How to store vegetables in the refrigerator? Is it possible and how to store eggplant, radishes, pumpkin cut, colored and fresh cabbage, Bulgarian and bitter pepper, ginger, in the refrigerator?

How to store vegetables in the refrigerator? Is it possible and how to store eggplant, radishes, pumpkin cut, colored and fresh cabbage, Bulgarian and bitter pepper, ginger, in the refrigerator?

Useful tips for storing vegetables in the refrigerator.

Many housewives prefer to store vegetables and fruits in the refrigerator without even thinking that in it they can lose their beautiful aroma, pleasant taste and nutrients useful to the human body. Most often this is due to the fact that we store vegetables in the refrigerator is not entirely correct.

For this reason, they are very hypothermia and become inedible. The so -called zone is considered an ideal place for storing absolutely all fruits. In this place, vegetables and fruits can be stored for a long time without any problems.

But unfortunately, it does not always have enough space for all vitaminized products and we have to lay them out on other shelves. But so that they remain tasty and fragrant here, it is necessary to adhere to certain storage rules and pay attention to the commodity neighborhood.

How and how much to store the root root in the refrigerator cleaned and for the winter?

Optimal ways to storage horseradish
  • Fuck, despite its dense structure, is stored very poorly. The fact is that as soon as you take it out of the soil, he literally immediately begins to lose moisture. And the more it leaves, the less spicy and piquant its taste becomes. Therefore, if you want to at least slightly extend the life of this root crop, then store it in the refrigerator. But before laying it there, it is necessary to carry out proper preparation.
  • Fuck must be cleaned of the soil, washed under running water, and then put it on a paper towel and let it dry naturally. After that, each spine individually must be wrapped in a food film and a couple of holes for ventilation in such a package. But immediately I would like to say that this way of storage will extend the life of Khren for literally 6-8 weeks.
  • Therefore, if you want to use it for cooking for a longer period, then clean it, chop it with a kitchen combine, put it in a container and put in a freezer. There he will calmly stay until the next season, without having lost even a small part of his useful properties.

How and how much to store ginger in the refrigerator?

Store ginger in a separate package
Store ginger in a separate package

Ginger is a very useful and universal product. They can treat a cold or add it to drinks, salads, desserts and sauce. But due to the fact that it has a very juicy structure, it can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than three weeks. After this period, it can still remain normal, but it will begin to lose its taste and aroma every day more and more.

It is best to store it on a shelf for vegetables and preferably in a separate bag. Ginger, as well as horseradish, must be wrapped in a paper napkin and already in this form lay it in a vacuum bag. Yes, and put it in this way, immediately in small portions. If you get it several times a day and cut it, this will reduce its shelf life by about half.

Is it possible and how to store potatoes in the refrigerator cleaned and for the winter?

Potato storage in the refrigerator
  • The purified potatoes have one unpleasant feature, literally for an hour after you remove the peel from it, it will begin to oxidize and darken, and even cold air will not be able to stop this process. Therefore, if you want potatoes to retain its beneficial properties, then immediately after you clean it, lower it into the water.
  • In this form, you can store it in the refrigerator from 2 to 3 days. But there will be a normal vegetable to remain normal during this time if you will change water at least twice a day in the container in which it lies. If you do not do this, then the starch that is in the root crop stand out in the water and fermentation will begin in it. Just a couple of hours after the start of this process, the potatoes will be covered with mucus and will become inedible.
  • When storing purified potatoes, one more feature should also be taken into account. The longer it is in the water, the hard and watery its structure becomes. Therefore, if you plan to prepare mashed potatoes from it in the future, it will be better if it is in water for no more than 12 hours. Unprofitable potatoes can freely be stored in the refrigerator from 2 to 5 months.

Is it possible and how to store garlic in the refrigerator cleaned and for the winter?

It is best to pour peeled garlic with sunflower oil
  • Garlic, like any other vegetable, does not really like the heat. If you leave it just to lie in the kitchen, then the appearance of the vegetable will very quickly become unattractive. Therefore, it will be better if you store garlic in the refrigerator, especially since for this you do not need to look for some special place and choose neighbors on the shelf.
  • If you put it in a glass jar and pour it with ordinary flour, then in this form it will be able to lie almost until the next spring. The most optimal storage of peeled garlic is ordinary vegetable oil. If you lay peeled cloves in a container or a jar with a sealed lid and pour them with oil, you can use them for a rather long time.
  • If you are sorry to translate oil, then you can take any bowl, put fragrant cloves on it and sprinkle them with a thick layer of table salt on top. Although this method is less effective than the previous one, it will also extend the life of your garlic for some time.

How and how much to store the radish in the refrigerator?

Radis storage in the refrigerator
  • You can store radishes in the refrigerator in several ways. If you need it for no more than a week, then just rinse it in clean water, let it drain a little excess liquid, and then put it in a glass jar in neat rows and close everything with a plastic lid. Be sure to keep in mind that with this method of storage in the bank, there should still be a little water.
  • Therefore, if you lay a completely dry radish in the container, be sure to pour a couple of spoons of clean liquid into it. If desired, the bank can be replaced with a plastic bag, but it will definitely need to make a couple of holes for ventilation. If you want to eat this useful product all winter, then highlight it at the very bottom of the refrigerator.
  • Fold the radishes in a special box for vegetables and fruits and fill it with wet sand. You need to lay it in rows, slightly compacting each layer. For this storage method, only late varieties of radishes are suitable.

How and how much to store fresh cucumbers in the refrigerator?

Storage of cucumbers in the refrigerator
  • Since cucumbers are almost 90% of the water, it is extremely important during storage to make it evaporated as little as possible or allow vegetables from the outside to receive the missing liquid. To do this, it is enough to only pour a little water into a deep container and lower the cucumbers into it with tails down.
  • Try to install them tightly (there should only be a vegetable ass in the water), but at the same time make sure that they do not crash into the edges of the container or pan. If you damage their thin skin, then cucumbers will still lose moisture and wither. This storage method will extend the shelf life of Zelentsi for literally 7-10 days.
  • If you want the cucumbers to lay in the refrigerator for at least a week, then lubricate their peel with fresh protein, carefully drug them and already in this form put in the refrigerator. When drying, the protein will create a protective film that will prevent the evaporation of moisture and prevent oxygen to have a detrimental effect on the vegetable.

How and how much to store tomatoes in the refrigerator?

Tomato storage in the refrigerator
  • I immediately want to say that tomatoes are poorly tolerate low temperature indicators, so you need to store them in the refrigerator only in the most extreme case. And put them there must be completely ripened. If you put a completely green tomato in the refrigerator, then because of the lack of heat it simply will not be able to ripen and in the end you still have to throw it out.
  • It is best to store tomatoes in the freshness zone, where approximately the same temperature rests. They must be folded in a vegetable container in literally two rows. If you lay them a lot, it is likely that the lower fruits in the process of long lying will be given and begin to rot.
  • And if you use the old refrigerator model, then put a newspaper or cotton towel in a box for tomatoes. They will be able to absorb excess moisture, which in turn will prevent the propagation of putrefactive microflora.

How and how much to store the pumpkin in the refrigerator cut?

The pumpkin is frozen
  • If you have already cut the pumpkin, then you can only store it in the refrigerator. It must be placed as close as possible to the zero zone. But even here, pumpkin must create favorable conditions. It will be better if you put it on paper, and close the cut with cling film or polyethylene.
  • In this form, it will calmly lie for 4-5 days. If you want to increase its life period for the same amount, then take the foil fold it in several layers and wrap your pumpkin with it as tight as possible. For longer storage, only frost is suitable. The pumpkin will need to be cut into portioned pieces and put them in the cats.
  • All packages will need to be tied as tightly as possible and, if possible, release all the air from them. A frozen pumpkin will be able to calmly lie for 4-5 months.

How and how much to store Bulgarian and bitter pepper in the refrigerator?

Storage of sweet pepper

A small amount of Bulgarian pepper can quite calmly be stored in the refrigerator. Provided that you will lay in the moderately ripe and intact fruits in it, you can use them for cooking for a month and a half. But in order for the peppers to feel comfortable in the refrigerator, they must be placed correctly in it.

To do this, wrap each pepper individually in a sheet of paper and put in a vegetable department. It also helps to preserve bitter and sweet pepper vegetable oil. If you wrap their vegetables, and then put them in a container with holes for ventilation, then they will quite calmly lay in this form for 5-6 weeks.

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator?

Color cabbage for the winter

Color cabbage is a very delicate vegetable that is afraid of high temperature, so it is best to store it in the refrigerator. It is necessary to lay for storage medium size of a head of heads without any damage. If you notice at least one dark spot on inflorescences, then it is better to immediately use such cabbage in food.

The damaged vegetable, even at low temperatures, will deteriorate and infect all the fruits around him with rot. It is best to store cabbage in the vegetable department without wrapping it. Here she will be able to maintain her taste and fresh about 7 days. After this time, the vegetable will need to be eaten or freeze.

How and how much to store the carrots in the refrigerator for the winter and cleaned?

Rules for storing carrots
  • Carrot loves moisture very much, without it, its pulp quickly becomes sluggish and loses all its beneficial properties. Therefore, even in the refrigerator, it is necessary to create special conditions for her. Highlight her place in the vegetable department or as close as possible to it, cover it with several layers of paper and put the carrots on it in neat rows.
  • On top of the resulting pyramid, put a wet towel and do not forget to moisturize it as it dries. This method will help to extend the shelf life of the root crop up to 3 months. You can try to store carrots in plastic bags. Put the root crop in small portions, release air from the bags and tie it tightly. If you do not want condensation to form in the process of storage inside, then before laying, be sure to cool the vegetables.
  • Already cleaned carrots are not advisable to store for more than a day. After this time, her taste and her appearance will begin to deteriorate. Therefore, if you cleaned a lot of carrots, then just rub it on a grater and send it to the freezer.

Is it possible to store eggplant in the refrigerator and how much?

Eggplant storage recommendations
  • Eggplants are very afraid of minus indicators, but at room temperature they cannot be stored categorically. Therefore, if you want at least a couple of months to pamper your household with dishes from this vegetable, then find a place for him in the refrigerator. You can simply put them in a row on a wooden plank or porcelain bowl and put on the lower shelf in the refrigerator.
  • In this form, they will calmly stand for one month. For longer storage, eggplant needs a protective pack. If you wrap them in paper or foil, and then put them in a plastic bag, then it is likely that they can wait even for the New Year.
  • Yes, and if possible, lay the eggplant bought at the very end of the season for long -term storage. Of course, you can also store earlier fruits, but they always tolerate low temperature indicators worse.

How to store beets in the refrigerator for the winter?

Freezing beets in a package for the winter

Beetroot, as well as carrots, needs hanged humidity, so it will be better if you make sure that it gets it in the right amount. If there is a lot of space left in your refrigerator, then you can put it in a box for vegetables and pour it with wet sand. If this method is not suitable for you, then fold the storm on the tray, cover it with a cotton towel and put it in the zero zone.

Once a day, spray the towel with water and check if there are no damaged ones among the root crops. If you do not forget to moisturize a towel, then it is likely that your vegetables will be tasty and crispy for 3 months. Well, of course, does not forget about freezing. Although you can’t prepare a salad from frozen beets, it will be possible to use it for borscht calmly.

How and how much to store fresh cabbage in the refrigerator?

Cabbage in film
  • If you plan to store cabbage in the refrigerator, then be sure to properly remember that its main enemy is condensation. After all, if you lay it for storage and droplets of moisture appear on it, then with great confidence we can say that such a head will become very inedible very quickly.
  • And outwardly, you will not even notice that something is wrong with him. Almost always, cabbage begins to deteriorate from the inside and for this reason the housewife will learn about this only after they are cut. If you want to avoid such problems, then first cool the head of the head well, wrap them with 2-3 layers of food film and only then put them in the refrigerator.
  • The most ideal place for storing cabbage is a zone with the lowest temperature as possible. And do not be afraid that she will freeze and become tasteless. This vegetable brings minus indicators very well and even after complete frost does not lose its taste and nutritious properties.

How and how much to store broccoli in the refrigerator?

Broccoli is best to freeze

The best way to store broccoli in the refrigerator is freezing. The vegetable, in this case, will be able to maintain a wonderful color, taste and aroma until the next season. But keep in mind that it is best to freeze it already cooked or at least allowed. So, rinse the broccoli under running water, lower it for a couple of minutes into boiling water, and then transfer to ice water. When it cools down, put it on paper towels and let it drain the deprivation of the liquid.

After that, pack the vegetables in small packages or containers and send it to the freezer. If you still want to and in late autumn there are fresh broccoli, then put it in an ordinary plastic bag, tie it and make a couple of holes for ventilation in it. Such a protective film will help to remain fresh for 3-4 weeks.

How and how much to store zucchini in the refrigerator?

Storage rules for zucchini in the refrigerator

The zucchini is worse than all other vegetables to be stored. But still, if you know how to do this correctly, then for some minimum time you can extend its fitness. If you want Tsukkini to lay in the refrigerator for at least a month, then bringing them home, in no case do not wash and do not try.

All these actions can damage their delicate peel and then you will not have to talk about any storage. So, take the zucchini and put in the eating bags with food bags with ventilation holes. In this form, put them in a vegetable container and put them in the green area of \u200b\u200bthe refrigerator.

How and how much to store the peeled and whole onions in the refrigerator?

Onion storage recommendations
Onion storage recommendations
  • The cleaned onion, if, of course, do not take measures, will lose all its nutritional properties in about 12 hours. But if you put it in the refrigerator, you can use it for 2-3 days. In order for the purified onion to continue to remain juicy and fragrant, we must take care of its additional protection.
  • In this case, salt and water will help you solve the storage problem. If you put the peeled onion into glass containers and completely fill it with water, then you can safely use it for cooking and hot and cold dishes for at least a couple of days. The second method is more suitable for onions, which was not only cleaned, but also cut. Take a small saucer, pour a thick layer of salt on it and put the onion into it with a slice down.
  • But keep in mind that this storage method extends the shelf life for literally a day, so the cut vegetable is best used as quickly as possible. If we talk about the whole onion, then it is better to store it in the cellar or basement. But if it turned out that you need to put this product in the refrigerator, then lay it for storage, in the department that is intended for vegetables.

How and how much to store corn in the refrigerator?

Saving cobs in the refrigerator

Corn both boiled and raw, can not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time. Without the loss of its taste, it can lie in it for no more than 3 days. After this time, she will inevitably begin to lose moisture and rude, and the same changes occur and a cooked product.

Therefore, the only way out for those who want to save this product for the winter is freezing. If you boil corn and portioned portions in food bags, you can use it for cooking almost the whole winter.

Video: Organization and storage of vegetables in the refrigerator

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Comments K. article

  1. And do not all refrigerators have separate departments for vegetables and fruits? I have it in the indiction for a long time. I thought really something useful

  2. yes, everything is possible, the main storage conditions and everything will be kind) I have a hotpone, the temperature regime holds perfectly. And the vegetables are stored wonderful. and you can also throw it in the freezer) and then they will be stored longer

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