How to store chocolate correctly: tips

How to store chocolate correctly: tips

Many people love to enjoy chocolate - both adults and children. Even men who often hide this small weakness allow themselves from time to time with great pleasure to eat chocolate tiles, and do it right, because because of the large number of endorphins it is also called a “hormone of joy”.

The main thing is not to overdo it, because for good health, everything needs a measure in everything, and you should not clog the refrigerator with your favorite dessert for the future, because its long storage can change the taste of chocolate, or contribute to the formation of a whitish raid on it. Solar rays, high humidity and sharp changes in temperature harm this sweet product. In our article, we will give you advice how best to save chocolate in hot weather, and whether it is worth using a refrigerator for this.

Why can't you store chocolate in the refrigerator?

  • If you want the chocolate to not lose its inherent glossy shine, then you can store chocolate in the refrigerator for only a few hours - and then subject to the integrity of the package.
  • If you put it there for a long time, then the cold will not serve a very good service - it will help crystallization of cocoa oilwhich is contained in chocolate, and the appearance white plaque. This is not a sign of damage to the product, but it will negatively affect its appearance.
  • The unpacked sweets absorb the smell of dishes stored in the refrigerator. Therefore, the tiles, before putting in the refrigerator, wrap it in several layers, using for this foil and paper - Then nothing can ruin either his taste or aroma.
  • If your refrigerator is currently stored in fish or cheeses, then Chocolate is stored in the refrigerator As far as possible from them.
Storage in the refrigerator leads to the appearance of white plaque
Storage in the refrigerator leads to the appearance of white plaque

Can I store chocolate in the freezer?

  • We can definitely say that the freezer is a salvation for your chocolate, in which all inherent in it will remain taste and aromatic properties. Generally great if it has fast (shock) frost.
  • Using this function to store chocolate, you can prevent the appearance of a whitish plaque on chocolate. Feel free to use the freezer, because it is able to help in “resuscitation” even melted chocolate.

At what temperature to store chocolate?

  • If the air temperature fluctuates in the range from 16 ° C to 21 ° C, then such a chocolate storage temperature is just perfect.
  • Of course, the expiration date must be taken into account, during which it will not deteriorate at all and will not change its taste.
  • At what temperature is chocolate melting? It is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, because many factors affect this: the ingredients that became part of the chocolate, humidity.
  • It is believed that chocolate begins to melt at 30-34 ° C. If the room is cooler, then he will not tack it - but this, of course, is that the product is high -quality and it contains natural cocoa oil, not a cheap fake with vegetable fats.
Chocolate storage
Chocolate storage

Where to store chocolate?

  • If it is possible to maintain such a temperature regime, as indicated above, it is better to store chocolate in the kitchen cabinet, provided that in it spices and spices are not stored.
  • A chocolate kitchen wardrobe should not be located in that place if there are heating devices nearby - a stove, a battery. Since the temperature in this place is unstable and this can lead to rapid damage or melting of chocolate.
It is important to store chocolate correctly
It is important to store chocolate correctly

What is the shelf life of chocolate?

  • Manufacturers of chocolate sweets usually indicate the expiration date of the product on the package. It can be different, because different factors affect the storage periods: recipe, additives, packaging.
  • The more natural cocoa in chocolate, the longer the shelf life will be longer. But this is if the chocolate is sealed in the factory packaging, Store chocolate without packaging You will not succeed for long.

So, the shelf life of chocolate:

  • Tiles Gorky chocolate is the expiration date about a year.
  • For milk - from six months to 10 months (Dairy fats after contact with air contribute to the rapid damage to the product; after unpacking it, you need to quickly eat it, and not store it for a long time). Due to the presence of soft additives-souffle, fruits, air rice also decreases.
  • 90 days Store chocolate with nuts and raisins
  • 60 days - Chocolate for weight that does not have factory packaging
  • 1 month White chocolate storage
  • No more 14 days Keep the sweets with the filling.
Chocolate storage depending on the composition and filling
Chocolate storage depending on the composition and filling

Chocolate storage: how to endure chocolate in hot weather?

So that chocolate sweets or tiles do not grind, while you are transported from place to place in the heat, they should first cool them well.

You can use:

  • Thermal drum. If the chocolate will have to be moved in hot weather over long distances (train, bus, etc.), then the thermal drum will help you in this. To play it safe, you can use dry ice, placing it inside the bag.
  • Thermos for food. Since this vessel with a wide neck, the tile will easily fit in it. If the chocolate is sealed, then you can fill in cold water or pour ice there.
  • With the help of frost. Holding the chocolate in the freezer a couple of days, then remove it and thoroughly wrap it with a towel. Such measures will ensure the preservation of sweets for some time, even when the yard is very hot.

If everything turned out spontaneously, and you did not have time to think over measures in advance to maintain chocolate, do not put the sweetness in your pocket, do not transfer it to its dark bag and do not leave in the sun. It is better to place the tile of chocolate in a light bag, where a bottle with cold (or at least cool) water will lie.

What is the best way to store gift chocolate?

  • If the corporation decided to make chocolate gifts to its employees, but for some time before the holiday you need to store chocolate in the office, what to do in this case? If all this happens in the summer, then the gift boxes should be put in a dark place, where you can’t get to the sun's rays.
  • Moreover, they need to be placed on the floor, since in cabinets chocolate sweets can begin to melt or dry. An important condition for such storage is to make the temperature in the room did not exceed 30 ° C.
  • If chocolate gifts are scheduled for winter time, then do not immediately print the boxes with presentations brought from the frost. Let them stand for several hours in warmth - in this case, condensation will not appear, which can spoil the taste and appearance of chocolate.
It is very important to store chocolate correctly
It is very important to store chocolate correctly

We hope that we helped you understand how best to store chocolate so as not to harm the health of a poor -quality product. At the same time, do not forget to read information about the terms recommended by manufacturers and the conditions for its storage on the packaging of the sweet product.

We advise you to read the articles from which you will learn how to store:

Video: How to store chocolate so that it does not white?

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