How to change on aliexpress, edit email address: Instruction

How to change on aliexpress, edit email address: Instruction

If you do not know how on Aliexpress Change email address, read the article.

It often happens that you need to change the email to Aliexpress.

  • This may be due to different reasons: the old mail is blocked or the user has started a new email.
  • On Aliexpress you can simply and quickly change the email address and also quickly add a new one, if necessary.
  • Do everything according to the instructions published below, and after a couple of minutes in your account Aliexpress New data will appear.

How to change on aliexpress, edit email address: Instruction

If you don't have an account yet Ali, create it to use all the privileges of the buyer. It will help in registration article on our website on this link. You can also see video instructions on this link And create an account on them.

Here's the instruction, as on Ali Change or edit email address:

  • First go to your account Aliexpress. The main page of your account will open. On the right there is a button "My Aliexpress» - Click on her.
Click "My Aliexpress"
  • The site will transfer you to the profile management page. On top, in the "hat" of the pages of red, find an active inscription "Profile settings". Click on it.
Click on
Click on "Profile Settings"
  • After that, you will get to another page on which you can edit the profile. Click on the left on "Change the settings".
Click on
Click on "Change settings"

The site will transfer you directly to the page on which you can make any changes:

  • Upload a photo
  • Change profile
  • Change the address of email. mail
  • Change password
  • Ask a security issue

Click "Change email address".

Click on
Click on "Change email address"
  • Now the site will ask again to enter its data for identification in order to prevent the use of data by attackers. Enter your data for entering the account and click "To come in".
Enter data for entering your profile
Enter data for entering your profile
  • Then on the new page you need to enter a new email address and confirm it. To do this, go to the old mailbox, find in it a letter from Aliacpress with code, and enter this code on Aliexressress.
Look for the code in a letter from Aliexpress
Look for the code in a letter from Aliexpress

If the letter does not come for a long time, check the folder "Spam". Hurry to enter the code for Aliexpress, since repeated code can only be requested in a minute. When the code is entered in the desired field, click "Confirm" And your new email will be entered into the profile data.

You can also request an email change to Aliexpress through Customer Support. This may be needed if you do not have access to the old mailbox. But this process is longer than the previous one, since the administration Aliexpress will check your data.

The form for writing a request is the same path as the path to change the electronic mailbox, just click on the left in the profile settings tab "Ask a security issue".

Click "Ask a security issue"

Write your request and expect an answer from the administration with further instructions. Good luck!

Video: How to change e -mail to

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