How to get rid of slugs in the house, cellar, basement with traps, lures and folk ways

How to get rid of slugs in the house, cellar, basement with traps, lures and folk ways

Slugs are frequent guests in personal plots, in gardens and gardens. However, few people know that you can meet them even in a private house, apartment of a multi -storey building, and they need to be radically fought with them.

Today we will talk about how to get rid of slugs in the house, basement and cellar, using simple but effective folk methods and special chemicals for this.

Slugs in the house, how to get rid of: folk methods

There are many reasons why these slugs crawl into our homes and apartments. However, do not despair and be upset to such a “neighborhood”.

Slubs in the house - an extremely unpleasant picture
Slubs in the house - an extremely unpleasant picture

Indeed, today there are many folk ways that will help to cope with slugs quickly and efficiently:

  • One of the effective means in the fight against slugs in the house is the usual salt. In order to save yourself from such an undesirable neighborhood, you need to take a handful of salt and scatter it in the place where the traces of mollusks were seen. It will also not be superfluous to put salt in places where humidity is increased, since slugs are very fond of moist environment and often crawl there. Slugs are afraid of salt, after all Salt corrodes slugs, Therefore, the product is quite effective.
  • You can withdraw slugs from the houseby using coffee, black pepper, ash, lime, mustard powder - These folk remedies will certainly be in the house of every housewife, and in the store they can be purchased at an affordable price. You need to use them in the same way as salt.
  • From liquid ingredients, you can use ammonia against slugs and ordinary table vinegar. In order to get rid of slugs in the house and apartment With the help of these products, just moisten a sponge, a rag, etc. wipe She was the place of stay of mollusks.
  • No matter how strange it sounds, but the brood -legged people are very attracted by the smell of beer, so with the help of this drink you can make home -made “traps” for their catch. To make a bait, take a piece of fabric or rag, moisten it in beer and put it in the place where you saw slugs or their traces. It is advisable to "put" the bait at night. In the morning, all slugs for beer will slide, you just have to throw them away with the bait.
Beer bait
Beer bait
  • You can also make a bait from clap, sulfate, chalk and yeast. The finished homemade product will lead to the death of the slugs that will eat it. Take approximately 150 g oatmeal, 25 g of iron sulfate, 40 g of chalk and 7 g of dry yeast. Connect all the ingredients, stir and add so much Kefira, serum or beer, to get a thick, dense dough. Put on gloves and roll a lot of small balls from the dough. Dry the resulting products and put them in the habitat of the slugs. After you will need to collect dead slugs and throw it away.

Please note that such a tool is dangerous for domestic and yard animals, dead mollusks are also dangerous - make sure that neither animals nor children are at a home -made poison.

  • In the apartment and house you can arrange pass for slugs From the zest of citrus fruits. Cut orange, grapefruit In half, gently peel from the peel without damaging the shape of the hemisphere. Top in it make a hole into which the slug could climb, and leave the bait in this position near the place where the pests were noticed. The trap works best at night. The next morning you will find the capture of the orange/grapefruit full of slugs.

How to get rid of slugs in the basement, cellar?

Unfortunately, slugs live not only in houses and apartments. Often they crawl into the cellars and cellars of a private house, because there are ideal conditions for them - as a rule, raw and there is something to eat (reserves of vegetables).

Often such guests visit cellars and basements
Often such guests visit cellars and basements

To get rid of slugs in the basement, the cellar can forever be in the following ways:

  • By all the above folk remedies. Despite the fact that in the cellar and basement many of them may not be so effective, they recommend starting the fight against mollusks from these gentle methods.
  • You can also put various traps and baits, And also create a variety of obstacles for the belly mollusks. The thing is that the stomach of the slugs is soft and very vulnerable.

Different waste, acute shells, etc. It will simply harm them, therefore, through such obstacles, mollusks try not to move:

  • Make it a mixture of crushed building materials. Small crushed stone, chopped brick, shell -to -cherry, finely crushed slate, etc. can be used.
  • You can do it a mixture of chopped eggshell and salt or pepper, mustard powder, lime.
  • You can also make a mix and combine all of the above components, if you have them.
Mixture to scare away slugs
Mixture to scare away slugs
  • Consider the fact that such obstacles do not allow new slugs to get into the basement or cellar, but this method does not help to get rid of individuals that have already crawled there. Also, note that it is impossible to use a material that can harm other animals and people, for example, broken glass, etc. to create barriers to create barriers.
  • No less effective apopying and whitewashing the basement. To begin with, all vegetables, conservation and things are carried out from the room, after all the cracks and holes are locked in the walls, ceiling, etc., then the surfaces of ash and chalk are used to a mixture of ash.
  • After this procedure it costs remove thoroughly in the cellar/basement, disinfect all surfaces with any antiseptic, and then whitewash. If possible, the room is ventilated and only after that it begins to be used again to store vegetables, preservation, etc.
  • Unlike home and apartments, in the cellar and the basement you can use Chemicals from slugs. However, this “heavy artillery” should be used only if other methods did not bring the desired result.

From chemicals to combat slugs, you can use the following:

  • "Ecokiller." This tool effectively fights not only with slugs, but also with bugs, cockroaches, two -hogs, etc. You can use it in the room and in the garden, in the garden. The product is sprayed into hidden cavities, holes and cracks. It is used strictly according to the instructions.
  • "Patrol". Effective molluscide, which eliminates slugs and snails. You can use the product both in the open territory (garden, garden, vineyards, etc.), and in the premises (sheds, cellars, cellars, etc.). The product must be scattered at the habitats of mollusks and wait for the result within 20 days. It is used strictly according to the instructions.
  • "Antilizen". Another effective drug against slugs. He, like the “patrol”, crumbles in places where mollusks or their traces were seen. It is used strictly according to the instructions.
Chemical agent
Chemical agent

It can also help eliminate slugs in the basement and cellar of a smoke sulfur checker. But it is worth knowing that this is a radical solution to the problem:

  • Buy a tool, prepare a room in which you will clean - take out everything products, things, conservation etc.
  • Place the checker in metal pelvis or other non -flammable capacity And set fire.
  • Immediately leave the room, tightly closing it.
  • Do not go into the room for 3 days (or the time specified in the instructions).
  • After Improte and remove the room, Send all the previously issued things.

Prevention from slugs in the house

Even if the slugs in the house, the cellar have already started and you got rid of them, it is important to know how to carry out preventive measures so that mollusks are not started again.

Follow these simple rules and then you will not find yourself in the company of these uninvited "guests":

  • Be sure to observe cleanliness. This is especially true for those premises and places in which there is always high humidity, for example, a bathroom, the corner of the outer wall of the house, etc. Slugs love moisture, dampness, Therefore, they will certainly crawl to places with such conditions.
  • Learn everything in time slits, holes, especially in cellars and basements - slugs are very fond of living in them.
  • Do not store in basements, cellars rotten vegetables, fruits, since mollusks can slide on them.
Follow order and cleanliness
Follow order and cleanliness

To fight slugs in the house is a time -consuming and time -free process, so we recommend that you pay special attention to prevention measures. Well, if the mollusks have started, select the most suitable method for you and eliminate them.

Getting rid of the slugs, now it's time to get rid of:

Video: How to deal with slugs in the apartment and house?

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  1. An excellent article, I really came in handy for advice!

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