Pop art style in the interior: design, description, examples of apartment design, houses, rooms

Pop art style in the interior: design, description, examples of apartment design, houses, rooms

Interior design in the style of pop art is bright, brave, youth, unusual and expressive with color accents, so it gives each room its own character. Almost 70 years after its appearance on art scene, pop art still occupies a large share of contemporary art and culture!

Pop art, like many other styles of art, takes off, goes out of fashion and appears again. Nevertheless, this is one of the most striking and famous trends in art, which has many followers not only among artists, but also among interior designers. Therefore, the style of pop art in the interior and design of an apartment or house is always in trend.

What is the style of pop art in the interior?

This is the brightest style in the interior!
This is the brightest style in the interior!
  • Pop art is a style of art that arose around the 1950s in the UK, and the mass peak of popularity occurred in the 1960s in the United States. But it developed almost simultaneously and largely independently of each other.
  • It stands out simply with an abundance of features and often even various, incompatible characteristics. This is mainly a view of the daily things of our use in oversized sizes or as a photorealistic illustration. Pop art is a style of art that contributes to our daily lives.
  • But at the same time, the style of pop art in the interior Always unique and individual! After all, you can even use your image as a basis. Although comics, portraits of the founders, Merlin Monroe and other celebrities become more often.
  • But that is exactly what Lack of rulesand the ability to combine and use almost everything that in your opinion concerns art has made pop art the most affordable and sought-after style in the interior at the time of its origin. And even today he finds a lot of fans.
There are practically no rules in it
There are practically no rules in it

The word "pop art" is an abbreviation from "Popular Art"-literally translated as “Art for people”, “art for the masses” or “natural art”. Its content was inspired by advertising and trivial elements of society.

Inspired by advertising campaigns, shields and television shows, artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Liechtenstein and Richard Hamilton, turned to mediocrity. Within the framework of their so-called anti-art campaign, they edited trivial photographs of famous actors and turned them into exciting new types of art.

This form of art has long developed from art galleries and found its permanent place in our lives. Pop art, consisting of many styles, influenced the media, the culture and design of many products. Be it comic merchandising, fashion or design of the room, no other style of art did not affect our everyday life as much as pop art.

But creativity is highly valued
But creativity is highly valued

Pop art style in the interior: Color design and wall design

The pop art style in the interior creates an unusual and amazing design, and sometimes even causes a shocking effect.

Acid combination
Acid combination
  • Pop art, as art, is often characterized by the use Bright, dynamic and even acidic colors. But often the basis is taken White or gray background of walls.And their additional design and decorative elements can vary from almost all incompatible options. Basic colors used:
    • all possible shades of yellow
    • pink red
    • bright red
    • silly blue
    • screaming green
    • fuchsia
    • raspberry
Bright colors
Bright colors
  • Especially, Pop art is based on a combination of contrasts! And in a whole composition of design, you can use simply a bouquet of primary colors and their mixes with zoning accents. Bright, sometimes gentle, brave and innovative-all this is pop art. After all A chaotic combination of colors is your individualism!
  • All four walls in the room can be decorated in different ways. Simple wallpaper or 3D panel is welcome. In addition, do not forget about Gloss and shine - All this is no less important stroke of your non -standard thinking.

Like advice: Still, do not use 10 leading colors. The attention will be very dissipated from this, and the eyes will be tired. Use a maximum of 4-5 dominant colors, and the rest are only as a addition. And yet - the brighter the walls, the less design they need!

Accents should not be completely different palette
Accents should not be completely different palette
  • An important feature in the style of pop art is Wall decoration. Reproductions, original murals, comics, films and even clippings from magazines can place accents in the interior. The image of Warhol or Monroe is very popular, and also the banks of condensed milk. And the main highlight - Large images should only be on the walls. But do not clutter up the room with them!
    • But you can use bright accents and colors not only on the walls, but also On the curtains, and even bedding.
    • You can also use Portrait of your own image, your partner or family. The use of your own photographs gives art personality and originality.

Important: Consider the quadrature of the room. Big paintings in a small room will look too cumbersome.

The effect of contrast
The effect of contrast

Pop art style in the interior: the right choice of furniture

  • The style of pop art in the interior highly appreciates freedom, like freedom of thought and taste, which we already understood from color preferences. That's why The amount of furniture is minimized!
  • There is an emphasis on:
    • semicircular and bright sofas
    • champs-Chash
    • all kinds of soft ottomans
    • small magazine tables
    • large bags or breast chairs with a filler for the living room
    • there may be a glossy backlight in the kitchen
    • in the bedroom - an eclectic bed, which will give the interior individuality
    • very popular furniture in the shape of lips
  • This style excludes or minimizes the use of cabinets,therefore, think through the projection of a niche or a mobile floor hanger (Rail). Or use chests of drawers, narrow and small racks.
  • But the important thought of this style is Convenience and practicality. Therefore, we pay attention not only to color and style, but also to the practicality of things. In addition, pop art even makes a bet for ease in care, so give preference:
    • plastic
    • polyester
    • artificial leather (do not forget about the basis of style - accessibility to everyone)
    • glass is also suitable
    • and a tree is permissible, but without chic and classics!
Every detail among themselves in harmony
Every detail among themselves in harmony
  • Pop art furniture is unusual, attractive and futuristic. A feature of pop art-resembles a retro style: soft rounded forms of furniture are used, which are combined with graphic elements and, thus, create an exciting contrast. Such geometry and color can only be given plastic, so this material is considered dominant for pop art furniture.

Important: Pop art is still a bet on creativity. If possible, then instead of a banal plain authority, use imitation of a tire or bumper, and use chairs in the form of a throne or glass. Do not forget about the use of cosmic colors by the type of gold, silver and bronze. You can take as a basis or as a furniture.

Unusual furniture
Unusual furniture

Pop art style in the interior: give due attention to lighting

The game of contrasts and textures is welcome, but the style of pop art in the interior needs proper and proper lighting to emphasize all this:

  • Lamps can be in point form, to pay attention to the necessary accents;
  • But you can make another emphasis for attention from lamps and a colored chandelier, unusual or texture;
  • Neon lights can really cause an artistic feeling back in the old days;
  • It is allowed to use a disco chart;
An unusual lamp
An unusual lamp
  • Window decoration and curtain framing is not necessary. After all, the pop art style creates a workshop of your imagination from the room. Therefore, nothing should distract attention from the main accents;
  • And even when choosing a lamp, do not forget about unusualness - bubble lamps, ceiling in the form of molecules or balloons - all this is welcome!
  • In addition, the use of colored bulbs or white garlands is not prohibited.

Important: but keep in mind that the lighting should not strain your eyes and create discomfort. For this reason, many designers recommend gradually making the main strokes of this direction.

A lot of light
A lot of light

Pop art style in the interior: finishing and used materials

One of the advantages of the design, when you use the pop art style in the interior, is that it will not cost you as much as other options. In this style, plastic, glass and paper are most often used, although other materials are also not prohibited. This topic raises consumer goods and the value of the 60s.

With taste
With taste

Wall decoration

  • Wallpaper With images of pop art (portraits in the style of Andy Warhol or Roy Liechtenstein) are the most popular solution for wall design.
  • you can use graphics, industrial images, stylized female image etc. All this is ideal for home design. The main task is to create a spatial illusion.
  • The use of brick wall With bright paintings.
  • No less in demand tinting paint. After all, it turns out to create your own individual and unusual color shade.
  • In addition, wall decoration is widely used Gypsum cardboard or PVC panels. They will also help align the walls or hide defects. In addition, these materials are easily mounted, and they can be designed in any color.
  • Of course, do not forget About plastic finishes and decorative plaster.

It is important not to overload the space, so choose one or two walls for experiments. Let there be a balance of bright colors with neutral.

Emphage on 1 wall

The floor should also be noticeable

  • Pop art does not prohibit the use of parquet or laminate, but the emphasis is still placed on linoleum, as a budget option.
  • You can also use Carpet or place brightly colored mat.Although there are not many restrictions in pop art, it must correspond to the general design of the house and enter into general contrast. That's why If you have an abundance of decor on the walls, then the floor should not attract excessive attention.
Paul as an addition to the composition
Paul as an addition to the composition
  • It is very good to use bulk floor, Especially glossy. Again, do not load it with large drawings if the main emphasis on the walls. If the walls, for example in the bathroom, have slightly bright elements and are made in a calm range, then you can make a realistic pattern on the floor.
    • But like a small hint - Humor and unusuality are welcome. For example, in one corner of the room on the floor sits, and in the other - Jerry. The very main part of the floor is neutral.
  • To date, there is a series Bright tiles With a close plan of the face, cult symbols and explosive exclamations in the style of pop art. The color palette of the collection dates back to the 1950s, but today it remains as modern. Although pop art does not use tiles in its design, such tiles are acceptable for the kitchen, bathroom or even a decorative wall.

The emphasis on the ceiling

  • Glossy stretch ceilings They fit well and give the house shine and light. Remember that pop art and WAU effect are inseparable. Therefore, the abundance of glossy surfaces is the norm of the pop art style. The more it reflects, the more creating three -dimensional images, the better.
  • The only condition is Do not overload the ceiling with images and patterns. If you use the drawing, then only small and discreet.
With a bright wall, the ceiling should not take attention to itself
With a bright wall and furniture, the ceiling should not take attention to itself
  • Plasterboard ceiling With backlighting is suitable for this style, but do not create steps and arches. Otherwise, there will be an imbalance of accents. Or this is allowed if you resort to zoning the space.

Important: in general, it is very difficult to work with a large number of colors, and in the process of long stay in the room, fatigue and even irritability is possible. No need to use all aggressive and contrasting colors. Try to choose them from one or adjacent spectrum.

The ceiling can be in attention
The ceiling can be in attention

Pop art style in the interior: Accent on accessories and ideas for decorating rooms

As a small advice, if you like pop art style in the interior, but you cannot decide to change the entire design of the house, apartment or room, then start with the scenery in this style. And designers recommend starting with one room, gradually moving to other rooms.

Simple, but unusual
Simple, but unusual

A few tips on harmonious design:

  • use the scenery of the same style and a similar color spectrum
  • similar pictures of just different sizes will look great
  • madly highly appreciated handmade From the most banal improvised means
  • bet not on brightness, but on the extraordinary style
  • do not forget to decorate the sofa with pillows from old sweaters or t -shirts
  • a vase for flowers can be made from an ordinary tin can or record
Do not overload the details unnecessarily
Do not overload the details unnecessarily

How to arrange rooms in pop art?

You can choose any room, but some of them are more appropriate than others. For example, spacious and well -lit rooms are recommended in this context. This is the only way to emphasize the typical dynamics of color and shape.

  • Use a portrait of Abraham Lincoln to decorate your living room. The portrait itself can be in bright design, and you can hang it above the fireplace. Walls can be pastel colors or one wall can be distinguished and colorful. Near the window, put an oath -table, and around it bright plastic chairs, preferably different colors. Closer to the wall, it is worth putting an indigo sofa and decorate it with bright juicy pillows. By the way, pillows can be in the form of female red lips or in the form of a panda muzzle.
    • Another wonderful idea will be the use of white armchairs in this living room, on which you can throw the pillows of the same with a sofa of color and with an interesting decor. And do not forget to put the original small table near your sofa. And a bright rug on the floor will complement your interior in the style of pop art.
You can use your photos in negative
You can use your photos in negative
  • Yourcanteen It can also have an unsurpassed pop art style. Hang bright plafones - and they will already perfectly decorate even a neutral ceiling. Color one of the walls yellow and decorate it with vinyl plates. The dining table can be glass, and around it use curved bright chairs from plastic. Curtains on your windows can be in a large cage or rhombus.
    • Glass flows in bright colors will perfectly complement window sills or table. All this will give the brave and memorable style to our apartment.
Living room with the hallway
The living room and dining room
  • And in your bedroomyou can put a wardrobe with photo printing, for example, Merlin Monroe. Or hang a mural with the image of a bright girl on one of the walls. Your bed can be snow -white in bright peas. But the bed itself should be covered with a red bedspread. Near the bed you can put a bright cabinet. Put a lamp and a clock in the shape of an apple or bird on the cabinet.
    • The remaining elements in your bedroom can be neutral colors and standard shapes.
  • Bathroomyou can easily decorate in your favorite pop art style. Bright tiles on the floor, such as lemon color, and white tiles on walls with the right decor of walls in the form of unusual shelves are practical and unusual, as the style requires. Even your boiler can be decorated with a sticker with a pattern in the style of pop art. A non -slip mat should be chosen with an original design. Geometric shapes are perfect.
    • Handles on bedside tables can be bright and unusual design. By the way, Ikea offers many options for this style. There should be bright soapses, stands for brushes and pastes, as well as hooks for towels.
With taste
With taste
Pop Art
Bright combination
Bright combination
With taste
With taste
Very unusual
Very unusual

You have already made sure that the pop art style in the interior has unusual, fresh, positive and attractive features. And in order to create such a style in the apartment, you do not need to spend a fortune on the work of Andy Warhol. With accessories and furniture of interesting shape and neon colors, you can add pop art to any of your room with minimal costs. And the ability to create decorations on your own will help you reveal your talents, and decorate the room.

Video: Pop art style in the interior in apartment design

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