How to set the New Year's table quickly and inexpensively? The fastest New Year's table. New Year's table in 2 hours

How to set the New Year's table quickly and inexpensively? The fastest New Year's table. New Year's table in 2 hours

A full -fledged New Year's table in 2 hours.

New Year's holidays for many are a real test. Most women in the country work, therefore, combine housekeeping and work. Many of the women can work on December 31. Accordingly, for the New Year's table you can use dishes that can be prepared in a matter of minutes. 

The fastest New Year's table

To save time, you can prepare some ingredients in advance. Many of the dishes perfectly withstand freezing and can be stored in the refrigerator for several days. In 2 hours, you can prepare a full -fledged table that will be able to surprise guests. 

A recipe for tartlets with cheese for a fast New Year's table

Rail tartlets are a delicious snack that can be cooked in just 15 minutes. To do this, it is preliminary necessary to boil three eggs. 


  • 100 g of cheese 
  • Two cloves of garlic 
  • Greens 
  • Mayonnaise
  • 4 boiled eggs 
  • Sand test tartlets 

Recipe for tartlets with cheese for a fast New Year's table:

  • Previously, tartlets do not need to be prepared, they are purchased. Now the stores have a large selection of such products that greatly make life easier for housewives. Choose products from ugly dough based on a large amount of fat.
  • It is necessary that the tartlets are crumbly prepared from sand dough. It is necessary to boil the hard eggs. This can be done the day before, that is, in advance, or asking households if one of them is at home on December 31.
  • Eggs are cleaned, crushed on a grater. Add grated garlic, as well as mayonnaise. Mix, add greens. The prepared baskets are filled with the mixture. 

Piquant salad with Korean carrots 

The main feature is that the dishes are prepared from the products already prepared in advance that can be bought in the store. 

The following ingredients will be needed for cooking: 

  • 300 g of Korean carrots 
  • 200 g of ham 
  • 100 g of cheese 
  • Canned beans in its own juice 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • One bundle of green onions 

A spicy salad with Korean carrots, recipe:

  • Carrots are pre -squeezed to remove excess juice. Add ham, sliced \u200b\u200bby strips and cheese. It is also previously cut into small pieces.
  • All this is mixed with mayonnaise, add a bunch of green onions and mayonnaise. Mix until a homogeneous substance.
  • The main charm of this dish is that you do not need to prepare anything and boil anything. 

New Year's table in 2 hours

As a hot for the New Year's table, it is best to choose the dishes that are baked in the oven. The main advantage is that for their preparation there is no need to prepare some batter, fry in a pan and constantly look after them.

Quick hot for the New Year's table

This frees hands and allows you to cook snacks, cut salads during a baking hot dish. 

To make hot chicken breast, the following products will be needed: 

  • 2 large tomatoes 
  • 0.5 kg of chicken fillet 
  • 100 ml of mayonnaise 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Cheese 
  • Parchment 
  • 1 large onion 

Quick hot for the New Year's table:

  • To prepare the dish, it is necessary to grind the onion on thin half rings. They are sprinkled with salt, kneaded with their hands so that the onion is nourished with salt. The chicken fillet is cut into pieces 1 cm thick. As a result, three or four pieces should be obtained from one chicken fillet.
  • Sprinkle them with salt and pepper, laid out on a baking sheet covered with parchment. The surface is lubricated with a small amount of mayonnaise, tomatoes chopped by cubes are laid out. A small amount of mayonnaise is watered on top, baked in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • After that, sprinkle the surface of each piece of meat with vegetables with cheese, baked for another 5 minutes. As a result, it turns out very juicy, tasty and spicy chicken fillet. In the process of baking, you can start preparing snacks on chips. 

Fast snack on chips for the New Year

To prepare a snack on chips, it is best to choose large plates, for example, Pringles or others that are sold in special containers and packages, but not in packages. The main task is that all chips are whole, beautiful curved shape, resembling boats. 


  • A pack of chips 70 g with a neutral taste 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • Olives 
  • Sardine in oil 
  • Two boiled eggs 
  • 100 g of canned corn 
  • Mayonnaise 
  • Greens 

Fast snack on chips for the New Year:

  • To prepare the filling for chips, it is necessary to drain the liquid from the sardine in oil and crush with a fork until the mashed potatoes are obtained. Boiled, chopped chicken eggs are added to the mixture. Spices and canned corn are also introduced.
  • Add herbs, mix thoroughly and mayonnaise are administered. The result is a plastic mass. It is laid out on chips, after rolling the balls with damp hands. During cooking, Sardina’s juice was not used so that the mass was dry, it rolls perfectly into the balls with damp hands.
  • In this salad, time is spent only to boil eggs. The remaining products are already ready, do not require any preparation. They only need to be chopped, mixed. 
Quick menu
Quick menu

Potatoes for the New Year's table quickly and inexpensively

The main task is to prepare a side dish. A lot of time is spent on peeling potatoes. Therefore, we offer to prepare a very simple and tasty dish of uncleaned potatoes. 

For its preparation, you will need: 

  • 1.5 kg of potatoes 
  • 200 g of fat with meat or bacon 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 

Potatoes for the New Year's table quickly and inexpensively:

  • Potatoes should choose medium size. It is necessary that each root crop should be approximately the same. They are pre -poured with water, thoroughly washed to remove dirt and garbage. After that, they cut into halves.
  • Half of potatoes are laid out on a baking sheet, lard is cut into thin layers. You can use the bacon. They are stained with toothpicks in the form of sails and baked in the oven for 40-50 minutes.
  • The cooking time depends on how large potatoes. In the process of cooking, the boats are salted, pepper, favorite herbs are added. It turns out to be prepared with the minimum participation of the hostess. 
Fast table
Fast table

Useful recipes on the site:

On the preparation of salad, hot dishes, snacks on chips, potatoes and baskets with acute watering, it is enough to spend 2 hours. Of course, the New Year's table can be more satisfying, consist of a large number of dishes. But in this case, you will have to connect households, or prepare semi -finished products in advance. As experience shows, mushrooms with onions can be fryd in advance, used to prepare filling in puff pies. Lavash snacks have proven themselves well. They are prepared very quickly, but it is necessary for them to be saturated. They can be prepared the day before the New Year, that is, December 30. 

Video: Fast dishes for the New Year's table

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