How to invite a guy to a walk: options, phrases and ready -made offers

How to invite a guy to a walk: options, phrases and ready -made offers

How to invite a guy to a walk on a date? Look for answers, phrases and sentences in the article.

The stereotype is stored that the guy should take the first step. However, a young man, a man can be just modest and indecisive, even though he really likes you. Or, if young people have known each other for a long time and know each other well. The guy simply does not think about inviting you to a real romantic date, then the Lady should take the first step.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Ideas of a budget date: List of the best".

In all these cases, the girl should take the initiative for herself. To do this, you need to get courage and prepare.

What qualities are a girl needed to dare and invite a guy a walk?

The girl invited the guy to walk
The girl invited the guy to walk

The girl should be decisive. The modger does not dare such a step. What other qualities are a girl needed to dare and invite a guy a walk? Here's a list:

  • Self -confidence and their actions
  • The ability to remain calm
  • Emotional preparedness for both positive and negative result

Do not be discouraged if he refuses. Ask immediately about the reason, perhaps he simply does not have time or have other circumstances. Then you should agree for another time or day. Or try your luck another time. It is also important to prepare for an invitation. How to do this, read on.

Preparation: Can a girl invite a guy a walk?

If you have a question - can a girlfriend invite a guy a walk, then you should think a little. After all, situations are different. First of all, you need to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Are you familiar with the guy enough to call him a walk?
  • Is the guy interested at least a little in communication?
  • How does he behave against other girls? Does he shy and openly show interest?

This is the preparation. If, after answering these questions, it becomes clear that the young man is indifferent and not particularly interested, then the girl should not take the first step. It is necessary to wait a bit in order to learn more about this person: what girls he like, which annoy, his interests, his favorite pastime, characteristics of character, temperament. Then the girl needs to show that she has the necessary personal qualities, is also interested and fond of.

She, having decided on the first step, should remember that young people focus on how the lady looks. It is necessary to become feminine, neat and attractive - this will help to enchant and arouse interest in the guy, he will agree to a meeting. It is important to be able to emphasize your advantages, not disadvantages. However, it is important to remember the internal component - prepare a couple of interesting topics for conducting dialogue. As the saying goes: "They meet on clothes, and escorted by the mind."

If the girl still decided to invite the guy, then she should adhere to the next plan:

  • Make sure the young man is free and does not meet with anyone.
  • Plan the date and place of the meeting, as well as leisure.
  • It is necessary to be prepared for the fact that a guy can work on this day either at a certain time, or he may have other things.
  • Be positive and confident.
  • If the young man is not sure, he thinks about the meeting, then do not insist.

No need to show your love - it is better to maintain calm next to him, to be proud, confident, bold and interesting. In this case, he will not think that he will be able to play with the feelings of the girl, but will treat her respectfully and prudently.

How to invite a guy to a walk: options, methods

The girl invited the guy to walk
The girl invited the guy to walk

Each girl chooses a way herself. It all depends on its moral principles, self -confidence or, conversely, shyness. There are somewhat available and simple options to invite the guy to take a walk:

  • Independently - with personal communication

This is suitable for those girls who are confident in their abilities. In this case, she will immediately show her interest in the dialogue and will make it possible to take response steps towards her. It is better to think in advance what to say. Tun to both reciprocity and refusal. The last option is unpleasant, but the main thing is to remember that this does not make the girl unattractive. There can be many reasons for refusal.

  • Use an indirect preposition, that is, ask him for help, ask an opinion or interest an extraordinary idea

As an example, the guy is fond of playing the guitar. The girl, knowing this in advance, asks his help with the selection of guitar or training. If he agrees to help, then you can thank it and give a hint of a meeting in the near future.

  • This method is suitable if he and it communicate for several months or years and have a general hobby

Suppose both are fond of literature and theater-in this case, you can offer to attend some kind of play or performance together. If both are fond of sports, then you can call him to the morning or evening training. During the general pastime, the girl will be able to show her value, sympathy.

  • Help of friends is suitable if the couple is seen infrequently

You can ask a common friend to tell about her. In order for this method to work exactly, it will be best to advise a person who was asked to help.

  • Collective meeting

It is suitable for those girls who are very modest and do not dare to come first themselves, and is to go somewhere with friends and young people. As an example, it can be bowling, cinema. In general, the fourth and fifth way can be combined.

  • Call for a walk through personal correspondence

Do not use more than 4 offers in the message and many emoticons. The plan in this case is as follows:

  • You should start communication with a welcome “hi”, “hello”, “princes”, etc.. If you have never corresponded before, you need to tell who you are and where you met. If earlier the girl had already corresponded with him, then a simple greeting will be enough. The message may be like this: "Hi! I am Lena! We had a great time at yesterday's party! ” or "Hi! How are you?". The first option is suitable if you are not familiar.
  • Small flirting during dialogue permissible. If he responds to flirting, then this is a good sign.
  • It is important to monitor his style of answers and, in general, for interest in this communication. If his answers are dry, short and long, then you can try to call him. However, the girl should prepare for a possible refusal.
  • If he answers the expanded, not with large breaks between messages, then it is definitely worth it to offer him to meet.

Both in a personally written dialogue and in negotiations by phone, we can say that you need to see and discuss some points. And at a personal meeting, telling that the girl really wanted to see him very much. During the dialogue and meeting, it is important to show the lady that she pleasantly the society of a given young man.

How to invite a former guy to take a walk?

The girl invited an ex -boyfriend to take a walk
The girl invited an ex -boyfriend to take a walk

Here it should be taken into account how and for what reason the girl broke up with a former young man. Sometimes complex relationships are developing between the former and the continuation of any communication is impossible.

In general, inviting him to a date or walking is not difficult if he independently wants to see a lady and did not cool to her. It will be enough just hint that she is lonely and she is bored. In this case, he himself will show the initiative and invite to go somewhere.

You can also ask friends to tell about her carefree life and adjust the “unplanned” meetings so that the young man invites the former on a date. And having seen, the girl should show actual joy, empathy - the main thing is that he understands that she was not indifferent to his life.

How to invite a guy on a date: tips

If the girl is shy and uncertain, she is afraid to get a refusal, then you need to call the young man so that he does not think that he was called for a date. The initiative should not always be straight, it can be indirect - just hint to the young man to meet.

You can use extraordinary ways. Here are the tips:

  • Write him a paper letter. Not electronic and not in social. networks! You can send it in the form of a regular postcard or it is beautifully packed - the main thing is to show ingenuity. The transmission methods are different: courier, acquaintances, friends, mailbox in the house.
  • There is an old wisdom: "The path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach." This method is based on this-you need to order something tasty. It can be pizza, pastries or sushi. The main thing is to invest your letter inside the package.
  • Buy and send balloons. It is possible with helium or ordinary. Indicate all the necessary information on the balls: date and time, place of meeting.

In no case do not persuade the young man on a date. Everything should look as natural and relaxed as possible.

How to hint at a date: phrases and ready -made offers

The girl hints at the date in correspondence
The girl hints at the date in correspondence

On the first date, do not avoid visual contact, do not take closed poses - this can create an impression of disinterest in what is happening. Interested in his life, hobbies, ask questions, joke. So, how to hint at a date? Here are phrases and ready -made suggestions:

  • “I have 2 tickets for a concert. Will you go with me for the company? ". It is important to note that it is better to choose tickets for the performance of his favorite group. So, positive and vivid emotions will be more following the results of the meeting.
  • "All friends went on business, and I was so hoping to unwind and go somewhere".
  • “I don’t know who to go to the nearest city for a briefly/to nature. Do you want to go with me? ”
  • “Soon my sister's birthday. Do you want to make us a company for a holiday? ".
  • “A new restaurant has opened in the city center. I heard that there is a very pleasant situation. Do you want to go together? ".

On the question, always ask so that the answer you need to beg. For example, if you say "Would you like to leave me?", he will most likely answer "Not". Another thing is if you ask "Do you want to leave me" or "Come with me". More likely he will agree.

It is also necessary to establish tact. The girl can hug him when meeting or goodbye, accidentally take him by the brush, touch him. She needs to show that she rejoices sincerely from meeting him.

Here are a few more phrases and ready -made offers, how to call for a walk:

  • "I would like to know you better."
  • “Let's meet and take a walk/go somewhere?”
  • " We have a lot in common. I would like to talk with you alone. What do you say?".
  • "Lucky your future girl."
  • "You are very interesting".
  • “You are very interestingly telling about it. I would like to continue the conversation in the evening in the cafe. What do you say?".

You can invite a guy to a walk or on a date in many ways. Young people are all different and everyone needs an individual approach.  The main thing is to remember that life is given only once, and it is better to get a refusal than to think about what could be. Good luck!

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