15 reasons why a man does not call after a date, why does a man does not call after sex: is it necessary to call himself?

15 reasons why a man does not call after a date, why does a man does not call after sex: is it necessary to call himself?

Often, a woman, meeting with a man, is in full confidence that their relationship is developing, and every day they are getting closer to each other. And suddenly the gentleman unexpectedly begins to avoid meetings with her, inventing ridiculous reasons, or even disappears from radars - the stronger floor is able to strongly puzzle women when, after successful dates, he suddenly stops calling.

Of course, if a man does not call after the first date, this cannot but upset. Many women in such cases begin to delve into themselves and suffer from the question of what was done wrong with them. Romantic natures are especially susceptible to such torment, which, after several meetings with a man, begin to idealize him and draw their joint future in their imagination. In our article, we will try to figure out why, after successful dates, a man stops calling.

A man does not call after a date: 15 main reasons

There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  1. You did not “hooked” the man too much or did not justify any hopes of his. Perhaps you have different hobbies and views on life. Talking closer to you, the man realized that you are not his option. He does not experience sufficiently strong emotions regarding you, so Loses interest and decides to stop communication. It should be noted that some ladies are not always obvious that they are rejected. Especially if a man is well brought up and tries to show politeness in communication or simply shy about saying directly about what he feels.
  2. The young man is typical womanizer or pickuper. He does not call specifically, withstanding a pause. Such a man likes to force a woman to suffer. With such behavior, he forces her to get lost in conjectures and doubts to tie her to herself more. This type likes when young ladies achieve and pursue him. The lack of calls in this situation is ordinary manipulation by another person. This is a kind of game that will show who will further control the relationship in the couple. And if you lead to such a provocation, the manipulator will constantly play with you, like a cat with a mouse.

    Perhaps he is a manipulator?
    Perhaps he is a manipulator?
  3. It is possible that the man was overcome by some everyday problems. Your acquaintance took place with him during the period when everything was well formed well. However, then in his life the unforeseen difficulties arose that he is trying to solve. Maybe a man wants to survive a difficult period of his life alone. And now he is simply not up to love lyrics and dates.
  4. The man is not free and consists in official or civilian relations. At the time of acquaintance with you, he was simply in a quarrel with his partner. Perhaps then he was in full confidence that their connection was already in the past. However, over time, he made peace with his girlfriend (or wife) and returned to her again.
  5. The man initially did not plan anything serious, but simply looked for a girl for leisure or intimacy. After several dates, he found that you attach too much meaning to your meetings too much. He understands that you are waiting for a serious relationship that are not yet included in his plans. Realizing that your acquaintance has completely different, a young man decides to disappear.
  6. The man found out that you are more successful or rich than he. Most of the stronger sex perceive such a situation very painfully. So your gentleman understands that he needs to somehow reach your level. However, he does not have the opportunity or desire to do this.

    Or are you more successful?
    Or are you more successful?
  7. There is a type of men whose main feature is To disappear and appear in the life of your lady when they want. Such people they are frivolous about relationships and do not value them at all. It is possible that you came across just such a type.
  8. The young man met another woman who he liked more than you. However, he does not have the courage to tell you right about it. Trying to avoid accusations on your part, he simply disappears without explanation.
  9. A man is afraid to get too attached to you. Perhaps he did not plan to enter into a serious relationship or he has a sad experience in past communication. And the feeling that he began to test for you was frightened by him. He does not want to lose his own freedom, so he decides to run away from strong emotional attachment.
  10. He is tired of conflicts and quarrels with you. Maybe after a few dates, the gentleman found that you are too quick -tempered and hysterical. Not wanting to constantly sort things out, he decides to stop the meeting. However, sometimes the boyfriend disappears after a completely trifling disagreement. In this situation, the matter is most likely that he was simply looking for a reason to quarrel with you and break off relations.
  11. The man is not sure what you like. Although rarely, such cases are also found. It is possible that you showed insufficient interest in him. And the fan considered that he was not sympathetic to you. Not wanting to seem obsessive or afraid to be rejected, the man decides to no longer bother you with his attention.
  12. A man could be very offended by you. From a sense of pride, he is silent instead of explaining the reason. I must say that the male ego is very vulnerable. It is likely that some of your careless statements passed through his dignity or masculinity.

    Or maybe you offended him?
    Or maybe you offended him?
  13. Another reason why the guy does not call after the date - You have overwhelmed the fan with your problems or are too actively describing your joint future. It happens that a man and a woman only met, and she already believes that he “must” her, and requires him that he has no rights to. In such a situation, a man can be afraid of responsibility. He feels that you have the expectations that he did not agree to him at all. The gentleman was simply scared of the number of desires and plans, the realization of which you expect from him. Therefore, he leaves until everything has gone too far.
  14. The young man had doubts, and he needs time to overcome them. Sometimes a man takes a timeout in order to understand his own feelings and desires. He needs to move a little from you in order to understand at a distance if he feels an attraction to you. Nothing wrong with that. Any person sometimes needs to look around and assess the situation from the outside. If you really interested a man, then such a pause will not drag on for a long time, and he will soon make himself felt.
  15. A man simply has no money. Maybe dates with you are hit hard on his wallet. After all, he needs to pay for restaurants, cinema, flowers. In fact, this is not such a rare reason. Especially among young guys who are not yet firmly on their feet in terms of finance. Many of them admitted that they stopped meeting with their favorite girl precisely because of the lack of funds to organize a decent romantic date. And a man can disappear on the eve of the upcoming holidays: New Year, your birthday or March 8. Just his unwillingness to spend money on a gift outweighs his sympathy for you.

Almost all women are interested in why the man leaves without explanation. The main reason for such a silent disappearance is the fear that the lady will be offended, begin to scandal and sort things out. It is difficult to blame men in this, because many representatives of the weaker sex do just that: they cry, write angry messages or, conversely, persuade them to stay.

Why does he leave without explanation?
Why does he leave without explanation?

Another reason is features of male psychology. A man may be sure that his lady is already clear that their relationship has no future. From his point of view, everything is very logical and obvious. And many representatives of the stronger sex in such situations are surprised at the circumstance that, it turns out, they were not understood by a woman.

Why doesn't a man call after sex?

Do not think that if you and the young man have an intimacy, then he is now yours and the relationship between you has become more durable. This is a mistake of many women. There are frequent cases when a man does not write after sex and does not call.

As a rule, this happens for the following reasons:

  • You agreed too quickly to the intimate. A man, deprived of the opportunity to win a woman, quickly loses interest in her. For the most part, representatives of the stronger sex are hunters by nature. That is why they value little victory and do not feel respect for easily accessible girls. Or maybe it was sex and was the goal of getting to know you. And having received what he wanted, the man evaporated.
  • Sexual intimacy happened before an emotional connection arose. The fact is that the first sex should occur when the partners recognized each other quite well. Mutual trust arises between them, and unnecessary worries are leaving about possible failures in bed. Otherwise, a man (especially if he is very sensitive) during the first sex may seem that he was "not on top." Naturally, it is unpleasant to remember this once again, and therefore he decides to stop communication. When sex happens before emotional attachment, as a rule, relations have no further development.
  • Sexual incompatibility. During the proximity, the man felt that you were not suitable for him in the intimate sphere. He is shy about this and therefore decides that it is much easier to disappear without explanation.
Perhaps you are simply incompatible
Perhaps you are simply incompatible
  • The man slept with you under the influence of momentary passion. For him, it was just sex, and he did not even think about any serious relationship. And it may seem strange to him that you were counting on further dates.
  • You began to violate the personal boundaries of the fan. Some ladies, having spent a night with a young man, begin to behave as if they were received by some special rights to him: they arrange interrogations and intervene in his affairs. However, no man will like this attitude.

In general, psychologists believe that before sex, a woman in most cases has power over a man, but after sex, the alignment of forces in a couple changes. Therefore, girls should not rush too much to agree to intimacy.

A man does not call after a date: is it worth calling the man first?

  • It is believed that if The man does not call after the meeting then does not want to call. And the calmer you will react to him, the more emotional he will be.
  • remember, that a man should not be all your world, It can be only one of it. Always have your own plans in case your gentleman is absent.

Psychologists give some tips on how to behave to a woman if a man does not call after successful dates for no apparent reason:

  • Try to fill your schedule as much as possible with work, visiting the gym, communicating with friends or creativity. Then you will not have time for sad thoughts about the disappeared cavalier.

Do not come up with excuses for the missing boyfriendAs if he is too busy or something prevents him from calling him. You can always find an opportunity for a call or message. Accept the fact that you just do not like you. When a woman is interested in a man, he will always find time and a way to contact her. So do not have vain illusions.

Do I need to come up with excuses and call the first?
Do I need to come up with excuses and call the first?
  • If all reasonable terms have already passed, but the call never followed, Let go of the situation. Only the person who is able to let people out of his head and heart be happy. Live your life and do not expect a call from a man. Do not cause yourself additional pain, persistently calling him or throwing telephone messages.
  • Analyze the situation. Perhaps the reason for the disappearance of a man lies in your behavior. If so, find the courage to admit this fact and apologize. However, it is better to wait for a weekly pause so that the man will forget the bad thing that was in your relationship. Then you can write or call him. And if he decides to resume communication with you, do not repeat past mistakes and adjust your own behavior. Well, if your relationship is not destined to continue, it's okay. The main thing is to draw conclusions and move on.
  • If you are tired of thoughts and guesses, call the man yourself to clarify the situation. There is nothing wrong with that. You have the right to know what happened. Therefore, discard the excess constraint. But during the conversation, do not bring claims and accusations to a man. Calmly ask what was shaking and why he disappeared. Say that you were worried if something happened to him. By intonation of the voice and because the man will answer, you can determine whether to count on subsequent meetings.
Call and find out everything directly
Call and find out everything directly
  • Of course, there is a chance that A gentleman can regard your step as a readiness for everything for a meeting with him or even as an encroachment on his personal space. However, such a call will help you dot the “and” and find out everything.

Do not call more than once, even when the man did not pick up the phone. If he does not answer your calls and messages, but you are observing his activity on social networks, humble yourself and stop trying to contact him. He just does not want to communicate with you.

  • Do not focus on this unpleasant situation. Do not be tormented by the question: "Why did he stop calling?" Ask yourself: "Who will I meet now?" If you are not interesting to a man, then he must stop interest to you.
  • All in all, never chase men. If the guy stops calling after several dates, consider it as a service on his part. He just saw that you did not suit him or, conversely, he does not suit you. Therefore, he gave you the opportunity to find another man.
  • And now you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort on a relationship that is not destined to continue.

Why doesn't a man call for a long time after a date, and then suddenly appears?

  • Of course, the silence and lack of calls not always indicates that the man decided to break with you forever. And it is possible that after some time he will reappear in your life. Perhaps he needed time to solve some problems.
  • However, in such cases, "silence" usually does not last long. But if the man disappeared and showed up only a month or more, You need to be wary and not seducted on his account. It is possible that a man had a “window” in a man when he was left alone for some reason. So he remembered you, confident that you would not refuse to brighten up his loneliness. If you accept the rules of his game, you will always be in the role of a “reserve player”.
You can be a spare option
You can be a spare option
  • If a man does not call after a date, he disappeared, and then appeared in your life again, do not rush to make a decision. He really could have good reasons because of which he did not get in touch.
  • To begin with, discard the desire to take revenge on him, no matter how you want it. Analyze the past attitude of a man towards you, his personal qualities. Determine for yourself whether you want to see this person next to you. If you feel that you do not need it and your relationship has no future - you should not start them again.
  • In the case when you did not understand your own sensations, Show patience and self -control. Try to withstand pause. No need to joyfully rush into the arms of a man. Otherwise, he will think that he can constantly disappear and appear in your life. But also do not bring off an avalanche of resentment and reproaches on him. From guilt, such a comrade may disappear again. Just explain your feelings and say that you need time to think over everything. Let the man try to earn your location and lost trust.
  • Take such courtship calmly and evenly, but do not fill yourself with a feeling of offended pride. Try to treat the returned man just as a new fan.

But if after several dates the young man disappears a second time, then you can safely put an end to your relationship. This means that he does not love you or he has big doubts about whether it is worth meeting further. Why do you need such an unreliable partner?

  • And think about what. If in your life men often disappear after several dates, then maybe the reason lies precisely in you? Perhaps you repel all the gentlemen by your behavior? Analyze your past connections and draw the appropriate conclusions. But do not blame yourself too much. Everyone has the right to errors.
Do not blame yourself
Do not blame yourself
  • In the end, I would like to advise you They did not tie a man too quickly. Do not think about what he wants from you. Think about what you want from him. And if you suddenly do not come to some kind of gentleman, this does not mean at all that something is wrong in you. This only means that you do not suit this particular person.
  • And there is no tragedy in this. Look for another man to whom your character qualities will suit, and he will be delighted with you. Forget about the missing boyfriend and tune in to new meetings. Move on. There are many worthy young people in the world, and you will definitely meet your love.

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