Schoolchildren's room - design, interior design ideas, photo

Schoolchildren's room - design, interior design ideas, photo

In order for your baby to have good performance, it is important to correctly arrange his training area. This will be discussed in the article.

When your child becomes a schoolboy, this completely changes his way of life, which means that his room should endure significant changes. After all, now the child will not only sleep and play in her, but also study, create, the number of his things will increase significantly. Given this, parents should make sure that the design of the children's room is as consistent with the growing requests of the younger student.

Schoolchild room: design, general recommendations

  • If the family has two children, then you need to think over schoolchildren's room design for twoSo that they do not interfere with each other. But in the sleeping place you can save by installing a bunk bed.
  • You need to understand that room for the student of the girl and room for a boy's schoolboy Must differ from each other. In addition, it is better to divide the entire space of the room into zones, fill it with non -taped colors, functional furniture, provide proper lighting and be sure to not forget about the gaming corner. We will consider all these nuances below.
  • As already noted above, schoolchildren's room I must carry a multifunctional load - from the bedroom to the office. Therefore, it is extremely important to create zones that differ in functionality and, accordingly, in terms of design and their filling. This will help discipline the baby, not to scatter his attention, switching, for example, from books to toys. And cleaning in zoned space is much easier.
We zonize
We zonize
  • To divide the whole room into functional zones, it is not necessary to arrange multi -level ceilings or floors - it is enough to correctly arrange furniture and other interior items. For example, install closet, unfolding it with sliding doors towards the sleeping place, and from the opposite side to equip it with regiments, thus forming the functional “wall” of the working or gaming zone.
  • Another option - portable screen or partition, Which, on the one hand, will create a cozy solitude at the desktop, and on the other, you can hang children's drawings, photos and the like on it.
Student's room
Student's room
  • It happens that for some reason it is impossible to zone the room (for example, due to its limited size). Then you can simply arrange a desk in one corner (so that the baby sits with his back to the toys), and push the bed and playing place into the long corners.

The color design of the schoolchild room

  • If you do not plan to conduct grandiose repair work annually in a nursery with wall reprinting or swinging wallpaper, then it is better to opt for neutral colors. This will allow you to make adjustments over time in the interior of a children's room for a student (furniture, decoration, decor elements), without spending too much money and effort.
In calm colors
In calm colors
  • Another plus calm colors in the interior - a positive impact on the psyche of a younger schoolboy. After all, correctly selected colors will help to concentrate in the working area and relax in a sleeping place in order to relax well.
Room of the boy
Room of the boy
  • Psychologists advise to arrange some in the recreation area in the children's room bright oases - Details of the interior on which the look will linger. But there should not be too many of them and always against the background of light walls and ceilings (ideally, they should be white in combination with beige, pale gray, green-blue gamut).
Bright details
Bright details
  • For a working corner The colors that stimulate attention and encourage successful activities are suitable: low, muffled yellow, greenish, blue, orange and brown. Moreover, there can be quite a lot of green, and the rest of the colors should simply be “attended” in the working corner in the form of the same accents (it is best if it is some important information-such as the schedule of lessons or the daily routine-performed on a color background).

Furniture for a schoolboy room

  • Not only convenience depends on the ergonomicity of furniture for the student’s room, but also health - and, directly. And since children grow quickly, they are better off tables with chairs with a margin so that, if necessary, they can, if necessary, adjust their height and angle of the back.
Choose high -quality furniture
Choose high -quality furniture
  • The modern furniture market offers a lot of all kinds of furniture for the student’s children's room, and to make the right choice, you need to either consult a specialist or choose a table and a chair yourself.
  • You need to understand that the optimal height of the table is an approximate chest level in a sitting position (a couple of centimeters below), and the hands should lie on the countertop without any stress or sagging.
Important rules
Important rules
  • If the chair turned out to be too high, then you can build a stand for the legs from improvised materials (boxes, books and the like), attracting a small owner of the room to this process.
  • Most likely, the room will not have enough space to put two tables - written and computer, so immediately purchase a hybrid and make sure that it has enough drawers and shelves - This will help save space.
Convenience and spaciousness important is important
Convenience and spaciousness important is important

Schoolchild room: lighting

  • It is very important to think about the arrangement of furniture and zoning of the children's room to the working corner was quite illuminated - both natural light and lighting devices.
  • The main illumination parameters should be uniformity, lack of excessive dullness or brightness - Moreover, this applies to both sunlight and the work of lamps.
  • If you plan to hang a central lighting device, then additional lighting sources should be added to it - either around the entire perimeter of the room (stationary built -in lamps), or in its certain areas (using sconces and table lamps).
  • In the working corner of the schoolchild room, on the desk (on the left - for those who write with the right hand, and on the right - for left -handed people) it is necessary to put an adjustable table lamp so that it can easily change its angle of inclination and height. It is best that a 60-watt white LED light bulb with a matte effect in it is shone.
We need additional lamps
We need additional lamps
  • If the student’s desktop is standing near the window, then it is desirable (if possible) to install perpendicular to the opening.

Game corner - a favorite place for a schoolboy room

  • Becoming a schoolboy, your baby does not cease to be a child, which means that his most beloved zone in the room will be a gaming corner.
  • That is why it School room design In this perspective, you need to think very carefully.

So that the games not only kill the baby’s time, but also help him to develop correctly, it is worth planning the corresponding decor elements:

  • planes for creativity (if your child has a tendency to drawing), for learning (all kinds of magnetic or letters for writing and the like);
  • tables for games, collecting puzzles, needlework or other creative classes;
  • musical instruments;
  • sports equipment (Swedish walls, horizontal bars, ropes).
Bright board
Bright board
Game corner
Game corner
Game side
Game side

It is advisable to put a soft hypoallergenic coating on the floor, because on it the child will spend a lot of time.

Decorative elements in the student’s room as assistants in development

  • In any case, you want decorate the schoolboy room With any decorative elements-so why not combine, as they say, useful with pleasant?! Let the real “highlight” of the nursery become the decorating with the mind and love, which carry an educational semantic load.
  • Can be glued to the wall a huge map of the world (stylized as ancient, with hidden treasures of pirates), put a globe, hang under the ceiling a model of a solar system or an entire starry sky with the main constellations - ideas, in fact, may be a lot.
World map
World map
  • If your baby is fond of creativity, then spread on the walls of reproductions of famous paintings or portraits of writers or composers. And if he has a tendency to learn languages, then find the wallpaper with the alphabet.
  • Any parents are undoubtedly proud of the successes of their child - so share his victories with everyone who comes to visit you. To do this, it is enough to create a kind of “board of honor” on which it will be possible to place the most successful drawings of the baby, and over time - all kinds of letters and awards, cups and medals.
  • The main rule for arranging the “Board of Honor” is the most prominent place in the room, so that every incoming one is immediately striking.
  • It is good if you do not regret the time and relatively small money to insert all these awards into the framework for glass - so they will look much more solid and last longer.

Mini-bibliotek in a schoolboy room

  • Everyone knows that only a reading child develops harmoniously and comprehensively. So create all the necessary conditions for your baby to become an avid book lover!
  • Gather his own library with him (bookshelves, racks or cabinets are perfect for this), and also equip a cozy a place for reading in a schoolboy room, which will be well lit enough.
In the game area
In the game area
  • To create maximum comfort, invite the child to decorate the book shelves with any miniature objects (toys, souvenirs and the like).

Place for storing things, toys, school supplies in the schoolchild room

  • It is necessary to initially think about the interior of the nursery so that for all categories of objects in it there is a place - and in sufficient quantities. Then it will be much easier to clean in the room, and clutter will not arise.
  • Of course, your baby will gradually gather quite a lot of all kinds of things: clothes, toys, school supplies and so on, which he will not want to throw away or remove from his room.
Store things
Store things
  • School accessories It should be stored in the working corner and in such an order that you can easily reach them (tables of table, shelves, cabinets, bedside tables). Items that the child constantly uses must be closer.
  • Clothes in a schoolboy room It is necessary to place in a wardrobe (recommended depth - 40 cm). The bracket for shoulders should not be located too high - approximately at the eye level of the child. Pay attention to drawers: it is impossible for them to slip out of the grooves so that the baby cannot accidentally injure himself. Another option for storing clothes is a dresser for linen and an open hanger for things that should be stored on the shoulders.
  • Try to accustom the child to the fact that you need to get rid of toys with which he no longer plays: for example, giving them to someone younger, and the remaining should always be cleaned in place after the game. Otherwise, you are just sophisticated in their huge quantities!
Need to restore order
Need to restore order
  • It is nice to store toys in special boxes - after systematizing according to the principle convenient for the baby.

Video: Student room decoration

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