How to get rid of goose skin? What is goose skin and why does it appear?

How to get rid of goose skin? What is goose skin and why does it appear?

Many people are faced with such a phenomenon as goose skin. It manifests itself both in adults and in children.

In most cases, goose skin occurs due to the cold. But, there are many other reasons. In this article, the reasons for the appearance of goose skin, as well as methods of combating it, will be considered in detail.

What is goose skin?

  • The question of what goose skin is, many are asked. A disease in the form is manifested small pimples, which are covered with human skin. Skin color can be unchanged, or change to red or pink. The phenomenon received this name due to the fact that the skin really resembles a goose skin
  • The most common places for the appearance of goose skin are hands (except the wrist), legs and buttocks. Often the phenomenon occurs on back and shoulders.
Can form throughout the handle or partially
Can form throughout the handle or partially

Follicular keratosis is manifested in this form:

  • Small nodules that do not cause discomfort (that is, they are painless).
  • Dryness and roughness of the skin. According to tactile sensations, the nodules resemble "sandpaper."
  • An increase in the number of nodules with reduced humidity.

Why does goose skin appear?

Goose skin is popularly called "goosebumps." Why is there goose skin:

  • Powerful emotions. If a person experiences fear, excitement or joy, goosebumps "run through the skin. Emotions are manifested because pylomotor reflex arising in the spinal cord. It excites nerve endings that reduce the muscles of the hair follicles);
  • Cold.
The lower limbs are no exception
The lower limbs are no exception

If the phenomenon arose for the above reasons, then it will disappear in just a few minutes. But, there are more dangerous reasons why you can be covered with goose skin.

They need to pay attention to them:

  1. Disrupted metabolism. In such cases, "goosebumps" appear arbitrarily.
  2. Improper nutrition. If the body does not have enough vitamins A, C and E, then follicular keratosis occurs regularly.
  3. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver.
  4. Dry skin. On the epidermis, the upper scales are formed, which contribute to blockage of pores. As a result The process of breeding sweat is complicated. In such a situation, follicular keratosis manifests itself gradually and looks unnatural. Points acquire a red tint.
  5. Incorrect hygiene. If you do not regularly wash, wear dirty clothes and try on things in a store on a naked body, then goose skin can appear regularly.
  6. Genetic predisposition. People who have sensitive skin constantly react to external stimuli. Often “goosebumps” appear in the summer, with the slightest blow of the wind.
  7. Wearing synthetic clothing.
  8. Usage low -quality cosmetics.
  9. The use of poor -quality powder or insufficient rinse for washing.
  10. Allergy for food, cosmetics and animals.
Such an unpleasant symptom may appear for quite a few reasons
Such an unpleasant symptom may appear for quite a few reasons

How to get rid of goose skin at home?

  • If follicular keratosis occurs arbitrarily, for no reason, then it is necessary urgently start treatment. First, consult a doctor to clarify the situation and determine the true reason.
  • If goose skin manifests itself in a child, you need to contact a pediatrician. Adults should contact therapist or dermatologist. If the cause of the development of follicular keratosis has become a disease, then it is precisely it that needs to be treated. Below are the main methods of treating the disease.

How to treat goose skin - cosmetic procedures

  • If you want to get rid of goose skin, buy cosmetics such as body scrub and skin moisturizing(milk, lotion, cream, etc.).
Useful scrubs
Useful scrubs
  • Using a scrub or body peeling, you can remove keratinized skin particles. Try to purchase funds based on natural ingredients (sugar or salt). Such ingredients quickly dissolve under the influence of water and do not injure the skin.
  • The scrub is recommended to use no more than once a week so as not to damage natural pH of the skin. Every day you can delete the keratinized layer of the epidermis a special brush or glove for massage. The movements should be smooth, along the massage lines. The neckline and neck use pilling slot. This is a gentle product that does not damage the skin.

As a moisturizer, use cosmetic components with a light weightless structure. You can use milk or body butter.

Give preference to means that include:

  • vegetable oils (almond, coconut or linseed);
  • beeswax. This ingredient creates a film on the skin, which does not allow water to evaporate.

If follicular keratosis has moved to a more complex stage and began to spread throughout the body, use natural skin oils. They contain a lot of vitamin E, which moisturizes the skin and protects it from damage.

  • Such oils are ideal if goose skin appears on the elbows. In this area, the body is too rough epidermis, which needs intensive moisture.
  • A positive result will come faster if combine several means to moisturize at the same time. In the morning it is better to use milkAnd in the evening natural oil.
  • At night, the skin needs active moisture. After applying the oil, you need to wait 30-40 minutes to soak and does not leave spots on bedding.
Even on the pope you can see unpleasant pimples
Even on the pope you can see unpleasant pimples

What vitamins are needed?

  • Try to regularly eat fresh vegetables and fruits to replenish the lack of vitamins in the body. It is best to use them when the season goes.
  • Indeed, in winter, vegetables and fruits are not enough nutrients. As an alternative, you can use special vitamin-mineral complexeswhich are sold in a pharmacy. Before use, it is better to consult a doctor so that he prescribes an optimal complex.

It is best if the complex includes:

  • vitamin A - It is necessary for the prevention of keratinized cells, helps to prevent keratinization of the epidermis;
  • vitamin C -contributes to the production of collagen, due to which the structure of the skin improves;
  • vitamin D. - positively affects the vessels;
  • vitamin E - Participates in strengthening the cell walls.

Proper balanced diet

In addition to the use of a vitamin-mineral complex, it is necessary to adjust the diet. Try to eat more healthy products - fruits, vegetables, cereals and low -fat meat.

Caution products need to be completely excluded from the menu:

  1. Fast food.
  2. Mayonnaise and store sauces. If you want to supplement the dish, then it is better to cook sauces at home from natural ingredients. Yes, they will be less stored, but much more.
  3. Sninning, smoked meats and sausages.

Proper hygiene

  • Regardless of age, you need to properly care for yourself. If there are no problems with the skin, then it is enough to take every day every day gel shower.
  • Change underwear regularly so as not to allow harmful bacteria to develop. Wash your clothes with high -quality powder and rinse it thoroughly. And bedding needs to be washed and changed 2 times a week. If it doesn’t work out so often - at least 2 weeks once every 2 weeks.
  • Wear clothing made of natural fabrics. Synthetics contributes to the appearance of skin problems. In addition to follicular keratosis, synthetic tissues can provoke allergies.
Choose natural fabrics
Choose natural fabrics

How to treat goose skin?

  • Unfortunately, to the question of how to treat goose skin, there is no way to indicate accurate drugs. Self -medication can also worsen your condition.
  • Therefore, first consult a dermatologist. Only after examination can a specialist determine your further actions. After all, they are determined depending on the cause of goose skin.

So, if you had no problems with the skin before, and suddenly goose skin appeared, then there was some kind of failure in the body. Therefore, you need to immediately consult a doctor, find out the cause and further treatment. Otherwise, the disease can progress and manifest itself in wider skin. Then a longer and serious treatment will be required.

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