Diet with cholecystitis of the gallbladder and liver: menu and recipes for cooking

Diet with cholecystitis of the gallbladder and liver: menu and recipes for cooking

The diagnosis of “cholecystitis” implies therapy with a diet. The article is about the features of therapeutic nutrition, permitted and prohibited foods, as well as several recipes for simple and delicious dietary dishes.

  • A patient with any disturbances in the digestive organs, including chronic and acute cholecystitis, is always prescribed a therapeutic diet
  • The doctor gives clear recommendations regarding the products and methods of their preparation, frequency and abundance of nutrition, the norm of calorie content and the norm of consumption of certain nutrients
  • The patient does not have an option whether to listen to these recommendations or not, because diet therapy is sometimes as effective treatment as the use of pharmaceuticals

Diet in chronic and acute cholecystitis of the gallbladder and liver in adults

The liver and gall bladder are digestive organs, which are entrusted with a huge number of functions. Due to various circumstances, these bodies may become inflamed:

  • liver inflammation is called hepatitis
  • inflammation of the gallbladder is called cholecystitis
Hepatitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis - diseases that often accompany each other.
Hepatitis, cholecystitis and pancreatitis - diseases that often accompany each other.

In both of these conditions, a person is in serious condition:

  • he experiences pain in the right hypochondrium, which soon spreads throughout the body
  • he is sick and tears
  • his eyes and skin may yellow
  • his temperature may increase

Treatment of cholecystitis or hepatitis (often these diseases are related) long and complex. Its mandatory element is diet therapy.

Important: in acute and chronic cholecystitis, gallstone disease, hepatitis, cirrhosis, a specially designed therapeutic diet is prescribed - table No. 5.

Diet for cholecystitis is an important part of treatment.
Diet for cholecystitis is an important part of treatment.

This diet has a number of features:

  • it is gentle
  • provides for a certain decrease in the norm of calorie content
  • provides for reducing the consumption of fats and products that increase cholesterol

Table number 5 - This is a power system that helps to unload the liver and gall bladder so that inflammation in these organs pass, and the ability to perform its functions return to them normally.
The fundamental principles of diet with cholecystitis are:

  1. The calorie content of the diet at the level of 2400 - 2800 kcal. The individual bar is determined based on the gender, age, weight and lifestyle of the patient
  2. Consumption of macronutrients within certain limits. Proteins (plant and animals 50 x 50) must be consumed up to 80 g per day. Fats (a third of which are vegetable) - up to 90 g. Carbohydrates (extremely complex) - up to 350 g
  3. Optimal drinking mode. The optimal amount of water, which must be drunk a patient on a diet with cholecystitis, is determined individually based on the state of his body. It is at least 1.5 liters, and if there are no problems with the heart and glasses - up to 3 liters
  4. Salt consumption decrease. Maxi per day is 10 g
  5. Consumption of dishes prepared by gentle methods. Vegetables and fruits (those that did not fall under the ban, more on this) is better to eat completely raw. From the methods of heat treatment of food products, it is better to prefer boiling, extinguishing, baking, steaming
  6. Food consumption in warm form. There is no one from the refrigerator with cholecystitis
With cholecystitis, sausages, smoked meats, fast foods, soda and other harmfulness are prohibited.
With cholecystitis, sausages, smoked meats, fast foods, soda and other “harmfulnesses” are prohibited.

Important: being on a diet with cholecystitis, the patient should consume a hepatoprotector prescribed to him by a doctor. Then the functions of the liver and gall bladder will recover faster.

Regarding consumed dishes and products, doctors give patients on diet No. 5 the following recommendations:

  1. First meal
    They must be on the menu. The broth should only be vegetable. Meat, fish, mushroom broths, especially oily and rich, are strictly prohibited. The composition of the soup should include cereals, vegetables, boiled separately low -fat meat, egg protein, boiled separately low -fat fish.
    Under the ban, cold soups type of okroshka
  2. Bread and baking
    Fresh bread, butt yeast dough and puff pastry are prohibited by cholecystitis. Wheat bread can be eaten yesterday or dried, in the form of crackers. Rye bread is allowed in small quantities. You can eat baking of non -esteem, biscuits or biblines
  3. Croats and pasta
    They can almost everything. Porridge is better to cook boiled, mucous membranes. Add the oils to them at least. If there are pasta, then from solid varieties. Legumes are prohibited
  4. Vegetables
    You can eat those that do not contain a large amount of oxalic acid. From the diet, radish, sorrel, spinach, garlic, green onions must definitely be excluded. Salted and pickled vegetables, "Korean" vegetable salads also cannot be available
  5. Mushrooms
    Mushrooms on a diet with cholecystitis and hepatitis are strictly prohibited
  6. Fruit
    They can almost everything, but not sour. It is advisable to eat them raw, baked or in the form of jelly
  7. Meat
    The most suitable meat product for patients on diet No. 5 is low -fat chicken without peel. You can also eat lean beef, young lamb, rabbit and turkey. It is better to boil the meat, bake, consume in chopped form (cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, pins, so on). The offal (brains, liver, ventricles, so on) are prohibited. Canned meat - also
  8. Eggs
    It is better to use them in the form of a steam omelet. Diet norm - 1 egg yolk per day, no more
  9. Fish and seafood
    The best options are low -fat sea hack and pollock. Fish also needs to eat boiled, steam, baked and chopped. For fish canned food in patients with cholecystitis or hepatitis taboo
  10. Milk and dairy products
    Almost all products from this group are allowed. Kefir, yogurt, acidophilin, Narin, other such drinks, containing sour -milk bacteria, have a beneficial effect on the processes of digestion of food. Cottage cheese and cheese are also useful. It is only necessary to control the fat content of dairy products, it should not be very high
  11. Beverages
    Here is almost complete freedom. You can do good tea, diluted with milk in coffee, chicory and rose hips, fruit compotes, vegetable and fruit frishi. Drinks should not be cold. You can’t strong coffee, cocoa, soda and alcohol
  12. desserts
    The purchased confectionery is better not to eat. You can sweeten your life on a diet with cholecystitis with honey, dried fruits, homemade cottage cheese cookies (without oil), charlotte, fruit mousses and jelly, so on

Important: diet with cholecystitis table No. 5 is prescribed for 1-12 months, and sometimes for life.

Diet for cholecystitis and pancreatitis of the pancreas

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas.
Due to the anatomical proximity and the interconnectedness of the functions of the gall bladder and the pancreas, these two organs are often inflamed at the same time or after another.

Inflammation can start from acute attacks.
If the diseases are in the acute stage, for 2-3 days the patients are recommended for therapeutic starvation. When the exacerbation will decline, you can gradually switch to diet No. 5.

From natural and healthy foods on diet No. 5, you can prepare a variety of and tasty dishes.
From natural and healthy foods on diet No. 5, you can prepare a variety of and tasty dishes.

The first two days should be as easy as possible in terms of nutrition. It is recommended to consume light, duffed warm foods - soups, mashed potatoes, jelly, diluted with water broken milk porridge.

Further, diversity in the diet should be added every day. For the period recovery, the approximate menu may look like this:

  1. Breakfast: an omelet of 2 proteins and 1 yolk for steam, milk oatmeal, coffee with milk
  2. Lunch: vegetable soup, potatoes and celery with milk of no more than 2.5 % fat, cutlets chopped from chicken fillet, fruit compote
  3. Afternoon snack: apple-frenzy dessert with honey, tea
  4. Dinner: vegetable stew, baked fish, tea
  5. Before going to bed: low -fat kefir

Video: What can be eaten with pancreatitis?

Diet after surgery for cholecystitis

After surgery on the gall bladder, the patient is in the hospital. It is there that he will be provided with the necessary nutrition.

IMPORTANT: Nutrition should not overload the digestive system with cholecystitis, food remains should not wander in the stomach and intestines.

In this case, it is necessary that the body receives a sufficient amount of energy and nutrients to restore

  1. On the first day after surgery, the patient will be hungry
  2. On the second day, he will be allowed vegetable duffed soups and puree, compote or fruit drink
  3. On the third you can drink kefir or yogurt, eat milk soup or jelly
  4. Next, they begin to introduce meat, raw vegetables and fruits into the diet
  5. If the recovery goes normally, after 7-10 days the postoperative patient completely passes to dietary table No. 5

Diet for cholecystitis in children, menu

If the child has problems with the liver and gall bladder, the doctor prescribes diet No. 5 to him, his parents are scared.

  • Firstly, it seems to them that the list of prohibitions is so large that they will have nothing to feed the child
  • Secondly, they do not know if they have enough willpower to refuse the baby in sweets
Diet No. 5 excludes sweets, but, in fact, it is a variant of a healthy diet for the child.
Diet No. 5 excludes sweets, but, in fact, it is a variant of a healthy diet for the child.

Important: the experiences of parents are absolutely groundless. The treatment menu for cholecystitis in children cannot be called excessively strict.

It is not much different from an ordinary children's menu if parents properly feed the child. From the allowed products, you can cook a huge amount of delicious dishes.

Recipes for diet for pancreatitis and cholecystitis

Recipe: vegetable soup with cheese jackets

Vegetable soup with cheese jackets.
Vegetable soup with cheese jackets.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bwater - 2 l, potatoes - 3 pcs., Onion - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Zucchini - 1 pc., Cauline ocul - 200 g, hard cheese - 50 g, butter - 30 g, egg, egg, egg - 1 protein, flour - 1 tbsp. spoon, salt, pepper.
First of all, prepare the dough for the bite.

  • Mix the cheese grated into a fine grater, softened butter, flour and egg protein
  • The dough is put in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes
  • Potatoes, zucchini, carrots and onions are cleaned, cut the same size with cubes
  • The cabbage is disassembled on inflorescences, scalded with boiling water. Onions with carrots are slightly pass
  • Potatoes are placed in cold water, starch foam is removed by boiling, boiled for 10 minutes
  • Add other vegetables, boil for another 5 minutes
  • They make dumplings: they roll balls from the dough about 1.5 cm (they are greatly boiled) and lowered into boiling soup
  • Boil for another 3 minutes

    RECIPE: Omlet with cottage cheese in the oven

Omlet with cottage cheese in the oven

It is necessary: \u200b\u200beggs - 3 proteins, 1 yolk, cottage cheese - 50 g, milk - 50 ml, butter - 20 g, salt, pepper.

  • The oven is included in the warm -up
  • The form is lubricated with oil
  • The eggs are mixed, but not beaten
  • Add milk, do not beat
  • Cottage cheese can be interfered with a mass for an omelet or sprinkled on top, when the mass is already in the form
  • Baking shape is placed in the oven for 25 minutes

RECIPE: Cutlets in the oven of beef and buckwheat

Cutlets in the oven of beef and buckwheat
Cutlets in the oven of beef and buckwheat.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200blow-fat beef minced meat-0.5 kg, onions-1-2 pcs, boiled buckwheat-1 cup, egg-1 pc, flour-for breading, salt, pepper-to taste.

  • The minced meat is slaughtered and gluttoned, an egg is added to it
  • Onions are cut finely and allowed in vegetable oil so that it becomes soft, then added to the minced meat
  • Add buckwheat to minced meat. Mix well and beat off. Form cutlets, panic and fry them on each side for 2 minutes
  • Put the cutlets in an oil greased with a baking dish. Put in a preheated oven for 30 minutes for 30 minutes

RECIPE: Vitaminka vegetable salad

Vitaminka vegetable salad.
Vitaminka vegetable salad.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bWhite cabbage - 250 g, carrots - 1 pc., Boiled beets - 1 pc., Sugar - 0.5 hours of spoon, salt - to taste, sunflower oil, juice of half lemon.

  • The cabbage is chopped, suck, juice is produced
  • Carrots or beets are cut with thin cubes or rubbing like a “Korean” salad
  • Prepare a gas station, oil salt and lemon juice

RECIPE: CACAO Charlotte and apples

Charlotte with cocoa and apples.
Charlotte with cocoa and apples.

We need: eggs - 2 pcs., Flour - 0.5 cups, sugar - 0.5 cups, sour cream - 1 tbsp. spoon, cocoa - 1 tbsp. a spoon, baking powder or soda (on the tip of the spoon, the biscuit is already suitable), apples without a filling for filling-1-2 pcs.

  • Eggs are divided into proteins and yolks
  • Whips are whipped with sugar to white foam, the yolks are inserted, beaten again, introduced sour cream, beaten
  • Mix sifted flour, cocoa and baking powder, introduce into the liquid part of the dough, beat
  • On a form covered with parchment, the shape is laid out with slices (thin) apples, poured with dough, put in the oven for 20-30 minutes

Video: Diet table 5. What can be? What is impossible?

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Comments K. article

  1. This is notable for recovery, herself had cholecystitis, sat on a diet and was treated with medicines, after the cure I decided to eat right and now I drink oxol for a normal outflow of bile)

  2. Yes, with such diseases, with biliary or pancreas, proper nutrition is extremely important.

  3. No one was worse from proper nutrition, so you need to eat it even if nothing bothers. My mother has chronic cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), so she takes and eats drugs correctly. The drug Odeston helps well to normalize the circulation of bile, bitterness and severity for a long time.

  4. I agree to the expense of Odeston, I also take it courses. It helps to cleanse the bile ducts, well, it removes cramps. Which is also important for cholecystitis.

  5. Diet for problems with the gall bladder is the basis of the basics. After all, problems arise due to addiction to excesses.

  6. I am with cholecystitis, and I have it chronic, I take the expanse of Odeston: it is simultaneously an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. Thanks to this, it is possible to maintain well -being normally.

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