The use of isolatinoin in severe acne forms, acne: treatment effectiveness and side effects

The use of isolatinoin in severe acne forms, acne: treatment effectiveness and side effects

Izotinoin is a good remedy for acne, but it has side effects. Read more in the article.

Isotretinoin is an oral retinoid that is used to treat acne and other skin problems already more than 30 years. It is approved for treatment, both simple acne in adolescents and adults, and with severe cystic acne, often with excellent results.

Read on our website an article on what a person can say about health. You will find out what different wrinkles, acne and other skin defects indicate.

Isotinoin can cause several common side effects. Most of them are insignificant and leave when a person stops taking medicine. Obtaining regular blood tests during isteinin reduces the risk of harmful side effects. Read more about this drug further.

Isotretinine from acne: instructions for use, treatment effectiveness

Izotinoin from acne
Izotinoin from acne

Izotinoin is a retinoid, or in other words-13-cys retinoic acid. This is chem. The compound is an isomer of the rabbit (transertinic acid), which is a structural analogue vitamin a. This drug is known as a systemic retinoid for oral administration, which is used to cure heavy forms of acne (acne):

  • Nodal and conglobate form of acne
  • Forms of acne, resistant even to antibacterial drugs

Systemic retinoids containing isotretinoin include drugs such as acnectathan and rocckutan.

The mechanism of action of this active substance:

  • Suppresses the activity of the sebaceous glands.
  • It acts depressing on the activity of sebocytes - these are cells in the sebaceous glands, which secrete the fat secret and blocks their reproduction. Accordingly, if you take the drug correctly, that is, the course, the secretion of the sebaceous glands and their size decreases.

It is usually necessary to take this medicine for at least 4 weeks before you notice the first results. The drug treatment is long, but effective. The first couple of weeks, pathology may even worsen, which is considered the norm. You should not cancel the drug at this stage, since there will be no effectiveness from treatment. Usually, doctors at the beginning of the reception prescribe a reduced dosage, which helps in almost every case to avoid exacerbation.

  • The recommended daily dose of the drug is 0.5-1.0 mg/ kg/ day.

A complete remission of symptoms of acne can be achieved from 16 to 24 weeks of taking the drug with isolatinoin. For each patient, the duration of the course is individual and can only be determined by a dermatologist.

It is worth knowing: Improving the condition of the skin can be observed and within 1-2 months After the cancellation of the drug. Therefore, taking the medicine can be canceled sometimes even earlier than the symptoms of inflammation completely disappear.

Often you may need a repeated course of taking the drug. The need for repeated therapy appears especially in patients aged 16-17 years.

Isotinoin in severe acne forms, acne: side effects when using

Izotinoin from acne
Izotinoin from acne

This drug helps very well with acne and severe forms of acne, but it is a serious drug that causes side effects.

Important: Only a doctor should prescribe isotinoin. Self -medication and uncontrolled intake of such a medicine can harm health.

Here are the side effects of the use of isotretinoin, which should be known:

Dry skin, hair and mucous membranes:

  • Ideotinone causes dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • This leads to irritation of the upper layer of the epidermis, cracked lips, nosebleed, dry mouth and pain in the eyes.
  • Isotinoin can also temporarily thin the hair and make it more sensitive to sunlight.
  • It is recommended to use highly factor protection from the sun during the administration of the drug.

Muscles and joint pain:

  • The drug causes soreness in the joints and muscles, sometimes leading to back pain.
  • In isolated cases, it can damage muscle tissue.

Dry eyes and fuzzy vision:

  • Causes fuzzy vision or a slight change in vision.
  • Some people can not see poorly in the dark. Since dry eyes are a possible side effect of isolatinoid, it can also be more difficult for a person to wear contact lenses.

Carding in heart rhythm:

  • Some people who take isotretinoin experience tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) or can even develop arrhythmia.

Nausea and other gastrointestinal problems:

  • People who take isolatinoin can experience nausea.
  • Rarely can be inflammation of the liver or pancreas.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the intestine (BCC) can also be associated with isolatinoin. More about this will be discussed below the text.

Hormonal changes:

  • In women who take isotretinoin, abnormal discharge may develop on critical days.

Increased sugar and blood cholesterol:

  • The drug has the ability to increase blood sugar, cholesterol or triglycerides (type of cholesterol).
  • Regular blood tests help control these possible side effects.

Skin infections:

  • People using isolatinine are highly risk of obtaining skin infections, for example, in the form of an abscess.

There are several more important things that you need to know about the drug:

  • Congenital defects: Isotretinoin is teratogenic, which means that it causes development defects in the fetus if a pregnant woman takes this medicine. Women who are actively living sexual life and are treated with this drug should be protected.
  • Medicinal interactions: Isotretinine can react with antibiotics. It is important to inform your attending physician about all the medicines that you take before you start taking.
  • Avoiding alcohol consumption: The drug should not be combined with alcohol. The use of alcohol and the simultaneous intake of isotinoid can increase the likelihood of liver damage.

There is another side effect of such a medicine - this is depression. Read more more.

Depression when taking isotretinoin

Izotinoin from acne
Izotinoin from acne

In a recent major experiment, scientists considered the connection between isolatinoine and depression by combining the results of many different small studies-this is called meta analysis. The report included 20 separate studies from around the world, in which more than 9,000 people who use isotretinine from acne took part. In general, the results of the entire experiment did not show a certain connection between the use of isotretinoin and depression. But in fact, individual single studies indicate that the use of isolatinoin was associated with the development of depression. Scientists suggest that this is possible, since the severe form of acne in itself can be associated with depression. Although this can be a side effect of the drug.

Last year, another meta-analysis was also aimed at studying the connection between isolatinoine and depression. It consisted of 31 separate studies, in which almost 3,000 people who use isotretinine from acne took part. Based on these data, scientists reported that isolatinine does not cause depression and analyzing the psychological state indicates that acne treatment itself can even improve the condition of depression.

Inflammatory intestinal disease when taking isolatinoid

In large studies, the relationship between isolatinoine and inflammatory diseases of the intestine (BCC) was studied - ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, etc. Some gave a positive result and showed a possible relationship between taking isolated and development, for example, ulcerative colitis.

However, in more detailed meta analysis, the results of six studies were analyzed, devoted to the study of the connection between isolatinoine and OKK. Its result showed that people who used isolatinine for the treatment of acne did not have an increased risk of getting out of OZK compared to people who did not use it.

  • This study was studied by the relationship between isolatinoine and OZK in women aged 18 to 46 years old. More than 2,000 women with ZKK were compared with women without ZK.
  • The study studied how many women in both groups used isotretinoin in the past, and it also did not show the connection between isolatinoine and OKK.
  • Another major study in 2013 studied the risk of getting out of ZKK in almost 47,000 people who used isotretinoin for 12 years. It also reported that the use of isolatinoin does not increase the risk of OKK.

Based on the foregoing, it is clear that many major studies do not show the connections between isolats and depression or inflammatory intestinal disease. But then why does the question still arise about this connection? Why do some research and reports give different results? Read further.

The reasons for the connection during isteinin with depression and inflammatory intestinal diseases: why is this happening?

So, it was described above that the connections during the intake of isotinoid with depression and inflammatory diseases of the intestine practically do not exist. But why is this happening that people are looking for her? These are the reasons:

  • Firstly, people with a heavy form of acne, as a rule, suffer from depression only because they have acne on the face. After all, it is difficult to cope with the physical and psychological consequences of serious forms of acne and scars.
  • Thus, if people with acne have higher risks of the development of depression, then this may be associated with the presence of acne, and not with treatment.
  • As mentioned above, some studies show that the use of isolatinoin is actually associated with good forecasts of psychological health during depression, because the drug helps to get rid of acne.
  • It is also possible that the severe form of acne, not isotretinoin, is associated with a higher risk of GBC. After all, people with acne and intestinal diseases have a history of various kinds of inflammation in their body. In fact, this study suggested a possible connection between the GRC and acne, which was not associated precisely with the treatment.

As a result, treatment with the drug has side effects, but it should be considered the connection of the developed ailments with taking the medicine in each case individually.

Treatment with isolatinoine: photo before and after

Treatment with isolatinoine: photo before and after
Treatment with isolatinoine: photo before and after

See how effective treatment is isolated. Above in the photo before and after you can see how severe the form of acne in young people was before treatment with the drug and how beautiful their skin looks in the process of eating the medicine. As a result, at the end of the course, the skin will be even cleaner.

Isotinoin with acne - side effects: reviews

If you take isotretinoin with acne, and you have side effects, and it seems to you that something goes wrong in treatment, read the reviews of other people. They also take the drug and experience discomfort from side effects, but they need to be treated.

Olga, 25 years old

From adolescence they suffer from severe acne. Treatment with ointments helps only for a while. Antibiotics are constantly to drink unsafe health. But after treatment with isotretinoin, the skin has become clean and the effect has been holding for six months now. I really like it, and I did not even pay attention to the side effect in the form of dry eyes. By the way, he passed after the cancellation of the drug, so there is nothing wrong with that.

Madina, 18 years old

The skin of the face is very important for me, and when the first acne appeared at the age of 14, I was very upset. A heavy form of acne has developed over the year. I turned to a dermatologist, the doctor prescribed isotretinoin. I noticed the first effect a month later, although at first I thought that I would have to cancel, as it got worse. But the doctor said that it should be so. Already 2 months since I have clean skin. Of the side effects, there were muscles pain, but they can be tolerated for the sake of beauty.

Alexandra, 20 years old

I had an unpleasant side effect from taking this drug - abundant menstruation. My dermatologist reassured me that this is an ordinary side effect that will pass after the cancellation of the medicine. I was prescribed treatment for 3 months, but after the course, really my health was restored. The skin on the face and shoulders is clean, so the treatment helped, and the side effect can be tolerated if the doctor says so.

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Comments K. article

  1. isotretinoin is also in the external agents for acne. And it is as effective as when taking orally. I use retinoic ointment with him in the composition. I smear my face in the evenings. Gradually, the process of acne formation slows down. With the systematic use of the month for 3 faces, it was cleansed.

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