Why is a man silent on a date: reasons - what to do?

Why is a man silent on a date: reasons - what to do?

If you came on a date with a young man, and he scored as water in his mouth, it is important to analyze the reason for this behavior.

It is not quite common for men to talk a lot. They are arranged so that they often listen, not chatting. And if men are silent on the first date, then this is a suspicion in a female sex. After all, they love the ears, and they like it when they talk about them and make compliments. Women by nature are very curious creatures and they are interested in what men think about. Let's figure out the causes of male silence

A man is silent on a date: Reasons

Many come up with excuses for such actions or simply do not pay attention. But is there a game of such victims?

  • He has such a character. He is a secretive person by his nature and does not like to talk much. This is the usual behavior for him. This is indicated by his asociality, inability to find topics to support the conversation.
  • He does not know what to answer. He answers all the questions that you ask him specifically and meekly. He does not like to talk much and not on business. Such a person loves specifics in matters and gives a clear answer.
  • Does not want to answerso as not to offend you and not put in an awkward position. This is expressed in the banal inability to tactfully and correctly conduct a conversation. Such a man does not know how to throw words into the wind and conduct stupid conversations, he does not understand jokes and does not know how to tell them himself, does not know how to make compliments.
  • He does not know how to express his thoughts. This does not indicate his mean vocabulary. He clearly knows that the thoughts of women and men are different. They can have nothing in common, neither hobbies, nor interests. And to choose the words that a woman will like, you need skill. Therefore, he is just silent.
  • The man is not very interesting What a woman will think and how she will react. This situation indicates that a woman is not interesting to him, so a man is silent on a date. Why strain, because he does not see any future with her and therefore does not shine with his mind, and does not speak compliments. He does not care about a woman.
Why is he silent?
Why is he silent?
  • He does not know the answer to the question asked. On the banal questions of the girl, about her new dress or manicure, he simply does not want to answer. He does not follow female fashion and therefore it is difficult for him to immediately give an answer to the question posed. That is why he is simply silent.
  • He just wants to seem mysterious in the eyes of a woman. Thus, he wants women to be interested in being in his society. He does not agree much, as if letting the lady herself think up what was not told by himself. So a girl can fantasize and draw conclusions only on a pair of the said phrases from a man.

If a man is not stupid, he knows how to correctly make compliments to the girl, then he will not be shy, and he will maintain a conversation on any topic that the girl will offer. Even if today he cannot do this because of good reasons, he will simply ask her to forgive such behavior and say that the next time everything will be in order.


It should be borne in mind that all the reasons for this behavior were not previously caused by sexual contact, disagreements. If the reason for his silence is the above reasons, then just give him time to think. Maybe at that moment he rethinks his life and wants to change everything. If you still can’t wait to find out about his thoughts, you should observe his behavior, gestures-they can tell a lot.

A man is silent on a date: what to do ?

You were invited by a guy in a cafe for the first time to meet, just drink coffee. As a result a man is silent on a date And he does not know how to behave.

  • Do not force him to answer your questions, Do not take the initiative into your own hands. You are not a clown in the circus, you were invited to a meeting to meet. Do not ask stupid questions, joke and maintain a conversation. If he is silent, let him be silent. Of course, at first you can try to stir the "silent", but if he does not continue to support the conversation, do not make efforts.
  • Say everything you think and say goodbye. Imagine the situation that you are a patient and came to an appointment with a psychologist. The work of a psychologist to listen to you. In this situation, a psychologist is a man, and you are a patient. Tell him what bothers you, what you want to achieve in life, what interests you so that you want to do what to visit. Let the man listen to. As a result, you will talk and get a free dinner even if nothing comes of it.
  • Do not come up with excuses for him. Do not invent different reasons for his silent behavior, for example, fatigue, problems at work. Why can he be silent, and you should please him in any way? Any excuses on the part of a man are not appropriate, he himself wanted to meet with you and must maintain a conversation and behave appropriately. Sometimes silence is just his way to show his mystery and arrange as many women as possible. Such men should beware.
Do not force or justify
Do not force or justify
  • Be natural. When you are repeatedly a man is silent on a date, do not hide your discontent. Just ask a direct question: “Why are you constantly silent? I'm bored". This is quite normal behavior in such a situation. You waste your time and do not get anything and do not even know what is happening.
  • Speak directly. If you are tired of everything and you want to leave, it is worth talking directly so that next time he does not distract you and not make an appointment in order to just shut up in the company. Do not come up with excuses why you need to leave now. It is better to do it at once than then endure his silence again.

Men's silence on a date against gestures

Sometimes words will not tell what can be seen in gestures. On a date with a silent companion is the number one help to find out the truth of his silence.

  • The man is silent on a date, but actively gestures. He likes you, and he wants to make a pleasant impression on you, but cannot find the right words to express it.
  • Constantly touching his clothes or hairstyle. This behavior is characteristic of a strong floor. He is not confident in himself and, in order to fix it, he constantly corrects this, something in clothes, in a hairstyle. So he expresses his sympathy for you, but he cannot decide you can tell you this.
  • Having said something, he touches you slightly. So the man makes it clear that he needs you. Pay attention to the part of the body to which it touches. If this is an elbow - it will help in any situation and give advice, hands - next to you wants to feel on an equal footing, waist and below - so it hints at sexual contact.
  • Touches his face. Such behavior shows that he is interested in talking to you and everything you say, he understands. Each your word scrolls and thinks. Silence is his reaction, which helps to think about everything said.

Video: Why is a man silent?

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