How beautifully and witty respond to the word "shut up": options

How beautifully and witty respond to the word

Want to know how witty and beautifully answer the word "shut up"? Read the article, there are beautiful options in it.

Intelligent people have a wide horizons and a fairly large vocabulary. However, they have one problem. Faced with impudent and rude, it is very difficult to respond correctly and give a decent verbal rebuff. But to learn how to do this is vital.

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This article describes how to correctly answer the rude people if they say “shut up”. Read further.

Learning to be rude correctly and respond to rudeness: how beautifully to answer the word "shut up"?

Learning to be rude correctly and respond to rudeness
Learning to be rude correctly and respond to rudeness

Why can a person break a whole tirade with a short word "shut up"? Everything is very simple: this person is well aware that you are right. Of course, a clear, reasoned answer, this person may not have enough erudition. That is why the boor resorts to obvious aggression, thus trying to establish its own rules and emphasize the possession of the situation. So, we learn Hamit correctly and answer and rudeness.

How beautifully to answer a word "shut up", without descending, at the same time, to rudeness ourselves? Here are a few options:

  • "I am very glad (a) that the truth is in the eyes of your eyes" - True, this option can cause an even greater share of indignation.
  • “I'll ask you to follow the words!”
  • "Only after you (after you)" - This should be uttered by standing a pause after the Ham replica. Then you can continue to express your opinion. Let the impudent sees that you are not afraid to share your thoughts, because it is on your side that is true.
  • “It's nice to hear such words from a cultural person! Thanks!"- Next, you should leave. There are two options: either Hamu will become ashamed, or he will not understand anything. However, sometimes this is a way out, because by answering the negative to the negative, you can aggravate the problem.
  • “Okay, I'm silent. It is still not interesting to talk to you. ”
  • "Otherwise, what?" - This answer is often used, but it is quite provocative. If the verbal opponent is a man, maybe get to a fight. Nevertheless, this "assertiveness" can be shown that you are not afraid of Hama.
  • "And the magical word?" - Suitable for a situation where the man says "Shut up!" woman. However, such a person is doubly boor.

Below even more suitable answers to such a word from Ham. Read further.

 How witty respond to the word "shut up": options

The witty answer helps Ham think that perhaps he is doing something wrong. Try, learn a few phrases, you will succeed. How witty response to a word "shut up"? Here are a few options:

  • “It seems to me that this, as a person who is uncultural and nearby, is better to keep quiet, so as not to disgrace yourself in a decent society” - Most likely, from so many “smart” words, the boor will be silent for a long time.
  • “I would shut up. But the interlocutor of you is so -so. Therefore, you have to somehow maintain a discussion "- The boundary that distinguishes sparkling kolnia from rudeness is enough thin. In this case, you do not condescend to direct insults, but humiliate the opponent indirectly and beautifully.
  • "A well -suspended tongue always itches" - Next, just smile. But not every boor will understand such a thin hint.
  • "Are you, a plug, if you plug me?" -Not a particularly intelligent answer option, but appropriate for a teenage-youth company. A plus can be called that it is, at least, censorship.
  • "I will shut up, but the truth is more expensive" - shows determination and self -confidence. Most likely, after these words, Ham will no longer demand silence from you.
  • "It is clear which of us is a traffic jam, they only know how to plug" - Another “pod” of Hama.
  • "If this is an order, then keep in mind that I will not fulfill it."

You can come up with many answers. But, in fact, it is far from always advisable to continue the conversation with the convinced egoist and boor. Good luck!

How do you answer Hama to such words to you? Write the answer in the comments.

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