How to change e -mail from the phone through the mobile application to Aliexpress?

How to change e -mail from the phone through the mobile application to Aliexpress?

If you do not know how in a mobile application Aliexpress Change email, read this article.

Mobile application Aliexpress Uses millions of buyers around the world.

  • It is easy to use, convenient, and most importantly-your favorite online store is always at hand.
  • Often users of the application have many questions about use, for example, how to change email?
  • All actions in the account are performed through the tab "My profile". Read more below.

How to change e -mail from the phone through the mobile application to Aliexpress?

If you don't have an account yet Aliexpressbut you want to register on this trading platform, then read article on our website on this link. You can go through the registration procedure on video instructions on this link.

  • So, to change the email to Aliexpress, you need to go to the application, and then you need to enter your data for entering the site: email address and password.
Enter Aliexpress
Enter Aliexpress
  • Then press the screen "My Aliexpress». It is worth noting that the application is constantly updated. Administrators Aliexpress They come up with a new design and interface, so the location of the tabs can change, but the order of their opening will remain the same.
Click "My Aliexpress"
  • Next, find the tab "Settings". Click on it.
Click the Settings tab
Click the Settings tab
  • Your data will appear with Aliexpressthat can be changed: photo, year of birth, delivery addresses and others. Press "E-mail".
Click on
Click on "e-mail"
  • Then the site will ask you to enter the profile data for authorization again. This is necessary to protect against attackers so that no one can change the user's data in his profile.
Again make authorization on the site
Again make authorization on the site
  • After authorization, enter the address of the new mail, and confirm it. You will receive a secret code from Aliexpress to the address of the old mail. Enter it in the corresponding field on the next page in the application.
Enter the code in the corresponding field
Enter the code in the corresponding field
  • Then click "Request" And "Confirm". In a couple of seconds, a new email address will be recorded in your profile data.

If you do not have access to the old mail, then the data change procedure will be different. You need to contact the support service Aliexpress with a request to change information. Tab "Support service" Located below the tab "Settings" On the page "My Aliexpress". Open the tab "Online chat"and write your request.  

Online chat with Aliexpress
Online chat with Aliexpress

It is worth noting that this procedure is longer in time than the previous one, since specialists of the trading platform Aliexpress They will check the data, and only then it will be possible to change the email. Good luck!

Video: How to change, change email to

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