Why did blood go from the nose: 7 causes of bleeding from the nose

Why did blood go from the nose: 7 causes of bleeding from the nose

Blood from the nose is a common occurrence that most often does not pay due attention, but this can be an important signal about the appearance of the disease. How to stop the nasal bleeding and understand its reasons - this article will tell.

An unfortunate nasal bleeding is a common occurrence, but not everyone knows that blood from the nose can flow for a number of various reasons that can occur suddenly and also suddenly pass, and may be a symptom of a dangerous disease, which should be taken immediately.

Why can blood from the nose go? What diseases are blood from the nose?

The blood vessels located in the nose are covered with a thin film of the mucosa and in some areas are especially susceptible to trauma even with a very small effect. Modern medicine distinguishes between mechanical causes that cause nasal bleeding, and pathological.

Types of nasal bleeding
Types of nasal bleeding

And if the latter are certain diseases that provoke damage to blood vessels, then the first group is widespread injuries that can be provoked even with careless overwhelming in the nose or an extraneous object in the nose.

As for certain diseases that cause blood from the nose, there are a whole many of them. Most often, the disease occurs due to the weakness of blood vessels and provokes bleeding increase in pressure, which leads to the bursting of the walls of blood vessels. Among such diseases, they distinguish:

  • hypertonic disease
  • pathology of the kidneys
  • heart disease
  • With poor blood coagulation, nasal bleeding occurs often. It is necessary to check the presence of vitamin K in the body. He is responsible for blood coagulation.

Also, blood from the nose can be a symptom of problems with increased permeability of the vessels that occur with:

  • blood diseases and hematopoietic organs
  • atherosclerosis
  • vitaminosis

Viruses are distinguished into a separate group of reasons, which during the flu and SARS affect the walls of blood vessels and also lead to nasal bleeding. Well, the most dangerous diseases that can lead to bleeding from the nose are various malignant formations of the mucosa (cancer and sarcoma). Detocillo papillomas, angiomas and polyps also cause bleeding.

Energetic blowing can cause vascular damage.

It is important to listen to your state in order to determine the presence of other symptoms and exclude various domestic causes of nasal bleeding, such as active physical work, visiting the bath, an excessively high air temperature.

Also, blood from the nose is a frequent symptom that pregnant women face.

With a long stay in the sauna, pressure can increase sharply, which will also lead to soil bleeding.

Pressure and blood from the nose: what to do?

With hypertension, nasal bleeding often occurs, because this condition is characterized by enhanced heart function and an increase in the load on all organs and systems as a whole, as well as on blood vessels.

Being the most permeable and fragile, the vessels of the nose primarily react to such a change in the body with bleeding. As a rule, if blood flows precisely due to increased pressure, then its current is slow and is produced by a thin stream.

Thus, bleeding from the nose due to increasing pressure is a completely natural phenomenon, which plays a large role in the self -healing of the body.

With hypertension, bleeding is an apogee of unusual load on the body and it is part of the mechanism for normalizing the state.

Therefore, it should not be stopped at high pressure - it will itself stop when the body returns to normal and return to the usual mode of operation. It is important to control your pressure and, if problems arise with it, take drugs to normalize the condition.

Blood from the nose with influenza, virus

With different viral diseases, the products of the vital activity of viruses (toxins) affect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which leads to a sharp decrease in elasticity and damage to capillaries and blood vessels. This provokes nasal bleeding.

Also, such diseases are accompanied by a runny nose, and tightening of severe intensity can become one of the causes of blood on the nosovik. Therefore, it is important for colds to cleanse the nose not by loud blowing, but rinse it with saline.
The pharmacy network has many means for delicate nasal cleaning

Blood from the nose and high temperature

If nasal bleeding begins against the background of an increase in temperature, it is important to immediately seek medical help - self -medication may have deplorable consequences.

This symptom indicates that the body is intensively fighting with foreign elements, an inflammatory process proceeds. The reason for this phenomenon may be a number of pathological conditions that the doctor will establish by conducting an examination.

Too high temperature in itself can provoke bleeding from the nose.

Blowering of the brain or a sunny blow can cause temperature and blood from the nose.

It is important to understand that such serious conditions will be accompanied by other bright symptoms. Do not forget about colds, as well as influenza, because with them the temperature also rises, and the effect of viruses on the mucous membrane is to cause blood from the nose.

After all, toxic products of the vital life of viruses negatively affects the walls of the vessels of the nasal mucosa

Dizziness and blood from the nose

The condition is also dangerous in which blood from the nose accompanies dizziness. As a rule, a thermal blow or head injury could cause such symptoms.

You should immediately contact a qualified specialist, therapist or otolaryngologist, because such a state is incredibly dangerous and can have serious consequences, up to mortal ones.
Dizziness It can be caused by a variety of reasons.

Blood from the nose and fainting

If bleeding from the nose, which stops independently and does not occur again, can be ignored, then the case when a person loses consciousness is a symptom of a serious disease. Hypertonic disease can most often lead to this.

When the pressure changes dramatically, the brain does not receive the necessary oxygen and this leads to both vascular damage and to fainting.

Such a state is also characteristic of:

  • cloud-brain injury
  • solar or thermal shock
  • strong exhaustion and starvation
  • intensive physical stress

The lost consciousness must immediately provide assistance.

If you witness a situation in which a person has lost consciousness, and blood flows from his nose, it is important to know how to provide first aid:

  1. Put the lost consciousness on a flat surface, unbutton compressive clothes to ensure free breathing. To prevent asphyxia, turn the victim’s head to one side - so he will not suffocate from the flow of blood or vomiting masses
  2. To stop the bleeding as soon as possible, attach ice or a wet towel to the nose bridge
  3. The next step is an ambulance call, the doctors of which will establish a diagnosis and conduct a further event to normalize the condition of the victim

Video: How to stop blood from the nose?

Nausea, vomiting and blood from the nose

Nasal bleeding, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, may become a consequence of taking various medicines. If you carry out treatment with any drug, then you should definitely read the instructions: if it indicates such symptoms as a side effect, then you must consult a doctor with the issue of canceling the drug.

If you throw your head back with bleeding and swallow, then its accumulation in the stomach will cause vomiting

Another reason for such symptoms can be the inferiority of the diet or hold a monodite in which the body suffers from a lack of vital substances and elements. It is important to immediately abandon food restrictions, because this can adversely affect all organs and systems. Many diets have many negative consequences.

Women who are in an interesting position are more often subject to nausea due to toxicosis and nasal bleeding, since the volume of blood increases, and the walls of blood vessels sometimes cannot withstand its current.

Headache and nosebleed

The combination of headaches and nasal bleeding seems to be symptoms of such severe and dangerous diseases as a stroke, meningitis, malignant brain formations (tumors) and hypertensive crisis. Headache and blood from the nose may be the result of nervous or physical strain

If the headache has moderate strength, and before that there were no injuries and you were not under the scorching sun, then you should stop blood and take an analgesic. This will help to cope with pain, and if the symptoms are repeated, then you can’t do without going to the doctor.

First aid for blood from the nose

There are many ways to stop nasal bleeding and first aid at the same time, but, unfortunately, most of them are not only wrong and inactive, but even harmful to health and can do significant harm.

First of all, you need to tighten your nostrils tightly and breathe mouth

With nasal bleeding, you should not wait inactively when the blood itself will stop flowing. Of course, in most cases this happens, but in order to protect yourself, it is necessary to use measures to stop blood, with any bleeding.

You can’t throw your head back.

First aid if blood has gone from the nose
First aid if blood has gone from the nose

Very often, in an attempt to stop bleeding, many throw their heads back. You can’t do it categorically! Blood will not only not be stopped, but will also flow through the esophagus in the stomach, and with a significant accumulation, vomiting will begin, due to the physiology of a person. Modern medicine recommends such measures for bleeding from the nose:

  1. Squeeze both nostrils with your fingers and tilt your head forward. At this time, you need to breathe your mouth
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then attach ice, a heating pad filled with cold water or a dipped towel to the nose. In the absence of ice or cold water, you can use any cold item
  3. In the case of the continuation of bleeding in the nostril, insert a pharmacy sponge or a swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide
  4. If despite all your actions the blood does not stop, then the hemostatic drug should be taken immediately and go to the otolaryngologist or call an ambulance

Video: Why does blood flow from the nose?

What to do if blood has gone from the nose: tips

If nasal bleeding occurs, it is necessary not to panic, but to listen to your sensations in order to determine whether there are any concomitant symptoms.

So you can understand the nature of bleeding and, telling the symptoms of the attending physician, help in making the correct diagnosis, because often blood from the nose is not a harmless bursting of blood vessels and capillaries, but symptoms of serious pathology.

Only a dotolaryngologist can determine the exact cause of nasal bleeding.

In order for the bleeding to be stopped quickly and efficiently, and also not repeated should adhere to such rules:

  • with frequent bleeding, it is advisable to take drugs to increase blood coagulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • when providing first aid, it is not recommended to use a tampon from cotton wool - get it out of the nose, without damaging a blood clot that clogs a damaged vessel, will be problematic
  • after stopping the bleeding, you can not blow your nose, because you will provoke repeated damage to the vessel

It is important to consulted a doctor with repeated bleeding accompanied by other symptoms. Be vigilant, so as not to start a serious illness that is masked under harmless nasal bleeding.

Video: Blood from the nose

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