo. Once he was even forced to sell his dog, because he could not feed her. It is worth noting that then he bought a four -legged friend back, paying his fee.

Sylvester Stallone

Examples of Russian famous personalities who have succeeded in life with their labor, from scratch: a list, photo

Among Russian famous personalities there are also people whose stories and the path to success are respected. For example:

  • Roman Abramovich -Entrepreneur, owner of FC Chelsea, ex-governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, billionaire. It is hard to believe, but Abramovich’s work began with the post of simple worker.
  • Anna Netrebko - People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation, opera singer. Born in Krasnodar, from childhood she was engaged in music and singing, won at the competition to them. M.I. Glinka, after which her talent was appreciated.
  • Vladimir Voroshilov - Television figure, theater director and artist. The creator of the intellectual game "What? Where? When?". The prohibitions could not be shown on the air to stop a talented figure, he continued to do what he loves and achieved grandiose success.
  • Maria Sharapova - The famous Russian tennis player, the former “first racket of the world”. Numerous victories, well -deserved success went to Mary at the cost of hard work and the presence of a fighting spirit.
  • Darya Dontsova - The author of ironic detectives, laureate of literary awards, is members of the Writers of Russia. Dontsova suffered a serious illness - breast cancer. However, this did not break her, but on the contrary, made it even more. Now the writer pleases her readers and helps women cope with the disease.

Luck, wealth, glory to some do not come immediately. Often, a lot of tests have to go through a dream. But the one who is ready for defeats on the way to success will certainly reach the goal. You can see this by the example of our heroes.

Video: rich people who have risen from scratch

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