How to store garlic after cleaning and digging at home, in a city apartment, house, refrigerator, cellar? Preparing garlic for storage for the winter and storing it in sunflower oil, a bank with salt, clay dishes: rules and tips

How to store garlic after cleaning and digging at home, in a city apartment, house, refrigerator, cellar? Preparing garlic for storage for the winter and storing it in sunflower oil, a bank with salt, clay dishes: rules and tips

The method of storing garlic in the cellar and in the refrigerator.

Many summer residents, after harvesting garlic, think about the method of storage. There are a lot of storage options, with which it will be possible to maintain the aroma and taste of the spice longer.

The result of storage of garlic depends on the correct determination of its maturation and digging out of the ground. Below in the pictures the rules for digging garlic.

How to store garlic after cleaning and digging home, in a city apartment and house: Rules and tips

At room temperature, garlic is stored for 3-4 months, while spring garlic is best suited for storage.

Options for storing garlic in the apartment:

  • In pigtails. This is a simple and economical way. The heads are intertwined with each other with the use of stems and hung.
  • In stockings. In kapron tights, raw materials are stuffed and suspended. In this case, the heads should be dry and healthy.
  • In banks. It is necessary to sterilize the banks in advance to put dry garlic into them.
  • In bags. To do this, use linen bags. They are soaked in advance in saline and dried. The heads are poured into the bags and do not tie tightly. Hang in a dry room.
  • In flour. Flour serves as an adsorbent of moisture. It is necessary to sterilize and dry the banks in advance. Dry -headed heads are poured into the container. A small ball of flour is poured again. Then again lay a layer of raw materials. The last layer is flour.
  • In salt. Salt also absorbs moisture well, but does not allow spices to dry. It is necessary to add a layer of garlic and a layer of salt in sterilized containers. Banks are stored open, in a cellar in wooden boxes.
How to store garlic after cleaning and digging home, in a city apartment and house: Rules and tips
How to store garlic after cleaning and digging home, in a city apartment and house: Rules and tips

Preparing garlic for storage for the winter: how to cut for the winter?

First of all, it is worth collecting heads in time. When the sunny and dry weather stands, and the heads are dense and elastic, while the tops are dry, you can proceed to digging up.

Varieties of garlic trimming:

  • Unlike many cultures, garlic must be dried with stems. It is necessary to harvest and let it dry well.
  • After that, when the roots and tops are dry, it is necessary to cut off the roots, leaving 3 mm. The tops are not completely cut off, 10 cm is left.
  • After that, the temperature regime of storage is selected. It can be 16-20 ° C or 2-4 ° C.
Preparation of garlic for storage for the winter
Preparation of garlic for storage for the winter

Is it possible to store onions and garlic together?

Onions and garlic can be stored together, but it is worth leaving them away from the rest of the vegetables. The fact is that these vegetables do not tolerate excess moisture, mold instantly starts on them, and the bulbs rot.

Options for storing onions and garlic:

  • It is necessary to pour onions and garlic separately into paper bags, after making holes in them with a hole punch.
  • In the boxes, it is worth folding bags with garlic and onions. You can store pre -prepared heads in stockings. In this case, they are hung in warmth.
Is it possible to store onions and garlic together?
Is it possible to store onions and garlic together?

How to save garlic and garlic crop in winter until spring in the refrigerator?

This option does not imply cleaning garlic and disassembling it on cloves. In the refrigerators, it is wet enough, and this is fraught with the appearance of rot.

Varieties of storage of garlic in the refrigerator:

  • In banks. Garlic is laid out in sterilized jars and covered with salt.
  • In packages. The heads are poured into a paper or cardboard bag with holes. Store in the compartment for vegetables, but not nearby should put potatoes, beets and carrots.
  • In bags. You can pour the heads into linen bags and fill up with a small amount of flour.
How to save garlic and garlic crop in winter until spring in the refrigerator?
How to save garlic and garlic crop in winter until spring in the refrigerator?

Is it possible and how to store garlic in the cellar?

Requirements for conditions in the cellar:

  • Optimum temperature in the cellar from +2 to +5 ° C
  • Humidity should be from 50 to 80%
  • Lack of fungi and pathogenic bacteria
  • Good ventilation

Storage options:

  • In Kapron
  • In braids
Is it possible and how to store garlic in the cellar?
Is it possible and how to store garlic in the cellar?

What is the best and correctly store bulbs, winter, spring garlic, so as not to dry before planting in spring and autumn?

In general, from bulbs you can get your garlic in 2 years. Bulboxes, these are mini-lugs that are received from a garlic shooter. They are collected in late summer and dried. Store planting material until late autumn or spring. Sowing material is stored in heat, in linen bags.

What is the best and correctly store peeled garlic?

Storage options for purified garlic:

  • In vegetable oil
  • In vinegar
  • In salt
  • In banks
What is the best and correctly store peeled garlic?
What is the best and correctly store peeled garlic?

Claus storage in sunflower oil: tips

Cleaned garlic cloves are stored in oil. This is ideal for damaged teeth.


  • The cloves are cleaned of the husk and thoroughly washed with water.
  • After that, the cloves are laid out on a paper towel and wait for complete drying.
  • The garlic is laid out in a sterilized jar and poured with sunflower oil to the very top.
Claus storage in sunflower oil: tips
Claus storage in sunflower oil: tips

Storage of garlic bank with salt and without salt: tips

The garlic stored in salt can survive all winter. Lay the heads in a wooden box with holes, pouring each layer with dry sodium salt. You can fill with heads with sterilized jars, filling with salt of void. It is necessary that both below and on top of the container be a thick ball of salt (about 2-3 centimeters high).


  • Be sure to dry the heads or cloves first
  • Banks for storing peeled cloves should be sterilized
  • Salt is not taken iodized

However, the equally good garlic by unpeeled teeth is stored in banks without salt, provided that the jars are dry and clean (it is better to sterilize and dry them) and store it better in a cool room. Banks should be tightly covered with lids.

Classry storage to a bank with salt: tips
Classry storage to a bank with salt: tips

Clay garlic storage: tips

For storage, you can safely use clay dishes. It differs in that mold does not start in it.

Ways to store garlic in clay dishes:

  • In salt
  • In flour
  • In sunflower oil

Is it possible to wash garlic before storage?

If you store garlic in the cloves, having previously cleared from the husk, then it is necessary to wash it. After that, the cloves must be dried. If the garlic will be stored in bulbs, then it cannot be washed. The heads are cleaned of dirt and dried. Any contact with water is prohibited.

Is it possible to wash garlic before storage?
Is it possible to wash garlic before storage?

Is it possible to freeze garlic for storage for the winter?

Garlic can be stored frozen. To do this, clean the cloves of the husk, wash and dry. Next, the cloves are laid out on paper towels until moisture is completely evaporated. After that, pour the cloves into bags and fold in the freezer. Such garlic will lose a little aroma, but retain all the beneficial properties.

Is it possible to freeze garlic for storage for the winter?
Is it possible to freeze garlic for storage for the winter?

Why blackens, rots garlic during storage: Reasons

The cause of decay of garlic during storage is rot and fungi. So that the garlic does not rot, it must be stored correctly. In most cases, the cause of decay of garlic is increased humidity. Accordingly, the heads need to be dried and added to adsorbents before storage. It can be salt or flour.

Why blackens, rots garlic during storage: Reasons
Why blackens, rots garlic during storage: Reasons

As you can see, to enjoy the spicy taste and aroma of garlic, it must be stored correctly. Adhere to the rules and do not allow moisturizing the heads.

Video: Store garlic

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