How can a child interest study: Psychologists' advice

How can a child interest study: Psychologists' advice

All parents dream that their children will easily absorb school material thanks only to their natural qualities. But in practice, this is far from always the case: often the efforts of the teacher need to reinforce people close to the child.

It is important to correctly build motivation for the good study of your son or daughter and show that you are sincerely interested in this. The main thing in this matter is support and attention to the child who takes his first steps along the path of mastering knowledge. And it is very important not to miss that moment if, for some reason, for some reason, the child becomes boring and uninteresting. Believe me, it will be much more difficult for him to catch up missed knowledge. Having carefully familiarize yourself with our article, you will understand what methods you can achieve in a child’s interest in learning.

How can a child interest study: 13 useful tips of a psychologist

  • Violent measures are unlikely to help here, and they cannot be applied to the child, so as not to achieve their actions of the completely opposite effect. And, at the same time, to completely ignore the bad marks and complaints of the teacher about the lack of interest in your child in school disciplines, it is also unacceptable.
  • According to psychologists, in order to interest the child with study, parents need to try to find out to find out the reasons for the persistent unwillingness of your child to comprehend school sciences. And, having understood them, to provide him with the moral plan, i.e. It is impossible to find such significant incentives for him, so that he understands, without thorough knowledge of all school disciplines, you can’t do in our time in our time.
The child may not want to go to school for such reasons, they need to be fixed
The child may not want to go to school for such reasons, they need to be fixed
  • Psychologists on the basis of many years of observation deduced a kind of peculiar formula consisting of 13 main points. If you strictly follow them, then your child will always be ready to comprehend new knowledge.

13 points that will help the child interest the child with study from grade 1:

  1. Only your child will stand on the legs, start without putting it in a long box, increase his love of knowledge. The kids are all interested in this time: how the world works, and why the grass is green, and the sky is blue, etc., because he really wants to comprehend everything that he knows nothing yet. Do not miss this important moment when the word “why” most often sounds from his mouth. Support your little Proechechka in his comprehension of the world, do not dismiss his endless questions, but, on the contrary, tell him as much as possible about what causes him curiosity. It is best to teach the basics of science in preparatory courses to professionals-educators. In addition to obtaining mandatory knowledge, there he will be taught proper communication with other children and teachers, they will help him become renunciation and attentive. If the baby is brought up at home, then in this case you need to do it yourself. You can find out how to do this correctly in special courses for parents. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, your baby will be easily mastered by the school curriculum.
  2. Dad or mom must definitely explain to his child that at school they will not only set lessons and demand from him to assimilate new knowledge. He must understand that in the educational institution he he will find new friends, he will have fun and joke with them at breaks, which will be very interesting to him during school excursions Either campaigns in museums, and with it during their studies, can happen a lot of fascinating.
  3. Do not force the child immediately upon his arrival to take up homework, first carefully look at him: what is his mood today? If he is alarmed or oppressed, understand the reasons for his bad mood, and if possible eliminate them as soon as possible so that it does not aggravate even more. In the event that the child constantly thinks about some of his problems (and in childhood, even the slightest trouble usually takes hypertrophied dimensions), then it will be very difficult for him to absorb new material. Let him first share with you his “sorrows”, walk and rest, and then you can do the lessons.
  4. Stop the child according to his forces: if you forcibly force him to engage in cramming for a long time, then this will not lead to anything good. Break the learning process into several parts, arrange breaks for games and relaxation. It’s sometimes hard to learn everything at once even an adult is difficult, what can we say about a small child!
Stimulation factors
Stimulation factors
  1. Do not scold your daughter or son due to bad marks or corrections in notebooks, after all, failures sometimes happen to each. It is better to help him efficiently work on the mistakes made and understand, and not just to stare the material set by the teacher. But in case of achievements, even even small ones, do not get tired of praising the child. Let him feel that you are proud of his successes and support him in every possible way. But constant reproaches, due to some of his failures, can cause a child to feel uncertainty in his abilities. This can also lead to concealment of truth or deception, and all because of fear of predicting their parents again. Even if you do not physically punish it for unsatisfactory marks, moral pressure from your parents also very negatively affects the imminent psyche of the child. It is better to become a good friend of his child, and then he will believe you with all his secrets and fears than a strict overseer - in this case, he will rather be closed in himself than to discover his soul.
  2. You can’t constantly to reproach or indicate to the child to his not very successful attempts during training. For example, your offspring had recently only picked up a pen, trying to write down the beaks correctly. Do not pay attention to the letters that he failed, but for the smooth signs written by the teacher, be sure to praise him. Tell him that on another day he will definitely succeed, and most importantly - this is faith in his strength. And your love for him, praise and trust will become the best motive for the child to strive for success. But, at the same time, it is impossible to praise the child, since excessive praise can only harm. Too high self -esteem can over time lead to the effect of an unrecognized genius.
Do not make mistakes
Do not make mistakes
  1. Older children are perfectly valid Motivation for the future. The teenager needs to explain that only certain knowledge will be able to lead him to success, achieve a situation in society, become a material person and an interesting interlocutor.
  2. Modern teenagers have a happy opportunity to view multiple cognitive TV shows, films, go online To search for the moments of interest to them. But sometimes this avalanche of information only prevents the teacher from attracting students' attention to new topics. In this case, both the teacher and parents should try to “arm” with little -known facts in order to arouse interest among representatives of the younger generation. What can you do, the old teaching methods are slowly getting out of themselves, so you need to look for new ones.
  3. From the very first grade, it is necessary to explain to the child that not high marks and words of praise from teachers are important, but the achievement of his success in how he figured out the material and understood it. By heart, it is worth learning only verses, given passages from the works, or, for example, the multiplication table, foreign words, etc. Everything else is important to understand, and then in your own words you can always retell the main points of the given material. If you want your child to be successful in learning, show your interest in topics passed in the classroom. Ask what new he learned about this day at school, and in what question he might not have fully figured it out, and then help him learn this material that he did not understand. We summarize: teach the child to do lessons not for marks, but to replenish your knowledge.
  4. Many of the children try to equal their dad and mother. Therefore, do not be silent about your school years, tell your child about your achievements in study, sports, and public life of the school. It’s good if you have a folder with your school notebooks, tabels, medals, diaries, diplomas and photos somewhere. Look at them with your son/daughter, tell us about funny school incidents, as well as about what objects you loved and which you did not really complain, etc. Such trusting conversations cause even greater proximity and trust between parents and the child.
Useful for stimulating educational zeal
Useful for stimulating educational zeal
  1. Never complete your homework instead of a child! You can and need to help the child understand the material, tell him how and what to do. But, in no case do not do work instead. He can perceive such “help” as something proper, and in this case he will not need to strain his brains at all. Why think and be generally interested in studying if he has parents for these purposes? If you notice that your little student does not cope himself or he himself asks you for help, then in this case you will need to push him to the right solution to leading questions and prompts, but nothing more. From the earliest years, the child needs to be accustomed to independence, otherwise you will most likely always have to solve all life issues for him, and not just do his homework.
  2. From early childhood it becomes noticeable to what kind temperament your child belongs. He can be a phlegmatic man, a sanguine, a choleric or melancholic. Realizing which of these types your son/daughter belongs to, it is much easier to help him/to learn school knowledge.
  3. Do not hope that the school alone will help your child successfully develop. Parents should also be involved in the learning and education process-only in a close tandem of the school-teacher your child will develop over time into an integral and harmonious personality. From early childhood you need to introduce him to interesting, cognitive books, colorful encyclopedias, cognitive films and cartoons, walk with it to theaters, museums and exhibitions. If you often spend time with the whole family - both for the benefit of the case and for relaxation, then the child will only benefit from this in his development.
Help and stimulate, but do not do everything yourself
Help and stimulate, but do not do everything yourself

Do you love your child? In this case, give him more of your time, give him your love, support, care and attention. The child will feel this, and will study with even greater zeal, he will share his feelings with you and talk about everything that happens in the walls of the school. You will need to direct him and help him with your priceless tips.

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