How to treat the first signs of colds? How to cure a cold at home?

How to treat the first signs of colds? How to cure a cold at home?

A cold is popularly called respiratory infections that are caused by various viruses and bacteria. Many tend to consider a cold with a slight disease that does not require medical care and can recover at home.

And some even endure this disease "on the legs." Choosing work instead of treatment.

Runny nose

Important: the World Health Organization has collected data regarding the fact that every adult transfers a cold at least three times a year. The schoolboy is about 4 times, and the preschooler is 6. Mortality from such a disease is from 1% to 40%, depending on the area, the type of pathogen and age of patients.

Any disease of such a plan, in the absence of proper help and regime, can lead to complications. Which cannot be cured without a hospital.

How to treat the beginning cold?

Symptoms of this disease are:

  • Heat
  • Weakness, nausea, lethargy,
  • Reduction of appetite
  • Redness of the skin of the face
  • Nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Pain in the throat
  • Cough
  • Chest pain

RECIPE: At the first symptoms of colds, it is necessary to increase the drinking regime. Warm water, therapeutic infusions and decoctions wash away pathogens from the mucous membranes. In addition, a plentiful drink is also shown in order to prevent dehydration due to increased sweating.

Bed rest with a cold plays an important role. Thanks to it, the body can use more energy for treatment, and not to perform physical work or other processes. A cold, transferred "on the legs", often causes complications.

Important: the first symptoms of colds appear 1-3 days after the pathogen enters the body. At the same time, the first 3-7 days after the appearance of symptoms of colds are made from the patient of the viruses distributor. It can easily infect healthy people. With the normal course of the disease, the symptoms of colds take place in a week.

Medicines for colds


The best drug from colds is prevention and strong immunity. In order to get sick of such diseases less often, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, take a contrast shower and give up bad habits.

But, less often, it does not mean to get sick at all. Therefore, at the first signs of colds, it is necessary to increase your diet with products rich vitamin C.. Vegetables and fruits, especially citrus fruits, a great way to prevent the harmful effects of viruses and bacteria in the body.

If the development of a cold is detected, it is necessary to take symptomatic drugs:

  • "Coldrex"
  • "Teraflu"

Such funds are bred in warm water and drink. “Coldrex Hotrem” is taken every 4-6 hours no more than four bags per day. Sugar can be added to the diluted agent. Shown to children from 12 years old.

Also in the early days of the disease, it is necessary to take interferons. Such drugs include:

  • "Arbidol"
  • "Antigrippin"
  • "Kagocel"
  • "Ingavirin"
  • "Cycloferon"
  • "OlineFarm"
  • Ergoferon

How to treat colds without temperature?


If the cold proceeds without such a symptom as an elevated temperature, then do not worry. There is nothing special about this, and such a cold has a place to be. According to one version, a cold without temperature is a sign of strong immunity. But, this is not easier. And in this case, the body needs to help get rid of this problem.

RECIPE: Often this form of colds is treated with alternative methods. At the first symptoms, you need to do hot bath bath. You can add dry mustard to the water. The duration of such a procedure should be about 20 minutes.

RECIPE: There is an alternative to this method. It is in rubbing the feet with vodka or turpentine ointment. After such a procedure, it is necessary to put on warm socks.
Contraindications of this method of getting rid of colds are pregnancy.

Important: for any cold, tea with lemon and ginger is shown. This tool can not only be treated, but also carry out the prevention of the disease. Lemon is one of the champions in the content of vitamin C, and substances included in ginger can increase the body's immunity.

In the treatment of colds without temperature, drugs are used to relieve symptoms of this disease.
RECIPE: Altea and Pertussin syrup liquefy sputum and accelerate its withdrawal from the body. You need to drink this product one teaspoon three times a day.

For the treatment of a cold with such a cold, a doctor can prescribe drops:

  • "Naphthyzine"
  • "Sanorin"
  • "Galazolin"

Important: in the treatment of a cold without a temperature, "paracetamol" is not used.

How to treat colds with temperature?


An increase in temperature is a normal reaction of the body to the effect of the virus. Thus, the immune system is fighting him.

However, the temperature above 38 degrees must be shot down.

Over 38 degrees must be shot down. Otherwise, heat can affect not only the virus, but also on the internal organs and processes in the body.

You can knock down the temperature with folk remedies, plentiful drinks and such drugs as:

  • "Aspirin"
  • "Panadol"
  • "Paracetamol"

Symptomatic drugs, which are written above, help relieve temperature.

How to treat coughing home?

One of the symptoms of a cold is a cough. It can be dry and wet. With wet cough, it is necessary to accelerate the removal of sputum from the body. For this, expectorants are prescribed.

RECIPE: A drug such as “mucaltin” is good in solving this problem. The composition of this product includes an alteen extract of medicinal. "Mukhaltin" has an expectorant and thinning action. It is taken one tablet 3-4 times a day.

RECIPE: Rosehip decoction will also help in the fight against cough.

RECIPE: Warm milk with honey has long been well -deserved in solving the problem described.

RECIPE: If the cough is manifested by attacks, then for its treatment you can prescribe regular rinse of the throat with a warm solution of table salt. To do this, add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of warm water and rinse the throat 3-4 times a day.

Dry cough is treated with eucalyptus oil inhalations.

How to treat a runny nose at home?


A cold is often accompanied by a runny nose. A strong runny nose can lead to nasal congestion. You have to use your mouth for breathing. This leads to dry throat and coughing attacks. Well “opens” the nose rubbing the wings with tincture of the motherwort.

Important: at the first manifestations of the runny nose, you need to immediately start flushing the nose. This will help not only relieve breathing, but also wash the pathogenic microflora.

For this purpose, a solution of sea or table salt, various herbal infusions, potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc. are used. Preparations for flushing the nose can be purchased at the pharmacy. For example, such as:

  • Aqua Maris
  • "Dolfin"
  • Aqualor

With a strong runny nose, preparations for instillation in the nose are needed. It is best to use the products that contain essential oils. It helps well, in this regard, Pinosol.
You can use it means from folk medicine: juice of onions, Kalanchoe, etc.

Important: you should not treat a runny nose with the help of such means as “naphthyzine”, “Nazivin”, “Ximelin” and “xylene”. In addition to the main purpose, they can narrow the vessels. Which negatively affects the treatment of a cold. It is better to leave such potent funds in an extreme case.

How to treat a cold on the lips?


A cold on the lips or herpes is a viral disease. It is impossible to recover from him. And if a person is overcooling, get wet or stands in a draft, immunity does not always “manage” to cope with the manifestation of herpes. As a rule, a cold on the lips is accompanied by burning, itching and the formation of ugly red bubbles.

RECIPE: You can remove the symptoms of herpes folk remedies. For example, grease the affected areas with toothpaste.

RECIPE: An excellent remedy for a cold on the lips is a dull apple and several slices of garlic. The ingredients are mixed with each other to the state of the pasta and rubbed to the place where itching is felt.

RECIPE: You can attach aloe or kalanchoe to the affected place.

How to treat a cold under the nose, in the nose?

The herpes virus can appear not only on the lips, but also in the nose. For his treatment, again, you need to listen to the people's healers. Why “poison” the body with synthetic (chemical) drugs, if you can use natural drugs.

RECIPE: For the treatment of colds in the nose, celandine juice is well suited. This problem can also be eliminated using sea buckthorn oil. With these means, you need to spread the affected area and rub into the skin.

How to treat an ear with a cold?

Pain in the ears can also signal the cold. Experts associate such pain with the inflammatory process (otitis media) and the consequences of not a treated tonsillitis or sinusitis.

Very often, the pain in the ears is the consequences of the cold “spent on the legs”.

RECIPE: When such a disease is manifested, you must immediately contact the ENT. At home, you can relieve pain in the ear with dry heat. To do this, take a bag of fabric, put table salt in it, heat and applied to the ear.

You can also use such drops as:

  • Otipax
  • "Garazon"
  • Sofradex

Folk remedies for colds

Honey, garlic, orange

In folk medicine, many means are used to treat colds.

RECIPE: In the first detection of the symptoms of this disease, it is necessary to finely chop onions, hell and garlic. Put this mixture in a jar and periodically inhale its pairs. These vegetables can not only relieve breathing with a runny nose, but also remove other symptoms of colds.

RECIPE: Relieve the sore throat, which often accompanies colds, can be removed with a decoction of caraway seeds. To do this, the caraway carashoca is added to warm water and boiled until boiling. Then the fire is reduced and waited for 15 minutes. After that, the broth needs to be cooled, add a teaspoon of cognac to it and take every 30 minutes. Three hours later the throat will pass.

RECIPE: Such medicinal plants as thyme, St. John's wort, chamomile, mint, eucalyptus, sage, calendula and many others have essential oils and phenolic compounds that cope well with viruses and bacteria causing colds. Each of these plants or all together insist on alcohol and are consumed one teaspoon every three hours.

RECIPE: An excellent tool that can be recommended for the first symptoms of a cold - tea with red wine. Hot tea (100 g), red wine (100 g) and raspberry jam (100 g) are poured into the 300-gram mug. This remedy needs to drink hot, and then lie down in bed.

Tips and reviews for colds

Council #1. With a cold, it is necessary to limit the consumption of the “excess” energy by the body. You should not engage in difficult labor physically, but it is better to use the bed regime at all.

Council #2. Drink more fluids.

Tip #3. Often ventilate the room.


Olga. I have been treating only the Teraflu for a long time. The main thing is to recognize the disease in time and begin treatment. Three or four bags and in a day of colds as unprecedented.

Masha. XXI century in the yard. A cold and other similar diseases should be treated with immunomodulators. "Derinat" is an excellent tool for both adults and for children. Thanks to him, I completely forgot about the cold.

Video. Creation Prevention and Treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. My husband and I drank an amixin course during this epidemic for prevention, this is not an antibiotic, a good remedy, they were already treated with him and fortunately, the flu bypassed us side.

  2. In the early days of the disease, if the temperature is not critical, I do not drink an antipyretic at all. And I do not advise the other. The body itself can cope. If you want to help, additionally drink an influcide tablet three times a day. Much safer and does not jerk natural immunity.

  3. But I didn’t like it, I didn’t see the sense of him at all ... I need to try Amiksin.

  4. And I, as soon as I feel that the cold comes up, I immediately begin to grind, ointment of Evamenol. So pleasant. The composition of eucalyptus and menthol. He puts it very quickly on his feet. And with a runny nose, by the way, it also helps well, only you need to spread it in the nose.

  5. I advise you as soon as I got sick to try drops of karmolis with tea. Personally helped me a lot. The very next day I felt like a man, these drops on the essential oils of medicinal plants.

    1. Carmolis lollipops are also a good remedy, helps the whole family from sore throat

  6. I made inhalations with karmolis, a good thing! I support!

  7. i am not a lover of all these dances with a tambourine around a cold, I found a panacea from my cold in the Biomedis apparatus. I turned on and forgot about it for the whole day. But the result is stunning.

  8. Indeed, a useful and informative article. The recipe for colds on the lips, I was especially interested in. I had never tried to treat herpes with a grated apple with garlic. I am not a supporter of drugs and other chemistry. I try to do with more gentle drugs. At the first symptoms of SARS, I take FORCIS, since it is on grass and with vitamin c. But still, do not forget about prevention. Good nutrition and sports classes contribute to the strengthening of immunity.

  9. Thank you for the article! Surprisingly, it was very informative and simple. Prior to this, only Forsis saved from diseases. We had already snowed in Vologda for a long time, a “porridge” of dirt and snow around, we often walk with his wife. And so she recently fell ill, I will definitely test these methods, and there will be no superfluous prevention for myself.

  10. Snuffle tobacco at the first symptoms of a cold helps a lot for one use. In a pinch in each nostril, inhale, do not snatch for 15-20 minutes. And after an hour of symptoms, as it happened. Price 200 p. Enough packages to you and your loved ones for a very long time ... Mother and acquaintances are delighted. Health to everyone !!!

  11. Well, sniffing tobacco I don't even know !! What about children? How to protect them? I prefer Carmolis all the same !! I add and put in a children's humidifier in the nursery, I do inhalations and tea myself !! Perfectly eat !!

  12. I tried with amixin to be treated a couple of weeks ago - I am completely satisfied, I saved from the symptoms of the common cold in a couple of days.

  13. The main thing is good effective prevention! For me, these are drops of karmolis !! Hot drinking and inhalations! They began to hurt much less often!

  14. Yes, drops of karmolis help to cope with a cold. I have been using them for a long time

  15. I prefer to treat everything at once, and not tasty sparkles to the symptoms of the symptoms. At first, it can help, but then it will definitely come out. Influcid, I try to connect without delay when I feel that the trouble is already on the threshold. He perfectly helps in the fight against the virus, and it perfectly eliminates symptoms. Thanks to such timely and proper treatment, the disease recedes, without starting. And without unnecessary headache.

  16. I have weak immunity, so if I grab a cold, I can spend a week in bed with temperature. A girlfriend in a pharmacy works, prompted Esberitox to buy. It helps to cope with the disease in three days. I appreciated it, because now I can not even take sick leave at work, I will lie down for three days at home and already like a cucumber, again in the working rhythm.

  17. If I catch a cold, I am immediately treated with homeopathy. Esberitox does not poorly help on plant extracts, among which there is a considerable known echinacea.

  18. Tanyusha, Amiksin is not an antibiotic, but it can harm the antibiotic (this is a very toxic drug, the tongue does not turn to call it a medicine, because after it it was not only a cold. But also the consequences have to be treated. The article has many good tips that are really effective , you can recover without dangerous chemistry.

  19. I don't like all sorts of chem. Medicines .... I love folk remedies more, but now on the iodangin cocoa oil is hooked, since it is useful in composition)))

  20. The main thing is to start in time. Half -rinse always saves, melted cocoa oil 3 times a day, plentiful warm drink - tea with honey, fruit drinks.

  21. Immediately Iodangin, cocoa oil begin to drink and Anvimax.

  22. Abundant drink and iodangin oil cocoa with milk + often rinsing, in 2 days of the day you are completely healthy!

  23. Often I heard about Yodangin cocoa butter, but in my pharmacy it simply is not ... They say that you can order a RU pharmacy, I will look, otherwise the season is coming up ...

  24. all health! Do not hurt, comrades!

  25. More often, I transfer the cold on my legs, at work is constantly a zapor, so it is necessary to be treated with something effective. Usually I am saved by ordinary paracetamol and Esberitox, it perfectly stimulates the immunity and the body itself fights the virus, and most importantly, this happens quickly.

  26. And I use mustard mustard plasters elite, put them on their feet, then fix the food film, warm socks with above and under the blanket, and of course abundant drink and rinse.

  27. The first signs of colds can be cured with a sock, I tried and it helped me in principle quickly

  28. And I have no time to get sick, the work is responsible, so I have to be treated myself.

  29. I rarely have the situation to temperature. Ergoferon does not allow the disease to flow further. Only the main thing is to drink it right away as soon as you feel weak in the whole body.

  30. i take an infloustop right away

  31. Julia, you are not the only one. Believe me. We have the whole office, if we start to get sick, we are treating ourselves on our own. For example, Ingavirin helps me well. And you do not need to wear capsules with me, I drank one capsule in the morning and took all the daily dosage.

  32. It is better to stay at home and lie down, do not turn on the TV, drink more fluids, preferably with vitamin C.

  33. Tea with lemon, honey, raspberries, Ingavirin, a plentiful drink, a couple of days in bed - these are my recipes in case of colds. Always helps one hundred percent.

  34. I begin to drink Ergoferon as soon as possible. The antiviral does not allow the disease to flow further, so the body goes quickly for the amendment.

  35. I always have in the first -aid kit Tea Square Fli. It is good and quickly coping with the first signs of a volume, headache, edema of the nasal sinuses.

  36. That's true, home recipes are dancing with a tambourine. You work, work, and what is the result, where is the guarantees? I am for treatment from doctors, Ergoferon remarkable, for example, in such situations. You are a little more, you accept and everything as it takes off

  37. It is better not to delay, of course, and immediately drink an antiviral to start. I usually take Ingavirin, it helps me to go to work on the third or fourth day. So I advise everyone)

  38. And for example, I have a comprehensive treatment for colds, I don’t even forget about my throat, especially since it starts to hurt me. By the way, the last time I absorbed the tablets special sage from the natural product. The cool ones liked it, and the fact that the throat stopped bothering literally in a few days of receiving this remedy.

  39. Thank you for the article. I will take into account.

  40. for the last time, I did not feel bad with the symptoms of a cold to cope with antgrippine from the natural product. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist advised when I voiced her symptoms. In use, this tool is simple (took hissing pills), since just in warm water you need to dissolve and drink. But relief occurs after the first trick.

  41. oh, the throat began to hurt, so I caught a cold (((

  42. Lyudmila, the main thing is now to be treated correctly, so as not to get sick at all. For example, I, with sore throat, already checked by me and more than once checked, I use the formula anti-angin. So, you know, I just start to fart my throat, I begin to use this tool and it passes quickly enough, just a few days literally.

  43. Correctly higher about antigropin from the natural product is written. Also in our family, this is the number one agent with a cold, since the symptoms are not badly relieved, recovery occurs. And since I am stocking, I have this tool all year round in the first -aid kit, otherwise you never know)))

  44. So I noticed that if I do not begin to treat the first symptoms of a cold, I can get very good, and there, even before the complications. That is why, I always have an anti-Angin formula at hand, I just starts to hurt my throat, I begin to bury it, it has never failed me, I always passed the pain and I thus avoided further disease.

  45. I also try to immediately be treated, and if my throat starts to get sick, then I use sage from the nature of the product. It really becomes easier for me with this tool, since this tool has an anti -inflammatory and antimicrobial effect with its action, the throat is less often worried, I am satisfied.

  46. I really liked the article about the treatment of colds

  47. First of all, I try to start washing my nose, because personally he suffers in the first place, immediately, it becomes embedded. Washing with ordinary water,+aquamaster, I have a bite. Ugh ugh, helps with a bang ... A cold, as a rule, after such procedures, does not develop)

  48. About the treatment of the first signs of colds are very good tips.

  49. About sore throat and treatment everything is suitable

  50. I never use antiviral! They destroy immunity and the child begins to hurt often. Just peace, low -calorie food, a lot of liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water). Of the funds - only local! I love anti-angin formula for the throat. I use to prevent the development of bacterial infection or in addition to the treatment of angina. I take either the pastries or tablets. He is with chlorhexidine - a good anesthetist. But I wash my nose, but without fanaticism.

  51. With colds, the product from the nature of the product does not help me badly. I take him in the form of hissing pills for me tasty and more pleasant. But the most important thing is that it does not help enough, the temperature decreases with me and my nose starts to breathe better.

  52. I think that many with a cold begin to hurt their throat. For example, this is exactly what happens to me. But, in order not to launch my throat, and so that there are no complications, I use sage from the nature of the product, as this tool reduces inflammation in the throat, well, it becomes easier for me to swallow and even speak.

  53. I grabbed SARS (((took the sick leave, I lie for the second day, I drink a lot of liquid, I hope that it will let go.

  54. Mamzel, bed rest and abundant drink is certainly good, but if you do not want to get sick further, begin to be treated. I can recommend to you a MEDITONZINA anti -waste drug, it helps with SARS well.

  55. Irina, but here, I don’t really want to get sick, I myself began to think, maybe some kind of antiviral. And what is the drug, what is it produced in?

  56. Mamzel, this is a high -quality German drug, is produced in the form of drops. The 35 ml bottle is enough for a full course of admission, they need to be treated for 7 days. Usually on the second day it becomes easier for me if I accept it as it should be according to the instructions. The sooner you begin to accept it, the faster you will recover.

  57. I look at who is saved by what, I somehow act on the situation, if I covered the runny nose, then I’m flying it. If the throat hurts, then I buy an anti-angon formula that loafers, then the spray always reduce pain and inflammation too. And from the temperature of a simple paracetamol.

  58. And in which case we are treated with influcide. Convenient release form, quick effect at the first manifestations of colds. An indispensable assistant in a home medicine cabinet.

  59. Personally, with a cold, I was advised by antifungal from the nature of the product, this is a means to survive the disease on the legs with minimal discomfort. After all, everything is necessary in it to suppress the symptoms: antihistamine, antipyretic and ascorbic acid.

  60. I can’t, something is very bad for me. I got sick(((

  61. Lyudmila, so now the weather is such that it is not even surprising why you are sick. She herself was ill for so long ago, it was good without a doctor, because she took an antifungal from the nature of the product.

  62. It’s just to be treated themselves, but with small children, albeit three years and older, in general such a story does not roll. I have twins, you won’t force a bow or there is a garlic, they hate honey, and in the puddles on the walks in the garden and with snow, they love to run around the tape and boots. And now I found a tool on them - inhalation. In a pharmacy I even bought a special inhaler-brawler with special laughter of essential oils so that they do not run away from the procedures, the company breathe, I advise all mothers. I just drip oil in the morning on the bracelet, and the bracelet is on the hand, and everything is decided)) even better on the scarf, breathe this oil pour a little. With this oil, they began to hurt much less, including I advise.

  63. If there is no temperature, then quite plentiful drinking, tea with ginger and honey helps very well, and fall with mustard legs (ideally, of course, visit the bathhouse). And if it is already more serious, then Rinitol Edas 131 will save from the cold, from the sore throat pharyngosept, and from antiviral remantadine.

  64. Well, I also usually knocked down the temperature with paracetomol, but I like powders more. Because the nose is embedded and malaise with it remains. I drink budget colds, so it helps me comprehensively and the temperature knocks it off just as well, and still does not cause drowsiness

  65. So I also buy something inexpensive and effective, Rinnikok is good tablets with a complex composition. Symptoms of a cold quickly go to them with them.

  66. Lisa, is this antiviral something? usually just hot drinking powders are sold if you get sick

  67. Galya, I do not drink antiviral, I think, let the body itself fight and have nothing to interfere in the immunity. But the congestion of the nose, chills - I do not like it, so I take the rhineckom from the symptoms. They have pills and powders, by the way, too.

  68. That's right, it is better to start treatment at the first symptoms. For example, my throat begins to ache usually, if I get stitched. Then I take out the anti-angin formula from the first-aid kit and use this tool. I take it, as I like it in terms of effectiveness and composition.

  69. We have many even came to the sick leave, but I'm holding on. The truth itself was almost so long ago, I almost got sick, but I immediately began to take a hotmix rhinok and went recovering, as this tool improves well -being with its action and even eliminates the headache, which immediately begins to appear with a cold (

  70. Irina, is this antiviral something?

  71. Rita, no, I do not believe in antiviral drugs, and they speak harmful. Rinicondic collective symptomatic agent with paracetamol and some other substances to reduce the symptoms of colds.

  72. Every year the same thing. How colder - hello sore throat. But lately I am not very afraid of this, because I found an excellent drug. Anti-Angin is called the formula. These pills help to fight with bacteria that have settled in the throat, and quickly relieve pain. Two or three days of taking the medicine are enough for me to recover, while other drugs sometimes can not cope in a week.

  73. Every year the same thing. How colder - hello sore throat. But lately I am not very afraid of this, because I found an excellent drug. Anti-Angin is called the formula. These pills help to fight with bacteria that have settled in the throat, and quickly relieve pain. Two or three days of taking the medicine are enough for me to recover, while other drugs sometimes can not cope in a week.

  74. I have a rule: as soon as I feel that I begin to get sick, immediately with drops of Square Rino, I begin to use, wash my throat and drink cranberry fruit drinks. With such measures in 3-4 days again in the ranks, the disease is not delayed. Yes, and the budget is quite a “mini-pattern” comes out. So much better, in my opinion, than 2-3 than at home, to be treated due to laziness.

  75. Each, of course, in different ways, the symptoms of a cold begin to manifest themselves. For example, I have a aches in the body, headache, etc. .. It is good that Rinicond was advised to take the rinite. I bought it. She began to take, and the symptoms of the cold were declining, and my well -being with each trick, only improves.

  76. Yes, and every remedy prefers to accept with a cold. For example, I prefer antifungal from the nature of the product. I like it and the composition, and the understood thing in effectiveness like this tool.

  77. To each his own. For example, if I start to get sick, I immediately try to accept the antivirus. And then I found out about Tilors, not so long ago, just when she began to get sick. It turned out that this is an immunomodulating agent. Already in the first day after admission it became much easier. So without sick leave there was, well -being allowed not to go to sick leave.

  78. i also prefer to take an antifgrippin from the nature of the product. And all because this tool is easier to use, it is necessary to dilute the powder or a sparkle tablet in the howh and take it, and its effectiveness is good. The product begins to act, the symptoms of colds are reduced. By the way, from the first trick I already feel relief.

  79. We have half the office, so I began to blame, I don’t know what to do (

  80. Julia, what a strange post. Of course it is necessary to be treated. By the way, above, the product was written about antigropin from nature, so I also prefer to accept this tool if I get sick. Hrymilly, headache, sore throat, joint pain and muscles decrease. I'm better to feel better)

  81. And for example, I know that if I do not begin to treat my throat right away, then it will be even more for me. Even complications can be. It is good that in such cases I have an anti-angon formula. I accept this tool and it becomes much easier for me, the pain decreases.

  82. Now everyone is scared by coronavirus, and in the meantime, SARS is raging in full and it is also necessary to fight with it. I personally, so that the immunity itself works, but I facilitate the symptoms - I take the product from the nature of the product for that, the antipyretic, antihistamine and vitamin C are in it - what is needed.

  83. I generally try not to launch. Even if my throat just starts to get sick, then I immediately begin to take sage of nature product. And all because I like this tool in terms of effectiveness. And the composition of good vegetable - Extract of sage leaves and sage oil and sage oil

  84. Also began to hurt. And so scary, now such a virus goes terrible (

  85. Alena, for sure. I think it's better to see a doctor just in case. The truth itself was not so long ago, but I had all the symptoms of a cold. And it was quite aimed by the anti -agippine from the nature of the product. But, if there was a suspicion that I had pneumonia, I would immediately go to the doctor.

  86. Now doctors with a small cold are advised to stay at home. Although by and large the whole world is self -isolation. Also at the beginning of the month I felt a little malaise. There was no temperature. Lethargy and congestion in the nose. It’s good that at home from winter I still remained in the medicine cabinet, Orvis Flu. Soluble tea with colds. For two days he drank him and everything went. The composition is reinforced with vitamin C and ginger extract. Without sugar. On a pharmacy. Ru bought

  87. I always have Esberitox in my first -aid kit. I feel like I started to get sick, I start to take it right away. Here with him, you quickly recover. And, you know, there is nothing serious with a cold. There is no heavy cough, nor a longing runny of prolonged. And I don’t usually accept anything more. The main thing is to catch the moment and start treatment immediately.

  88. In the cold season, I almost always guard the protection of immunity: tea with lemon, drinks with honey and ginger. But the disease is still not rarely slipping. Then I take real medicines, most often it is a plant Esberox. I am recovering with him much faster.

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