How should a newborn sleep: dressed or not? What to wear a newborn child during sleep?

How should a newborn sleep: dressed or not? What to wear a newborn child during sleep?

Many parents are worried that during sleep their baby does not receive hypothermia. Therefore, they wear it warmly.

However, I do not know everything that a child in a dream can not only overcool, but also get overheating.

What to wear a newborn child during sleep?

There is no exact answer to the question of exactly how the newborn child should be dressed during sleep.

This is affected by many factors:

  • region of residence;
  • season;
  • weather on the street;
  • what is the temperature in the room where the bed is worth;
  • individual characteristics of the body of the baby.

Only relatives know their child best, so they have a great responsibility in the selection of clothes for the baby.

For summer
For summer

The most optimal clothing options for sleeping a baby:

  • No need to wear a newborn too warmly. In most cases, a dense diaper, which serves as a layer of clothing. In this case, it is worth being extremely attentive, because the diaper can both protect from the cold and create troubles.
  • In the worst case, this can lead to the SVDS (sidrum of sudden children's death).
  • Keep in mind that in the summer and very hot time to 70% to reduce the SVDS will help the installed fan. However, note that in no case should you hypothermia, and direct the fan directly to the child. It is better to direct it up, and the streams of cool air will quickly dispel the chill around the room.
  • Regardless of the age and season, you should wear a child in multi -layer clothes. This will help, if necessary, remove or replace several layers of clothing.
  • If the child is at such an age that you still need to use a diaper, it is better to put it in a body. On top - children's slip with sleeves and socks.
  • In the summer it is recommended to lay the child to sleep without socks And choose slips with short sleeves.
For winter
For winter

What to wear a child who sleeps without a diaper?

  • What to wear a child who sleeps without a diaper? If the newborn has already grown up and does not need a diaper, the best option is to refuse to use it gradually. It is necessary to wear a child in this way, if there was a diaper on him, but instead put on a children's sleeping bag.
  • A sleeping bag is a good idea to replace a classic blanket. As a rule, the baby’s parents are very tired of a day and may not keep track if their child accidentally reveals in a dream or covered with his head.
  • In the summer, you do not need to cover it with a blanket or put it in a sleeping bag.
  • The average temperature in the room should be no more than 22 ° C. The cool room contributes to a stronger and more high -quality sleep. Also, it is not necessary to bathe the baby often during this period so that he does not catch a cold.

How to wear a child for the night if he has already begun to walk?

  • If the child has already gone the second year of life, in no case should you wear it too warmly. Scientists have proven that when the body temperature during sleep is increased, nightmares will dream of a person.
  • How to wear a child for the night if he has already begun to walk? In this situation, it is very important to observe the correct heat balance in order to to prevent neither overheating, nor hypothermia.
  • It is possible to check that the child is comfortable during sleep, with the help of touch. The baby’s skin should be warm or summer temperature.
  • For children under 4 years of age, sleeping bags, not blankets are also considered more optimal for sleeping. Since before this age they are often very mobile in a dream.
  • Even if the child has already learned to talk, he cannot always understand the reason for his discomfort during sleep. Therefore, parents should strictly monitor this.
  • If the child after sleep nevertheless complains that during the rest he froze, you need to wear it warmer at night. But at the same time wear only natural things.
Tips for mothers
Tips for mothers

A general recommendation for children of all ages is a ventilated room. You should always sleep in a room where there is enough oxygen. It will provide a strong dream, and will help to feel rested during wakefulness.

Useful articles about children and for children:

Video: How to wear a newborn correctly?

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