How to change the email address from the computer to Aliexpress: Instructions

How to change the email address from the computer to Aliexpress: Instructions

If you do not know how to change the email address from the computer to AliexpressRead the article.

Many buyers Aliexpress The question often arises: how to change the email address? One needs to do this, since the mailbox was blocked, the other due to the change of e-mail, and the third one just wants to have a separate mailbox for purchases on the Internet. In this article we will tell you how to change the email address to Aliexpress with a PC.

How to change the email address from the computer to Aliexpress?

If you are not yet registered at the largest trading platform in the world, then do it. Create an account - fast and simple. It will help you in this article on our website on this link. You can also simply register with the help video instructions on this link.

So, you already have an account and you mistakenly registered the wrong email address or you just need to change it, then follow the instructions:

Click on
Click on "My Aliexpress"
  • After that, you will find yourself on the page of your profile. Above, on the red tape, there is an active tab "Profile settings" - Click on her.
Profile settings
Profile settings
  • Then you will find yourself on the page on which you can configure the profile. To do this, click on "Change the settings" - To the left of the photo.
Change of settings
Change of settings
  • In the new tab, find an active link in the middle of the page "Change email address" - Click on her.
Changing the email address
Changing the email address
  • The site will ask you to log in again. This is necessary in order to protect your data from attackers. Enter your username and password, and click "To come in".
Enter the data for the entrance
Enter the data for the entrance
  • Then a secret code will be sent to the old email address. You will need to enter it on the next page on Aliexpress.
The code is sent to the address of the previous e -mail
The code is sent to the address of the previous e -mail
  • If the letter did not come within a couple of minutes, then look for it in the folder "Spam".

Remember: Code on Aliexpress you need to have time to enter within a minute. Repeatedly new code can be requested only after a while.

  • After entering the code into the corresponding column, click on the button "Confirm". After that, your data will be updated and new email will be recorded in the profile.  

There is another way to change the email address to Aliexpress - through Customer Support. Such actions may be needed if the user does not have access to the previous mailbox. However, stell up, since such a process is longer than the one that was described above. Administrators Aliexpress they will check your data and only then the data can be changed.

Ask a question to the support service
Ask a question to the support service

You can find a form for writing a message in the same place "Profile settings". Just click on the right tab "Ask a security issue". Write your question in the form and click "Send". When the issue is resolved, the administration Aliexpress will inform you of this and you can change the email address. Successful shopping!

Video: How to change the email address to Aliexpress?

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