How to get rid of flies in an apartment, private house, in the country, in the barn? Review of folk methods and chemicals from flies

How to get rid of flies in an apartment, private house, in the country, in the barn? Review of folk methods and chemicals from flies

Means, folk methods from flies in the country, in a private house, shed.

Flies are annoying insects that the owners of country houses face, as well as cottages. However, residents of apartment buildings are also not deprived of the pleasure of contacting these insects. In this article we will tell you how to deal with them. 

Diseases transferred by flies

The main disadvantage is not only that they bother in ordinary life, but are carriers of a large number of diseases.

Diseases transferred by flies:

  • Dysentery 
  • Typhoid fever 
  • anthrax 
  • Parasites In the intestines 
  • Eye pathologies 
  • Tuberculosis 
  • Cholera
A lot of flies
A lot of flies

How to get rid of flies in the country?

They can infect helminths, because on their paws they carry a large number of causative agents of terrible ailments, which can cause serious violations in the body, and death. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with them not only for reinforcements, but, and in order to protect yourself from infection.

How to get rid of flies in the country:

  • Residents of private houses who contain their economy suffer from flies most of all. A lot of insects where pets live. The feed containers contain a large amount of food, which, under the influence of high temperature, can rot, exude unpleasant odors.
  • Flies in this case fly to an unpleasant odor. Therefore, if you want these annoying insects to free your site, you must try to remove all sources of dirt. This also applies to private houses.
  • In private houses and in the country, it is necessary to remove all the sources of rot. If there are buckets with waste, as well as a container for collecting not eaten food, it is necessary to throw them away. This also applies to summer cottages. Try to knead the mass for compost or humus away from home. In this case, there will be very few flies. 

How to get rid of flies in an apartment?

As for the apartment, basically flies fly into it through windows, doors, as well as small cracks. The main protection is the installation of mosquito nets. Magnetic nets are also hung on the door.

How to get rid of flies in the apartment:

  • Of course, it will be quite difficult to protect yourself from flies in this way, especially if the house is dirty, there are many unwashed dishes. Even one flying insect can postpone a large number of eggs that will turn into sexually mature individuals over time will multiply.
  • Therefore, any food must be hidden in the refrigerator, or covered with gauze. Dirty dishes must be washed right away. From the tables you need to wipe the crumbs, remove the remains of food so that there is nothing left, and there were no sources of food for flies.
  • The garbage bucket must often be devastated, treated with antiseptics. 

There are several means that will help get rid of flies in the house. Among them, the following can be distinguished: 

  • Folk methods 
  • Traps 
  • Purchased funds 

How to get rid of flies with folk remedies?

The safest are folk methods. They are based on the use of improvised means that are available in the arsenal for every housewife. 

How to get rid of flies with folk remedies:

  • Black pepper. Insects do not like this seasoning, so you can use it. In order to get rid of parasites necessary to mix granulated sugar in an amount of 100 g with pepper packaging. It should be black ground. The mixture is thoroughly averaged, and crumbles in those areas where flies live. It is best to scatter it on the windowsills and on the table. This is a good remedy for a summer house or a private house. 
  • Vinegar. The smell of this fluid does not like insects, so it can also be used to repel. It is necessary to moisten the fabric in the solution, wipe the table, doorways and window sills with it. For a few hours of fliesthey will leave you at rest. This is a good way if you like to have lunch on the street. Treat the table before setting it. 
  • Kerosene. It is necessary to dissolve 50 ml of agent in 1 liter of water. Please note that the product is distinguished by an unpleasant odor, so apply to tables and countertops, other kitchen surfaces on which food is not worth it. This is an ideal floor washing. The effect persists for several hours. 
  • Can be used saccharin. It is necessary to crush two tablets with a rolling pin until the powder is obtained. This remedy is added 250 ml of water, as well as 30 ml of honey. It is necessary to moisten the paper, let it dry and leave on the windowsills. 

Do -it -yourself flies trap: Scheme

One of the most popular methods is the use of traps. They can be made independently from improvised means.

Do -it -yourself flies trap:

  • To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle, cut off a neck from it at a distance of 10 cm. Next, pour water with sugar into the second part of the bottle.
  • At the same time, part with the neck is lowered into the lower bowl, so that it does not contact with the liquid. After a few minutes, flies will want to enjoy sweet water, climb into a trap, but will not be able to get back.
  • Be prepared for the fact that a large number of insects will swim on the surface of sweet water. 

Homemade sticky tape. It is necessary to mix rosin, castor and honey in equal quantities. Now you need to hand over thin cotton ribbons. They can be pulled from an old sheet. Moisten the stripes in the resulting solution. The principle of work is such as sticky tapes. The fly sticks, but will not be able to fly back.


A lot of flies in the country, what to do?

If you live in an apartment, then you can get rid of flies with the help of plants.  This method is also suitable for summer residents. Only plants will have to be grown not in pots, but in a personal plot. Below we present a list of plants that scare away flies.

Plants scaring flies:

  • Cherry 
  • Tansy 
  • Bay leaf 
  • Geranium 
  • Basil 
  • Peppermint 
  • Tomatoes 
  • Carnation 
  • Lavender 

These plants will help remove many flies in the country. It is best to place them in pots, or planting on a site near the areas where garbage is stored, compost is prepared. This will help get rid of insects.

Plants predators
Plants predators

What is an effective remedy for flies?

Of course, the most effective means are professional, because they are developed using pesticides and insecticides. Below we present the list of the most popular. 

What is an effective remedy for flies:

  • Aerosols. Sold in bottles, using them is quite easy. Among them can be distinguished Raptor, dichlophos. The fact is that in order to fight, it is necessary to apply the product to areas where a large number of insects live. Processing is carried out once every 14 days. Now, on sale there is dichlophos, which does not have an unpleasant odor at all. Therefore, there is no need to leave the room. 
  • One of the most popular methods is fumigator. You can purchase a tool that works on tablets, or special liquid. The most popular fluids, as well as pills for fumigator from flies: Raid, Raptor. You can also find a remedy called Defender and Nova. All of them differ in action, but help to fight a small number of flies. 
  • From flies can be used granuls and powders. They are prepared according to the instructions indicated on the packaging. Usually they are dissolved in water and spraying. 
  • You can use the easiest option - sticky ribbons. Usually they are hung in the kitchen, or in areas where meals are held. They are considered harmless to people, pets. However, there is a significant drawback - the appearance of dead insects. 
Dead insects
Dead insects

How to get rid of flies in a private house?

Of course, all these funds are quite effective only if the house has a small number of insects. If the population is huge, the funds will be ineffective.They are not used on agricultural land, where there are a large number of insect populations. In this case, it is necessary to resort to heavy artillery. Below we present a list of the most effective and popular means from flies that are used in agriculture, in particular on farms where a large number of animals live.

In such conditions, it is not possible to completely remove garbage, the remnants of feed, food, and animal excrement. Therefore, flies will live in any case. So that insects do not cause a lot of harm to animals, it is necessary to use professional insecticides. Below is a list of the most effective of them. 

How to get rid of flies in a private house:

  • Jet. This is a remedy that contains a five percent solution of chlorpyrifos. In a bottle of 100 ml of solution. This product is enough to process a room with an area of \u200b\u200b80 square meters. 
  • Medilis-cyper. The composition contains cypermetrin. This is a special emulsion that is divorced with water. It works in relation to adults, so for maggots, eggs. Valid until 21 days. 
  • Solfisan. The composition contains a five percent solution of the digiturine. It is prepared in the form of an emulsion and dissolved in water. Please note that these are the cheapest means with high efficiency. The active substances that are used in the manufacture of these poisons for flies are used to create more expensive drugs. 

Please note that in agriculture it will not be possible to completely get rid of flies, but it will be possible to reduce their population. Thus, insects will cease to pester animals, thereby increasing the amount of milk, and improving the health status of cows, pigs. 

Flows from flies
Flows from flies

Remedy for flies agita: instruction, composition

Remedy for flies agita n reds a powder, the main active substance of which isthiametoxam - 10 %, tricosen (sexual pheromone flies) - 0.05 %, as well as lactose and sugar. In addition, sugar and lactose are introduced as additives.

They are used to attract insects. The product works as a month after application. For use, it is diluted with water and sprayed the necessary areas.

How to get rid of biting flies?

Significant harm is brought by biting flies, such as blind. They affect pets. Their bites can significantly worsen the state of health of the animal. Great damage is carried out on farms with horses cows, since inflammation can develop after a bite.

The animal ceases to eat normally, cases of falling cattle due to n are recordedashes such flies. It will not be possible to completely get rid of them, however, using insecticides, you can regulate their population. 

How to get rid of biting flies:

  • Very often use and smoke bombs. One of the most popular - Vortex. It is a tool that is made of permetrin is immersed in a jar. After settling, a poisonous fog enters the air.
  • The main advantage is that it can fall into hard -to -reach places where the aerosol or fluid solution does not penetrate. Such checkers are burning for 2 hours, so it is necessary to take animals for this time.
  • After complete combustion, the windows and doors open, the fog is ventilated. Only after that animals are made. One checker is enough to process an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. 
Processing from flies
Processing from flies

How to get rid of flies in a barn: an overview of effective means

Fly from flies are quite effective in relation to a large number of insects. They work in relation to moths, moths. Typically, the funds are based oncypermetrin — neuroparalytic means. Once in the body of a fly, it affects its intestines, as well as the nervous system. Thanks to this, the fly stops moving, moving, and dies. Such drugs are effective in relation to maggots, eggs of flies. However, after 3 weeks it is recommended to carry out repeated processing. 

How to get rid of flies in the barn:

  • One of the most effective means from flies in sheds is Solfak. This is an insecticide that is sold in a 1 liter bottle. The solution is enough in an amount of 50 ml per square meter. Processing is carried out with open windows, after which they are closed for 6-8 hours. Next, the room is ventilated for 30 minutes. Insecticide is very effective and works for 3 weeks. 
  • Another effective tool, the manufacturer of which is the company Bayer, Quick byite. The tool is used from flies, moths, as well as cockroaches, weevils. It is usually used to process grain warehouses. The active substance of the drug is a piperunnilbutoxide. The product is very effective, operates for 3 weeks after application. After 3 weeks, it is advisable to carry out processing. 
K-sorin from flies
K-sorin from flies

Before processing, it is necessary to carry out a number of manipulations that will help to avoid animal poisoning. It is necessary to remove in the barn, clean the feeders, take out the entire food. If possible, it is better to remove a thin layer of soil in the barn. The fact is that these remnants may contain a large number of eggs. They are taken outside the site and instilled deeper. Only after that animals are excreted, and treated with means. Animals return to the barn after 2-3 hours. 

Video: How to get rid of flies?


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Comments K. article

  1. The smoke checker "whirlwind" indicated in this article really very well eliminates many insect pests. But in the summer I always use the Vaco trap against flies. As a result of its use, these buzzing creatures do not particularly bother me. I advise everyone!
    You can buy it here:

  2. Electric destroyers of insects also help against flies today. One of these is the N’OVEEN IKN-20 insecticidal lamp. I use it in my homes every summer and flies with mosquitoes do not get me. The video about the lamp is in the article.

  3. To get rid of flies, I always advise everyone to use the destroyer of insects Noveen IKN910 LED. He has been saving me from these nasty insects for several years.

  4. Comrade Gaidamak, but you can’t tell me where this is your lamp from insects?

  5. Galina, destroyer of insects Noveen IKN910 LED

  6. Tell Olga, where is it best to purchase this insect destroyer you praised?

  7. Comrade Voronin, an electric trap N’OVEEN IKN-20 is best to have

  8. And to protect against insects of cows, goats and other homemade agricultural animals, Agifla can help well. We used this tool a year ago on the advice of a familiar farmer, since then we buy on an ongoing basis and there are no parasites))

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