How to fix a children's chair, a car seal, a car seat, a triangle in the front and rear seat - a description, photo instructions. How to plant a child in car seats, how to choose a place, where to fix the car seats in the car?

How to fix a children's chair, a car seal, a car seat, a triangle in the front and rear seat - a description, photo instructions. How to plant a child in car seats, how to choose a place, where to fix the car seats in the car?

Currently, children can only be transported using special devices, car seats. There is a simple rule, the child is not fastened in a children's chair - a fine, so it is important to have and correctly fix the car seat during the trip.

We will tell you what types of car seats are and how to use them correctly.

How to choose a car seat for a child?

First of all, we will determine what types of car seats by age are:

  • Group 0-0-10 kg, 0-6 months. The cradle is used, sideways, to the door.
  • Group 0+-0-13 kg, 0-1 year. It can be used as a frequency chair.
  • Group 1-9-18 kg, 9 months-4 years. For a sitting position, in the direction of movement.
  • Group 2-15-25 kg, 3-7 years. Installation in the direction of movement.
  • Group 3-22-36 kg, 6-12 years old. The main advantage is compactness.
3 groups and universal option
3 groups and universal option

Basic tips for choosing a car seat:

  • Take into account not only the age of the baby, but also his weight, and even height.
  • It is best not just to make the necessary measurements of the future passenger, but to go to the store with him. There is a demo where you will see how comfortable the baby will be, and it also turns out on the spot whether this chair is suitable for your car.
  • Try to fix the car seats, carefully check whether the belts are convenient, whether there are fixers on them, clogged gaskets on the locks - elastic and wide, as well as locking the castle so that the baby does not open it on the way.
  • A guarantee of compliance with strict European safety standards and passing all inspections is the presence of a sign ECE R44 \\ 03 or ECE R44 \\ 04 On the belt. Without it, there is a reason to doubt the safety of this car seare.
  • The side protection must certainly be established! She protects neck, head and shoulders A child with a lateral blow, which is not uncommon, unfortunately.
  • The overall security largely depends on the strength of the frame. Metal is stronger, but it is quite heavy. If you do not want to have excess weight in the car, choose plastic frame primary processing, it is much stronger.
  • And, of course, do not buy car seats for a child at dubious points of sale, but go to brand store. There, of course, more expensive, but much more reliable in terms of security. And also-a huge choice, the possibility of consulting an expert, the availability of certificates and the ability to try a purchase on a demo.
  • Do not look for a car seat for a child used at a cheaper price. It can have hidden defects, implemented after an accident (although according to the law, should be disposed of).
Pay attention to these tips
Pay attention to these tips

Where to fix the car seat in a car for a child?

Features of fastening of car seats primarily depend on the age of the crumbs.

  • Group 0 and 0+ is still auto -Luke, it is mounted in front, against the drive of the car. As a fastener system, isophyxes, or stationary car belts are taken. In this case, the airbag is necessarily turned off.
Correct mount
Correct mount
  • For other groups, the right installation point will be the rear seat.

There are 3 options for installing car seats: behind the driver’s place, behind the passenger seat, in the middle.

  • The third option is a universal method, used up to three years of age. At the same time, a children's chair from all sides safe spacewho, in the accident, will take a blow to himself and protect the baby. In addition, adults can be located next to the baby, even on both sides, which will allow watch him, entertain him and pay attention - At this age, it is still difficult for a child to stay alone with him for a long time.
  • When the chair is located on the part of the passenger, the child is also in a rather safe zone, the danger threatens him only when hitting the right side, which happens not so often. Good for 1 and 2 groups. An adult can also sit nearby, but at this age children do not require so much attention, they willingly take care of a toy, tablet, telephone. It is convenient to put the baby in place from the side of the sidewalk, but you have to go around the car and get off the carriageway from the roadway.
  • Option with a chair fastening behind the driver's place relevant for older age, groups 2 and 3. Such children are already able to climb on an armchair on their own, adults should only control the fastening of the belts. Parents are calmly located in front - at this age, children do not require the presence of an adult nearby, but prefer to do without him.
Advantages of the installation site of car seats
Advantages of the installation site of car seats

How to fix car seats in the car with belts?

To preserve your baby, you need to not only make the right choice of the device, determine the place of its mount, but also correctly Fix car seats with belts. An incorrectly mounted seat in the accident does not save, but causes significant injuries. Take this moment very responsible.

It is also important to fix the chair correctly - otherwise injuries cannot be avoided
It is also important to fix the chair correctly - otherwise injuries cannot be avoided

The following methods can be used for the installation of car seats:

  • Stationary car seat belts
  • System ISOFIX
  • System Latch or Superlatch

Each car is supplied with a stationary regular three -point belt, it is a universal and inexpensive tool. With it, the chair is installed without problems on any of the seats. However, its installation is quite complicated, and if the chair is equipped with a table, then it may simply not be enough a belt. And the security of such a mount is not very high.

When using this method, it is important to remember the following:

  • Car belts do not guarantee hard fixation Autocres for a child, but still it should not stagger, the backlash will say within 2 cm.
  • Necessary adjust the belt tension After a small passenger is seated in a chair. The canvas cannot be twisted, sag, or to fit too tightly. The best the gap between the belt and the body of the child is about 3-4 cm-2 fingers.
  • Install the latch on the belts so that they do not stretch and not slip during movement.
  • The tape should go through all the guides, and be located at the level of the shoulders and hips of the child. In no case should you be to the belt was at the level of his neck.
In the back seat
In the back seat

The installation of car seats in the rear seat is as follows:

  • Install car seats on the seat.
    • According to the instructions for car seats, draw a belt tape along special openings.
    • Tighten the belt and stick his castle.
    • Click on a chair and make sure that it is well fixed, there is no excessive backlash.
    • Free the seat of the chair from the belt tape, put the baby into it, Fasten the belts.
    • Following the lining Fix the locks.

How to attach a children's auto -lover in a car?

Auto -lump is a car seat for group 0 children, it is used from birth to 6 months, and it provides for the transportation of the child lying. It is convenient and safe to go in it, but for the parents there are difficulties of the following nature: the inability to convert the device to the older age in the future, and the bulky structure that occupies the front seat pushed back, thereby blocking the place behind the passenger, or two rear places.

We fasten against the movement
We fasten against the movement

If you still need to attach a children's car seat in a car, act like this:

  • The device is fixed against the passage of the car, in place near the driver, the airbag is turned off.
  • The cradle is fixed with belts, transverse and diagonal tapes should not be revenued.
  • Adjust the angle of inclination Back, it cannot exceed 45 degrees.
  • Use a special roller or a folded towel when it is provided by the manufacturer.
  • Put the baby in the cradle, fix the belts by setting the clamps at the armpit level.
  • The belts should have special overlays to prevent rubbing in the child in the groin. Place under the fastener soft towel, If the lining is not provided there.
  • Adjust the belts, they should not be pressed, and at the same time fix the baby. These are about two fingers between him and the belt canvas.
  • Measure the temperature in the cabinAnd if necessary, cover the baby with a blanket.

How to fix a children's triangle in the car?

The triangle for children is a special adapter worn on the seat belt and used to complete protection of the child. The fact is that an ordinary adult belt is adapted for a passenger with a tall of 150 cm and, if you apply it to children, then it may not protect them in the event of an accident, but cripple.

  • This is because due to the small growth of the child The diagonal belt will take place in the area of \u200b\u200bhis neck, Which is very dangerous in a collision. The adapter triangle takes the belt canvas from the neck, has it in the chest area, so it can protect a small passenger in an accident.
  • Therefore, when there is no car seat, a child from 4 to 12 years old is transported using a triangle. It can be used not only in a personal car, but also in others, simply putting on on the available seat belt. This is very easy to do, simply by missing the belt tape through the holes in the triangle, and placing it on the child’s chest.
Fasten the triangle in the absence of a chair
Fasten the triangle in the absence of a chair
  • Make sure the belts were not twisted And the material adjacent to the surface of the child’s body.
  • However, keep in mind that using a triangle - Not a way out of the situation, but rather a palliative. In case of serious accident, it does not protect as effectively as if you were fastened car seats. Therefore, stock up on such an accessory is necessary, but you should not hope too much

How to fix car seats in the front seat?

Where to install a children's chair? Should I install it in front? Note that there is no ban on such an installation. Subject to all laws, you can have chairs in front.

And this has a number of advantages:

  • Children are more willing to go in the front seat - it is better than a review here, they have the impression of participation in the movement.
  • If, in addition to the driver, there are no adults nearby, then the first is easier to control the child, to talk to him.
  • Spots are freed from behind for other children and adults.
  • It is less rocking here.

How to fix car seats for the front seat, given the category:

  • 0 - Auto -Luel. If the device is taken from a walking stroller, then you can put it exclusively in the rear seat, because the design does not allow you to install it in front.
  • Group 0+ - mounted on the front seat with the back forward, fixed according to the design of the car.
  • Group 1 - It can be located everywhere, in any position, while almost always parents prefer to seize the child face forward.
  • Group 2 and 3 - It is already possible only to face face in the direction of movement. Use ordinary car safety belts.
In front, the child feels like an adult
In front, the child feels like an adult

With all the advantages of the front seat, it remains the most dangerous when traveling. Since you still chose this place, follow the following rules:

  • Disconnect Front pillow of safety, She protects the adult well, but can cripple the baby. In this case, the side pillow cannot be turned off.
  • Place the front seat with car seats as far as possible from the torpedo, Closer to the rear seats
  • Adjust side review mirrors so that high back of a children's chair I did not close you the review.

How to fix car seats in the back seat?

  • The rear seats are the safest for children. Moreover, the center of the rear seat is considered the best place, followed by a place behind the passenger, and then already for the driver.
  • Fasten car seats for the babyit is necessary that he rode face against the movement of the car, legs to the rear seats. In this case, his body is located reclining. In very young children, the heads are usually large and heavy, and the neck is thin and weak. Therefore, it is very important to prevent large loads on these parts of the body, not only for accidents, but also with sharp inhibition.
  • How to fasten a children's car seat behind? This can be done in three different reliable ways. Using any of them, always carefully study the installation guide that will give answers to all questions.
  • ISOFIX, Latch or universal systems mountcorresponding to world security standards. They are equipped with the majority of modern cars, they are reliable and safe.
  • It is very simple to install them, it is enough to find fasteners on the seats of the car, and fix the car seat on them - all certified car seats They have a combination with such connectors. We will talk about these systems further in more detail.
Fasten using special grooves
Fasten using special grooves
  • Fastening with installed seat belts. It is placed in the absence of the above fasteners. For this case, the car seats are made Play for the belt, And in the instructions for your car there is an explanation of how to fix them (we also described above how to fasten a chair with belts).
  • Using fixers. The method is similar to the previous one, but at the same time, fixers are also installed on the belt, blocking staggering car seats. If the canvas is too long, an additional node is tied on it, which makes it possible to shorten it

In all cases - the rear seat is always preferable to the front. The exception is the auto -lump for group 0, which is placed in the front seat, pushed back to the maximum.

ISOFIX mounting system: how to fix a children's chair?

One of the best systems that allows you to properly fix the children's car seat is the ISOFIX system. This is an international certified system adopted throughout the world.


The main advantages of ISOFIX are the following:

  • She most of modern cars are equipped.
  • It is easily installed and fixed with special connectors.
  • It is very difficult to mount it incorrectly.
  • It has a very high level of protection.
  • Car seats are fixed very hard, it does not stagger, regardless of whether there is a child there or not.

ISOFIX fastening for car seats, how to fix:

  • Find a car between the back and the seat metal brackets, Remove the plugs from them.
  • If there are guides for brackets in the chair, install them on brackets.
  • The brackets of the seats are necessary put out and snap on brackets.
  • Remove the existing plugs and hide the seats along with the plugs.
  • Now it remains to put the child in a chair and fix it with an internal belt.

It must be borne in mind that this system is proposed as the main one, and you can fix the car searels up to 18 kg, that is, groups 0, 0+, and 1, for children under 4 years old. When your child crossed this line, ISOFIX can be set only as an additional system, reinforced with devices, this is an anchor belt, or telescopic emphasis.

Latch of children's car seats

The Latch system is an improved ISOFIX version. They are interchangeable, but Latch appeared later, and therefore has a number of improvements:

  • The chair itself weighs less, since it does not have a heavy metal frame, but has strong and light belts.
  • The system is not attached hard, but very effectively protects against vibration of the body And holds overloads in the accident.
  • It can be used for children whose weight significantly exceeds the maximum weight of 18 kg for ISOFIX. This value for Latch is 29 kg Due to the uniform distribution of the load when using elastic belts.
  • The method of fastening the belts has been simplified, now you do not need to observe so strictly The sequence of their fixation.
  • There is the possibility of fastening some Latch models both in the course of the car and in the opposite direction.

The procedure for attaching car seats is this:

  • Find metal brackets between back and a car seat, remove the plugs from them.
  • To unfasten the side belts of car seats, pull them out as much as possible.
  • Install car seats in the selected seat, fix carbines for fasteners.
  • Press on a chair, Tighten the side belts.
  • Throw the anchor belt behind the back of the rear seat, attach to the bracket, tighten.
  • Control the consolidation, make sure that there is no backlash more than 2 cm.

How to plant a child in car seats?

The safety of the child during the ride depends not only on the correctness of the attachment of the car seat, but also on the correctness of the attachment of the crumbs in the chair.

Therefore, take note of the following recommendations:

  • Install the back of the chair at an angle of 30-45 degrees.
  • Plant or put the baby on the seat of car seats.
  • In the baby, the legs should be straightened, and not bent at the knees.
  • The baby on both sides of the head should lie soft rollers.
  • Fasten the seat belts so that they They did not press on his chest.
  • Check the belt tension - the palm of an adult should pass between the baby’s back and the chair.
  • You need to wear a child easilyWarm and dense things can worsen the effectiveness of belts in an extreme situation. If necessary, just cover the baby with a light blanket.
Sit the baby correctly
Sit the baby correctly
Have you already convinced of the importance of this purchase?
Have you already convinced of the importance of this purchase?

Now knowing how to properly install a car seats in the car and fix it, you can be calm for safety for your crumbs during joint trips.

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Video: How to install a children's car seat?

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