Azelainic acid - does it help in the treatment of acne, post -acne, age spots, androgenic alopecia?

Azelainic acid - does it help in the treatment of acne, post -acne, age spots, androgenic alopecia?

Read in an article about azelain acid. You will find out what it helps and how to use.

Azelainic acid is gaining popularity in cosmetics as an ingredient for special tasks. It has a multidirectional action: anti -inflammatory, antibacterial, whitening and exfoliating. It is often used to treat acne.

Read on our website in another article about the causes of acne and acne on the face. You will learn how to get rid of such skin defects with masks and other means.

Azelainic acid is widely used in cosmetics and is very effective. It helps to cure acne, reduces redness with rosacea. It is recommended for all ages, people with tired and contaminated skin will also like it. It can be safely used by pregnant women. Read more in the article.

Does aloine acid helps: the effect on the skin of the face, how does it work?

Azelainic acid
Azelainic acid

Azelainic acid (AZA) - Dycarbon acid of multidirectional action, which is widely used in cosmetics. It really helps. Here is its effect on the skin, how it works:

  • It has anti -inflammatory properties - reduces the risk of infection and pasteal scars.
  • It has an antibacterial effect - against anaerobic bacteria.
  • It has a bactericidal effect on propionibacterium acnes - bacteria responsible for the formation of acne.
  • Regulates the sebaceous glands - inhibits excessive secretion of sebum, reducing the oily and radiance of the skin.
  • Blocks the formation of melanin, responsible for the uneven skin tone.
  • Reduces excessive keratinization - reduces black dots and cleanses pores.
  • Gently exfoliates dead skin cells.
  • It has an antioxidant effect - it neutralizes the effect of free radicals, protects the skin from premature aging.

Azelainic acid is naturally produced yeast Malassezia Furfurwhich are part of the physiological flora of the skin. It is also contained in plants: barley, wheat. Since its poor solubility in water is a great obstacle to technologists developing the composition of cosmetic drugs, studies are being conducted to create its derivatives, such as azeloglycin.

Azelainic acid in cosmetics: against pigmentation, from skin inflammation

A characteristic feature of azelainic acid is that it acts on the skin in many directions. Thanks to this, it is able to minimize adverse symptoms of skin diseases and their consequences, as well as prevent their repetition. Azelain acid can be found as part of many cosmetics - against pigmentation, from acne and others.

A strong antibacterial effect in combination with careful care means that drugs with the addition of this substance can also be safely used by people with sensitive or surchactic skin. It is worth knowing:

  • In beauty salons, azelainic acid is most often used in liquid form, as a component of chemical peels that are designed to support the treatment of juvenile acne and rosacea, reduce seborrhea, reduce the number of black dots or narrowing of the skin.
  • Azelainic acid is also part of drugs, ointments and creams intended for everyday care (in concentration 5-20%).
  • Such a tool copes with ugly, pasteful color changes, which are an undesirable feature of the pustule and inflammatory rashes.

Important: Although drugs with the addition of azelainic acid (in concentration 5-20%) are available without a recipe, it is best to use them under the supervision of a specialist. Apply for advice, for example, a dermatologist or a cosmetologist. This will help to safely and effectively use the properties of this substance without harming your skin.

The higher the content of this acid in the selected drug, the higher its effectiveness. This is a “tender” substance, but with a strong healing effect, which does not irritate and does not damage the skin, leads to a systematic improvement of the state of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Azelainic acid: an effective remedy for acne, post -acne

Azelainic acid
Azelainic acid

Acne on the face, back, shoulders and other parts of the body can be called the problem of modern society. Such a pathology suffers more than 40% the population of the globe, and 10% They require specialized treatment. Moreover, this is an ailment that not only adolescents suffer, but also many people of mature age (in this case we are talking about the so -called acne in adults).

  • Azelainic acid is a substance that has always been used in the treatment of acne - both in professional treatment and during home care.
  • It gives very good results, especially in the treatment of acne of moderate severity, effectiveness is comparable to the result of retinoids.
  • Also, such a substance perfectly eliminates the post -acne.

Due to its anti -inflammatory, bactericidal and exfoliating properties, azelainic acid is used both for the treatment of local superinfections and for severe cases of juvenile acne.

It is worth noting: During treatment, it works with the same effectiveness all the time, and the bacteria present in our skin (responsible for the development of acne) cannot be immunized from the effects of the substance.

Azelainic acid also inhibits the transformation of testosterone into DGT, which leads to a limitation of the sebaceous glands, as well as to the absence of symptoms of the disease, and exacerbation. Thanks to its exfoliating properties, it also acts against black dots, which leads to an even faster improvement in the condition of the skin. Azelainic acid exfoliates the dead epidermal cells and, thus, prevents the blockage of the sebaceous glands and the accumulation of bacteria in them.

Azelainic acid for rosacea and adolescence: how does it work?

Azelainic acid is one of the few therapeutic substances that can improve the condition of the skin not only with acne in adolescents and adults, but also with rosacea. This is a chronic skin disease (acne), which mainly affects the central part of the face and is characterized by erythema, papules and pustules, as well as telangiectasias.

  • Azelainic acid effectively reduces the erythema and slows down the progression of inflammatory lesions for rosacea, without violating the protective barrier of the skin and without causing irritation.
  • It is believed that it can successfully replace the therapy with metronidazole.
  • Due to the fact that this substance also has antioxidant properties, treatment will positively affect the condition of the skin of those people who have signs of skin photo mowing.
  • Azelainic acid reduces the visibility of stains, and also gives the face a more radiant and rested look.

This tool also regulates the process of keratinization of the epidermis, which makes it suitable for the treatment of abnormal or solar keratosis.

Azelainic acid peeling: effective skin cleansing

Azelainic acid to cleanse the skin - peeling
Azelainic acid to cleanse the skin - peeling

Piling with the addition of azelainic acid is an effective way to get rid of acne, change color and even inflammation of the hair follicles. Peeling allows you to cleanse the skin, adjust the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate existing color changes and prevent the appearance of new ones, narrow the pores, improve the overall structure, condition and color of the skin.

A series of procedures held at home or in a beauty salon allows you to effectively improve skin tone and reduce acne symptoms. In addition, azelainic acid stimulates the process of cell renewal, which leads to rejuvenation of the skin and smoothing wrinkles.

Azelainic acid and adapal: difference

Many people think that azelainic acid and adapal are the same in the action of a substance, but this is not so - there is a difference. The fact is that adapal is an analogue of retinoic acid. Its action is aimed at a complete cure for acne, comedones and acne. Azelainic acid is more used in the treatment of post -acne (has a bleaching effect, eliminates pigmentation, pink spots after acne).

Therefore, it is better to use a complex of these substances. Often, the faces and gels for the face and other acne preparations, the composition contains 15% gel azelainic acid, 0.1% adapalene gel, 1% clindamycin gel. This is an excellent combined therapy for patients with papulo-converse form of acne of mild and moderate severity.

Azelainic acid for androgenic alopecia

Azelainic acid
Azelainic acid

If you are looking for an effective remedy for baldness, then it is better not to find azelainic acid. The fact is that this is a powerful inhibitor of 5-alpha reductase. Such inhibitors are known for preventing the transformation of testosterone into a more powerful hormone - dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It is this hormone that is usually the cause of hair loss in androgenic alopecia (male baldness).

Here are drugs with this substance that help from baldness:

  • Php Hair Solutions Minoxidil - Lotion from baldness and to improve hair growth. It consists of 15%minoxidil, 5%azelainic acid.
  • Lotion Azelomax (Azelomax) -the lotion is recommended to be used when hair loss, which is caused by androgenetic type alopecia, nesting alopecia or diffuse baldness.
  • Root Resilience scalp air conditioning - It consists of several natural auxiliary components for hair growth - vitamin B, grapefruit oil and peppermint, azelainic acid.
  • Lipogaine for women - drug 3 in 1.
  • Sunlight, serum against hair loss -it is produced in Russia. The Minoxidyl-12%, azelainic acid-3%, caffeine-2%.
  • Lotion Minoxin -hair growth stimulator. It consists of Azlavic acid, minoxidil 2%.

Choose any of these drugs and use for treatment or prevention if you have a predisposition to baldness.

Azelainic acid during pregnancy

Azelainic acid due to its soft effect and low ability to penetrate the body (system absorption through the skin is about 3,6%), easily used by pregnant women. It is not surprising, because the use of azelainic acid is practically not associated with side effects. After local use, azelainic acid penetrates into all layers of the skin and then partially removed unchanged in the urine.

Important: As mentioned above, drugs with the addition of azelainic acid are widely available and do not require a doctor's prescription. But this does not cancel the fact that their use should be constantly controlled by a dermatologist. This is especially important at a time when we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for the child in our stomach.

However, if you are interested in more specialized treatment with acid (peeling), you should consult a specialist before it. Since for its implementation during pregnancy, there are certain contraindications.

Azelainic acid and the sun

Azelainic acid
Azelainic acid

The substance is not phototoxic, so in the summer you can use a cream or other product with the addition of azelainic acid. In summer, even before going to the sun, you can carry out peeling and other procedures using drugs, creams, ointments and other products that contain such a substance.

During the procedure, the skin can be prone to dryness, so you should take care of its proper moisture at this time. Although the acid does not make the upper layer of the epidermis more sensitive to the sun, it is still worth protecting the skin from Uva and UVB radiation.

How to use Azelainic acid drugs: what can you combine with?

If there are no specific recommendations regarding the use of cream or ointment with azelainic acid, the drug should be applied to the skin of the face 1-2 times a day before receiving the desired result. You can also use a drug with azelainic acid (especially with its high concentration) alternately with a moisturizing cream. With a strong seborrhea, the product with this substance can be used twice a day.

The first effects of treatment or care with products with the addition of azelainic acid should be noticeable after several sessions or approximately after 6-8 weeks.

It is worth remembering: Although the substance does not irritate the skin even after prolonged use, products with its addition are not recommended to use more than 6 months. It is also better if the entire course of therapy with azelainic acid is under the supervision of a dermatologist.

Azelain acid does not need to be used separately - it can and should be combined with other treatment methods or drugs. Thanks to this, the antibacterial, anti -inflammatory, whitening or exfoliating effect of all treatment will be even better.

The use of azelainic acid can be combined with the following means:

  • Antibiotics (for internal and external use) that will reduce the risk of bacteria and reduce the duration of treatment.
  • Hormonal treatment - Always conducted under the supervision of a doctor. This combination is a popular method of combating acne.
  • Benzoid peroxide - Azelainic acid will enhance the antibacterial effect of this substance.
  • Tretinoin - To strengthen its keratolytic action.
  • AHA and BHA acids - The combination of azelainic acid with salicylic, milk or glycolic acids can be especially useful for the condition of our skin.

Remember: If you want to combine azelain acid with other substances, you should use them through the corresponding intervals of time, for example, products with azelic acid in the morning and the rest.

The procedure for using products can be changed, especially if the means that we choose are not phototoxic. However, if you have doubts about the combination of azelainic acid and other substances, contact a dermatologist or a cosmetologist.

Here is a list of Azelainic acid preparations - effective and perfectly helping with different skin problems:

  • Azelik gel
  • Azix-derm, cream
  • Loofinin Gel 15%, 20%
  • Skinoren gel
  • Skinomax gel
  • Azogel
  • Aknestop
  • Finacean gel

Of course, there are other drugs, but they are little known and may not be sold in pharmacies. These are always in stock and are released without a prescription.

Contraindications and side effects of azelainic acid

Azelainic acid
Azelainic acid

Although azelainic acid is a rather soft substance, there are some contraindications to its use. It is not recommended to use the substance in such cases:

  • If you simultaneously take therapy with derivatives vitamin a (both in the form of drugs and external drugs).
  • In case of skin damage - infections, erosion or acute inflammation.
  • Until six months after treatment with cryotherapy in the field of azelic acid.
  • With hypersensitivity to this tool.

Azelainic acid in most cases does not cause side effects if it is used in accordance with the instructions of the doctor. However, it may happen that some undesirable symptoms will occur, for example:

  • Peeling of the skin
  • Dry skin or body
  • Erythema
  • Itching
  • Changing the color of the skin
  • Allergy
  • Blisters
  • Exacerbation of symptoms of acne

In this case, it is best to stop treatment with azelainic acid and consult a doctor. If you are going to conduct more specialized acid treatment, a doctor or a cosmetologist performing the procedure must conduct a detailed conversation with you before its use. This will help exclude all possible contraindications and ensure maximum safety during the procedure. Good luck!

Video: Azelainic acid with rosacea

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