Balcony design-the best ideas for decorating and designing an office, gym, kitchen, mini-bar, workshop, summer garden on the balcony-tips, photos

Balcony design-the best ideas for decorating and designing an office, gym, kitchen, mini-bar, workshop, summer garden on the balcony-tips, photos

A bright and beautiful balcony in your apartment is a dream that can become a reality. Use our tips to get incredibly beautiful results.

For many people, the balcony is an important part of the apartment. Earlier, old things were stored on the balconies, but today everything has changed. Here people spend a lot of time, rest, have lunch, work. That is why a beautiful, stylish finish, the interior of the room play a huge role.

An elegantly decorated and comfortable balcony looks great from the side. Thanks to him, the entire room of the apartment increases, which is sometimes useful for small housing. The design of the balcony is very different: from the warm bedroom, which can be used in the summer to the greenhouse. Here you can place a table, a small sofa and drink fragrant coffee in the morning.

Balcony design with stone trim

  • The stone is considered spectacular, presentable material. It is expensive, it looks beautiful. It is easy to care for a stone surface, the material can last a long time, since it is very strong.
  • But for finishing the balcony, only artificial material must be used. All because natural stone weighs a lot, it is forbidden to use it for balconies.
  • You must understand that for balcony design You can use several materials at once, given their characteristics.
  • You have the opportunity to create a bright, amazing balcony design with stone, quickly and without special costs.

Balcony design by wood

  • A wood lining is ideal for a balcony, where you plan to relax, drink coffee, tea in the morning. The tree is considered environmentally friendly material. Thanks to him, you feel that you are outside the city or on a comfortable terrace.
  • A good, high -quality wooden lining is easily mounted, because it has grooves. The collected surface is flat, there are no cracks on it.
  • It is also easy to repair wood finishes. The detail that is damaged, removed, changes to a new one. Wooden liningTheir coniferous breed is an inexpensive option for the design of the balcony.
  • If you are interested in high -quality, reliable material, give preference to aspen, oak and then the design of the balcony will definitely surprise you.

The design of the balcony is plastic

The use of plastic as a material for balcony design - Sometimes a dubious decision that causes different opinions. But despite this, the material has the following advantages

  • Moisture resistance.
  • Little weight.
  • A huge assortment of options.
  • Simplicity of installation.
Work zone
Work zone
  • However, at the same time, the material has some disadvantages, for example, fragility. At a highly reduced temperature, the plastic can be deformed, covered with cracks.
  • Also, plastic can break from blows.
  • That is why this material cannot be used on those balconies where there are often children.

Balcony design with drywall

  • The material can be used if the surface of the walls on the balcony is uneven. The blades of drywall are mounted to a metal frame, a heater is placed between the sheet and the wall.
  • For balcony design Use drywall that is not afraid of moisture. Outwardly, this canvas is ugly, so it is painted, covered with wallpaper on top.
  • The material is easily mounted, so you quickly cope with work. In addition, drywall is inexpensive, any buyer can afford it.

Balcony design vinyl siding

  • Outwardly, this material resembles a lining of wood. He has the same forms, there are connecting grooves.
  • The material is mounted simple, convenient.
  • The surfaces can be covered with paint, but initially the construction market offers consumers a large range of colors.
Simple and beautiful
Simple and beautiful
  • When compared with wooden decoration, siding is not combustible, easy to maintain, has a long service life.
  • In addition, we note that the material is considered resistant to precipitation, temperature changes. Therefore, it is ideal for the design of the balcony.

Balcony design with tiles

  • The main advantage of the tile is hygiene. The material is easy to care for, wash. He is also not afraid of hard detergents.
  • We note the decorative qualities of the tiles, a huge assortment of colors, a stylish look - all this makes it possible to create a unique modern design of the balcony.
  • Ceramic tiles are considered a strong, persistent material to various influences, which will allow it to last long.
  • The tiles are cool, it has a slippery surface. Therefore, we do not advise you to put it on the floor.

Balcony design of MDF

  • MDF is a compressed panel, for the manufacture of which dried wood fibers are used. They are covered with PVC film on top.
  • In stores you can find a lot of various colors, textures. Outwardly, MDF plate is attractive. The material perfectly holds noise, does not allow warm air to quickly go out into the street.
  • The material is easily installed, does not require special care.
On the balcony
On the balcony
  • MDF has a high degree of wear resistance and is great for the design of the balcony in the apartment. At the same time, the cost of the material is much lower than the price of a tree.
  • There is one negative point - MDF does not like strong moisture, the material is fuel, therefore it is considered not durable.

Balcony design from traffic jams

  • Traffic jam is a material that is considered popular among consumers. The cork is produced by sheets, in the manufacture of which the cork tree bark is used.
  • The advantages of traffic jams, when compared with wood, the material does not need to be constantly processed, it is able to preserve the microclimate indoors.
Traffic jam
Traffic jam
  • In addition, a cork of environmentally friendly material has a useful effect on the respiratory system.
  • The cork can be used for balcony design Even allergies.

Big Balcony Design: Designer Tips

If the balcony is large, you can make a cozy room out of it using the recommendations of designers. Use the room for:

  • Personal account.
  • Mini-spawn.
  • Dining room zone.
  • Little bar.
  • Workshop.
  • Summer Garden and so on.

Office on the balcony

  • To draw up cabinet on the balcony, design Agree with the rest of the residents of the apartment. Place a table for a computer on the balcony, a table lamp will also come in handy.
  • Do not forget about the chair, a few shelves where you can put important documents.
  • Add the room a highlight, so bright, unusual paintings, air curtains will not be superfluous. Everything, your office is completely equipped.
With flowers
With flowers

Sports on the balcony

  • Many people decide to turn the balcony into a small gym. If the room is large enough, you can easily cope with work.
  • When engaged in your personal sports hall, no one will interfere with you, and your body will change before our eyes.
For classes and rest
For classes and rest
Training on the balcony
Training on the balcony
  • Place the simulators that you need on the balcony, sports attributes, equipment. Add a small music center and proceed to perform classes.
  • There is one condition alone in such balcony design for the gym - This is a warm floor. On it you can lie, perform complex exercises.

Kitchen on the balcony

  • If the balcony is located near the kitchen, then use this advice. Combine these two rooms, as a result of which you can get large kitchen on the balcony.
  • Of course, you need to make a lot of effort For the design of the balcony. But believe me, you will like the result. Such kitchen with access to the balcony It has many advantages.
On the balcony
On the balcony

Mini-bar on the balcony

  • If you want to make a small bar out of the balcony, forward. Such a room is easier to equip, since you do not have to make radical changes.
  • Make a countertop along the windows, put high chairs. Hang the cabinets where you can place drinks, glasses, glasses.
  • As balcony design Use the following option - paint the walls, hang pictures of the same style.
  • Everything, the mini-bar is completely equipped. You can receive guests or spend a time on the balcony with your loved one.

Workshop on the balcony

  • On the balcony you will get a good, comfortable workshop. This is a great solution for those people who work at home, for example, they sew clothes.
  • The main thing the dignity of the workshop on the balcony - A lot of sunlight enters the room, which is so lacking in the rest of the rooms.
  • The insulation of the room from the remaining rooms will allow you to work calmly. Other households, noise, extraneous smells will not interfere with you, if, for example, you are engaged in drawing.
  • During balcony design Place the table, cabinets there, placing tools, working materials in them. The most important thing in such a design is that your working space will be separate, not to interfere with the household. You can work calmly without causing discomfort to other family members.

Summer garden on the balcony

  • By planting plants on the balcony, you can create a small kindergarten in the apartment. You will not need to buy many expensive materials. For the arrangement, it is enough to stock up on small pots, flower pots, shelves, brackets for fastening shelves.
  • Plant the plants more, the room will look more beautiful, delighting you and the rest of the household. You will notice a special beauty when the plants begin to bloom.
  • These are only part of the options that you can use during design of a large balcony. Also here you get a great sauna, a small pool, a bathroom.
On the balcony
On the balcony

Balcony design in Khrushchev: Designer Tips

Have you decided to equip a small balcony? Designers advise using the following options:

  • Choose an unusual style that will be combined with the style of the apartment. Use the same building materials as a finish.
  • Use a completely different design, style for arranging. Everything should radically differ from the interior of the remaining rooms.

To make it easier for you to navigate in choosing the perfect design of the balcony, use the prompts of modern designers.

Balcony combined with a room

  • Some apartment owners combine balconies with other rooms. You can make a pantry out of it, put products, winter conservations there. If the balcony is insulated, you can transfer the refrigerator or freezer.
  • Having demolished the wall, which, for example, shares the balcony and the kitchen, you will get a cozy, spacious dining room. But keep in mind that an experienced builder must perform all finishing work.
  • Is your balcony combined with the nursery? Arrange a gaming corner on it, put a desk so that the child can deal with it.

The design of a small balcony

  • Country. Put the aged furniture on the balcony, cover the walls with wood. The decor of the premises will not do without old candlesticks, interesting curtains, and plafones.
  • High tech. This style contains mainly restrained shades, but a large amount of light.
  • Mediterranean. Cover the entire surface of the walls or only part of them with brick. An artificial stone, wicker furniture, forged lamps, many colors are also useful.
  • Oriental. Stone and crystal interior items, bamboo, natural wood - all this is considered the main component of the oriental style.
  • Provence. Put the tile on the floor that imitates the tree. Describe the walls, add different shades, but it is desirable that they are light.
  • Loft. In this style there are walls covered with brick, wooden pallets instead of furniture, air curtains.

The design of a narrow balcony

In small apartments there are balconies with a width of less than 1 m during design of a narrow balcony Often there is a lot of space that is not involved. It can be used to accommodate plants, flowers, workshop.


You can make from the balcony:

  • A place where important things can be stored.
  • Working area.
  • Place for accepting guests, drinking coffee or tea.
  • Art workshop.
  • A small floral garden.

Panoramic balcony: design

  • Thanks to this balcony, the room will visually increase, becomes light.
  • Designers recommend combining these balconies with other rooms, use the space to the maximum.
  • So that the balcony becomes more comfortable, inspires you, make it cozy.
  • During balcony design Cover the walls with artificial stone, put a desk or coffee table.
  • Grind the balcony completely from the floor to the ceiling and enjoy a beautiful look, sitting in the morning over a cup of aromatic coffee.
  • On small ones balconies Very little free space. Here, every corner needs to be used “wisely”. If you like plants, place pots with flowers on the balcony.
  • Also put a soft chair that easily turns into mini-bed. Hang blinds on the windows, they will protect flowers from the penetration of ultraviolet rays.
  • So that you get a cozy corner for relaxation, make a design in the oriental style. Lay a warm bedspread on the floor, put the pillows. You can put a small sofa, a bench.

Balcony design: interesting ideas

  • The color scheme of the balcony Make it unexpected. For example, cover the wooden lining with rich paint.
  • Monochrome balcony - An unexpected option. The lack of the main shade is compensated by various textures: paint one wall casually, close the other with panels.
  • Use unusual materials as a finish, for example, corrugated board. And do not worry that this material is used mainly for lining the outer surface of the balcony.
  • Cover the walls of the balcony tiles or create a small panel of this material. Buy a relief tile or make it from gypsum yourself.
  • A balcony sheathed with a dark and light lining right away - Great option. Make the walls dark, hang light beams on the ceiling.
  • Paint the walls with stripes. Using this method, vertical, horizontal strips, as well as complex ornaments, can be obtained.
  • Walls on the balcony can be bright. They can be decorated with dark spots. Thus, the room is filled with light, it becomes visually larger.
  • To protect the walls of the balconyGet the murals on them. Only you will have to ensure that the drafts are absent in the room, the sun's rays do not penetrate inside the room.
  • Clinker tiles Ideal for the climate of our country. She is not afraid of low temperature, strong moisture.
  • Want to feel a real artist? Apply slices of tiles for wall decoration. Create a mosaic canvas, place one wall.
  • Looks good In the design of the balcony pebble Together with tiles. For decor, take only large pebbles if your apartment has pets.
  • Apply tiles for decorating non -standard places, for example, a window sill.
  • Arch, covered with mosaic. Want to separate the working area from living space? Make an arch that can be decorated with multi -colored mosaics.
  • Hang the carpets on the walls of the large balcony. In this case, you can not worry about wall decoration.
  • The balcony looks unusual, where the back is placed on the wall from the sofa. You can use this option if you have a specialist who can cope with work.
  • Would you like Decorate the balcony with greensbut you have no time to care for plants? Then bed on the floor or hang an artificial lawn on the walls.

Video: Balcony design

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