The guy does not write VKontakte, SMS, does not call after the first date, sex: is it worth writing or calling the guy first? How to make a guy write or call first: a conspiracy

The guy does not write VKontakte, SMS, does not call after the first date, sex: is it worth writing or calling the guy first? How to make a guy write or call first: a conspiracy

Does your beloved call? Stop pouring tears in the pillow and be upset! Read our article!

A man and a woman are halves of one soul. According to legend, these halves wander around the light and look for each other. They cannot be happy to be separate. That is why those who found a couple and unhappy those who did not find or lost it are happy. No one knows for sure where and when a miracle happens and the girl will find her only man. But if this happened, it can fly on the wings, turn the mountains, swim swimming rivers and the sea.

They should be on the shoulder of any vertex
They should be on the shoulder of any vertex

Why doesn’t the guy write and call the first: what does it mean - psychology

It is such an upsurge of mental strength that lovers feel. But, there are in this idyll their pitfalls in which we will try to figure it out.

Lovers of people differ from the rest not only by the state of the soul, the research has shown that their level of hormones changes significantly

Lovers feel thinner, take offense in trifles, think a lot about the little things that ordinary people simply would not pay attention to.

They live on another planet
They live on another planet

It would seem a trifle - who will call the first? Are you a guy or a guy to you? If you had to call your girlfriend, you would have done this call without hesitation. Why are you tormented and doubt if you need to call your boyfriend? Because this person has taken too much space in your soul and you love him. His opinion is too important for you. His silence is too offensive to you, and a call from him causes tsunami in your soul. As for the answer to the question: why does he never call the first, you need to know:

There is a category of men who never call women first. It's just a character trait or an established habit

And you need to either accept a person as he is, or try to explain to him what his behavior offends you.

If you distract from thoughts about a call, you can notice beauty outside the window
If you distract from thoughts about a call, you can notice beauty outside the window

What to do if the guy does not write and does not call first, but always answers?

Do I need to do something if the only claim to the guy is that he does not write and calls first? If you meet, if you are well together, if you make joint plans for the future? Probably not, if everything is fine in your relationship, except for this item. But if if this is the peak of the iceberg of mutual misunderstanding, then you need to think about whether this relationship is worth continuing.

Sometimes girls attach too much to phone calls
Sometimes girls attach too much to phone calls

Is it the first to write to the guy you like?

The answer to this question depends on the taste of whether the guy you like initiative, combat girls? It happens that the guy is accustomed to be the initiator of acquaintance with the girl, but it happens that the guy is shy by nature and cannot tie the first acquaintance with the girl.

  • If you do not know these features of your chosen one, try to quietly enter his life. So you will not scare away guys who are used to taking the initiative in their own hands and give a reason to get acquainted with an indecisive guy
  • If the only way to make acquaintance with a guy is to write to him, then use this chance
Letter may be the beginning of dating
Letter may be the beginning of dating

The guy does not write VKontakte, SMS, does not call after the first date, sex: is it worth writing or calling the guy first?

When a girl begins to worry because the guy did not call after the first date or after sex I want to clarify how much time passed after you parted with him? Hour, several hours, day or several days.

  • If only a few hours have passed after the meeting - do not panic, the guy just rests from a date and sex. Give him time to recover after new impressions
  • If a day has passed or for a few days, you should call at least in order to stop tormenting yourself with doubts
Maybe everything is fine and you should not worry?
Maybe everything is fine and you should not worry?

How and what to write to the guy who likes the first VKontakte?

There is one great option for the first message to the guy who likes. And it sounds very original: “Hello! I like you!" You can, of course, go from afar and write the first message on the theme of weather, nature, academic performance, but there is a big share of probability that you simply will not understand. It is not shameful to write to the man first. It is enough to recall the novel in the verses of Alexander Pushkin "Eugene Onegin." Tatyana was not afraid to write the first to Eugene and received an answer from him. Such experience is not always unsuccessful. You need to believe in yourself, your attractiveness and charm, and then others will also believe in it. And your chosen one will also be fascinated by you.

You can afford recognition in sympathy
You can afford recognition in sympathy

How and what to write to the guy first after the first date, sex VKontakte?

  • You can write what you could tell this person at a personal meeting. For example, that you were very happy to meet him, that you survived the ocean of bliss, that he is your favorite the best man on this planet
  • You can write words of gratitude during the time spent together. And if you want to continue dating, do not write that you would like to see it again and again. Let your boyfriend feel like a conqueror of your heart. Wait a bit and the first one will come from him to meet
  • This does not mean that there are some strict rules to offer or not offer the guy a meeting. It all depends on your temperament and temperament of your boyfriend
Be bolder and learn to make decisions yourself
Be bolder and learn to make decisions yourself

How to make a guy write or call first: a conspiracy

Well, if you do not want to write or call your boyfriend the first for any reason, use the conspiracy. Imagine that your chosen one is next to you and out loud or mentally say the words:

Favorite! I'm so tired of waiting for a bell or news from you. I ask you and conjure - call or write to me. May the whole universe hear me and you hear me. Do not renounce me and do not offend me. Let the gods help me reach you, and you hear me.

If you tune in to the wave of your loved one, your mental message will definitely be heard. If your beloved still did not call you, then he did not want to hear you. And then you will have to pick up the phone, call and put all the dots over "and." Let you hear a bitter answer, but it will be better than tormenting, doubts and accusations of himself of incorrect behavior. If you have to survive this unpleasant moment - believe that this person accidentally fell into your life and a meeting with the most beloved man ahead.

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