Which headdress, select a hat depending on the shape, type of face, length and hair color?

Which headdress, select a hat depending on the shape, type of face, length and hair color?

In this article, we suggest you figure out how, depending on the shape of the face, length and color of the hair, choose a suitable headdress.

Hats are one of the most popular accessories in the cold season. You not only keep your head and ears in the warmth, but also own fashionable clothing elements that are available in all types of designer variations. It is very important to choose a headdress not by color and texture, but focusing, first of all, on your face shape, length and hair color. It is these factors that affect the right choice of headgear.

Which headdress to choose an oval -shaped face?

This shape of the face is considered ideal, so choosing the right headdress is very easy. It is moderately elongated, narrowed and rounded to the chin, the hair growth line on the forehead is also rounded and almost equal to the lower part. When choosing any accessories, including winter devices, almost all options are suitable.

A task: The main thing is not to make an oval too long.

Not suitable:

  • People with an oval face need to avoid hats with pompons or hats with a high tulle that stretch their face. Avoid too tight hats and scarves.


  • Not too cumbersome hat-haircut, large hat-cut or bini With a ajar forehead
  • A great option would be knitted Cap with lapel, without a pompon or a cleaning without fields with a horizontal decoration of the lower part
  • These representatives can be used Cup And various variations caps
  • Hats are suitable for almost any styles, but the tula should not be wider than the cheekbones. And the fields should not be too short and the lines of the cheekbones. Especially it is worth highlighting Fyodor's hat - She perfectly balances any face, and also Klosh
  • Do not forget about Fur headphones

Important: do not open your forehead very much, but do not pull the hats to the eyes too much. Between the eyebrows and the cap, make up 1-2 cm. Ideally adhere to asymmetry.


Which headdress to choose for a round shape?

When the width and length of your face are almost the same, but there are protruding rounded cheeks, then you have a round face. It is not difficult for chubby girls to choose a headdress, but you need to build on the reverse shape of the oval of the face.

A task: It is necessary to visually stretch your face.

Not suitable:

  • Avoid any rounded hats, bandanes or scarves. Contraindicated to fuel hats and hats with a perfectly round flat tulle. Baby also falls under the taboo.


  • Ending your face will help A cap with a pompom or massive, knitted hats-bunches With a shift back
  • They will go very well Cossack caps triangular, TURBANS, PAPASH, EUSHES, Fedora, HOMBURG, KEPI and Foral
  • Try to balance the shape of your face with Hats with square tulle and/or wide soft fields
  • A hat is suitable for a feminine image Slav or clamp, takes with a shift on the side
  • Vertical patterns, pompons, and ears
  • It is considered an ideal option cowboy hat

Important: do not close our forehead! It should always be open. Try to choose an asymmetric hat or tilt a little headdress to the side to bring down the perfect roundness. And make sure that the hat with the fields is not the width of your face.

A circle
A circle

Which headdress to choose for a square -shaped face?

Square faces are characterized by a wide forehead, cheekbones and jaws in equal proportions. In this case, these parameters are equal to the length of the face, the chin has a straight line. It is also worth choosing a headdress from the opposite figure for softening.

A task: Make the face visually elongated and smooth out sharp features.

Not suitable:

  • Avoid flat or angular styles, do not wear overall and volumetric caps like dads, a pot, hats with small or too large angular fields and scarves.


  • Baseball cap or newspaper hat great for a square face, as well as any Kepi With a small visor
  • Berets with a shift back or to the side
  • Knitted hats of round shape, For example, stylish beautiful halves-bins with a shift back, also shows fences with pompons
  • Hats-earns With lowered fields
  • Supermodes are large knitted bandages, preferably with an asymmetric accessory, look great on a square face, helping to soften its features
  • Hats with lowered fields will help to become more feminine Hats SLAST, as well as clamp
  • The style will give Homburg or current

Important: leave your forehead always ajar, so you should not stretch your hat low.


Which headdress to choose for a rectangular shape of the face?

This type of face is very similar to the square shape - the main lines have the same width, but the length significantly exceeds this indicator (more than 1.5 times), the chin is angular.

A task: To choose the right headdress, you need to soften the corners and hide a slightly length of the face.


  • Any hats with a high or voluminous tulle, hats with pompons or pointed ears. In general, try to avoid any sharp corners in the styles itself or for decoration.


  • Choose Rounded hats, preferably large knitting or with a lapel
  • You can also give your preference halves-earns, Better with tied ears
  • Suitable berets or clamps, but stretched over the forehead
  • Another great option would be beautiful A hat with wide or medium fields, But be sure with a low tulle
  • Models are also suitable Klosh or derby
  • To soften an elongated face will help turban, several lines to the forehead
  • Do not forget about caps and dressings, But it is better to adhere to asymmetry

Important: we hide the forehead as much as possible to the eyebrows to reduce the length of the face. Asymmetry will help to soften the corners.


Which headdress to choose for a face in the shape of a heart or triangle?

This type is distinguished by a pointed chin, which against the background of a wide forehead and noticeable cheekbones is very focused on itself.

A task: You need to choose a headdress in such a way as to hide your forehead and minimize your chin point.


  • Tightly adjacent caps that make your forehead even more expressive, and hats, which have very wide fields or tulle of your cheekbones.


  • It is suitable for cold weather hat with ear flaps, only with tied ears, or A hat with a pompon, without fields. But with an emphasis on the side of a small accessory
  • You can choose Hats with ornaments Or pretty hats with ears, As a result, the area of \u200b\u200bthe pointed chin will look wider
  • Romanticism will be given berets or caps, stretched on the side or completely on the forehead
  • A hat will be a great option Klosh, Fedor, Homburg and Kanier, that they can visually balance the width of the forehead

Important: close your forehead, but choose free styles. If the hat will tighten his forehead too much, then it will attract attention even more.


Which headdress to choose for a face in the shape of a rhombus?

The widest part of the face in the form of a rhombus is the cheekbones against which the forehead looks narrow, and the chin is sharp. The bends themselves are not smooth, from which the face looks angular.

A task: You need to visually increase the upper part of the head, add the volume and slightly align the oval of the face, making it more correct and soft.


  • From any sports and tight -fitting hats, shawls!

Which headdress should choose:

  • Such hats that are wider than your cheekbones. They are perfect for you volumetric fur caps, for example, dads, boyar, Kubank
  • They will be a good choice Caps different species, Hats with shorter tulle and fields of medium width. If the fields are straight, then it is better to wear them, moving a little to one side
  • Femininity will be introduced into the image berets, stretched over the forehead, or all kinds of Panama, as well as Türbans and Chalma with an emphasis on the top of the head
  • An excellent option for this shape will be A hat with a large and massive viscous, especially with a turn, Bini made of large yarn, Helsinki, snood, clamp or removable massive hoods (Kapor).

Important: do not close the forehead completely, leave 1-1.5 cm to the eyebrows.

Maximum volume and free cut in the upper part
Maximum volume and free cut in the upper part

Which hat to choose for a pear -shaped face?

The lower part is much wider than the cheekbones and, especially, the forehead. It is the chin that attracts maximum attention.

A task: In this situation, things are like a rhombus - you need to expand the upper part, but at the same time close the massive chin and soften it.


  • From all tight -fitting hats and shawls!

Which headdress should choose:

  • As in the case of a diamond -shaped face - choose Massive hats made of fur or large yarn. Ideally, so that the tula is wider than the length of the chin line
  • Will look very stylish caps and caps, But, again, with an extended top
  • Snood, clamp or kapor will introduce a stage of romanticism and femininity
  • Can be used multi -layer turbans or turban, tied shawls in several layers and with accessories that are able to soften the oval of the face
  • The most ideal options are considered raider or cowboy hats, as well as type Fedor, Homburg, Derby

Important: the fields should be straight or slightly raised, while the tulas should continue the lower oval of the face, twisting it at the same time.

Focus on the upper part
Focus on the upper part

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How to choose a headdress depending on the type and completeness of the face?

Of course, you need to choose the right headdress first of all, depending on the shape of the face. But we also do not forget its weight category, because it also affects the same oval of the face.

For full girls are suitable:

  • large knitting caps
  • fur caps of the type of dads or boyar, a hat-earflap
  • asymmetric berets with a wide base
  • hats with lowered fields like a pot
  • for low girls, you can choose hats with bent edges
  • but the high young ladies are suitable for wide fields
  • cup or clamp
  • horizontal strip and various accessories that will distract attention from person

Important: but full girls should avoid dressings on their heads, hats of the type of tablet or pies, tight -fitting hats, especially with turns.

Girls with a thin face should choose:

  • Any massive and fur hats, earflaps, Helsinki
  • Caps with pompom or bini, with ears or knitted bandages will be a great choice
  • As well as a clamp, a turban, it takes either various caps and hats. But keep in mind that tall girls can take wide fields, but with low growth - still give preference to small direct or slightly bent fields.

Important: in principle, it is easier for thin girls to choose a headdress. But asymmetry is simply contraindicated for them, which can create the effect of excessive thinness.

The correct selection of a cap is able to narrow or expand your face
The correct selection of a cap is able to narrow or expand your face

How to choose a headdress depending on hair color?

To avoid mistakes and choose the right headdress, you should know how to perfectly combine a hairstyle, hair color with a selected accessory.

Important: black and red colors are considered almost universal. Depending on the color of the skin, you can still distinguish gray and beige that are suitable for any hair color. But black color attracts attention to wrinkles, and red - to various redness or minor defects. Fashionable acidic motifs are suitable exclusively to young girls!

Do not forget that your hair and skin color should not merge with the headdress! For a better effect, choose a contrast.

  • Blonde hair. You can choose delicate shades of pink, peach, beige or blue. But it is better to give preference to contrasts: chocolate, red or black. Avoid pale pastel colors!
  • Red hair. Your colors: green, yellow or orange. Beige, golden or coffee hue is also suitable. Avoid red!But so the girl is ideal for a strip or ornament.
  • Brown hair or brown -haired. You can choose bright colors: blue, copper, sapphire, raspberry or red, burgundy, ruby. Beige-brown gamma is considered ideal.
  • Dark hair or brunettes. A pleasant contrast with colored and bright hats, for example, blue, pink, purple colors, as well as orchids and fuchsia. But they will also suit black, white, gray tones and even acidic motives.
Consider your color type
Consider your color type

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How to choose a headdress depending on hair length?

It is very rare when you need to choose the perfect headdress, we compare it to the length of the hair. But this is an important factor that should be taken into account.

  • If you are the owner long even hair, Such views are perfect for you: a hat-ear, snood, a fur boyar hat, a turban, cap, a bomber and a pot of a pot.
  • If you have Long curly hair, It will be very beautiful for you in hats-bini, berets, caps, and a hat-pipe and a Kubanka will also suit.
  • For the hostess short even hair Hats with pompom, caps, berets, hats are suitable for Norwegian knitted hats, Fedor and Kapor are suitable.
  • But if you have short curly hair You can safely wear oversized knitted hats, a cloach hat, panama and caps.

So, owning all this information, you can choose at least one version of a beautiful model of a hat that will complement your spectacular image. Be always beautiful and follow fashion!

Video: How to choose the perfect winter headdress?

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