Why did the man disappear without explanation: how to behave? What to do, how to react if a man periodically disappears for no reason and appears again? Why did the man disappear after the first date, meeting, sex? Where men disappear: male psychology

Why did the man disappear without explanation: how to behave? What to do, how to react if a man periodically disappears for no reason and appears again? Why did the man disappear after the first date, meeting, sex? Where men disappear: male psychology

The man leaves without explanation for various reasons. Read in detail in the article.

It disappeared without explanation - such situations happen to many women. It doesn’t matter how much time you were together - a couple of weeks or several years, the act seems vile and irresponsible.

Any girl or woman, finding himself in such a situation, will look for answers to questions related to his disappearance, explain for herself some points, seek excuses for him. Let's figure it out together with what the sudden disappearance of a man is connected.

Why does a man disappear without explanation?

The man leaves without explanation
The man leaves without explanation

It seems to you that you have met that very one and beloved. It seems that everything went well: flowers, dates, SMS with pleasant words, but suddenly something goes wrong. The man first ignores messages, then invents a hundred reasons to delay the next date, and then completely disappears-without a call and any excuses. Why does a man disappear without explanation? Here are a few reasons:

A man is afraid to take responsibility

  • If he understands that the relationship has come to a dead end, and someone must take responsibility and say “goodbye”, the man is afraid to do this first.
  • First, he delays meetings and conversations, and then he just disappears.

Men do not like to explain

  • If the woman understood everything after one single phrase “everything is over by us”, and did not ask any questions, then the men would stop disappearing.
  • But she needs to know the reason for this decision, perhaps reproaches, tears and nerves will begin.
  • A man protects himself and therefore leaves English.

He is a victim

  • It may seem to the woman that their relationship was ideal and full of love, but a man can think differently.
  • He can feel like a victim in a relationship and wait for an apology for some kind of act.
  • Of course, many men are straightforward and everyone expresses in the face, but some can be closed and disappeared.

The woman must understand everything herself

  • If a crisis has come in your relationship, then you will think through everything to the smallest detail: farewell speech, explanations, and so on.
  • But the man does not understand why it is necessary to talk and sort things out.
  • It is easier for him to leave with the words inside herself: "She will understand everything herself."

He is not used to making decisions

  • Many men are morally weak, they do not make independent decisions.
  • From him you should not wait for a noble deed at the time of farewell.
  • It is easier for such a man to disappear, and few representatives of the stronger sex have a degree of determination and judgment.

He does not need a scandal

  • Men do not like female tears, screams, and beating dishes, and after all, the moment of parting with this is what they are associated with.
  • He is ready to put moral principles into the background and go unnoticed so as not to listen to female reproaches and scandals.

The reason for the disappearance is another woman

  • In this case, he either does not value you at all and easily went to another, or, on the contrary, she found out about you and requires a breakup.
  • It will be difficult for him to explain his act, as he is to blame.
  • Perhaps the man simply does not know what to say.

Everything goes not according to plan

  • Many men of pragmatists, and love to plan something serious.
  • He first counts on an easy relationship, not binding to anything.
  • But at one point, he understands that the woman hopes for something more, then it is easier for him to leave.

"Spare" option?

  • Often men do cruelly. They meet with the same women, and in mind they have another - more inaccessible.
  • He can seek her, but at the same time be in a relationship with you. But, if it does not work out with another, then he can always stay with the one that is now next to him.
  • Such a scheme is known to everyone and here are any extra explanations.

He loves to win

  • Some men believe that leaving without saying goodbye is the act of a real man.
  • They are sure that those who fall before the explanation are weaklings.

In childhood, he was not taught to cope with difficult situations

  • When raising a boy, it is important to teach him to be a real man and cope with difficulties.
  • But many men do not know how to do this, they do not know how it is - to leave beautifully.
  • He cannot explain what you do not suit him in bed or indicate that a woman should better take care of herself.
  • The man is afraid to do even more painfully and therefore leaves without explanation.

Do not dig in a strange soul, do not look for excuses or explanations. Just let go of the situation and perhaps everything will get better and it will return. Also, do not exclude the fact that he could have force majeure circumstances or serious problems.

Why did the man disappear after the first date, meeting, sex?

Women think that men are primitive, and they should not wait for adequate solutions, but this is not so. For themselves, they can explain everything. For example, why did he disappear after the first date or meeting?

  • For men, appearance and mental coincidence is important. They will not think about you on the first date as a future wife and present you with the mother of his children.
  • A man needs only sex and emotionsAnd if a woman did not attract him sexually, then the communication will end there.
  • Even the smell of spirits, your figure, which will not seem to him, can not scare away a man, the timbre of his voice. But this does not mean that you are not like that. The other will like all your advantages, and this one will run away in a few minutes, because it will consider that you have many disadvantages.
  • He can understand that he will not pull such a woman like you. For example, your bag is more expensive than its car, and you are used to getting such things as a gift.
  • You talked a lot about the former or about the relationship in general. For you, this topic is important and interesting, but not for it. He wants to tell about himself, his business or just talk about art.
  • It seemed to him that it was not him, but he was chosen. Men are used to making a choice themselves, and then suddenly it seemed to him that it was you who came to have fun and evaluate it. He wants a woman from the first date to be involved in him.
  • You accidentally got drunk after you drank a couple of cocktails. This can happen, but not every man will like it. After such a situation, it will certainly merge.
Why did he disappear and does not call?
Why did he disappear and does not call?

If a man took care of you for a long time and achieved his own, and then after the first sex disappeared, then this may be due to different reasons. It often happens that the first sex happens suddenly, for example, on a first date. Why does a man disappear in this case? Here are the answers to this question:

  • Hormones. In women, after sexual connection with a man, hormone oxytocin increases, responsible for the feeling of happiness in our body. Tenderness and pleasant words lower the level of testosterone. Therefore, a man goes to search for exploits that will help to do something brutal and male to restore the balance of hormones.
  • He feels guilty. He ended up in bed too early, as he thinks, and therefore he has a feeling of guilt in front of you. This gnaws him from the inside and therefore the man decides to simply disappear.
  • He received more than expected. A man is by nature a winner. He wants to conquer. He must understand that he deserved the right to be with you, that is, the time should pass after your first acquaintance. If he received everything that he wanted too fast, then his behavior will be obvious.

If sex has already happened, and the man disappeared, do not humiliate yourself - do not call and do not insist on the next date. So you will scare him even more. Just wait a while, perhaps he had important things. But, if he does not want to see you and avoids meetings and conversations, then why do you need him?

Where and how much men disappear: male psychology

The man returned after the loss
The man returned after the loss

Men live next to us, take care, make gifts, invite on dates, but they have their own rules of the game. A wise woman should know about these rules in order to be not just a friend, but to rise in his eyes to another status - a beloved girl, wife and mother of his children. Where and how much men disappear? The basics of male psychology:

Men do not recognize their mistakes

  • They want to be the best, and even though the man understands that he did wrong, he does not want to hear about it from a woman.
  • He should see only admiration - this is important for any man.
  • If a woman constantly reminds him of mistakes, then sooner or later he will go to the one that will admire him.
  • In this case, men leave precisely to other women who understand them and read praises about his unsurpassed skills.

Men are not used to starting a long relationship

  • Only women think about marriage, and he loves his freedom and values \u200b\u200bit.
  • It is completely different if he is in love, then you can seek your own and insist on something serious.
  • Otherwise, he will go to his bachelor apartment to return the feeling of freedom that they tried to pick up from him.

He needs approval

  • A man loves to be the best in everything. He boasts in front of friends, colleagues and in front of his woman.
  • If his boast is approved and accepted by a woman who is not indifferent to him, then he will turn the mountain for her.
  • If not, then he will leave to look for such a woman who will listen to him with his mouth open. Therefore, there should always be a delight in your eyes.

A man loves specifics

  • He does not understand hints and hidden requests. If you think that your chosen one should read thoughts and be a psychic, you are wrong. The brain of a man is arranged differently.
  • You must communicate verbally and explain your desires to him with words.
  • He is used to asking specific questions and getting clear information.
  • If you cannot put up with this, then the man will not understand you. This is fraught with his departure to the one who is ready to speak with him openly.

Emotions are not his "horse"

  • Men are stingy by nature on emotions. If he has troubles at work, he will walk sullen and dream of not children and his wife touch him.
  • It is important for a woman to wait out this moment, and not aggravate the situation, causing him a headache and unpleasant emotions.
  • If a woman does not have enough wisdom, then he wants to just escape to where they will not touch him.
  • Perhaps, in the end, he will tell everything or show his nerves and go to a friend for a bachelor apartment.

Do not try to change his psychology. Use the moment: sympathize, prepare its favorite dish and in the most literal sense feed from a spoon. At the same time, be sincere, then real female happiness is provided to you.

The man disappears for several days, for a month, does not write, does not call, then appears: how to react to this?

It often happens that he leaves, does not write and does not call, and then appears and, as if nothing had happened, says the word of love. Then he disappears again for several days or months. A woman is waiting, tolerates and dreams that a man’s behavior will change. But this does not happen, and again the situation is repeated. How to respond to the fact that a man disappears for several days, for a month, does not write, does not call, then appears? Here are some tips:

Think about whether everything can be fixed

  • Perhaps there is conflict in your relationship.
  • He lives with you until he gets tired of swearing or scenes of jealousy.
  • Then he leaves and returns, because he has feelings or just attracts this conflict.
  • You must change your character slightly and not arrange scenes, then another man will appear in your life - understanding, judicious and wise.

He only likes you sexual

  • After satisfying his interests, he disappears, and then appears again.
  • In this case, a man does not intend to build a long relationship and therefore he leaves to live his life.
  • You must decide for yourself whether you need such an attitude. Everything is in your hands and each person has the right to dispose of his fate.

He is a typical introvert

  • A man wants emotional closeness he comes. Then everything bothers, he leaves.
  • Events will develop so constantly until you get tired.
  • Try not to let him into your life once. He will either leave forever, or will remain.

Comments in this matter are meaningless, as a woman accepts such an attitude towards herself, which means she likes it. So it will continue until she herself stops. Does this behavior invigorate you? This is your choice and only you decide what to do next.

If a man disappeared without explanation of how to behave, should he write or wait for him?

You had a long relationship, dates, recognition. But suddenly he suddenly disappears - does not call and does not write. If a man disappeared without explanation of how to behave, should he write or wait for him? Here are some tips:

  • If the relationship was long and everything was fine with you, and the man suddenly disappeared, write him a couple of SMS or send a message on social networks. After all, you must show the most banal care and anxiety.
  • If you did not meet for long, and then he disappeared, then you should not even write to him. Probably, he is such a person and you do not suit him in something. Men are weak and cannot directly tell the woman why he leaves. They prefer to do this quietly and imperceptibly, without question, showdowns and scandals.
  • Try to spend time with loved oneswho reciprocate you. So you can not think about its disappearance and distract a little.
  • If you decide to terminate the relationship with a man, which constantly disappearsThen open the new. You were called to a cafe or a concert of your favorite musician - forward. A friend called for fitness, put on sportswear and go with her for training.
  • It is difficult to be open to new acquaintancesBut try to quickly return to the game. Do not lose hope and be open to new acquaintances.

The person who wounded your soul and disappeared without a trace does not deserve your attention and your experiences. Switch your attention to other men and do not wait for the one to whom you do not need.

Is it worth it and how to teach the man who disappears?

Any offended woman wants to teach a lesson to a man who hurt her. But you need to decide on this, because you cannot do it as he is. Is it worth it and how to teach the man who disappears? Tips:

  • Wizard his behavior, although you do not want to do this. Let him feel on himself how unpleasant it is. Go away and say that you call it tomorrow, but do not do it for several days, and then appear unexpectedly.
  • Disconnect the phone, do not pick up the phone. It will make him nervous.
  • If you are sure that he already has a different passionThen make it to find out how “good” he is. Call his phone from an unfamiliar number and tell me how good you were last night. But guess the time when he will be with his new woman.
  • A great option for justice. If you saw him on the street intoxicated, call the police. He will not be able to avoid problems, but after this you must understand that he will not return to you.

Of course, letting go of a person with whom you felt good is not easy. But running after him is also not an option. He did not understand you, missed and did not see a good and kind woman who could take care of him all his life. Forget it and release it, otherwise new happiness will not be able to go into your life. Stop thinking about him and focus on the next candidate.

Video: Why does a man disappear without explanation?

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  1. Hello! I want to share my story. We lived with my husband for 20 years, met in his student years, mutual sympathy arose, which almost immediately grew into love. After half a year they played a wedding, began life from rented apartments (communal apartments) in general began to talk with a spoon and forks. We finished their studies, organized a small business, gave birth to 2 wonderful children, lived a soul in the soul. A bad business grew into a rather large company. They bought real estate in the city and outside the city, in general they achieved everything in life (it would seem to live and rejoice) but a year ago my husband seemed to be replaced, became irritable, rude, constantly hid the phone, began to disappear for several days, (he said that the business trip is supposedly) . Snowed, I believed, I thought it was possible to have problems in the company. One fine day, my husband arrived home early, went to the shower and left the phone on the table and at that moment SMS came, "we'll meet a dear one in an hour." I immediately understood the reason for his business trips, but my husband only dismissed all my questions about the mistress. The recognized person also had problems with her husband, advised me to put wiretap on her husband’s phone. I turned to people who helped to find out the whole truth. I was able to control the whole correspondence of her husband as well as all incoming and outgoing challenges. In the end, we divorced my husband, but I do not regret nothing, I think that it is better to live knowing the bitter truth than to constantly live in lies.

  2. and there is not a single point on the topic, or maybe you just behaved like a fool, and he was tired of it?

  3. There is an option that a man has a narcissistic personality disorder. In this case, the mirror will be deeply erroneous

  4. What a garbage, full of men marry dumb fat crocodiles, and women are intellectual and beautiful and attractive standing aside

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