How beautifully you can decorate the corridor with your own hands: ideas for the modern design of the corridor in the apartment, house

How beautifully you can decorate the corridor with your own hands: ideas for the modern design of the corridor in the apartment, house
From this article you will learn how to arrange a corridor with your own hands.
The traditional image of the hallway most often has the following species: a voluminous cabinet with sliding doors, beige walls, brown furniture. The picture can complement various details, but you can not do without a large cabinet.

The question of where to put outerwear and for various purposes are household items, we are used to solving at the expense of the hallway. Forgetting that the entrance zone is a “business card” at home, and even if in the living room we are waiting for the amazing imagination of the sophistication of modern design, a banal and awkward view of the hallway will destroy the best impressions. What is the way out? You need to redo the hallway. How to do this modern and beautiful, read in this article.

How can you beautifully design the hallway-coror in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands: tips, photo

In the Russian modern apartment, the corridor became a synonym for archaic and a useless waste of expensive square, and getting rid of it in the process of repair is a matter of honor of the “advanced owner”. Of course, if the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is small, and its only inhabitant is an adherent of the style "loft" Or just a studio layout, the rejection of the corridor is quite legitimate and does not bring discomfort.

Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands

But what if several generations of one family or a housekeeper live in the apartment - an household assistant? Here's how to make a hallway-corridor in an apartment-Khrushchevka:

Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
  • It is worth noting that not all large apartments have such a valuable quality as free layout, and it is forbidden to demolish the supporting walls for combining premises.
  • Modern design proposes to free the entrance area from furniture as much as possible.
  • Ideally, all things go to the dressing room located next to the entrance.
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
  • But what to do if there is no one, and there is no more suitable place for the wardrobe? Then the latter is better to mask under the surrounding space.
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
  • The mirror doors in the closet in this sense are far from the most radical way, and even more so meaningless, if the rest of the details of this piece of furniture are made of material contrasting with the walls.
  • Usually, the standard option is various shades of brown.
  • So, as the room of the hallway should be decorated: if the walls are white, then the cabinet is also white, dark brown-all external details of the cabinet are painted in the same tone.
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
  • Such mimicry allows you to almost completely level excessive volume of furniture.
  • In the interior in the traditional style (classic, English, country), the corridor is part of the aesthetic program, associated with the features of the life of the environment from where it is borrowed.
  • For example, a traditional English house is separate rooms connected by a long corridor.
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
  • In the hallway of a private house, it is imperative to zone. Usually the area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway allows you to do this.
  • For example, at the entrance group, tiles are laid out on the floor, while in residential premises - laminate.
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands
Beautiful design of the hall hall in the apartment of Khrushchev, a private house with your own hands

How to arrange a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands: tips, photo

If there is very little free space in the hallway, it can be expanded with mirrors. But not separately hanging or prisoners in wide frames, but completely covering the wide section of the wall from floor to ceiling. You can also make mirrors, and “exciting” and neighboring planes, including the door leading to the dressing room or bathroom.

Here are a few more tips and photos that will help you understand how you can arrange a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment:

Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
  • This technique through the virtual perspective “completes” the interior.
  • And if the mirror cladding of neighboring walls joins at a right angle, a real “breakthrough” occurs in space: with high -quality performance, it is impossible to imagine the real size of the room.
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
  • You can attach a hinged chest of drawers to the “mirror wall”, put a bench - “focus” in some cases becomes even more convincing from this.
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
  • When the hallway has an elongated shape, it is better to resist the temptation to arrange neighboring walls, the floor in contrasting colors.
  • Instead, it is worth placing several lamps on only one wall - and the desired effect of “expansion” will be achieved.
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
  • The position of a small or elongated hallway is also saved by a “deceit” - a photographer in the entire wall or “fresco”, whose picturesque appearance will not create an illusion of a real window, but “works” in a similar way.
  • You can attach an openwork hanger, several narrow shelves, thin hooks to the wall in this way - they will not destroy impressions.
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
Design of a small, narrow corridor at home, in the apartment with your own hands
  • If a narrow small entrance hall is combined with high ceilings, it is not always worth striving for the optical effects of building space.
  • So, if the input zone of the “open type” leads straight to the living room, you can play in contrast and reduce the height of its ceiling to a reasonable minimum, constructing a useful mezzanine.
  • The scale of scale in this case will allow the most advantageous to serve a more spacious dwelling - it will look just huge.

The effect can be enhanced by designing the entire hallway in gray tones: this color creates a harmonious transition to other colors, gives them a more acute sound.

How to design the wall with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands: tips, photo

Before starting the repair, you must carefully consider everything. A corridor is a room where a person gets first, going from the street. And if a family with young children and animals lives in an apartment, then the walls of the first room in the room are polluted from dust and street dirt over time, quickly losing attractiveness. Here are some tips and photos on how to design the wall with wallpaper in the corridor:

Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
  • The lower part of the walls in the corridor is always more contaminated.
  • When finishing, it is worth paying special attention to this fact and prevent an unscheduled repair of the right wallpaper.
  • For example, on bamboo canvases, dirt will not be visible and they are resistant to abrasion.
Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
  • For a room devoid of natural light, it is recommended to select wallpaper of light shades.
  • This little design cunning allows you to visually expand the room and make it lighter.
  • Protect the walls from excessive pollution, you can choose the canvases designed for washing.
Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
Wall decoration with wallpaper in the corridor with your own hands
  • No dirt and even children's arts will spoil the appearance of the hallway for a long time.
  • Washing wallpaper is easily cleaned and not torn from deoxidation. This fact allows you to easily eliminate any dirt from the walls of walls.
  • They are relatively cheap, there is a large selection of format and colors on sale.

For the lower level of the wall, it is better to take dense detergent wallpaper, which will last a long time and will not lose color during the first wet cleaning.

How to arrange a ceiling in the hallway-corridor with your own hands: tips, photo

The hallway-corridor is a room that creates a general impression and emotions from an interior. This is also the last room that falls before leaving. So that people have good impressions of your home, everything should be perfect in the hallway, including the ceiling. Here are some tips on how to arrange the ceiling in the hallway - photo:

DIY Corridor's hallway
DIY Corridor's hallway
  • Before creating the design of the ceiling, you can use creativity, imagination, and extraordinary.
  • But you can do it simply: the most modest option is the whitewashing of the ceiling.
  • Such a design in the corridor or hallway was used by people for centuries and was traditional.
  • In addition, if the corridor is small in size, and the ceiling is low, then the whitewashed ceiling will visually increase the space.
  • Also, whitewashing itself is a budget material and looks good against the background of a variety of interiors of the room.
DIY Corridor's hallway
DIY Corridor's hallway
  • The analogue of the whitewash will be painting. The advantage, unlike whitewashing, is that in addition to white in the solution, you can add another variety of tones and shades.
  • In construction stores, you can get acquainted with the variety of kings, such a product should subsequently mix with white color in the proportions required according to the instructions.
DIY Corridor's hallway
DIY Corridor's hallway
  • Gypsum plasterboard ceiling in the corridor or hallway, a good and practical solution.
  • This type of material is unpretentious, resistant to moisture.
  • Its surface is not required to process, since the upper layer is quite smooth.

In the finish of the ceiling made of drywall, you can use other decoration materials for the cover: paint of various tones, wallpaper of different densities and plaster. As for the price, such material will be affordable.

How to arrange windows in the corridor with your own hands: tips, photo

Few people know that there are apartments and houses in the hallway of which there are windows. This is unusual, since we are used to the fact that there are usually no windows in the entrance group of dwelling. What to choose curtains or blinds for decorating a window in the corridor? Or can be preferred to another decor. Here are the tips with a photo on how to arrange windows in the hallway:

DIY window design in the corridor
DIY window design in the corridor
  • Using blinds and Roman curtains, you will not take extra space, they will also decorate your interior.
  • Decorating the room with long curtains, the window opening will visually stretch, with the help of such a solution, increase the height of the room.
DIY window design in the corridor
DIY window design in the corridor
  • When buying curtains for the corridor window, choose light, light, warm options that will not weight the interior.
  • For greater lighting, it will be good to arrange a window with mirror slopes.
DIY window design in the corridor
DIY window design in the corridor
  • It is very beautiful to beged in the hallway in a stained glass, corrugated, matte window, glass pattern can be both classic and avant -garde.
  • Make your own stained glass, using paints that allow you to draw right on the glass. The result will be amazing - a pattern that will hide an unsightly view outside the window.
DIY window design in the corridor
DIY window design in the corridor

Glue window films can perfectly decorate the window. The stores offer affordable options that simulate matte glass or have beautiful patterns.

How to arrange a long narrow hallway-coror with your own hands: tips, photo

The main task when designing a hallway, both an experienced designer and an ordinary owner of the room, make a corridor aesthetic, reducing it to the limits of reasonable necessity.

  • Also, this entrance group should be convenient.
  • This means that the width of the corridor should be no less 1.1 m.
  • Minimum width - 0.8 m, but this is an extreme option that has the right to exist in exceptional cases.

Here are some tips with a photo how to arrange a long narrow hallway-coror:

DIY long narrow hallway.
DIY long narrow hallway.
  • It is desirable that daylight penetrates into the corridor as much as possible from neighboring rooms.
  • Doors made of matte or transparent glass, or with phylenes from these materials where it is possible.
  • The lack of natural light should be compensated by artificial sources: in some cases, it can be a locking ceiling illumination or built-in spotlights.
DIY long narrow hallway.
DIY long narrow hallway.
  • With high ceilings - small suspended ceiling.
  • A good alternative to the ceiling light - Bra. They can be both quite voluminous and extremely flat.

Beneficially affects the overall impression of space by the Polyurian scenario of lighting.

How to arrange an opening without a door, with a door, a niche in the wall, arch, corners in the corridor with your own hands: tips, photo

The doorway is left open in the event that they want to expand the space in a small room, combine 2 rooms with each other or arrange furniture in the doorway. And even the most banal, to make life easier with installing the door and caring for it. Usually the doorway is left open from the corridor to the kitchen, the hallway, the living room. As for the restroom, bedrooms, in such cases it is better to put ordinary doors.

How is a doorway you make up without a door, with a door, a niche in the wall, arch and corners in the corridor? Here are some tips with a photo:

Design of the opening in the corridor without a door
Design of the opening in the corridor without a door
  • Curtains. Such curtains are able to hide the passage to another room.
  • If you curtain curtains made of dense material, it will be no worse than putting ordinary doors.
  • If desired, you can push the curtains, thereby making beautiful folds that will only decorate the passage from one room to another.
Design of the opening in the corridor in the form of an arch
Design of the opening in the corridor in the form of an arch
  • Interior finish in the form of an arch. It occupies a special place in a modern interior.
  • With the help of an arch, you can also increase the space in the room, give special comfort, comfort, sophistication.
  • Basically, arches are made in the form of a semicircle, because translated from the Latin language "arch" means "Bend". But you can make such a design of the opening in the form of an unusual geometric shape.
  • The arch gives the room lightness, spaciousness, and easily fits into any interior.

What materials do arches make from? In this matter, it is important to consider:

  • The thickness of the walls
  • The size and shape of the arched passage
  • Wall design
Design of the opening in the corridor in the form of an arch
Design of the opening in the corridor in the form of an arch

Materials that are used to build:

  • Glass
  • Wood
  • Plastic
  • Metal
  • Drywall
  • Brick
  • Stone

Drywall - It is easiest to make an arch from it. So you can save both money and time. Here are a few ideas for the design of the angles of the hallway:

DIY corridor decoration in the corridor
DIY corridor decoration in the corridor
DIY corridor decoration in the corridor
DIY corridor decoration in the corridor
DIY corridor decoration in the corridor
DIY corridor decoration in the corridor

How to arrange a kitchen in the corridor, a corridor turning into a kitchen: a cortica-corridor without a door, how to arrange a transition with your own hands?

For wall decoration in the corridor, it is better to choose those techniques and materials that will visually expand the passage:

  • Blitting paints
  • Decorative plaster, including "Venetian"
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
  • Light cold tones in wall decoration
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
  • Other techniques that optically expand the volume of the room.
  • In some cases, contrasting solutions are interesting and advantageous to help forget about the real proportions of the passage zone.
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
  • In separate “narrow” places you can use mirrors-mirror doors have already become familiar at the wardrobes-wardrobes.
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
The design of the kitchen in the corridor, the corridor passing into the kitchen
  • It should be borne in mind that even several small horizontal mirrors can transform a boring kitchen-coror.

The dark tones of the finish - deep shades of brown and even black look advantageous. If you add mirrors, you get the effect of a large depth of space.

How to arrange a corridor with your own hands with a stone: design ideas, photo

Imitation of natural stone from modern finishing materials is suitable for the interior decoration of the hallway. Artificial stone is made of gypsum or concrete, and for a long time preserves beautiful and attractive walls.

DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor


  • Resistance to mechanical influences - stone textures are imitated by ceramics, not deformed and do not rot.
  • Refractory.
  • The versatility of style is beneficial for the classic interior of design, gracefully fits.
  • Stones can be bent and cut, and there is also the possibility of painting in any color.
DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor
  • Environmental safety - in the production of decorative stone, natural materials are used.
  • The combination with lighting - properly placing lamps on the stone texture, the atmosphere in the room will change.
  • Small weight - decorative stone is much easier than natural, and can be safely used in drywall structures.
  • The affordable price is inexpensive, as well as pretty and practical.
DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor
  • A variety of variations - many options with interesting drawings, the possibility of imitations with the addition of individual fragments.

This is a worthy finishing material, but you need to work with it with caution. In small hallways there are few places, so it is better to use fragmentary cladding of doorways, windows, decorate corners, paintings on the wall, niches in the wall, on the floor above the baseboard, the place where the shoes are removed. It is necessary to take into account the style of the corridor.

DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor

Artificial stone is made of two options:

  • Concrete stone is easy during cleaning, you can independently restore damage, but there are also disadvantages - heavy, expensive in cost, complex cladding (the need for a special tool), you need the experience of styling.
  • Gypsum stone - the finish of drywall structures, light, inexpensive, coloring and texture options, disadvantages - is subjected to damage, it is impossible to rub during cleaning.

There are several options in the design of artificial stone:

DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor
  • Sawn - unnecessary facial part, clear boundaries.
  • Stone - outwardly similar to marble, quartz, unprocessed breed.
  • Ward - like pebbles, boulder.
  • Artificial brick.
  • Finishing tiles - polished material, like granite.
  • Mosaic.
  • A fantasy stone is an interesting design.
DIY Corridor
DIY Corridor

Several types of stone are not recommended in the design of the water room. It is better to vary with a shade, you can always paint in any color.

How to arrange the corridors of the kindergarten with your own hands: photo

DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands

The space of kindergarten should create a sense of trust, interest and warmth in a small child. After all, the baby leaves his home and plunges for several hours into the alien environment of the kindergarten.

With your own hands, you can draw on the walls of the heroes of a fairy tale, cut out of Chipboard Trees, grass and other objects, and then paint and turn the corridor into a real forest. Do not be afraid to show imagination, and you can come up with a beautiful design of the corridor in kindergarten. Here are a few ideas of the corridors of the kindergarten with your own hands:

DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
  • The corridors and halls of the kindergarten can be decorated in the form of a flowering winter garden, where pots and pots with flowers are harmoniously placed.
  • It can be either flowering plants in small decorative pots, beautifully placed on racks, as well as large floor ceramic pots for high trellishes - fikusov, monsters or diphenbachia.
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
  • It is always appropriate to immerse children in the atmosphere of fairy tale and magic.
  • Such a task is on the shoulder by kindergarten artists.
  • You need to draw figures of fairy -tale heroes and place them on the walls in the form of fabulous plots that the kids know best. These are Russian folk tales about kolobok or kurochka Ryabuand favorites of the animated world - Masha and the Bear, smurfs And other small fabulous evil spirits.
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
DIY Corridors Design with your own hands
  • There are usually very large window openings in the corridors of kindergarten.
  • To create homemade comfort, they need to be arranged with tulle curtains of light tones and lambrequins of silk or satin fabrics.
  • You can order roller curtains with a window pattern, as in a real lock, as in the photo above - original and interesting.
  • Winter in Russia is long and dark, so it is better to choose fabrics of light and delicate tones to decorate the windows, reminiscent of the colors of summer-light green, pink, lemon-yellow color.

Such shades of fabrics visually warm the atmosphere of the state -owned room and give children a sense of peace and home warmth. In another article on our website you will find a lot ideas for designing locker rooms For kindergarten.

How to arrange a corridor at school with your own hands: photo

The standard solution to the design of the walls of the school corridor is painting oil or acrylic paint of light colors. But you can do this more original. In particular, for premises of a younger school. Here are a few ideas on how to arrange a corridor at school with your own hands - photo:

DIY Corridors Registration
DIY Corridors Registration
  • If it is possible to purchase thematic stencils, then stencil prints can be applied to the smooth plain surface of the walls.
  • These can be special school logos that are created on the basis of the thematic value of the corridor.
  • Usually the space of the school corridor is multi -meter, so the plot paintings on the subject will be to the place - for the lobby, corridors on the floors or on the way to the assembly hall.
DIY Corridors Registration
DIY Corridors Registration
  • Cognitive facts, aphorisms of great people, mathematical and physical formulas, decorated in the form of posters, will originally decorate the pieces between the offices.
DIY Corridors Registration
DIY Corridors Registration
  • You need to think through the system of navigation tablets, if the school is large and those who come to its walls for the first time or visit from time to time will be very convenient to move around the school space.
  • For free communication of schoolchildren on the walls of corridors, it is necessary to provide such corners as a “board of ads”, where schoolchildren can exchange information, for example, about the exchange of textbooks.
DIY Corridors Registration
DIY Corridors Registration
  • Children should know about the cultural life of the city in which they live.
  • Therefore, by the way, there will be stands with information about performances and concerts, exhibitions, vernissages, sports competitions of the city or village.

The presentation of any wall information should be solved in a positive way, bright pure colors and cheerful images of your favorite movie heroes, musical and sports idols of the young generation.

Video: Corridor - photo. 100 interior design ideas

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